International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 33 Number 9- March 2016 Experimental Studies on an Evaporative Cooler as an option to mitigate post-harvest losses experienced by commercial producers of vegetables in Ghana Sekyere C. K. K#1, Forson F.K *2, Amo-Aidoo A#3, Afriyie J.K#4 1 Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, UENR, Sunyani 2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, KNUST, Kumasi 3,4 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kumasi Polytechnic Corresponding author: University of Energy and Natural Resources (UENR), Mechanical and Manufacturing Eng. Dept., P.O. BOX 214, Sunyani, Ghana. Abstract. This paper presents experimental studies on a proposed evaporative cooler as part of a project intended to develop an effective technology for preserving fresh horticultural produce in order to overcome high postharvest loses among commercial farmers in Ghana. The proposed cooler was made out of block board, flexible wire mesh, jute fibre and a water feeding mechanism. Two categories of test were conducted namely; test under no load conditions and test under loaded conditions. The cooler was located at the test site in Kumasi (6o41'28"N 1o36'36"W). The test under loaded conditions was run by loading the cooler with 68 grammes of fresh tomatoes. Parameters measured include cold space temperature and the relative humidity at four different locations designated as C1, C2, C3, and C4. Under no load conditions, the evaporative cooler recorded a minimum cold space temperature of 18oC in an ambient of 28oC and 62% RH for an air flow rate of 2.91 m3/s. Under load conditions, a value of 21 oC was recorded as the minimum product surface temperature for an air flow rate of 3.53 m3/s. Results showed that cooling effect increases with decreasing ambient temperature and increased bulk air velocity. Keywords: Evaporative cooler, cold space, relative humidity, jute fibre I. INTRODUCTION Storage of fresh horticultural produce after harvest is one of the most pressing problems of a tropical country like Ghana. Due to their high moisture content, fruits and vegetables have very short life and are liable to spoil. Moreover, they are living entities and carry out transpiration, respiration and ripening even after harvest. Metabolism in fresh horticultural produce continues even after harvest and the deterioration rate increases due to ripening, ISSN: 2231-5381 senescence and unfavorable environmental factors. Hence, preserving these types of foods in their fresh form demands that the chemical, bio-chemical and physiological changes are restricted to a minimum by close control of space temperature and humidity (Chandra et al., 1999). Loss estimates for tropical fruits vary from 10% to 80% with reported losses in underdeveloped Countries toward the upper end of this range (Food and Agriculture Organization, 2005). In Côte d’Ivoire, postharvest loss of agricultural produce due to Spoilage associated with a lack of storage facilities has been estimated at 20 % to 30 % overall (Dissa et. al, 2007). The corresponding postharvest loss value for Burkina Faso was estimated at 50% of the national production annually. The postharvest loss figure for Ghana was estimates between 20% and 50% of total fruits and vegetables production. The fruits and vegetables, being perishable, need immediate postharvest attention to reduce the microbial load and increase their shelf life, which can be achieved by storing them at low temperature and high relative humidity conditions. These conditions are usually achieved in cold storages. In the warm plains of Ghana, fruits and vegetables are stored in pits or cool dry rooms with proper ventilation on the floor or on bamboo racks. Inside the hut, fruits and vegetables are kept on floor or over racks and covered with straw or plant leaves to avoid exposure to the atmosphere. By this method, fruits and vegetables can be stored for few days without much damage and commercial producers sell these products in local villages weekly market according to their financial needs. Several simple