International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 35 Number 1- May 2016 Numerical Analysis of Drag Reduction Method Using Vortex Generator on Symmetric Aerofoil 1 P Jennifer Vinodhini, 2T Jebin Samuvel, 3 G Samuel Raj 1 Student,2 Assistant Professor3Student Sri Shakthi Institute of engineering and technology Chinniyampalayam, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu-641062, India Abstract—Design and analysis of vortex generator by using Computational Fluid Dynamic on Subsonic Aircraft model is carried out on this project. One of the main causes of aerodynamic drag is the separation of flow near the aircraft’s rear end. To control the flow separation, various shapes of vortex generator is tested for application on the roof of aircraft wing surface. A vortex generator is an aerodynamic device, consisting of a small vane that creates a vortex. It modifies the flow around the surfaces affecting boundary layer and controlling the flow separation. The objective of the project is introducing the delta wing shape vortex generator and determining the percentage of drag reduction, which is designed by Computer Aided Design in CATIA V5 software. Vortex generator reduce drag by preventing flow separation at downstream of the aircraft wing. Drag Force values can be obtained by using output of CFX Besides that, CFX simulation results of streamline flow at the rear end of symmetric Airfoil model is also obtained. Comparison of drag coefficient values of the model with Various Shapes of vortex generator must be done and the most efficient shape is important to achieve is the project objectives. Keywords—External flow, Boundary layer theory, Flow separation and Drag coefficient. INTRODUCTION A vortex generator is an aerodynamic device, consisting of a small vane usually attached to a lifting surface (such as an aircraft wing) or a rotor blade of a wind turbine. When the airfoil or the body is in motion relative to the air, the vortex generators creates a vortex, which, by removing some part of the slow-moving boundary layer in contact with the airfoil surface, delays local flow separation and aerodynamic stalling, thereby improving the effectiveness of wings and control surfaces, such as flaps, elevators, ailerons, and rudders. The effect of flow with and without vortex generator is shown below. ISSN: 2231-5381 Fig. 1 Function of vortex Generator A very effective yet simple solution to avoid separation is to use tabulators/Vortex generators. Each of these small elements creates a swirling wake that places an energy in the boundary layer of the wing. The result is a higher critical angle of attack, a lower stall speed, and gentle stall characteristics. The vortex generators affect boundary layer in the flow around the airfoil. Turbulent boundary layer is more resistant to separation. In this way it is possible to fly at a slower speed and higher angles of attack. Vortex Generators on stabilizers act similarly improving the effectiveness of control at low speeds and with high deflections of control surfaces. Proper location of vortex generators is very important. They should be positioned precisely in the transition region of the boundary layer. Situation is somewhat complicated by the fact that transition region, depending on the flow conditions and angle of attack, changes its position. If Vortex generators will be too close to the leading edge - will be in the laminar boundary layer and cause excessive drag during cruise, but if they are too far from the leading edge -their effectiveness at high angles of attack and low flight speed may be affected. The optimal mounting location can be determined by computer simulations, wind tunnel testing or during test flights. Page 33 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 35 Number 1- May 2016 SELECTION OF AIRFOIL The primary function of the wing is to generate lift force. This will be generated by a special wing cross section called airfoil.The NACAaerofoils are aerofoil shapes for aircraft wings developed by the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA). The shape of the NACA aerofoils is described using a series of digits following the word “NACA”. Example: The NACA 0012 airfoil is symmetrical, the 00 indicating that it has no camber. The 12 indicates that the airfoil has a 12% thickness to chord length ratio, it is 12% as thick as it is long. Fig. 2 NACA 0012 airfoil DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS A. Determining Generators the Shape of the Vortex should be placed just in front of the laminar to turbulent transition of the boundary layer on your wing. This transition point is located at approximately 16% back on the wing chord from the leading edge. The Vortex Generators are placed just in front of the laminar to turbulent boundary layer transition. C. Determining The Working Angle The airfoil is placed at the angle of the 0°.The drag force is foundwith various Vortex Generators on itwhere flow separation creates a large dead air region of slow moving eddying flow where the stream lines are broken up and a reverse flow is observed and the local direction of flow is opposite to that of the outer flow. The effect of reverse flow was taken into considerations. D. Determining The Height Of The Vortex Generators Vortex Generators work to control the boundary layer and thus they are most effective inside the boundary layer. On larger general aviation aircraft and airliners, Vortex Generators typically have a height 