International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology- Volume3Issue4- 2012 Performance Analysis of Weighted Load balanced routing Protocol with Ad hoc on-demand Distance Vector R.Madhanmohan, K.Selvakumar Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Annamalai University Annamalai nagar , India Abstract— This Paper describes about WLBR(Weighted Load Balanced Routing Protocol) and its performances are analyzed with AODV[1].The simulation results shows that this proposed protocol outperforms well than the AODV. The main performance metrics used here are throughput, node remaining energy, packet delivery ratio, energy consumed and routing delay. Keywords— WLBR, AODV, Load balancing, modified AODV, Route energy, Aggregate interface queue length. I. INTRODUCTION A mobile ad hoc network is defined as a collection of mobile platforms or nodes where each node is free to move about arbitrarily. Each node logically consists of a router that may have multiple hosts and that also may have multiple wireless communication devices . The routing protocols in MANET can be categorized in to three different groups: Global/Proactive, On-demand/Reactive and Hybrid routing protocols . In global routing protocols, each node stores and maintains routing information to every other node in the network. In on-demand routing protocols, routes are created when required by the source node, rather than storing up-todate routing tables. Hybrid routing protocols combine the basic properties of the two classes of protocols mentioned earlier. In practice, some routes get congested, while other routes remain underutilized. This results in poor performance of mobile ad hoc networks. Therefore, the need for balancing the load distribution among various routes becomes more important. The aim of this work is to provide a characteristic comparison for a number of proposed load balanced ad hoc routing protocols and to propose an effective approach towards load balanced routing. I evaluated the performance of proposed routing protocol and compare it with AODV routing protocol using performance metrics like Throughput, packet Loss, packet delivered, energy consumption, packet-delivery ratio.. We perform this study using ns-2.34 as the simulation tool. The simulation study reveals that modified AODV performs better than AODV by reducing normalized routing load. II. AODV ROUTING PROTOCOL An Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocol is an on-demand protocol that is it discovers routes on an as needed basis using route discovery process. It uses traditional routing tables, one entry per destination to maintain routing information. When a route to a new destination is needed, the node broadcasts a RREQ to find a route to the destination. A route can be determined when the RREQ reaches either the destination itself, or an intermediate node with a 'fresh enough' route to the destination. A 'fresh enough' route is a valid route entry for the destination whose associated sequence number is at least as great as that contained in the RREQ. AODV uses sequence numbers maintained at each destination to determine freshness of routing information and to prevent routing loops. These sequence numbers are carried by all routing packets. The route is made available by unicasting a RREP back to the origination of the RREQ. AODV relies on routing table entries to propagate a RREP back to the source and subsequently, to route data packets to the destination. An important feature of AODV is maintenance of timer based states in each node, regarding utilization of individual routing table entries[2]. A routing table entry is expired if not used recently. A set of predecessor nodes is maintained for each routing table entry, indicating the set of neighbouring nodes that use that entry to route data packets. These nodes are notified with RERR packets when the next hop link breaks. Each predecessor node, in turn, forwards the RERR to its own set of predecessors, thus effectively erasing all routes using the broken link[3]. AODV uses the following fields with each route table entry: - Destination IP Address - Destination Sequence Number - Valid Destination Sequence Number flag - Other state and routing flags (e.g., valid, invalid, repairable, being repaired) - Network Interface ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 525 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology- Volume3Issue4- 2012 - Hop Count (number of hops needed to reach destination) destination node finds a suitable path, a RREP packet is sent Next Hop back towards the source node. List of Precursors (described in Section 6.2) Lifetime (expiration or deletion time of the route) The detailed process is shown in Algorithm 1. Managing the sequence number is crucial to avoiding routing Algorithm 1 [Route discovery process]. loops, even when links break and a node is no longer Source node Ns wants to find a path to destination node Nd. reachable to supply its own information about its sequence Suppose that z is the number of mobile nodes and N is the