practices are useful for cooling and enhancing storage system efficiency wherever they are used, and especially in developing countries, where energy savings may be critical. Mechanical refrigeration is, however, energy intensive and Page 453 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 33 Number 9- March 2016 expensive. It involves considerable initial capital investment, and requires uninterrupted supplies of MOMENCLATURE et. al., 2015). Appropriate cold storage technologies are therefore required in Ghana for on-farm storage of fresh horticultural produce in remote and inaccessible areas, to reduce losses. The use of lowcost, low-energy, environmentally friendly cold chambers made from locally available materials, and which utilize the principles of evaporative cooling, are considered to be a viable option for solving the problem of post-harvest loses. A surface area, m2 c specific heat capacity, kJ/kg.K C1 cold space chamber 1 C2 cold space chamber 2 Evaporative cooling is an environmentally friendly air conditioning system that operates using induced processes of heat and mass transfer where moisture and air are working fluids (Camargo, 2007). Such a system provides an inexpensive, energy efficient, environmentally benign (not requiring ozone-damaging gas as in active systems) and potentially attractive cooling system (Zahra and John, 1996). C3 cold space chamber 3 C4 cold space chamber 4 hfg latent heat of vaporization, kJ/kg L length, m m mass, kg Q quantity of heat, kJ R thermal resistance, K/W t time, s T temperature, oC U overall heat transfer coefficient, W/(m2K) velocity, m/s V II. DESCRIPTION OF EVAPORATIVE COOLER volume, m3 V volum/*- flow rate, m3/s m mass flow rate, kg/s W humidity ratio, kg moisture/kg dry air ΔT temperature difference, oC Greek symbols relative humidity, % thermal conductivity, W mK mass density, kg m 3 Subscripts a air bb blockboard i initial f final jf jute fibre tot total X inlet to evaporative cooler Y outlet to evaporative cooler electricity which are not always readily available, and cannot be quickly and easily installed (prabodh ISSN: 2231-5381 The main objective of this project is to investigate the possibility of using evaporative cooling system for food preservation in remote areas of Ghana where grid electricity is not available. THE The proposed evaporative cooler is principally made of wooden frames at the supports, the top, base, doors and the shelves. The vertical sides of the structure with the exception of the front part are made of flexible wire mesh. The cooler has four identical rectangular chambers which serve as the cold space for food storage (see Fig. 1). A fabricated metal container of trapezoidal crosssection with base dimension equal to` the top horizontal part of the cooler serves as the water bath from which water is fed to the jute fibre. The trapezoidal inner shape was adopted in order to enhance water uptake by the jute fibre for effective evaporation. Fig. 1 The proposed evaporative cooling system The middle area of the jute fibre is immersed into the water with the water bath being filled to the brim with water. The jute fibre is held to the bottom of the Page 454 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 33 Number 9- March 2016 water bath by its own weight in a wet state. The parts of the jute fibre external to the water bath cover the four vertical sides of the cooler with the cooler facing southwards. This was done to ensure adequate air drive through the cooler from the back side. Where RT is the total thermal resistance of the wall of the evaporative cooler (including blockboard and jute fibre). Using the components of the wall, jute fibre (thickness 2 mm and thermal conductivity 0.046 W/m.K) and blockboard (thickness 2 cm and thermal conductivity 0.13 W/m.K), the total thermal resistance of the cooler wall can be calculated as RT Fig. 2 Achitectural structure of the evaporative cooler Water wets the entire jute fibre medium by flowing outwardly from the water bath via capillary action. Cooling is achieved through evaporation of water from the jute fibre as