Working by the VUMC Credo

Working by the VUMC Credo
> Score all six behaviors.
> Score each behavior as a whole number (1,2,3,4 or 5). Bullets are illustrative of types of behavior.
> "Expert Performance" behaviors build on "Expected Performance" behaviors.
> Average the six scores to come up with your Credo score.
I make those I serve my highest priority
Rating 1 - Does Not Perform
• Answers questions in a way that makes others
feel they have caused an inconvenience.
• Avoids additional responsibility and
• Avoids requests. Does not provide assistance
and support when needed.
Rating 3 - Expected Performance
Rating 5 - Expert Performance
• Answers questions, ensures understanding and
facilitates learning.
• Makes others feel appreciated. Sets standards and
acts as a role model for providing excellent service.
• Prioritizes to ensure satisfaction despite time
pressures and significant obstacles.
• Finds creative and effective ways to ensure the needs
of people he/she serves are the basis of all decisions
and initiatives.
• Stays accessible to provide assistance and
support when needed.
• Anticipates needs and responds proactively.
Credo Behavior Scoring Tool - 1
I respect privacy and confidentiality.
Rating 1 - Does Not Perform
• Discusses sensitive information inappropriately or
when it is not work-related.
• Discusses confidential matters in areas where
there is a potential to be overheard such as
corridors, elevators or open office areas.
• Leaves sensitive information accessible to
• Enters an office, patient's room, treatment room
or consult room without knocking and/or fails to
identify him/herself.
• Accesses systems inappropriately; shares
Rating 3 - Expected Performance
Rating 5 - Expert Performance
• Maintains the confidentiality of sensitive
• Identifies and acts to eliminate risks to the
confidentiality of data and systems.
• Discusses confidential matters in a private area
and only with the appropriate person(s).
• Identifies opportunities and makes recommendations
to improve or correct practices that could breach
• Keeps written/electronic information out of the
view of others and disposes of written
information appropriately.
• Actively submits ideas to improve systems for
maintaining confidentiality.
• Knocks prior to entering an office or patient’s
room. Asks permission to enter and identifies
self using "AIDET" techniques where
• Knocks, asks permission to enter and identifies self
using "AIDET" as appropriate. Stays actively aware of
the environment and intervenes when privacy issues
emerge. Coaches team members to follow
• Follows organizational systems, policies and
• Encourages appropriate use of systems; corrects and
informs others about appropriate systems use.
Credo Behavior Scoring Tool - 2
I communicate effectively.
Rating 1 - Does Not Perform
Rating 3 - Expected Performance
Rating 5 - Expert Performance
• Fails to introduce self to others.
• Introduces self to others.
• Introduces self to others. Introduces others on the
team and informs of their role.
• Does not wear ID badge consistently, or wears it
• Wears ID badge above the waist where name
and title are easily visible. Staff member obtains
a temporary badge when they do not have an
• Reminds peers and colleagues to wear ID badge or
place it where it is clearly visible.
• Smiles, makes eye contact and greets others.
Speaks in a culturally appropriate and
understandable manner. Shows concern and
interest; actively listens.
• Models effective interactions and teaches others ways
to put people at ease and to develop trusting
• Recognizes that body language and tone of
voice are important parts of communication and
uses them appropriately. Continuously gives
positive messages through tone of voice and
body language.
• Models and coaches colleagues in effective listening
and communications techniques.
• Listens and responds professionally to
dissatisfied, patients, visitors and/or colleagues.
• Models and coaches colleagues in active listening
techniques and managing conflict.
• Creates clear, complete written
communications. Considers perspective and
knowledge-level of recipient. Solicits input on
• Teaches others clear and effective written
communication skills. Acts as a resource for review
and feedback.
• Communicates in a timely and appropriate
manner. (Example; Does not use email to
resolve complex issues or to address
emotionally charged situations.)
• Coaches others on how to best communicate.
where it cannot be easily seen. ID badge covered
with stickers/pins so that name/title is not visible.
• Passes others without greeting or making eye
contact. Sometimes perceived as aloof or
disinterested in others.
• Frequently sends a negative message through
body language such as sullen or exasperated
expressions, rolling of eyes or tone of voice.
• Interrupts or becomes defensive when
approached by dissatisfied patients, families,
visitors and/or colleagues.
• Creates written communications which are
substantially incomplete or have a negative tone.
Does not get input on written communications.
• Communication is untimely, inappropriate and
fails to consider the situation.
Credo Behavior Scoring Tool - 3
I conduct myself professionally.
Rating 1 - Does Not Perform
• Conveys to others insensitivity to their
• Shows lack of concern to learn and improve skills
Rating 3 - Expected Performance
• Recognizes the increasing diversity of our
community and seeks to understand the cultures
of the individuals we serve. Communicates and
behaves in ways that are culturally appropriate.
