International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 28 Number 8 - October 2015 Non Linear Analysis of Jacketed Reinforced Concrete Column Nishad C S#1, Jerry Anto*2 #1 PG Student, #2Assistant Professor Civil Engineering Department, Ilahia College of Engineering and Technology Mulavoor, Ernakulam, Kerala, India Abstract - Jacketing of reinforced concrete column is to target the improvement of local vulnerabilities in columns related to inadequate strength (compressive & Flexural) or poor ductility. Theoretical analysis have been carried out in the present study for different column sections of jacket thickness of 50 mm and 75mm and 100 mm for jacketed RC columns subjected to uni-axial compressive loading. Nonlinear finite element analysis has been carried out for the jacketed RC columns. In order to find out the increase in the confined capacity of jacketed columns due to strengthening with respect to original column, theoretical analysis has been carried out. The uni-axial load carrying capacity along both the axes (major and minor) has been carried out under balanced section condition. ANSYS is used for the FEA analysis. Keywords— Jacketed column, Ansysn14.5, Ultimate load carrying capacity. I. INTRODUCTION Concrete is a structural material, used extensively in the construction of various kinds of buildings. Even though it is a structural material, it is very difficult to increase its strength once it sets. Many issues are to be dealt with during its service condition such as substantial detailing of the steel reinforcement and deterioration of the concrete under severe environmental conditions. Problems associated with the deterioration of concrete are usually due to corrosion of the reinforcing steel and spalling of the concrete. Thus, retrofitting measures must be taken to maintain the integrity of the structure. Traditional repair and rehabilitation methods include concrete jacketing and steel jacketing. Concrete jacketing requires intensive preparation of formwork and increases the weight and size of the strengthened member. Steel jacketing is a labour-intensive technique that is costly, heavy, difficult to handle, and prone to corrosion. Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop a more reliable repair and rehabilitation system. Understanding the response of the composite before and after strengthening during loading is crucial to the development of an overall and efficient and safe structure. Many methods have been utilized to study the response of structural components. Experimental based testing has been widely used as a means to analyse individual elements and the effects of concrete strength under loading. While this is a method that produces real life response, it is extremely time consuming, and the use of materials can be quite costly. The use of finite element analysis to study these components has also been used. In recent years, however, the use of finite element analysis has increased due to progressing knowledge and capabilities of computer software and ISSN: 2231-5381 hardware. It has now become the choice method to analyse concrete structural components. The use of computer software to model these elements is much faster, and extremely fully understand the capabilities of finite element computer software, one must look back to experimental data and simple analysis. Data obtained from a finite element analysis package is not useful unless the necessary steps are taken to understand what is happening within the model that is created using the software. Also, executing the necessary checks along the way is key to make sure that what is being output by the computer software is understanding the use of finite element packages, more efficient and better analyses can be made to fully understand the response of individual structural components and their contribution to a structure as a whole. This thesis is a study of reinforced concrete columns with or without concrete jacketing using finite element analysis to understand the response of reinforced concrete column under compression loading. II. SCOPE AND OBJECTIVE RC Column with and without jacketing is modelled in Ansys 14.5 for loading in both X and Y direction. Modelled columns were analysed to find out the ultimate load carrying capacity of various column with and without jacketing having varying jacketing thicknesses. The scope of present work includes the development of a precise analytical model, to obtain the behaviour of column under the given load condition and the study on concrete jacketed and without jacketed specimens give the suitability of jacketing to be used in strengthening of columns. The concrete jacketing enhanced the performance of the columns by postponing the rupture of the concrete and reinforcement, which means, it increased the column ductility. III. DESCRIPTION OF GEOMETRICAL AND MATERIAL PROPERTIES USED The accuracy of the structural analysis using numerical methods depends on the representation of the behaviour of material under different state of stresses and loading conditions. The details of the properties employed for finite element modelling are given in table The grade of the concrete considered is 20N/mm2. Details of the sections considered and reinforcement provided are given in the tables below. Stirrup spacing has been calculated as per IS456-2000. Page 369 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 28 Number 8 - October 2015 TABLE 1. GEOMETRICAL AND MATERIAL PROPERTIES Original column dimensions (mm) 230x450, 300x300, 300x450 Column height (mm) 3000 Jacket thickness (mm) 50, 75 and 100 IV. MODELLING IN FINITE ELEMENT The cad modelling of column is carried out using finite element software i.e, ANSYS 14.5. The type of analysis carried out in ANSYS is Non-linear static analysis. First we have to model a concrete control column specimen and with this we can generate the model of concrete jacketed column. The size of column used for modelling are 230X450X3000mm, 300X300X3000mm, 300X450X3000mm. The cross section of reinforcement used are 25mm, 20mm, 16mm and 10mm dia for main steel bar and 8mm dia for lateral ties. The lateral ties