ambient air flows over the jute fibre through natural circulation. Figure 2 shows the architectural structure of the evaporative cooler without flexible wire mesh and jute fibre. The structure measures 969 mm × 500 mm (high) ×562 mm external and was constructed of a 2 cm thick blockboard. The structure houses four identical shelves as shown in Fig. 2. Each shelf dimension is 454.5 mm × 230 mm (high) × 261 mm. The trapezoidal shaped water bath measures 987 mm and 969 mm on the top and bottom sides respectively, and 194 mm high. To cool 68 grammes of fresh tomatoes from an entry temperature of 30 oC to a final desired temperature of 18 oC, the amount of heat to be removed can calculated using by Q mc(Ti Tf ) 1.1 where m is the mass of tomatoes, c the specific heat L jf Lbb jf bb 1.4 , where Ljf and Lbb are the thicknesses of jute fibre and blockboard and λjf and λbb denote the thermal conductivities of jute fibre and blockboard, respectively. Using the given parameters, the total thermal resistance and the overall hear transfer coefficient are 0.1973 K/W and 5.07 W/m2.K, respectively, giving a wall transmission heat gain of 159.41 kJ. The amount of water to be evaporated from the jute fibre in order to achieve the needed cooling can be calculated by 1.5 Q mwhfg , where mw is the mass of water to be evaporated and hfg is the latent heat of evaporation of water at an annual average ambient temperature of 30oC (hfg = 2430 kJ/kg). With a total heat load of 191.89 kJ, the required mass of water is 0.0850 kg. Having determined the mass of water required, the water bath size can be determined by calculating the volume of water as V mw 1.6 , where is the density of water (103 kg/m3) and V is the required water bath volume. Assuming cooling to the desired final temperature can occur in eight hours, the rate of evaporation of water can be calculated by capacity of tomatoes at temperatures above freezing (3.98 kJ/(kg.K), Ti is the initial temperature of tomatoes and Tf is the desired final temperature of tomatoes. This gives a product load of 32.48 kJ. The wall heat gain by wall transmission can be calculated by 1.2 , where A is the total area available for heat transfer (m2), U is the overall heat transfer coefficient (W/m2.K) and T is the difference in temperature between the cold space and the ambient. The overall heat transfer coefficient is given by QT AU T U 1 RT 1.3 m w mw t 1.7 , where t is the cooling time. This yields 1.77×10 -4 kg/min. If ambient air at an average temperature of 30 oC and relative humidity of 75% (average values in June for Kumasi) comes into contact with the wet jute fibre and leaves saturated (100% RH), then the air leaving the wet material would have a temperature of 26.8 °C (tdb = twb=tdp). The process which is essentially a constant wet bulb temperature process would occur at constant specific enthalpy of approximately 82.5 kJ/kg dry air (see Fig. 3). Performing an energy balance on the evaporative cooler, m m s in s sX ,where m , ISSN: 2231-5381 1.8 m sX m w m sY out sY represent the moisture and m Page 455 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 33 Number 9- March 2016 contents of air before and after the evaporative cooling process respectively. Equation (1.8) implies m w m a WY WX m w 1.9 WY WX where WX and WY are the humidity ratio values of air before and after the evaporative cooling process a is the mass flow rate of dry air receptively, and m m a as depicted in Fig. 2. Reading from the psychrmetric chart, WX = 0.0205 kg moisture/kg dry air and W Y = 0.022 kg moisture/kg dry air, thus, the required mass flow rate of air, m a 0.116 kg min . The corresponding volume flow rate of air, Fig. 3 Psychrometric representation of evaporative cooling process 1.10 Va m a vX ,Where v X is the specific volume of air at inlet to the evaporative cooling unit ( v X This gives a volume III. METHOD 0.89 m 3 min ). flow rate value The test performed using the experimental evaporative cooler can be categorized as: (a) test under no load conditions and (b) Test under load conditions. In each case, the average cold space temperature