• Actively seeks to learn about different cultures in our
community and the potential implications cultural
differences might have for a given situation. Teaches
others in work area(s) when unique situations arise.
• Continuously learns and improves skills.
• Shares knowledge and mentors others (conducts inservices, etc.)
• Strives to maintain personal well-being and
balance of work and personal life.
• Maintains personal well-being and balance of work
and personal life. Creates an environment where
others feel compelled to do the same.
• Holds self and others accountable for achieving
performance expectations.
• Works to exceed and helps others exceed
performance expectations.
• Demonstrates safe working practices and
maintains a clean work environment.
• Anticipates potential safety problems or obstacles and
develops plans to eliminate them.
• Exhibits pleasant and amiable behavior during
• Exhibits leadership by setting a pleasant example and
encouraging others to follow. Provides feedback and
coaching to others on professional behavior (cup of
coffee conversation).
• Remains calm when confronted with or
responding to pressure situations.
• Serves as a role model to others in maintaining
composure and professionalism during pressure
• Consistently adheres to department and/or
medical center policies.
• Makes suggestions for policy revisions. Actively
participates in discussions to increase compliance to
department and/or medical center policies.
• Refrains from loud talk and excessive noise - a
quiet environment is important to heal, learn and
• Actively seeks and takes measures to decrease noise
in the environment.
• Refrains from criticizing Vanderbilt in the
workplace and in the community. Discusses
internal issues only with those who need to
know or can solve the problem.
• “Manages Up” Vanderbilt in the workplace and in the
community. Tells others about the positive aspects of
working at Vanderbilt.
by attending department in-services and
• Does not strive to maintain personal well–being
and balance of work and personal life.
• Shows lack of concern for achieving personal
and organizational performance expectations.
• Does not consistently apply prescribed safety
standards and makes minimal efforts to keep
workplace clean.
• Exhibits unpleasant and discourteous behavior
during interactions.
• Becomes discouraged or loses temper when
faced with obstacles, conflict or a high pressure
• Does not adhere to department and/or medical
center policies.
• Frequently speaks in an inappropriate and/or
loud tone of voice.
• Criticizes Vanderbilt to others in the workplace or
community. Discusses internal issues with those
who are not involved with the work and/or
inappropriate areas.
Rating 5 - Expert Performance
Credo Behavior Scoring Tool - 4
I have a sense of ownership
Rating 1 - Does Not Perform
• Waits for others to take the lead to problem
Rating 3 - Expected Performance
• Takes ownership of problems until resolved.
• Recognizes and addresses systematic problems
negatively impacting satisfaction or processes.
• Uses appropriate resources to effectively and
efficiently resolve problems.
• Generates solutions to complex problems quickly and
with minimal use of resources.
• Willingly participates in discussions on problem
resolution, asks for and provides timely and
honest feedback.
• Persists until personal and team goals are achieved
and understands when change is necessary.
• Works to make progress towards personal and
team goals, despite difficulties.
• Puts the good of the whole ahead of self or team.
• Follows departmental policies and procedures.
Willingly adapts to new policies and guidelines.
• Makes recommendations to improve policies and
• Willingly accepts challenging assignments.
Works to support organizational changes.
• Seeks out challenging opportunities and enjoys
overcoming obstacles.
• Is mindful of cost of organizational resources
and works efficiently and effectively to minimize
waste (time, supplies, etc.)
• Identifies and implements cost saving initiatives.
• Does not use appropriate resources when faced
with problems/challenges.
• Becomes discouraged, loses temper, or does not
pursue solutions when faced with obstacles,
conflict or uncertainty.
• Shows a lack of interest in the achievement of
personal and team goals.
• Ignores departmental policies and procedures or
complains about them.
• Unwilling to shift directions or compromise even
when in the best interests of the organization.
• Does not consider the cost of organizational
Rating 5 - Expert Performance
Credo Behavior Scoring Tool - 5
I am committed to my colleagues.
Rating 1 - Does Not Perform
• Treats people differently based on position,
Rating 3 - Expected Performance
• Treats all individuals fairly and with respect.
• Values and helps others appreciate individual
• Provides constructive feedback privately.
• Persists until personal and team goals are achieved.
Recognizes and celebrates accomplishments.
• Promotes cooperation within and across
• “Manages Up” other departments. Seeks ways to
• Provides open and honest communication to
peers and to all members of the Vanderbilt
• Encourages transparency and open and honest
communication in all situations.
personal style or background.
• Criticizes individuals or the work group and
undermines efforts.
• Speaks negatively about other departments
and/or colleagues.
• Hides or uses information unfairly to gain
personal advantages.
Rating 5 - Expert Performance
Credo Behavior Scoring Tool - 6