are provided at a spacing of 200mm, 250mm and 300mm. The 3-D modelling of column is carried out by generating the volumes in active coordinate system. Figure 5.2 shows the model of concrete control column specimen. Original column concrete and Jacketing concrete Modulus of Elasticity(N/m2) Poisson’s ratio 0.2 Longitudinal Reinforcement and Stirrups Modulus of Elasticity(N/m2) Poisson’s ratio 0.3 TABLE 2. DIMENSIONING DETAILS OF ORIGINAL AND JACKETED COLUMN Original column dimension (mm) Jacketed column dimension Stirrup spacing (mm) For 50mm jacketing For 75mm jacketing For 100mm jacketing 230x450 330x550 380x600 430x650 200 300x300 400x400 450x450 500x500 300 300x450 400x550 450x600 500x650 250 Figure 1. Model of original column A. Element Type Element no: 1 TABLE 3. REINFORCEMENT DETAILS OF ORIGINAL AND JACKETED COLUMN HAVE SAME SPACING FOR ORIGINAL COLUMN AND JACKETED COLUMN type Material used Element used in ANSYS concrete Solid 65 B. Real constants The real constants for this model are found out using. Longitudinal steel provided Original column (mm) Original column 50 (mm) 75 (mm) 100 (mm) Stirrup spacing (mm) 230x450 4#20+4#16 10#10 4#20 6#20 200 300x300 4#20+4#16 8#10 4#20 8#16 300 300x450 4#25+4#16 10#10 8#16 6#20 250 ISSN: 2231-5381 Real Constant Set 1 is used for the Solid65 element. It requires real constants for rebar assuming a smeared model. Values can be entered for Material Number, Volume Ratio, and Orientation Angles. C. Elemental properties Material Model Number 1 refers to the Solid65 element. The figure shows the simplified compressive uniaxial stress strain curve for the concrete and the table gives the Page 370 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 28 Number 8 - October 2015 value of stress and strain input to get the graph after solving the above equations. TABLE 5. MATERIAL PROPERTIES FOR STEEL Steel Linear Isotropic Material No:2 Ex 2.1 e11 N/m2 PRXY 0.3 Bilinear Isotropic Figure 2. Simplified compressive uniaxial stress- strain curve for concrete Yield Stress 415 e6 N/m2 Tang Modulus 20 e6 N/m2 TABLE 4. MULTI LINEAR ISOTROPIC PROPERTIES OF CONCRETE D. Meshing Points Strain Stress To obtain good results from the Solid65 element, the use of a rectangular mesh is recommended. The overall mesh of the volume is shown in figure. (N/mm2) 1 0.00036 9.802 2 0.00060 15.396 3 0.00130 27.517 4 0.00190 32.103 5 0.00243 33.096 Implementation of the Willam and Warnke (1974) material model in ANSYS requires that different constants be defined. These 9 constants are: Shear transfer coefficients for an open crack = 0.2 Shear transfer coefficients for a closed crack =1 Uniaxial tensile cracking stress = 3.78N/mm2 Uniaxial crushing stress (positive) = 40 N/mm2 Biaxial crushing stress (positive) =0 Ambient hydrostatic stress state =0 Biaxial crushing stress (positive) =0 Uniaxial crushing stress (positive) =0 Stiffness multiplier for cracked tensile condition. = 0 Figure 3. Mesh diagram of the model E. Loading and Boundary Conditions The hinged support is provided at the top end of the column and fixed support is provided at the bottom end of the column. The force is applied along negative Y-axis and negative X-axis of the model. The force applied in the model is obtained from STAAD by modelling a G+3 building in STAAD Pro software. V. ANALYSIS OF THE MODEL The finite element model for this Non-linear analysis is a simple column under compressive loading. For the purposes of this model, the Non-linear static analysis is utilized. The Solution Controls command dictates the use of a linear or nonlinear solution for the finite element model. Here in this thesis the analysis is carried out for non-linear and small displacement. The tables 6.1 define the loads provided in the column. ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 371 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 28 Number 8 - October 2015 TABLE 6. LOADS PROVIDED ON COLUMN FX FY (kN) (kN) 230x450 8.813 1372 300x300 10.607 1395 300x450 12.939 1426 Original column dimension (mm) VI. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Figure 7. Displacement of column 300x450 mm without jacketing A. Load deflection curves The deflection obtained for the column with different column dimensions are illustrated below Figure 4. Displacement of column 230x450 mm without jacketing Figure 8. Load deflection curve for column 230x450mm with and without jacketing Figure 5. Displacement of column 300x300 mm without jacketing Figure 9. Load deflection curve for column 300x300mm with and without jacketing ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 372 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 28 Number 8 - October 2015 REFERENCES [1] Anushree and Vijay Kumar Y M, “Finite Element Analysis of Jacketed Reinforced Concrete Column Subjected to Uni-axial Load”, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, vol.03, 2014 [2] Hajsadeghi M and Alaee F J, “Numerical Analysis of Rectangular Reinforced Concrete Columns Confined With FRP Jacket Under Eccentric Loading”, The 5th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering, September 27-29, 2010 Beijing, China. [3] Charalambidi B G, Rousakis T C and Karabinis A I, “Finite Element Modeling of Reinforced Concrete Columns Seismically Strengthened through Partial FRP Jacketing”, Laboratory of Reinforced Concrete, Figure 10. Load deflection curve for column 300x450mm with and without jacketing VII. 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The jacketed concrete is about 25% to 30% stronger than the column without jacketing. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I wish to thank the Management, Principal, and Head of Civil Engineering Department of Ilahia College of engineering and technology, affiliated by Mahatma Gandhi University for their support. This paper is based on the work carried out by me (Nishad C S), as part of my PG course, under the guidance of Mr.Jerry Anto (Assistant Professor, Ilahia College Of Engineering & Technology Mulavoor) Ernakulam, Kerala, India).The fruitful interactions held with Mr. Jerry Anto during my project are duly acknowledged. ISSN: 2231-5381 Beam Page 373