values, relative humidity and ambient air velocity were measured for each of the four compartments of the cold space at hourly intervals. The cold space temperature and relative humidity were measured using Quartz clock Humidity/temperature probe (model 5168s) whereas the ambient air velocity was measured using weather station (model PCE-FWS 20) of 0.1032 m3 min . Table I. Test results for day one: no load condition C.2 T/ (°C) ϕ/ (%) 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM C.1 T/ ϕ/ (%) (°C) 25 56 20 62 20 62 26 22 19 58 62 58 (°C) 26 20 19 60 60 62 (°C) 25 20 19 64 64 65 AMBIENT T/ υ/( m/s) (°C) 32 0.3 27 0.3 26 0.7 8:00 PM 21 20 57 20 61 19 65 25 TIME OF DAY (GMT) 62 C.3 Under no load condition, the performance of the cooler was investigated by placing thermometer and humidity probe in each of the four (4) chambers as well as the ambient. The temperature and humidity values were measured at hourly intervals. The amount of water used was determined by checking the level of water in the container. The top and bottom chambers on the right were designated C1 and C2 whereas the corresponding top and bottom chambers on the left half of the cooler are designated C3 and C4, respectively. Under load conditions, the IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Tables I to IV show results for tests covering loaded conditions and no load conditions. The no load test was extended over a three day period in order to understand the characteristics of the ISSN: 2231-5381 T/ ϕ/ (%) C.4 T/ ϕ/ (%) 0.7 ϕ/ (%) 45 56 58 60 evaporative cooler was loaded with 68 grammes of fresh tomatoes and temperature, humidity and velocity values were measured over the test period. The fresh tomatoes were purchased from the local Asafo market, located about 0.7 km from the test site, weighed with an electronic balance and gently placed in the four chambers (C1, C2, C3 and C4) of the cold space. Equal amounts of 17 grammes were placed in each chamber of the cold space in order to ensure an even distribution of the cooling load for comparative studies. It was ensured that the tomatoes purchased were without defects. evaporative cooler. In each case the ambient temperature and ambient relative humidity were also monitored in order to determine the extent of temperature and humidity moderation activities going on in the evaporative cooler. Tables I, II and IV show test results under no load conditions Page 456 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 33 Number 9- March 2016 The first day of testing under no load conditions was commenced at 5:00 PM (GMT) with average ambient temperature at 32 oC which steadily decreased to 25 oC at about 8:00 PM (GMT) when the first day of experimentation was terminated. The intention was to examine the performance of the proposed cooler during that period of day. The average ambient relative humidity also increased progressively from 45% to 60% during the first day test period. The evaporative cooler exhibited significant decreases in cold space temperature for the chambers C1, C2, C3 and C4 with temperature ranges of 25 to 20 oC, 26 to 19 oC, 26 to 19 oC and 25 to 19 oC for C1, C2, C3 and C4, respectively. Comparing with the ambient temperature within the test period, the minimum and maximum effective temperature differences (ΔT = Tamb – Tc) available for cooling for C1, C2, C3, and C4 are 4 oC minimum and 7 oC maximum; 5 oC minimum and 7 o C maximum; 5 oC minimum and 7 oC maximum; and 6 oC minimum and 7 oC maximum, respectively. relative humidity values indicate that the cold space air for the various chambers has undergone some amount of cooling. Air volume low rate ranged between 0.62 and 1.45 m3/s. Table II shows results for day two under no load conditions. Day two (2) of the test under no load conditions commenced at 10:00 AM (GMT) and proceeded till 5:00 PM (GMT) with ambient temperature values ranging between 27 and 37 oC while the ambient air relative humidity values recorded a range of 44% to 58%. Cold space temperature range of values recorded for chambers C1, C2, C3, and C4 are 26 oC (initial