International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology- Volume3Issue2- 2012 and crosscorrelation properties. Analysis of OOC Code & Their Performance Metrics” Mrs. Anita Borude, Prof. Shobha Krishnan Department of Electronics & Telecom, Mumbai University Abstract: - In this paper we analyze optical orthogonal code (OOC) and their performance metrics. Expansion efficiency factor and throughputs of OOC are the new performance metrics of OOC. Expansion efficiency means ability to expand sub wavelength-switching capacity of the optical network. This factor show reducing the code length (n), for the same code constraints(C), enhances the capacity of sub wavelength optical code switched networks like optical CDMA (OCDMA). As various different construction methods for OOC are available, out of these some of the methods we analyze. Depending on the construction methods length (n), weight (w) and cardinality (C) of OOC set are calculated. We measure expansion efficiency for different construction methods of OOC. Keywords: OOC performance metrics, Expansion efficiency factor, compare construction methods of OOC. I.INTRODUCTION Optical code-division multiple accesses (OCDMA) is one of the most important techniques supporting many simultaneous users in shared media so as to increase the transmission capacity of an optical fiber. Before optical CDMA system, time division multiple accesses (TDMA) or wavelength division multiple accesses (WDMA) multiplexing schemes were used for fiber optic communication systems. But both have significant drawbacks in local area systems requiring large numbers of users. The concept of using optical code-division multiple access (OCDMA) as a photonic multiplexing technique started in the early 1990s [3].CDMA was first applied to the optical domain in the mid-1980s by Prucnal, Salehi, and others [3]. The use of OCDMA as a multiplexing (switching) layer at the subwavelength level in generalized multiprotocol label switching (GMPLS) networks was introduced in [3]. In order to use OCDMA, the optical signal is spread either in time domain (temporal spreading) using fiber tapped delay lines or in a wavelength domain (spectral spreading) using arrayed waveguide grating (AWG) or fiber Bragg grating (FBG). In both cases, a spreading code is required. Optical orthogonal codes (OOCs) [5] are widely used as optical spreading codes because they achieve the optimum criteria for unipolar {0, 1} codes in terms of their autocorrelation ISSN: 2231-5381 However, efficient OOCs are difficult to construct. Many researchers have proposed various construction methods for OOC have been developed, some of them we compare. In [6] Prime sequences method(PS), Quasi Prime(QP), Extended Quadratic Congruence's(QCM),Difference set(DS),Cyclic Difference Set method(CDS) are the few schemes were proposed for construction of OOC. In section II, we provide mathematical definitions and representations for OOCs and their main properties and discuss their construction methods. Section III discusses their performance metrics in details. Section IV we evaluate the efficiency of OOCs for different construction methods of OOCs. II. OPTICAL ORTHOGONAL CODES To reduce the crosstalk between users, an important property of the sequences (codeword) is that they produce a low correlation. OOC are a set of binary sequences with special auto- and crosscorrelation properties. The correlation being low tells us that each sequence in the code can easily be distinguished from a shifted version of itself i.e. the autocorrelation is low, and it can easily be distinguished from any combination of shifted versions of other sequences in C i.e. the crosscorrelation is low. The size of the code is the number of codeword in C and is called its cardinality and is denoted |C|. An optical orthogonal code is a family of (0, 1) sequences with good auto- and cross-correlation properties. Thumbtack-shaped auto-correlation enables the effective detection of the desired signal and low-profiled crosscorrelation makes it easy to reduce interference due to other users and channel noise. The use of optical orthogonal codes enables a large number of asynchronous users to transmit information efficiently and reliably. The lack of a network synchronization requirement enhances the flexibility of the system. In [3] Let (n, w, λa, λc) be positive integers. An (n, w, λa, λc) optical orthogonal code, or briefly a (n, w, λa, λc) -OOC, C, is a family of (0, 1) sequences of length n and weight w satisfying the following two properties: The Autocorrelation Property: Page 243 