set number. A destination becomes unreachable when a link of mobile nodes, i.e., N = {N1, N2, . . . , Nz}, where Ns, Ni, breaks or is deactivated. When these conditions occur, the Nd ε N, 1 ≤ s, d, i ≤ z and s ≠ d. route is invalidated by operations involving the sequence Assuming that node Ni is an intermediate node that receives number and marking the route table entry state as invalid. the RREQ packet. easy way to comply with the conference paper formatting requirements is to use this document as a template and simply if (node Ni is the destination node Nd) type your text into it. { 1. Destination node Nd analyzes route energy III. PROPOSED PROTOCOL (RE), aggregate interface queue length (AIQL), and hop count (HC) along each The aim of the protocol (WLBR)[4] proposed in this feasible path. paper is to distribute the traffic in MANETs by using the 2. Destination node Nd calculates weight information available in the network. The basic idea is to values of each feasible path and selects the select a routing path that consists of nodes with higher energy route with maximum weight value as and hence longer life in order to reduce the routing overhead primary routing path. and end-to-end delay by distributing the packets over the path 3. Destination node then sends a RREP packet which is less utilized. to source node Ns. Before introducing the proposed routing protocol algorithm, I 4. Source node Ns starts sending the data. first define the route determining parameters, as follows: } else 1. Route Energy (RE): The route energy is the sum of energy Node Ni forwards the RREQ packet to the possessed by nodes falling on a route. Higher the route energy, lesser is the probability of route failure due to exhausted nodes. neighbouring node. 2. Aggregate Interface Queue Length (AIQL): The sum of interface queue lengths of all the intermediate nodes from the source node to the current node. 3. Hop count (HC): The HC is the number of hops for a feasible path. A. Route Discovery The route discovery procedure is similar to that of Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocol. A source node initiates the route discovery process whenever it wants to communicate with another node for which it has no routing information in its table. The source node initiates route discovery by broadcasting a route request (RREQ) packet to its neighbouring nodes. When a node receives a RREQ, it checks its routing table for a route to the destination node[5]. If routing table contains a route to the destination node, its sequence number is checked to determine whether it is at least as great as that contained in the RREQ packet. If the two conditions are satisfied, then the intermediate node sends a route response along the reverse path back to the source node. Otherwise, the node increments the hop count by one, adds its own interface queue length and energy and rebroadcasts the route discovery packet. When the B. Route Selection When destination node D receives a RREQ packet, it waits for a certain amount of time to receive other RREQ packets. It then computes the weight value for each route. Route weight computation The path selection[6] and traffic distribution is based upon three factors: the route energy, the aggregate interface queue length and the hop count. Route energy is taken as a factor keeping in view that MANETs have scarce energy resources. Using a route frequently while other routes are idle or under loaded may result in network instability. The aggregate interface queue length gives us the idea about how busy our route is. Its higher value depicts higher load on the route. Thus this parameter helps in determining the heavily loaded route. If each intermediate host has a large roaming area, and the MANET has many nodes (and hops), then a feasible path with a low hop count is preferred and hence the metric hop count has been considered for route selection. Our protocol effectively combines all the parameters with weighing factors. The values of these factors can be chosen as per the requirements. C. Route Maintenance ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 526 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology- Volume3Issue4- 2012 Due to the high mobility of nodes in MANETs, links break easily. Route maintenance is initiated when the route is active and data packets are transmitting. A link failure occurs when a mobile node moves out of another mobile node’s radio transmission range. The mobile node that discovers the link failure broadcasts a RERR packet to other mobile nodes. On receiving a RERR packet, the source node initiates a new route discovery or finds an alternative path for routing The detailed process is shown in Algorithm[7] 2. Algorithm 2 [Route maintenance process]. Assume that source node Ns wants to find a path to destination node Nd. Suppose that z is the total number of mobile nodes and N is the set of mobile nodes, N ={N1, N2, . . . , Nz}, where Ns, Ni, Nd ε N, 1 ≤ s, d, i ≤ z and s ≠ d. In addition, we assume that the link between node Ni and node Nj is broken. if (node Ni detects the link failure to the next node) { 1. Node Ni sends the error packet. 