temperature) to 19 oC (final temperature), 24 oC to 20 oC, 24 oC to 19 o C, and 25 oC to 18 oC, respectively. This compare fairly well with the findings of Chouksey, 1985, who recorded cold space temperature within the range 21–25 °C with 80–90% RH when the outside temperature and RH were 40–42 °C and 30–35%, respectively. In comparison with prevailing ambient conditions, the maximum average effective temperature difference values obtained for C1, C2, C3, and C4 are 16 oC (which occurred at 2:00 PM, GMT), 14 oC (which occurred at 3:00 PM, GMT), 17 o C (which occurred at 3:00 PM, GMT), and 14 oC (which occurred at 2:00 PM and also at 3:00PM, GMT), respectively. These maximum effective temperature difference values occurred at air volume flow rate of 2.08 m3/s for C1 and C4, and 1.45 m3/s This temperature differences show that an appreciable level of cooling can be attained when the cooler is loaded with products. Relative humidity range of values recorded for C1, C2, C3 and C4 are 56 to 62%, 57 to 62%, 60 to 62%, and 64 to 65%, respectively. The slight increases in cold space relative humidity values with respect to ambient Table II. Test result for day two: no load conditions C.1 TIME OF DAY (GMT) T/ (°C) C.2 C.3 C.4 AMBIENT ϕ/ (%) T/ (°C) ϕ/ (%) T/ (°C) ϕ/ (%) T/ (°C) ϕ/ (%) T/ (°C) υ /(m/s) ϕ/ (%) 10:00 AM 19 60 20 58 19 59 18 61 27 1.4 56 11:00 AM 12:00 PM 19 23 58 64 22 23 57 58 20 20 57 64 21 22 58 64 30 32 1.4 0.7 55 58 1:00 PM 22 65 24 62 23 64 23 66 33 0.3 45 2:00 PM 21 62 24 64 21 62 23 64 37 1.0 52 3:00 PM 24 57 24 62 21 60 24 62 38 0.7 54 4:00 PM 5:00 PM 24 26 60 60 23 24 61 62 21 24 62 56 23 25 54 54 36 32 0.7 0.3 44 44 for C2 and C3. For effective heat transfer with reasonable heat exchanger surface area, a minimum of 10 oC effective temperature difference is required. Clearly, the temperature difference values recorded suggest that the evaporative cooler would serve as an effective preservation technology for most vegetables. The relative humidity range of values recorded were 57% to 65%, 57% to 64%, 56% to 64%, and 54% to 66% for C1, C2, C3, and C4, respectively. In comparison with the ambient relative humidity values recorded at the test site for day two, it can be concluded that significant air cooling occurs in the cold space chambers of the proposed dryer. Table III shows results for day three under no load conditions. The third day of the tests run also started at 10:00 AM (GMT) and ended at 5:00 PM (GMT). Ambient temperature values obtained were within the range 28 oC to 39 oC with a corresponding range of ambient relative humidity values of 51% to ISSN: 2231-5381 62%. The maximum average effective temperature difference values for cold space chambers C1, C2, C3, and C4 are respectively, 14 oC (at 3:00 PM, GMT), 16 oC (AT 4:00 PM, GMT), 15 oC (at 3:00 PM, GMT), and 19 oC (at 3:00 PM, GMT). Air volume flow rate ranged between 0.62 to 4.98 m3/s. Page 457 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 33 Number 9- March 2016 For all three test conducted under no load conditions it can be seen that in periods of low ambient temperatures the cold space chamber temperatures are lower. Results obtained for the tests conducted under no load conditions compare fairly well with the findings of Kulkarni et. al, 2014, who obtained cold space temperature values of 14 to 27 oC, 17 to 27 oC, and 16 to 22 oC for Jaipur, Ahmadabad, and Bangalore, respectively. Results for cooling 68 grammes of fresh tomatoes are shown in table IV. Within the test period, ambient temperature and relative humidity values recorded ranged between 28 oC to 42 oC and 32% to 58% (see columns 15 and 16 of table IV), respectively. The minimum and maximum effective temperature difference values for chambers C1, C2, C3, and C5 relative to ambient conditions are 5 oC (at 10:00 AM) and 18 oC (at 3:00 PM); 1 oC (at 10:00 AM) and 18 oC ( at 3:00 PM); 2 oC (at 10:00 AM) and 18oC (at 3:00 PM); and 2oC (at 10:00 AM) and 18 oC (at 3:00 PM), respectively. There were significant increases in cold space relative humidity for the four chambers (see columns 4, 7, 10, and 13 of table