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology- Volume3Issue2- 2012 ∑ = < λa, 1 < , < − 1 …….. (1) For any x € C and any integer τ, 0 < τ < n. The cross-correlation property: = < λc, 1< , < − 1 … . (2) For x ≠ y € C and any integer τ. Largest possible cardinality of OOC ø (n, w, λ) ø(n , w λ) = n − 1)(n − 2) … … . (n − λ) ( w w − 1)(w − 2) … … … . (w − λ) … … … … … … (3) Often an OOC is denoted by the positions where C has ones. As an example consider the code C = {c1, c2}= {110100000000000, 100010000100000}, Which is an (15, 3, 1) OOC with two codeword. This can be written as C = {{0, 1, 3}15, {0, 4, 9}15}. What the correlation constraint (¸ = 1) also say is that no distances between the positions of ones in the code (C) are repeated. For example the distance between the first and the second one in c1 is 1, but as we look at two consecutivec1’s (cyclic shifted) the distance 14 will also be taken into consideration. In the codes above the distances are {1, 14, 3, 12, 2, 13, 4, 11, 9, 6, 5, 10}. The distances {14, 12, 13, 11, 6, 10} are due to cyclic shifts of the codeword’s (when we look at two consecutive codeword). We see here that no distance is repeated and therefore the code is an OOC with λa, = 1. If λc = 2 it means that any distance between the positions of ones cannot be repeated more than once. Table1: Construction methods for OOC and their length (n)& weight (w) W n C λa λc Sr Construction no methods for OOC 1. PS P P2 P P-1 2 2. QP q qp p (p1)r 2r 3. QCM P P 1 2 4. DS w P(2P1) w(w1) +r+1 1 1 5. CDS w (n-1r)/ (w(w1)) (n-1)/ w(w1) 1 1 n= w(w1)+1 Where in table1 W=weight of OOC; n=length of OOC; P= prime no.; q &r = positive integers; C= cardinality of OOC; ISSN: 2231-5381 λa= auto-correlation constraint; λc =cross-correlation constraint. A desirable property of a code is that it should be as large as possible, i.e. contain as many codeword as possible. This to enable more users to access the channel. An OOC is said to be optimal if it has the maximum cardinality for a given (n, w, λa, λc).As mentioned in the previous section the codeword length n increases with increasing cardinality and weight. We have many new techniques to construct OOC family, few of them we are compared. Prime sequences method(PS), Quasi Prime(QP), Extended Quadratic Congruence's(QCM), Difference set(DS),Cyclic Difference Set method(CDS) are the few methods for construction of OOC. As above methods are able to produce OOC set, which are satisfied autocorrelation and cross correlation properties of OOC. Table1 shows weight(w) ,length (n) and cardinality (C) for different methods. As well as autocorrelation (λa) and cross correlation constrains (λc) for every methods. III. EXPANSION EFFICIENCY FACTOR In[1], expansion efficiency factor is ability to expand sub wavelength-switching capacity. This show reducing the code length, for the same code constraints. Enhances the capacity of sub wavelength optical code switched networks e.g. OCDMA. For an optical multiplexing system based on OCDMA at the subwavelength level [4], it is desired to be able to multiplex as many users as possible per wavelength channel without affecting the system error rate under ideal conditions. It was shown in [4] that the condition for an OCDMA system to operate as an error-free transmission system under ideal conditions is to be able to completely suppress the multiple access interference (MAI) caused by unwanted users on the intended received signal using an optical threshold(hard limiter) device at the output of the correlator receiver. This is possible if and only if N ≤ k. In order to maximize the system capacity (maximize the number of multiplexed users per wavelength), we take N = k………………………….. (4) It was also shown in [4] that the label space expansion ratio ρ, which measures the increase in the system capacity per wavelength of a subwavelength OCDMA switched system as compared to a pure wavelength-division-multiplexing (WDM) system, is given by ρ = N………………………………… (5) Using (5), for an error-free system, ρ is given by ρ = k………………………………… (6) From [1], we get Page 244 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology- Volume3Issue2- 2012 N ≤ n − 1/ k (k − 1)…… …………… (7) as compared to codes designed using the QCM,QPS and PS methods. which yields a maximum number of sub wavelength multiplexed users (maximum system capacity per wavelength) given by Expansion effiency factor for ooc 1 PS QCM DS QPS CDS 0.9 N = n − 1/ k (k − 1) …………………………(8) N · k (k − 1) = n − 1 − (n −1 mod k (k − 1))…(9) In order to make the maximum use of the available system bandwidth, it is desired to have the smallest n that satisfies (9). Inspecting (9), the minimum value for n for given values of k and N is achieved when (n −1 mod k(k − 1)) = 0. This happens when expansion efficiency factor This can be rewritten as 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 k(k − 1)|n − 1 …………………….