International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 32 Number 2- February 2016 Impact and Strength Analysis of All-Steel Sandwich Structures for Different Core Shapes Satya Kiran O. N. V #1, Dr. A. Gopichand *2, Mahesh Krishna B #3, P S N Raju*4 Student2, Professor1, Assistant Professor3, Assistant Professor4 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Swarnandhra College of Engineering & Technology (Autonomous), JNTUKakinada, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA. Abstract: The aim of this work is to evaluate hence the bending stiffness) of the material cross section the effect of core shape in All Steel sandwich panels. with only a small increase in weight. The construction is Three different core shapes, namely C-Core, Rectangu- often used in light weight applications such as aircraft, lar Core and HAT Core sandwich panels are taken into marine applications, wind turbine blades, industrial plat- study and their mechanical behavior is compared. For forms and floors. The face sheets of sandwich panels evaluating mechanical behavior, both numerical simula- provide structural stiffness and protect the core against tions based on FE techniques as well as Experimental damage and weathering. During loading, the face sheets testing were employed. As a part of the evaluation, static take compressive and tensile loads and core is subjected analyses to find the response of the sandwich panels to a to shear loads between the faces, thus providing high UDL of 10kN were executed. Compressive testing is bending stiffness. Sandwich structures are used in appli- then carried out on fabricated models on UTM. During cations requiring high stiffness to weight ratios, since fabrication, adhesive bonding is made use of when for a given weight, the sandwich structure has a much bonding core to face sheets. The panels are then tested higher moment of inertia compared to solid or I- beam for their crushing strength during compression. The structures. testing reviled that the failure of the panels began with A. Classification of sandwich structures the failure of the bonding and then the core. Modal analysis is then simulated to find the natural frequencies and impact analyses are simulated to study the behavior of the panels under impact. The results and inferences based on the results are presented in this paper. A wide range of materials can be used for sandwich facings and cores. Common facing materials include metals (Ex. Steel or aluminum) and composites. Common core materials or structures include metallic stiffeners, foams (polymer or metallic), honeycombs and Key Words: Impact Analysis, FEA, Rectangular Core, balsa wood. The core-to-facing joint is normally HAT Core, C-Core, Sandwich Panels achieved through adhesive bonding or welding. I. INTRODUCTION B. All-metal-sandwich structures A sandwich structure is a fabricated material All-metal, hybrid metal, and composite sand- that consists of two thin, stiff facing sheets joined to wich structures are most commonly used for industrial either side of a low density core material or structure. applications. This section details All – metals sandwich The separation of the facing by a light weight core acts structures. An all-metals sandwich structure is defined to significantly increase the second moment of area (and as one in which both the facings and the core are formed ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 106 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 32 Number 2- February 2016 from metallic materials. In the marine industry, this carried out, corrugated and prismatic cores perform the normally means steel or aluminium. Aside from the con- best when optimized for a particular loading direction. stituent materials, All-metals sandwich structures can be Gopichand, et al [12] studied numerically (using FE further classified by the geometry of the core. techniques) the behavior of corrugated sandwich panels with SS face sheets and MS core when subjected to C. Steel sandwich panels compressive load. The results are verified experimentalMetallic sandwich panels with top and bottom ly. plates as well as the core made up of steel are called steel sandwich panels. The core structures are of differ- B. IMPACT ANALYSIS ent types according to core structures the steel sandwich Sharma, et al [2] investigated the effect of local structures are divided some of them are I-Core, O-Core, resonators in reducing the amplitudes during impact with rectangular beams, Vf/V-Cores with hat or corru- loading. Both experimental and numerical simulations gated sheets as a core, web core ,round O Core C-Core were carried out as a part of this investigation. Based on and X-Core with two hats ass a core. The figure 1 shows the investigations, it was found that properly placed re- the different core shapes that are used in this paper. sonators is an effective method of improving flexural bending behavior during impact loads. Foam cored sandwich panel has been used during the study. Nusrathulla, et al [5] focused to development of statistical equations using multiple regression analysis, correlating Figure 1: Different types of core shapes. II. LITERATURE REVIEW various process parameters to responses such impact load, energy and deflection of the impacts. Wadley, in two of his works with other authors, [6] investigated the A. STATIC STRUCTURAL: effect of unit cell size and shape of a extruded sandwich Blanken [9] proposed the use of hat-stiffened structures, when they are stiffened using Alumina, dur- panel as an alternative for a conventional sandwich ing impact loading. The impact projectile speeds consi- structure (which is used as a skin) in modern wind tur- dered are of 1050m/s to 1400m/s. A combination of X- bine blades. The sandwich panel has been analyzed on Ray tomography and high speed imaging has been used failure modes due to longitudinal compression. An op- to study the impact performance of sandwich panels. timization methodology for designing mass efficient Naresh, et al [3] studied the impact behavior of honey- blade has been proposed. Verification of the methodolo- comb sandwich panels with different cell shapes using gy has been done experimentally by fabricating a scaled FE Simulations. Thomas [7] gave a review of the expe- model. Casey [10] proposed the use of web core sand- rimental testing and related analytical methods of sand- wich