IV) due to the appreciable levels of established that evaporative coolers cause cold space temperature drop and increase in cold space humidity. An initial product surface temperature of 26 oC was recorded for all chambers. Cold space chambers C1, C3, and C4 recorded minimum product surface temperature of 21 oC at an air flow rate of 3.53 m3/s (Volume flow rate, V A v , where A is the wetted jute fibre surface area and v is air velocity) from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM. This could be attributed to an increase in air bulk velocity within the period leading to increased evaporation rate from the jute fibre covering. Based on the initial product surface temperature, the maximum drop in temperature for cold space chambers C1, C2, and C4 is 5 oC whereas C3 recorded 3 oC. Figures 4, 5 and 6, show graphs of chamber temperatures (Tc1, Tc2, Tc3, and Tc4) and ambient temperature (Tamb) versus time of day for the three no load tests and one load test conducted whereas figure 7 show graph of product surface temperatures (Tp1, Tp2, Tp3, and Tp4) and ambient temperature versus time of day for the test under load conditions. The usual periodic character and the time dependence of the wind resources is made evident by the variations depicted in the Tamb curves of figures 4, 5, 6 and 7. Therefore, the influence of seasonal variations in wind activity on the performance of an evaporative cooler cannot be overlooked. humidification of cold space air involved in the cooling process due to respiration of the fresh products as well as addition of moisture through evaporation of water in the jute fibre material. This confirms the findings of Jha and Aleksha, 2006, who Table III. Test results for day three: no load conditions C.1 TIME OF DAY(GMT) 10:00 AM 11:00 AM 12:00 PM 1:00 PM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM C.2 C.3 AMBIENT T/ ϕ/ T/ ϕ/ T/ ϕ/ T/ ϕ/ T/ (°C) 18 18 23 24 24 25 21 22 (%) 62 62 64 60 60 62 56 65 (°C) 17 18 20 25 23 25 23 22 (%) 66 66 62 58 54 58 56 58 (°C) 18 20 22 24 22 24 20 22 (%) 64 64 64 62 58 60 57 61 (°C) 20 18 20 21 21 20 22 23 (%) 61 66 65 62 62 64 57 52 (°C) 28 29 34 34 34 39 29 31 Under no load conditions on days one and three, the cold space chamber temperature (Tc4) recorded relatively lower temperatures with respect to Tc1, Tc2 and Tc3whereas Tc2 and Tc1 were slightly higher for days one and three respectively(see figures 4 and 4.6). The scenario for day two of the no load test was slightly different as chamber three recorded relatively lower temperatures. The minimum product surface temperature of 21 oC occurred at chambers 1, 3, and 4. However, product surface temperature values were comparatively ISSN: 2231-5381 C.4 /υ (m/s) 2.4 2.2 1.4 0.7 0.7 0.3 1.7 1.0 ϕ/ (%) 58 62 60 52 56 54 51 58 lower for chamber 4 whereas chamber 2 recorded slightly higher temperatures. The variations observed for chamber temperatures under no load conditions and product surfaces temperatures for the loaded test could be attributed to the periodic nature of the available wind resources and the random change in direction of air giving rise to non-uniform rate of evaporation across the entire jute fibre surface. It is worth noting that the periodic character of the wind resource can be fully understood by extending the test across all seasons. Page 458 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 33 Number 9- March 2016 Table IV. Test results for Day four: test with a load of 68 grammes of fresh tomatoes C.1 TIME OF DAY (GMT) C.2 C.3 C.4 AMBIENT Tp T/ ϕ/ Ttp/ T/ ϕ( Tpt T/ ϕ( Tpt T/ ϕ( T/ υ ϕ( t (° (% (°C) (°C) %) / (° %) / (° %) (° /(m/s) %) (° C) ) (°C) C) (°C) C) C) C) 10:00 AM 26 23 61 26 27 60 26 26 59 26 26 62 28 0.7 58 11:00 AM 24 24 65 24 25 61 24 24 62 24 24 64 31 0.7 52 12:00 PM 21 21 62 24 24 60 21 23 60 21 21 64 30 1.7 58 1:00 PM 21 21 62 23 24 62 22 23 60 21 22 63 35 1.7 42 2:00 PM 23 23 64 24 25 59 23 23 58 23 24 62 37 1.4 42 3:00 PM 24 24 63 23 24 60 24 25 58 23 24 63 42 1.0 38 4:00 PM 24 24 62 25 26 59 24 24 55 24 24 61 34 0.7 32 5:00 PM 24 25 60 24 25 60 23 23 58 24 24 60 40 0.7 41 Graph of