80% that of the laminar boundary layer right before the laminar to turbulent transition point on the wing. However, on model aircraft that will typically result in a Vortex Generator with a height well less than 1/64th of an inch (my model has a boundary layer height of 0.00097 inches). This makes them very hard to manufacture and thus we have made the Vortex Generators have a height of 1/8th of an inch to make them easier to handle. There are many types of Vortex Generators being used on aircrafts today as shown in Fig. 3. Out of these shapes gothic and rectangular vortex generators are considered for comparison. E. Calculate Span Wise Spacing Of Vortex Generators Fig. 3 Various Shapes of Vortex Generators. COMPARISON OF DRAG FOR VARIOUS VORTEX GENERATOR SHAPES AT 0° ANGLE OF ATTACK. The vortex generator shapes of rectangular and gothic are taken for consideration. The cad model of the rectangular vortex and gothic vortex generator with symmetric airfoil is shown below. B. Determining The Length Of Vortex Generator And Their Location Along The Chord Of The Wing After determining the radius of the vortices being produced by the Vortex Generators, it is recommend to space the Vortex Generators at least two radius away from each other and also that Vortex Generators be placed at a 15° to the flow over the wing. This will allow the Vortex Generator to work effectively and produce the largest vortices. The Vortex Generators can be placed on the 1/3rd to ½ span of the wing. This makes the inboard sections of the wing will stall first while the outboard section continues to have smooth airflow. Next we determined the length of the Vortex Generators and where along the chord of the wing the Vortex Generators will be placed. The length of the Vortex Generator should be around 5-8% of the chord length of the wing. The Vortex Generator ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 34 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 35 Number 1- May 2016 Domain - Default Domain Type Fluid Location B754 Materials Air Ideal Gas Fig 3 Rectangular Vortex generator on symmetric airfoil Fluid Definition Material Library Morphology Continuous Fluid Settings Buoyancy Model Non Buoyant Domain Motion Stationary Reference Pressure 1.0000e+00 [atm] Heat Transfer Model Isothermal Fluid Temperature Fig 4 Gothic Vortex generator on symmetric airfoil The delta wing shape vortex generator is a new shape that is inspired by the shark fin antenna on BMW car. The cad image of the delta wing vortex generator is shown below. 2.5000e+01 [C] Turbulence Model k epsilon Turbulent Wall Functions Scalable Table 1 Domain Physics for CFX Domain Boundaries Boundary – inlet Type INLET Location F760.754 Settings Flow Regime Subsonic Mass And Momentum Normal Speed Fig 5 delta wing Vortex generator on symmetric airfoil MESHING For acquiring accurate CFD results, superior meshing technology is required.ANSYSMeshing provides a multitude of meshing technologies in a single application to allow users to select the best option on a part by part basis. This ANSYS CFX results include unlimited mesh editing capabilities as well as structure hexahedral meshing. In order to know whether the data entered was feasible or not, a simple coarse meshing was initially done. Once the solution was found to converge, we moved on to fine meshing. Normal Speed 2.5000e+02 [m s^-1] Medium Intensity and Eddy Viscosity Ratio Turbulence Boundary – outlet Default Domain Type OUTLET Location F756.754 Settings Flow Regime Mass And Momentum Subsonic Average Static Pressure Pressure Profile Blend 5.0000e-02 Relative Pressure 0.0000e+00 [Pa] Pressure Averaging Average Over Whole Outlet Boundary - Default Domain Default Settings The set up for meshing is shown below. ISSN: 2231-5381 Mass And No Slip Wall Page 35 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 35 Number 1- May 2016 Momentum Wall Roughness Smooth Wall Table 2 Boundary conditions ANSYS SOLUTION The ANSYS 14.0 is used here to get the drag force values. The drag force for various shapes of vortex generators on symmetric airfoil is shown below. The image indicates the velocity distribution and the drag values being indicated at the left side. A. Drag Value Generator For Rectangular Fig.8 Drag Force for delta wing Vortex generator at 0° (D= 16783.7 N) RESULT Vortex S.NO Vortex Generator Shapes Drag Drag Force at Coefficient at 0 (N) 0 2 Rectangular Shapes 21288.9 0.008797 3 Gothic Shapes 16916.1 0.006990 4 Delta Wing Shapes 16783.7 0.006936 The drag force values are taken from the ANSYS results and the drag coefficient values are derived from theoretical formula. The formula is shown below: D = 1/2 v2SCd CONCLUSION Fig.6 Drag Force for Rectangular Vortex generator at 0° (D= 21288.9 N) B. Drag Value For Gothic Vortex Generator The drag force values for all shapes of vortex generators were found and the results were compared. According to our analysis, the Delta wing Shape vortex generator gives minimum amount of drag force and also delays flow separation through increasing velocity near the surface. REFERENCE 1) 2) 3) Fig.7 Drag Force for gothic Vortex generator at 0° (D= 16916.1 N) 4) 5) C. 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The coordinate points of „NACA 0012‟ was taken from „UIUC Airfoil datasite‟. D.Anderson, J. R.(1984). „Fundamental of Aerodynamics‟. David Joseph Ronald Tucker. (2013), „An Experimental Study of Hemispherical Vortex Generators for Separation Control over a NACA 0012‟. Page 36