International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 28 Number 7 - October 2015 Analysis of Earthquake Resistant Properties of RC Core Steel Composite Columns & RCC Sections Using Finite Element Analysis Shahanaj P Hussan1, Anooja Bashir2 1 M-Tech student, Department of Civil Engineering, Ilahia College of Engineering and Technology, Mulavoor, Muvattupuzha, Ernakulam, Kerala, India 2 Asst.Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Ilahia College of Engineering and Technology, Mulavoor, Muvattupuzha, Ernakulam, Kerala, India Abstract — This study focuses on earthquake resistant properties of RCC core steel composite columns of different sections and conventional concrete column. A model is proposed using ANSYS with proper boundary conditions. The model is for RCC sections, core steel circular sections, core steel I-section, core steel channel sections and column with steel tube covering. The all composite materials are of same cross sections. Values of deflections from the modal analysis (in case of static) it is evident that using composite column sections is better than RCC columns. These core steel composite column types help in improve the ductile nature of the column when compared to the conventional reinforced concrete column. Encased core steel is useful for resisting large axial compressive force and little bending moment, and for preventing columns from shear failure. The purpose of this study to describe the elastic plastic behaviour of the core steel composite columns under large compressive axial load and earthquake horizontal load, and to show the composite columns have large better earthquake resistant performance than RCC columns. Max deflection, von-mises stress and a strain are obtained for different cases and are to be compared. Keywords — RCC – Reinforced Cement Concrete I. INTRODUCTION During the past few decades, several composite steelconcrete structural systems have been used in the construction of tall buildings. One such systems employs composite column that consist of steel shape encased in concrete and composite girders that use metal deck between the steel section and concrete slab. This system combines the rigidity and formability of reinforced concrete with the strength and speed of construction associated with structural steel to produce economic structures. The concrete used for encasing structural steel section not only increases its strength and stiffness, but also protects it from fire damages. As a result, the use of such columns is on the rise in building construction in addition to applications in marine structures. A large number of reinforced concrete (RC) buildings collapsed with storey failures by 1995 Hyogoken-Nanbu earthquake in Japan. Especially RC columns at the corner post on the failure storey collapsed in shear brittle under large compressive axial forces generated by large horizontal and vertical accelerations. In order to prevent happening brittle shear failure of RC columns and occurring the storey failure ISSN: 2231-5381 of building structures, it is necessary to make the ductility of columns larger. It can be thought using core steel composite columns is useful as one of the reinforcing RC columns. The purpose of this study to describe the elastic plastic behaviour of the core steel composite columns under large compressive axial load and earthquake horizontal load, and to show the composite columns have large better earthquake resistant performance than RC columns. II. FEATURES OF PROJECT The project consists of finite element analysis of conventional and composite concrete column. In order to find out the reinforcement in column, the structural modelling was done by STAAD Pro.V8i. The concrete mix used for all the structural member is M25 and steel is Fe415. The load combinations were taken to obtain the maximum design loads, bending moment and shear forces. The reinforcement can be found out from STAAD designing. Here one conventional concrete column and three composite concrete columns were modelled. The concrete specimen wants to be modelled using ANSYS package. 1. The conventional column of 400mm x 400mm with 3.2m height. 