Tc1, Tc2, Tc3, Tc4, and Tamb vs Time of day (day 1) 40 Tc1 32 26 30 20 27 22 26 19 Tc2 25 20 Tc3 10 Tc4 0 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM Tamb 8:00 PM Fig. 4 Graph of Tc1, Tc2, Tc3, Tc4 and Tamb vs Time of day: no-load test, day 1 Graph of Tc1, Tc2, Tc3, Tc4, and Tamb vs time of day (day 2) 40 30 20 27 30 32 38 37 33 36 32 Tc1 Tc2 Tc3 10 Tc4 0 10:00 11:00 12:00 1:00 AM AM PM PM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM Tamb Fig.5 Graph of Tc1, Tc2, Tc3, Tc4 and Tamb vs Time of day: no-load test, day 2 ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 459 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 33 Number 9- March 2016 Graph of Tc1, Tc2, Tc3, T4, Tamb vs Time of day (day 3) 60 Tc1 40 34 29 28 20 34 39 34 Tc2 31 29 Tc3 0 10:00 11:00 12:00 1:00 AM AM PM PM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM 4:00 PM Tc4 5:00 PM Tamb Fig. 6 Graph of Tc1, Tc2, Tc3, Tc4 and Tamb vs Time of day: no-load test, day 3 Graph of Tp1, Tp2, Tp3, Tp4, and T amb vs Time of day (day 4) 60 Tp1 40 20 28 26 31 24 30 21 35 21 37 23 42 34 24 23 40 24 0 10:00 11:00 12:00 1:00 AM AM PM PM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM Tp2 Tp3 Tp4 Tamb Fig. 7 Graph of Tp1, Tp2, Tp3, Tp4 and Tamb vs Time of day: test with load test, day 4 V. CONCLUSIONS A typical experimental type evaporative cooler was designed and constructed. Two categories of experiment were carried out on the cooler. The first category of test was conducted under no load conditions as part of a general cooling characteristic study. The second category of test was conducted using 68 grammes of tomatoes to determine the performance of the evaporative cooler under load conditions. Considering the result of the study, the following conditions be drawn: (1) Average maximum effective temperature difference values recorded for cold space chambers C1, C2, C3, and C4 are respectively, 14 oC, 16 oC , 15 oC, and 19 oC on day three of the no load test whereas the corresponding values for day two are 16 oC, 14 oC, 17 oC, and 14 oC for C1, C2, C3, and C4, respectively. An average maximum effective temperature difference value of 7 o C was recorded for all chambers on day one of the no load test. The improved effective temperature difference values recorded indicate that the evaporative ISSN: 2231-5381 cooler can serve as an effective preservation technology for vegetables if properly configured. (2) A maximum drop in product surface temperature of 5 oC was recorded for chambers C1, C3, and C4 with a minimum product surface temperature of 21 oC at 3.53 m3/s between 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM (GMT). (3) Results show that cooling increases with increased bulk air velocity and decreasing ambient temperature. Following this observation, it can be concluded that the proposed evaporative cooler design can be used to preserve fresh vegetables at the coastal belt of Ghana and places like Aplaku, Mankoadze, Warabeba and Oshiyier where annual mean wind speeds range between 3.88 m/s and 4.75 m/s. Page 460 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 33 Number 9- March 2016 VI. RECOMMENDATIONS Following the results of the studies, the following recommendations are made in order to improve the performance of the proposed evaporative cooler: (a) Considering the limited period within which the tests was conducted, it is recommended that further tests be conducted across all seasons in order to fully understand the cooling characteristics of the evaporative cooler (b) It is also recommended that the orientation and location of the cooler be varied in order to determine the effect of orientation on performance. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The material support offered by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kumasi Polytechnic, in the form of instruments and the technical support from Yankey and Mensah, final year students of the 2014/2015 year group for the successful completion of this study are gratefully acknowledged. REFERENCES [1] A.O. Dissa, 2007. 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