Vibration Serviceability Assessment of Slender Structures using VSATs Software S. Živanović, A. Pavic, J.M.W. Brownjohn Vibration Engineering Section Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, The University of Sheffield Sir Frederick Mappin Building, Mappin Street, Sheffield, S1 3JD, UK ABSTRACT Slender structural forms have become common in contemporary design of civil engineering structures occupied and dynamically excited by humans, such as footbridges, floors, staircases and grandstands. This slenderness nowadays often leads to increased susceptibility to excessive structural vibrations induced by human activities such as walking, jumping and running. As this increased slenderness is a trend which is likely to remain in civil structural engineering, it is necessary to develop a reliable and efficient means for the vibration serviceability assessment of the slender structures. Responding to this challenge, the Vibration Engineering Section at the University of Sheffield (UK) has developed an in-house MATLAB-based and GUI driven suite of programmes called VSATs (Vibration Serviceability Assessment Tools) for vibration serviceability assessment of slender structures excited by humans. VSATs is a set of software tools that enables: 1) modelling of human-induced load in probabilistic sense and according to some existing design guidelines, 2) reliable estimation of vibration response of floor structure having an arbitrary level of complexity, 3) statistical treatment of human induced dynamic loading and processing of calculated responses and 4) vibration serviceability assessment based on a number of criteria defined in British and international standards. The main features of this software are presented in this paper using an example of a long-span high-frequency floor structure. 1 INTRODUCTION Problems with excessive vibration that has occurred on some high profile structures in recent years while they were exposed to human-induced dynamic loading – the Millennium Bridge in London [1], Solférino passerelle in Paris [2], the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff [3], Brooklyn Bridge in New York during the blackout [4] are only some examples – highlighted the lack of adequate design guidance related to modelling human-induced loads (such as walking, jumping, swaying, etc.) and estimation of the responses they generate. To deal with this problem, the Vibration Engineering Section (VES) at the University of Sheffield in the UK has developed suite of programmes called VSATs (Vibration Serviceability Assessment Tools) for vibration serviceability assessment of slender structures excited by humans. This paper describes the main features of the software that has already been used successfully by VES in various projects. The demonstration of the software will be explained on an example of a long-span high frequency floor. 2 VSATs FEATURES VSATs is a MATLAB-based GUI-driven software developed in VES with the aim to analyse and asses the vibration serviceability limit state of large slender civil engineering structures (such as footbridges, long-span floors, staircases, and stadia) that have been the subject of VES research for more than a decade. VSATs incorporates the up-to-date models for vibration serviceability assessment recently developed either externally by professional bodies/organisations that are developing design guidelines (such as the UK Concrete Society, Concrete Centre, and the Steel Construction Institute), or internally within the group (see, for example, Živanović et al. [5]). The software enables effective comparison of the results from different models, including experimental response measurements, and could be used for vibration serviceability assessment of any slender civil engineering structure with known geometry and modal properties estimated either analytically or experimentally. In this paper a high-frequency floor will be used to demonstrate the main features of the software. Both exciters of the floor and receivers of the vibration will be humans in this example (although the software can be used for assessing the acceptability of vibration levels for sensitive equipment as well). 3 STRUCTURAL DESCRIPTION The floor used for demonstrating capabilities of VSATs is the University of York, UK, bioscience research facility. This building consists of three 3-storey blocks which have both office and laboratory space on each of the floors [6]. It is the first floor that is analysed in this paper. The floor comprises three bays of different sizes: 6.6x7.3 m for the laboratory, 6.6x9.2 m for the office and corridor, and a smaller central bay measuring 6.6x6.0 m (Figure 1a). The detailed description of this pre-stressed pre-cast hollow core floor construction, its modal testing, and FE modelling (Figure 1b) in ANSYS FE code can be found elsewhere [6]. This paper concentrates on vibration serviceability assessment of office areas (positioned in the longest bay and therefore most prone to vibration) generated by people walking in them. Therefore, the main receivers of vibration in this case are people working in these offices. The vibration serviceability assessment of areas containing the sensitive equipment is described by Pavic et al. [6] and will not be repeated here. 3.6 14 6.6 7 6.6 6 6.6 5 13 6.6 (a) walking path 1 (WP1) 6.6 12 4 11 test points for modal testing points for response measurements 20 19 18 17 10 3 16 9 6.6 2 2.7 1 9.2 15 Z Y X 8 6.0 7.3 (b) Figure 1: (a) Floor plan with test points and (b) the FEM model. 