2. The conventional column with ISWB 250 section inside it. 3. The conventional column with 76.2mm diameter circular core steel section inside it. 4. The conventional column with ISMC 300 channel section inside it. III. STAAD MODELLING AND DESIGNING Here, A ground plus four Storey RC office building is considered. Plan dimensions : 12 m x 10 m Location considered : Zone-III Soil Type considered : Medium stiff Soil Grade of concrete : M25 Grade of steel considered : Fe 415 Live load on roof : 1.5 KN/m2 Live load on floors : 3 KN/m2 Roof finish : 1.0 KN/m2 Floor finish : 0.5 KN/m2 Brick wall in both direction : 200 mm thick Beam size : 200 x 200 mm Page 359 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 28 Number 7 - October 2015 Column size : 400 x 400 mm Density of concrete : 25 KN/m3 Density of brick wall including plaster : 20 KN/m3 Thickness of slab : 150mm. The load combinations are taken as per IS: 456-2000, IS: 1893-2002 and IS: 13920 IV. FINITE ELEMENT MODELLING ANSYS software has been used for conducting the finite element analysis of conventional and composite column. Both ends of the column were fixed. The concrete was modelled using Solid65 element. The reinforcement was modelled using beam188 element. The composite materials are modelled with Solid 185 element. Here in this project mapped meshing is used for the models. A. Material Specifications Steel Young’s Modulus, Poison’s ratio, Density, E μ ρ = 2e5 MPa = 0.3 =7850 kg/m3 Concrete Young’s Modulus, Poison’s ratio, Density, E μ ρ = 2.5e4 MPa = 0.15 =2414 kg/m3 TABLE 1 SPECIMEN DETAILS Fig. 1 3D rendered view of G+4 building By designing the required building in STADD, the column have 8 numbers of 20mm diameter bars and 12mm diameter 2 legged stirrups are provided and as the shear reinforcement at 150mm spacing. Lateral ties are providing 12mm diameter at 300mm spacing. Description R.C.C Column Circular Section Column Column Size (mm) 400 x 400 Length (mm) Reinforcem ent (mm) Core Steel (mm) Axial Load(KN) Core Steel Channel Section Column 400 x 400 Rectang ular steel tube 400 x 400 Core Steel ISection Column 400 x 400 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 8 No 20mm - 8 No 20mm 76.2m m Dia 8 No 20mm ISWB 250 8 No 20mm ISMC 300 1400 1400 1400 1400 8 No 20mm 3mm thick steel section 1400 B. Modelling and Meshing Fig.2 Details of column ISSN: 2231-5381 Fig.3 Modelling and Meshing of Conventional column Page 360 400 x 400 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 28 Number 7 - October 2015 Fig.8 Boundary condition and loading Fig.4 Modelling and Meshing of column with I-section inside V. ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURE Fig.5 Modelling and Meshing of column with Circular core steel inside It includes Static analysis, Modal analysis and finally Response spectrum analysis. Static analysis means that, it accounts only static cases. That means at the time of time varying loads occur, the static analysis avoids the inertia and effects due to damping. In this analysis, it is used to determine the displacements of the structure. And also, it determines the stresses and strains in the structure. Modal analysis means that, it simply find out the natural frequencies and mode shape of the structures. When the machine components were designed, the modal analysis is used to find out the vibration characteristics also. The final results of modal analysis are very important at the initial stage of response spectrum analysis. Spectrum analysis, it is the most important analysis used in the earthquake analysis. Here, the final results of modal analysis are used at the initial stage of spectrum analysis for the calculation of stresses and displacements of the modal. This stresses and displacements are used to determine the response of structures at varying loading conditions like earthquake, wave effects from sea etc. According to the results of static and modal analysis, the response spectrum analysis was carried out. The input of response spectrum is get from static and modal analysis. Earthquake resistant properties of the modals are getting from the response spectrum analysis. A. Design Spectrum Fig.6 Modelling and Meshing of column with Channel section inside C. Boundary Condition and Loading Here, In ANSYS fixed support at bottom and hinged support at top of the column. The axial load 1400kN is get from STAAD is applied in the column axially. ISSN: 2231-5381 For the purpose of determining seismic forces, the country is classified into four seismic zones. The design horizontal seismic coefficient Ah for a structure shall be determined by the following expression: Ah = Provided that for any structure with T<= 0.1s, the value of Ah will not be taken less than Z/2 whatever be the value of I/R Where, Page 361 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 28 Number 7 - October 2015 