International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 35 Number 3- May 2016 Robust Pictorial Mapping onto TextKeyword Content for Search Engine 1 2 3 4 123 Divyashree C V , S Malapriya S , Shambhavi B M , Gururaj K S Sem Student, Associate Professor ,Department of Information Science and Engineering 4 VIII GSSS Institute of Engineering & Technology for Women, Mysuru Abstract— Text detection in videos is an important step to achieve multimedia content retrieval. In this paper, an efficient algorithm which can automatically detect, localize and extract horizontally aligned text in images (and digital videos) with complex backgrounds is presented. The proposed approach is based on the application of a colour reduction technique, a method for edge detection, and the localization of text regions using geometrical properties. The output of the algorithm is text boxes with a simplified background, ready to be fed into a system for subsequent character recognition. Our proposal is robust with respect to different font sizes, font colours and background complexities. The performance of the approach is demonstrated by presenting promising experimental results for a set of images taken from different types of video sequences. Keywords — Detection, Extraction, Frame, Images. I. INTRODUCTION The digital video has become one of the most important elements in many applications such as education, news and games. Multimedia data are also getting bigger than before. In order to extract and search important information from a huge amount of video data, we need to extract text from video. Text is obviously an important element in video. So extracting text appears as a key clue for understanding contents of video and for instance for classifying automatically some videos. Videotext detection and recognition has been identified as one of the key components for the video retrieval and analysis system. Videotext detection and recognition can be used in many applications such as semantic video indexing, summarization, video surveillance and security, multilingual video information access, etc. Videotext can be classified into two broad categories: Graphic text and scene text. Graphic text or text overlay is the videotext added mechanically by video editors, examples include the news/sports video caption, movie credits etc. Scene texts are the video texts embedded in the real-world objects or scenes, examples include street name, car license number, and the number/name on the back of a soccer player. This report is to address the problem of accurately detecting and extracting the graph video texts for video text recognition. Although the overlay text is manually added into the video, the experiments ISSN: 2231-5381 showed they are even as hard to extract as many video objects, such as face, people etc. The goal of a multimedia text extraction and recognition system is filling the gap between the already existing and mature technology of Optical Character Recognition and the new needs for textual information retrieval created by the spread of digital multimedia. A text extraction system from multimedia usually consists of the following four stages: spatial text detection, temporal text detection –tracking (for videos), image binarization –segmentation, character recognition. Nowadays the size of the available digital video content is increasing rapidly; this fact leads to an urgent need for fast and effective algorithms for information retrieval from multimedia content. In order to efficiently detect texts, we need to analyze the discriminative properties of text and its basic unit, character. A text is something that suggests the presence of a fact, condition, or quality. In this paper, we are interested in text that has direct influence upon a tourist from a different country or culture. II. PROBLEM STATEMENT Text in images and video sequences provide highly condensed information about the contents of the images or video sequences and can be used for video browsing in a large video database. Text superimposed on the video frames provides supplemental but important information for video indexing and retrieval. Although text provides important information about images or video sequences, it is not an easy problem to detect and segment them. The main difficulties lie in the low resolution of the text, and the complexity of the background. Video frames have very low resolution and suffer from blurring effects due to loss of compression. Additionally the background of a video frame is more complex with many objects having text like features. One more problem lies with the handling of large amount of text data in video clip images. Page 177 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 35 Number 3- May 2016 PDF document. III. METHODOLOGY The application designs an adaptive OCR system. Given documented videos, the adaptability lies in the automatic training sample extraction with limited user interaction. This approach does not require the support of the ground truth text, which is extremely useful for the processing of noisy document images. A methodology is proposed for processing noisy printed documents with limited user feedback. Without the support of ground truth, a specific collection of scanned documents can be processed to extract character templates. The adaptiveness of this approach lies in the extracted templates are used to train an OCR classifier quickly. Experimental results show that this approach is extremely useful for the processing of noisy documents with many touching character. The text in video consists of three steps. The first one is to finding text in original video. Then the text needs to be separated from background. And finally a binary image has to be produced. f)Search Engine: Selected Keyword is given to the Search Engine for searching related content. g)Output: The content related to the keyword is displayed. Project implements an efficient system for the extraction of text from a given documented video clips and recognizes the extracted text data for further applications. The implemented project work finds efficient usage under video image processing for enhancement and maintenance. The work can be efficiently used in the area of video image enhancement such as cinematography and video presentation etc. The proposed work will be very useful under digital library maintenance of video database. Following are the areas of application of text isolation and recognition in video images 1. Digital library: For maintenance of documented video images in large database. 2. Data modification: Useful under modification of information’s in video images. 3. Cinematographic applications: For enhancing the document information in movie video clips. 4. Instant documentation of news and reports: For documentization of instant reports and news matters in paper. 5. License car plate character recognition for toll collection. Figure 1: Data flow diagram IV. IMPLEMENTATION a)Data Set-Video: The video that contains text is given as input to be read by placing it in the created GUI in MATLAB The functions included in Robust Text extraction from Video are as follows: b)Sub sampling of video to images: rgb2gray() - Converts RGB image to Grayscale imread(filename) - read image from file imshow(I) - Display image bwlabel() - Label connected components in 2-D binary image im2bw() - convert image to binary image, based on threshold bwareaopen() - remove small objects from binary image Find() - Find indices and values of non-zero elements greythresh(I) – Computes a global threshold (level) that can be used to convert an intensity image to binary image. videoinput(adaptorname,deviceID) – It creates a video input object obj, where deviceID is a numeric scalar value that identifies a particular device. getsnapshot() – Immediately returns the single In this phase extraction of images are done. Video is composed of sequence of images. Therefore, the image frames should be picked from the video. c)Applying adaptive OCR: Using Adaptive OCR approach the text is recognized and extracted from the frames which contain text in the video. d)Text Extraction: To annotate a video using the detected text, it must be extracted and recognized. e)Store Text: The text extracted from video frames has to be stored in a ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 178 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 35 Number 3- May 2016 image frame from the video input object obj. imwrite() – It writes image to graphic file. corr2(A,B) - returns the correlation r between A and B, where A and B are matrices or vectors of the same size. r is a scalar double. V.RESULTS AND DISCUSSION This paper presents an effective approach for the extraction of text from a documented video. In this approach the video is converted into set of frames from which a particular frame is selected which consists of the text content for searching. The text required for searching is extracted and provided to Google automatically to get the related documents and videos. REFERENCES Figure 2: Graphical user interface of main screen The Figure 2 represents the graphical user interface for Robust Pictorial Mapping onto Text keyword content for search Engine [1]:Haojin Yang and ChristophMeinel,IEEE ,”Content Based Lecture Video Retrieval Using Speech and Video Text Information”. [2]:AnkurSrivastava,DhananjayKumar,Om Prakash Gupta,AmitMaurya,Mr.SanjaykumarSrivastava,Text,”Extraction in Video”. [3]:XuZhao,Kai-Hsiang Lin,YunFu,YuxiaoHu,Yuncai Liu and Thomas S.HuangIEEE,”Text From Corners: A Novel Approach to Detect Text and Caption in Videos”. [4]:Avinash N Bhute and B.B.Meshram, VJTI, Matunga, Mumbai-19,”Text Based Approach For Indexing AndOf Image And Video:A Review”. [5]:MariosAnthimopoulos,”Text Detection in Images and Videos”. 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Figure 3: Selection of frame and text extraction The Figure 3 represents the particular frame selection from the set of frames, text is extracted from the frame and stored in PDF document Figure 4: Searching for the selected keyword Figure 4 shows the extracted text is given as input to the search engine automatically CONCLUSION ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 179