4 INPUT-PATH-OUTPUT-RECEIVER PHILOSOPY VSATs software is based on ISO 10137 [7] philosophy. This means that it requires defining the vibration source (i.e. human-induced force), and vibration path (i.e. modal properties of the structure) first, which then leads to the vibration response calculation and assessment for the given vibration receiver. This response can than be presented graphically, for example in form of R-factors. The acceptability of the vibration response can be assessed depending if the receivers of vibration are humans or sensitive equipment. After starting VSATs (Figure 2) and entering the program, the following menu options (with explanation of their main purpose given in brackets) become available: • File (contains options for: saving the screen in an appropriate image format, changing the working directory, loading and saving projects and exiting from the software). • Path=FEM+modes (allows for: importing the structural geometry and modal properties either from the FE software or from the experimental model, as presented in Figure 3, modifying the modal properties if required for, say, parametric studies, and defining a walking path along which walking takes place). • Calculate Response (this option allows for calculation of the vibration response under the dynamic load, such as a walking force, acting on the structure. This can be done by choosing between several walking force models available). • View Response (this allows for seeing the contour plots of the vibration response in form of R-factors over the floor investigated, as well as comparison of vibration responses obtained by different methods). • Assess Response (this allows for estimating the calculated responses according to, for example, BS6841 guideline). • Options (allows for adjusting colours and font sizes). Figure 2: The starting screen in VSATs. (a) (b) Figure 3: The first mode shape as imported to VSATs from (a) experimental modal analysis and (b) FE software. 5 GEOMETRY AND MODAL PROPERTIES OF STRUCTURE By measurement it was found that the lowest mode of vibration of the floor is at 12.7 Hz, meaning that the floor belongs to the high frequency floor category according to Appendix G of Technical Report 43 published by the UK Concrete Society [8]. This guideline will be referred to as ‘AppG’ in this paper. Most of seven measured vibration modes had damping around 0.6% [6]. The FE model (Figure 2b) was successfully updated [6] based on these measured modes and the updated FE modes are shown in Figure 4. Mode 1 : f = 12.79 Hz Mode 2 : f = 13.78 Hz Mode 3 : f = 14.83 Hz Mode 4 : f = 16.41 Hz Mode 5 : f = 18.60 Hz Mode 6 : f = 18.78 Hz Mode 7 : f = 19.38 Hz Figure 4: First seven modes of vibration from the updated FE model. For vibration serviceability assessment in VSATs, either experimental or FE models could be used as long as they contain all modes of interest and the walking surface is a flat (i.e. not inclined) plane. In this paper, the FE model is used for vibration serviceability assessment since it offers possibility for taking into account all modes up to 50 Hz, differently from the experimental model where the highest mode identified was at 19.7 Hz [6]. It was assumed, for the purpose of this paper, that all modes have the damping ratio of 0.6%. 6 VIBRATION ASSESSMENT METHODS IN VSATs ACCORDING TO DIFFERENT MODELS To calculate the vibration response in VSATs, several walking force models are available: 1) AppG model [8], 2) force time histories measured on an instrumented treadmill [9], and 3) a probabilistic model based on a combination of AppG and an internally developed design procedure [5]. Additionally, the experimentally measured responses may be evaluated. Key features of these models and their outputs, as available in VSATs, will briefly be explained in this section, starting with the measured responses. In the force models mentioned, walking path 1 (WP1) along which the walking force is applied should be defined. The walking path shown in Figure 1a is chosen since it is relevant for the assessment of the response in offices. This walking path is defined in VSATs by graphically pointing out at its starting and ending point. However, if there was a need a more complex walking path consisting of any number of straight line segments could be defined. One example is shown in Figure 5. Walking path should be specified in VSATs after importing the structural modal properties so that the interpolation of the vibration mode amplitudes along the walking path can be performed. This interpolation is necessary for defining the modal force required for the response calculation. Figure 5: An arbitrary piecewise-linear walking path can be specified in VSATs. 