(10) which reads k(k − 1) divides n − 1. Under this condition, (10)can be simplified to 0 5 10 15 space expansion factor 20 25 Fig 1: Expansion efficiency factor η for PC, QCM, DC, QPS and CDS under error-free conditions. nmin = N · k(k − 1) + 1……………….(11) Length Vs Expansion effiency factor for ooc 1400 where nmin is the minimum code length. In order to analyze the optimum error-free system, we substitute for N and k from (5) and (6), respectively, into (7) to get 1200 1000 length[bit] ρ =(n – 1)/ρ(ρ − 1)……………………………….(12) this can be rewritten as, ρ2(ρ − 1) = n − 1 − (n −1 mod ρ(ρ − 1)) ……….. (13) Following the same reasoning used to deduce (9), we can write the minimum error-free code length nmin as 800 600 400 200 0 nmin = ρ2(ρ − 1) + 1…………………………… (14) In [1] define an expansion efficiency factor η as the ratio between the minimum code length nmin and the code length n of the OOC generated using suboptimal algorithms η = nmin /n…………………................ (15) which means that for an optimum code, we have η = 1, while for a suboptimal code, we have 0 < η < 1. As different construction methods of OOC are available, some of these we compare and analyze them by calculating expansion efficiency factor for each scheme. Figs. 1 are plotted for the case where the system is operating at the maximum capacity under the error-free transmission constraints. Fig. 1 results demonstrate that codes designed using different construction methods DS and CDS have an asymptotic efficiency of about 0.1 to 0.15 ISSN: 2231-5381 PS CDS DS QPS QCM 0 5 10 15 space expansion factor 20 25 Fig 2: Length Vs Expansion efficiency of OOC for PC, QCM, DC, QPS and CDS construction scheme. These methods have an asymptotic efficiency less than0.1. This shows that CDS & DS designed codes are expected to constantly outperform at asymptotically large values of code weights (k). Lengths (n) of OOC set are varying as space expansion factor get increase for every scheme. We also shown the relation between them for each scheme. Fig2 shows length (n) of OOC set constructed by QCM, PS and DS scheme get increase rapidly as space expansion factor get increase. Whereas OOC set constructed by CDS & PS for higher space expansion factor has less length as compare to other scheme. IV. CONCLUSION Many researchers have proposed several schemes to construct OOC sets. Some of these we have discussed and calculate their performance metrics All schemes Page 245 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology- Volume3Issue2- 2012 satisfied the requirements of OOC set, but their characteristics are different. That means , some of the scheme produce maximum number of OOC set from length(n)with weight(w).where as some of the scheme has very low cross correlation constrains, which reduces the interference from unwanted signals in the network. OOC set find applications in optical network, mobile radio, frequency-hopping spread spectrum communications, and radar and sonar signal design. Depending on the requirement of an application for OOC set we can select appropriate construction scheme of OOC. Let we have optical network where number of users are less as well as we have small bandwidth, then we can select CDS scheme because OOC set constructed by these methods have small length so it is suitable for small bandwidth network. Whereas for larger bandwidth optical network with more number of users can select DS scheme for construction of OOC set. Because cardinality (C) of DS scheme are more as compare to other scheme. References [1] Tamer M. S. Khattab, Student Member, IEEE, and Hussein M. Alnuweiri, Member, IEEE, “Optical Orthogonal Code Construction Using Rejected Delays Reuse for Increasing SubWavelength-Switching Capacity ,” JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 24, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 2006. [2] Andreas Karlsson.” Simulation of a CDMA system based on optical orthogonal codes ” Reg nr: LiTH-ISY-EX-3532-2004 . [3] J. A. Salehi, “Code Division Multiple-Access Techniques in Optical Fiber Networks-Part I: Fundamental Principles,” IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 37, no. 8, Aug. 1989, pp. 824-33. [4] F. R. K. Chung et al., “Optical orthogonal codes: design, analysis, and applications,” IEEE Trans. Inform. Technol., vol.35,pp. 595–604, May 1989. 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