panels for roof construction. The author also inves- wich panels in their report. The experimental procedure tigated the shear buckling behavior of the same both followed and instrumentation used by them when testing numerically and experimentally. Valdevit, et al [1] com- a Nomex honeycomb sandwich panel are described. The pared the behavior of corrugated and prismatic diamond same tests are studied using FE analysis. Based on the cores with truss and honeycomb cores. FE simulations results of FEA, Multicontinuum Failure Theory (MCT) are carriedout for this purpose. As per the investigations for progressive failure analysis (PFA) in composite la- ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 107 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 32 Number 2- February 2016 minates has been proposed. The theoretical results agreed well with experimental results. III. IMPACT AND STRENGTH ANALYSIS A. Specifications Of Sandwich Panel Face sheets material -Stainless steel Figure 2: Sandwich panel with different cores under a Core material – Mild steel UDL of 10kN applied on the face Thickness of the face sheets and core – 18 gauge Core shapes – HAT-core, C-core, Rectangular- core Core height – 25 mm Panel shape – Square – 250 x 250 mm. B. Static Analysis Static analysis is performed to evaluate the behavior of sandwich panels for two cases (i) uniformly distributed load i.e. force of 10kN on face of each sandwich panel, (ii) force on the face plate equal to crushing load. Figures 2 & 3 show various boundary conditions and loading applied on the panels for static analysis. Figure 3: Sandwich Panels of different cores under Crushing load obtained on UTM C. Compression Test: Based on the results of static analysis on panels when subjected to UDL, it can be observed that rectangular core will have greater resistance when subjected to compression also. The same is observed during com- ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 108 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 32 Number 2- February 2016 pression testing. Compression testing is done on fabricated models of the same sandwich panels using UTM. Figures 6 (a), (b) and (c) show the fabricated sandwich panels. During testing on UTM, it is observed that the failure was primarily due to bonding failure. After bond failure, the failure of core further resulted in the crushing of sandwich panel. Figures 7 (a), (b) and (c) show the sandwich panels loaded in UTM after crushing and the crushing loads are shown in the table 2 (a) C-Core Sandwich Panel (b) Rectangular Core Sandwich Panel Figure 8: Sandwich Panels different core shapes and boundary conditions for Modal Analysis E. Impact Analysis To study the performance of the sandwich pa- (c) HAT Core Sandwich Panel Figure 6: Fabricated Sandwich Panels D. Modal Analysis nels under impact, explicit analyses are performed. During the study, an impact due to a rectangular block of 50mm X 50mm X 20mm at the center of the panel is simulated. For this the block is modeled and placed at Modal analysis is also performed to study the the center and given an initial velocity of 4.42 m/s. Dur- natural frequencies of the sandwich panels. When per- ing simulation, all the faces on the four edges are fixed. forming modal analysis, fixed boundary condition is As shown in figure 10 for all the three sandwich panels. applied to all the faces on the four boundaries of each sandwich panel. Figure show the boundary conditions applied for each model as a part of this analysis. ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 109 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 32 Number 2- February 2016 Figure 5: comparative graph of stresses when subjected to UDL of 10kN B. Static Analysis when subjected to crushing Figure 10: Configuration used for Impact Analysis (the load: square block at the center of the panel is the loading member and is given an initial velocity of 4.4m/s). Table 1 summarizes the result of deformation and stress distribution of sandwich panels when sub- RESULTS jected to crushing loads. A. Static Analysis when subjected to UDL of Core type 10kN The results showing displacement and stress distribution for different panels are given in figures 4 & Deformation (mm) Stress (Mpa) C-Core 0.020346 67.514 Rectangular Core 0.013708 54.615 HAT Core 0.017559 91.606 5. Table 1: Result summary of Static Analysis When Sandwich Panels are Subjected to Crushing Load C. Compression Test On Utm: Figure 4: comparative graph of deformations when subjected to UDL of 10kN ISSN: 2231-5381 (a) C-Core Sandwich Panel Page 110 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 32 Number 2- February 2016 Graph 1 : Plot showing the variation in natural frequencies of considered sandwich panels. E. Impact Analyses: Graph 2 shows the Variation of Equivalent stress wrt (b) Rectangular core Sandwich Panel time during impact analysis. (c) HAT Core Sandwich Panel Figure 7: Sandwich Panel failure during UTM testing Core Shape Crushing Load (N) C-Core 42000 Rectangular Core 67000 HAT Core 60000 Graph 2: Variation of Equivalent stress wrt time during impact analysis Table 2: Crushing load obtained during Compression Testing for various core shapes D. Modal Analyses: Graph 1 shows the variation of frequencies in the considered sandwich panels under applied boundary conditions. CONCLUSION A. Static analyses: Based on the results of the analyses, it is observed that though the deformations are comparable, the deformation of rectangular core sandwich panel has lower deformation. The stress distribution plots of these analyses also indicate the same. This is in agreement with the fact that deformation and stresses should be minimum for designed Rectangular core sandwich panel as it has higher section Modulus. Compressive tests are then executed using UTM on these panels. The tests also indicate that rectangular panels have higher compressive strength. B. Modal analyses: Based on the results, it is observed that modal frequencies are high for rectangular core sandwich panels. ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 111 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 32 Number 2- February 2016 C. Impact Analyses: The response plots obtained as a result of simulations showed that peak stress is seen in the core indicating that the core is taking the load. 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