6.1 Measured responses After the full-scale modal testing of the floor, the vibration responses (accelerations) of the floor at test points (TPs) 3, 5, 10, 16, 18 and 19 (Figure 1a) were measured due to walking of two test subjects, one at a time [6]. They walked along WP1 (Figure 1a) at the following pacing rates: 1.90, 1.95, 2.00 (two times) and 2.12 Hz, controlled by a metronome. The measured data were written in a MATLAB file in a format required for analysis in VSATs. These data were then imported into VSATs and postprocessed. First, they were weighted according to a chosen weighting curve, such as Wb in this example [10]. Then the vibration measures, such as MTVV, R-factor and VDV were calculated. An example of the results obtained for TS1 walking at pacing rate of 2.00 Hz is presented in Figure 6. Note that accelerations are much higher at TPs 5 and 3 that belong to the walking path (first row of graphs in Figure 6), as would be expected. Distributions of maxR factors (one value per weighted time history) and Running R factors (i.e. R factors calculated at regular time intervals, such as 1 s, for all weighted time histories together) could be presented for response time histories measured when walking at pacing frequencies in a chosen frequency range. Specifying a wide frequency range in the way to incorporate all measured responses (such as 1-3 Hz in this structure), the distributions shown in Figure 7 were obtained. It can be seen that maximum R factor measured is close to (very low value of) 0.6 only. Figure 6: Weighted response time histories and the corresponding vibration measures in a walking test. Figure 7: Probability functions for maxR factor and Running R factor from all measurements. 6.2 AppG Since the floor investigated belongs to the high-frequency floor category, AppG requires the input force to be specified in the form of impulses acting at TPs along the WP1 (Figure 1a). After calculating responses to each impulse at chosen points across the floor in each mode, the total responses could be obtained by summing up the responses in the individual modes. VSATs offers possibility to review a time domain response at any chosen response point, due to an impulse applied at a specified point. A VSATs screen showing the response at TP5 due to the impulse at the same point is shown in Figure 8. VSATs allows for calculating the response across all points on the floor, which offers opportunity for identification of the areas most prone to vibration. A plot of response factors across the floor obtained for the case when the excitation and response points coincide is shown in Figure 9. Maximum response factor is equal to 2.02 for walking at very fast (and improbable) frequency of 2.8 Hz, suggested as an upper walking frequency limit in AppG. Figure 9 also reveals quite clearly that the highest responses (red areas) are confined to the middles of 9.3 m and 7.3 m wide floor bays (Figure 1a) whereas the short 6.0 m wide bay does not move very much. Figure 8: The response at TP3 due to an impulse at the same point. Figure 9: Response factors across all points on the floor (pacing frequency 2.8 Hz, response points and excitation points coincide). 6.3 Measured forces A library of (currently available) 118 walking forces measured on a treadmill for test subjects walking at different speeds (i.e. different walking frequencies) is available in VSATs to be utilised as a ‘model’ of walking-induced excitation. These forces could be applied along the walking path of the floor investigated, one at a time. Then the responses at specified points could be calculated and stored. The responses can be plotted for inspection. An example presenting the force (generated by a test subject who walked at the average pacing rate of 2 Hz) and the two responses of the structure at TPs 5 and 3 are presented in Figure 10 (from top to bottom, respectively). If responses were calculated at all points across the floor, then contour plots of R factors of the kind presented in Figure 9 would also be available. Figure 10: The walking force as measured on a treadmill and the structural response under it at two TPs. 6.4 Probabilistic force model Finally, the probabilistic force model offers possibility to generate walking forces by using Monte Carlo simulations. This model allows for generating different forcing amplitudes, step lengths, and walking frequencies for different pedestrians. In this case 100 pedestrians walking along WP1 were generated, and the results were stored in form of maximum R-factor for each TP, due to each pedestrian