Z = Zone factor I = Importance factor R = Response reduction factor Sa/g = Average response acceleration coefficient TABLE 2 Zone Factor, Z Seismic zone II III IV V Seismic intensity Low Moderate Severe Very severe Zone factor, Z 0.10 0.16 0.24 0.36 Fig.9 Deflection of conventional column For finding average response acceleration coefficient, For rocky or hard soil sites Sa/g = 1+1.5T; 0.00 ≤ T ≤ 0.10 = 2.50 0.10 ≤ T ≤ 0.40 = 1.00/T 0.40 ≤ T ≤ 4.00 For medium soil sites Sa/g = 1+1.5T; 0.00 ≤ T ≤ 0.10 = 2.50 0.10 ≤ T ≤ 0.55 Fig.10 Von-mises stress of conventional column = 1.36/T 0.55 ≤ T ≤ 4.00 For soft soil sites Sa/g = 1+1.5T; 0.00 ≤ T ≤ 0.10 = 2.50 0.10 ≤ T ≤ 0.67 = 1.67/T 0.67 ≤ T ≤ 4.00 In this work, using zone factor as 3, ie; seismic intensity is moderate and the value of Z is 0.16, importance factor = 1, response reduction factor = 3. The value of time period, T is taken from graph, spectral acceleration Vs time period. The Sa/g value is obtained as per time period. The value of design horizontal seismic coefficient, Ah is done by these values. The spectral acceleration value is obtained by Ah x g, where, g = acceleration due to gravity. Frequency table values are obtained from the time period value T and also we know the spectral values. Thus, we can perform the spectrum analysis. ISSN: 2231-5381 Fig.11 Deflection of I-section inside Page 362 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 28 Number 7 - October 2015 Fig.15 Deflection of Channel section inside Fig.12 Von-mises stress of I-section inside Fig.16 Von-mises stress of Channel section inside Fig.13 Deflection of circular core steel inside VI. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Explicit response spectrum analysis was conducted on RCC conventional column and several composite column models using ANSYS 14.5 for investigating the earthquake resistance properties of columns under large compressive axial loads and earthquake horizontal loads. A. Numerical Results and Discussions from ANSYS Analysis TABLE.3 Response Spectrum Analysis Result of Deflection and Von-Mises Stress Fig.14 Von-mises stress of circular core steel inside ISSN: 2231-5381 Specimen Convent ional column Circular core steel inside Channel section inside I-section inside Length (m) 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 Deflection (mm) 0.0595 0.00239 0.00311 Von-mises stress (N/mm2) 0.637 0.134 0.159 0.00331 0.1669 Page 363 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 28 Number 7 - October 2015 columns. Analysis is been carried out using ANSYS14.5. Modelling and analysis criteria were validated using available results in literature. B. Conclusions a) An analytical study reveals that, the introducing composite action in column influences the load carrying capacity of column significantly. The selection in geometry of composite section is one of the important factors. Its greatly influences the static deformation characteristics of the column structure. b) From Response spectrum analysis, the deformation is greater at conventional column and lesser at column having channel section inside. c) Maximum stress concentration is occurring at conventional column. And minimum stress concentration is occurring at column having channel section inside. Fig.17 Deflection chart for Response spectrum analysis Fig.18 Von-mises chart for Response spectrum analysis VII. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS A. Summary The RCC conventional and composite columns were analysed using response spectrum analysis. 4 basic models were created, one is conventional and the remaining are composite columns. The whole models are used for analysis. Analytical method was used to evaluate and compare the earthquake resistant properties of conventional and composite ISSN: 2231-5381 ACKNOWLEDGMENT I wish to thank the Management, Principal, and Head of Civil Engineering Department of Ilahia college of engineering and technology, affiliated by Mahatma Gandhi University for their support. This paper is based on the work carried out by me (Shahanaj P Hussan), as part of my PG course. The fruitful interactions held with Mrs. Anooja Bashir during my project are duly acknowledged. REFERENCES [1] Hasan Abdulhadi Ajel, Abdulnasser M Abbas “Experimental and Analytical Investigations of Composite Stub Columns” Vol. 4, Issue 2, February 2015. [2] Rahel H. Khizer, B.R.Narayana, N.S.Kumar, “Numerical modeling of concrete composite steel tubes” Volume: 03 Special Issue: 06 | May-2014 | RRDCE – 2014. Page 364