2. Node Ns receives the error packet. 3. Node Ns stops sending the data. 4. Node Ns restarts the route discovery process or finds an alternative path for routing. } else Node Ni continues to send the data. Routing delay refers to the length of time required to move a packet from source to destination through the internet. Packet Delivery ratio can be calculated as the ratio between the number of data packets that are sent by the source and the number of data packets that are received by the sink. Energy consumed refers to the amount of energy spent while transmitting data packets from source to sink. The results are plotted as graphs, each graph shows a comparison between the performance of the AODV and modified AODV on various parameters like throughput, routing delay, packet delivery ratio, packet loss , packet received and energy consumed. The graphs shows 6 curves (3 for AODV and 3 for modified AODV) . Each curve represents the values for a source and sink pair IV. SIMULATION ENVIRONMENT AND PERFORMANCE COMPARISON We have used ns-2.34 for simulations. The performance comparison study with AODV and the modified AODV is carried.12 source nodes are used for this simulation, each node transmitting packets at the rate of four packets per second, with a packet size of 512 bytes. A movement scenario arranges the movement and the position of the nodes according to the random waypoint model. The other parameters used in the simulation of Mobile Ad Hoc Network are Channel type – Wireless Channel Radio-propagation model – Two RayGround Network interface type -Wireless MAC type - 802.11 Interface queue type – priority queue Link layer type - LL Antenna model – Omni Antenna Model Max packet in queue - 50 Number of mobile nodes - 50 X dimension of topography - 1000 Y dimension of topography - 1000 Fig 3. Throughput comparison between AODV and modified AODV Graph details X- axis – Time Y-axis – Throughput. Maximum Throughput for AODV – 9.00, 9.00, 9.00 respectively for each source sink pair. Maximum Throughput for modified AODV – 12.00, 15.00, 21.00 respectively for each source sink pair. From the above graph it is very clear that modified AODV is exhibiting higher throughput in all the cases. Performance Metrics: Throughput - It is the average rate of successful message delivery over a communication channel. This data may be delivered over a physical or logical link, or pass through a certain network node. ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 527 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology- Volume3Issue4- 2012 losses are quite high in AODV which is most important drawback in AODV. Fig 4. Routing Delay comparison between AODV and modified AODV Graph details X- axis – Time Y-axis – Routing Delay The above graph shows that routing delay in both the routing delay almost equal to each other. Since the traffic scenario used in this experiments are normal loads there is no much difference in the routing delay. If the number of node is increased then surely the modified AODV will have less routing delay. Fig 6. Packet Loss comparison between AODV and modified AODV X- axis - Time Y –axis – Packet Loss The above graph shows that the packet loss during the data transfer between source 2 and sink 2 pair is high. This high loss may be due to high traffic in the network. Since packet loss is high it will lead a throughput reduction in the network. Fig 5. Packet Delivery Ratio comparison between AODV and modified AODV X-axis – Time Y-axis – PDR The modified AODV is showing high PDR ranging above 18.00 in the data transfer between source 1 and sink 1 pair. Since the AODV is having less PDR it shows the packet Fig 7. Packet received comparison between AODV and modified AODV X- axis – Time Y- axis – Packets Received. As inferred from the previous graph, the number of packets received for the source sink pair 2 is very low. This shows that ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 528 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology- Volume3Issue4- 2012 results are very accurate and calculations are done without any mistake. feasible paths. There are three parameters in mod-AODV that are used to calculate the weight of the feasible path: the aggregate interface queue length, the route energy, and the hop count. Route selection is based on the weight value of each feasible path. In a feasible path, the higher the weight value, the higher is its suitability for traffic distribution. Simulation results show that the proposed AODV outperforms AODV especially in an environment with moderate mobility. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] Fig 8. Energy Consumption comparison between AODV and modified AODV All the curves shows that energy consumed during the data transfer between all the source and sink are ranging around 4.00 x 103 units. But when looking details the modified AODV is consuming energy slightly higher than AODV. 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