passing. For each pedestrian modelled, the contribution of low frequency and high frequency modes (and their spectra) to the total response of the structure can be presented, as shown in Figure 11 for a pedestrian generated to walk at pacing frequency of 2.01 Hz. Contribution of low frequency modes, high frequency modes and the their sum are presented in the time domain in the left column of the Figure 11 while the right column presents the corresponding spectra. In the structure under study, the contribution of the low frequency modes is clearly zero, since there are no modes below 10 Hz [8]. Contour plot of R factors of the kind presented in Figure 9 could also be found for this probabilistic model if the responses were calculated at all points across the floor. (b) Figure 11: The response of the structure at TP5 under a randomly generated pedestrian. 7 PRESENTATION OF RESPONSE RESULTS The responses calculated according to different models could be compared and plotted in the form of probability functions related to the R factor and Running R factor (calculated at the chosen TP when the excitation pacing frequency is in a specified range). Probability function and the corresponding cumulative probability for R factor according to experimentally measured response at TP3 (when walking at, say, step frequency in the range 1.82.0 Hz) and the ones estimated based on AppG and on the forces measured on the treadmill are presented in Figure 12 in the upper row. It could be seen that the maximum R factor according to AppG goes up to 1.1, the one calculated for measured forces is up to 2.2, while the experimental one is around 0.6. This is because the AppG accounts for a pedestrian producing the force which has 25% chance of being exceeded, covering a larger population of test subjects than that used in experimental measurements. Based on Figure 12, it seems that forces measured on treadmill are generated by some very efficient dynamic exciters, having in mind that the vibration response under some of these forces exceeds the one based on AppG (supposed to cover 75% of population). In the lower row the probability and the cumulative probability functions for Running R factors for TP3 are presented, based on measured responses and those calculated under measured forces. This form of the response cannot be calculated in AppG because the response is calculated for one step only (which does not last long enough to allow for calculation of Running R factors). Finally, the response distribution for probabilistic model could also be presented. It is omitted from the plots only to improve the clarity of the graph in Figure 12. Finally, it should be said that the real-life high frequency floor structure used as an example in this paper was unclad and completely bare during modal testing. Therefore, it can be assumed that the measured and calculated responses, although very low, would be even lower in a completely finished building. This is due to increased damping and stiffness of a floor which can be expected in a fully clad and partitioned building of this kind. Figure 12: Comparison of probability functions for R factors from different models. 8 CONCLUSIONS This paper outlines main features of recently developed (and still developing) software for vibration serviceability assessment of large slender civil engineering structures dynamically excited by human activities. It was shown that the software could be used for both the calculation of the structural vibration response generated by humans and for effective presentation and comparison of results. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors acknowledge the contribution of Dr Zoran Miskovic and Mr Chris Middleton in programming the function in the software that imports geometry and modal properties of the structure from a model that is either estimated experimentally or modelled in FE-based software. Also the authors would like to thank to the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (grant reference GR/S14924/01: Investigation of the AsBuilt Vibration Performance of System Built Floors and GR/T03000/01: Stochastic Approach to Human-Structure Dynamic Interaction) for their support. REFERENCES [1] Dallard, P., Fitzpatrick, A. J., Flint, A., Le Bourva, S., Low, A., Ridsdill-Smith, R. M. and Willford, M. The London Millennium Footbridge. Structural Engineer 2001, 79 (22), 17-33. [2] SETRA Technical guide – Assessment of vibrational behaviour of footbridges under pedestrian loading, Service d’Etudes techniques des routes et autoroutes, 2006. [3] Glackin, K. Stadia rethink prompted by Cardiff fiasco, Building 2000, p. 11, 14 January. [4] Julavits, R. Point of Collapse,,julavits,46559,1.html, 2003. [5] Živanović, S., Pavic, A. and Reynolds, P. Probability based prediction of multi mode vibration response to walking excitation. Engineering Structures 2007, 29 (6), 942-954. 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