International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 29 Number 7 - November 2015 Privacy Preserving of Information Dissemination Controlling in Wireless Network Katikam Mahesh1,V.Lakshmiprasad2 1 Final M.Tech Student, 2Asst.professor 1,2 Dept of CSE, Sarada Institute of Science, Technology andManagement (SISTAM), Srikakulam, Andhra Pradesh Abstract: Now a day’s sharing information in wireless communication is more capabilities and also provide privacy of transferring information in mobile device. So that to broad cast information in with secure manner to receiver as well as to provide more efficiency in the network. In this paper we are consider the nodes strength for calculating communication of each node in the network. After finding node strength each node we can identify path from sender node to receiver. Before finding shortest path we can identify the given nodes are genuine or malicious nodes in the network. After finding we can find out shortest path from sender node to destination by using average nodes strength shortest path algorithm. After finding shortest path the sender will send information to destination node. Before sending information can be convert unknown format by using tiny transpose encryption algorithm. By implementing those concepts we can controlling transferring information, provide security of transferring information and more efficiency to network. Keywords: Cryptography, malicious, wireless network. Security, routing, I. INTRODUCTION This paper proposes concepts that aim to provide broad casting information of in the wireless network. Today so many technologies are available for providing service to controlling information dissemination. In this paper we are implementing cooperate communication mechanism for controlling information dissemination in wireless network. In the cooperate communication network contains concepts of finding malicious nodes and also provide controlling information in a wireless network. Another concept can be proposed for the security of transferring message. To provide security of transferring of message we are implementing concepts of the cryptography. By implementing this source node will perform the encryption process and convert the plain format data into cipher text. After the converting the source node will send the data through destination node. The destination node will retrieve the cipher format data and convert into plain format by using decryption process of cryptography. ISSN: 2231-5381 In this paper consider other concept for finding genuine node or malicious node in the wireless network. So that to perform the identification of genuine node or malicious node is a most important part of our wireless network. Because in the wireless network so many nodes are available for sharing information. So that there chance for corrupt transferring data. By implementing these concepts we can overcome corruption of transferring data. Before transferring data from source node to destination node the server will perform identification of nodes. In this paper we are assuming the any two nodes are malicious nodes and reaming are the genuine nodes. The selection process of malicious nodes can done by the dynamically. The server will perform the selection process of malicious nodes and genuine nodes in the network. After completion of identification process the server will perform the routing from source node to destination node. In this paper we are using signal strength and channel capacity of each node can be consider for find the routing from source node to destination node. Before finding routing from source node to destination the server will find out the average distance from source node to all other nodes. After finding average distance the server will calculate near distance from source node to destination nodes. So that by using those distance we can find out near nodes from source node and generate routing from source node to destination node. After that the source node will sent information through the routing path and reach the destination node. By implementing this concept we can improve the network efficiency and also transfer the message with secure manner. In this paper also consider another concept for provide security of transferring data through the wireless network. By implementing this concept we provide more security of transferring message. The implementation this concept can be used by using one of the cryptography technique. In this paper we are using tiny transpose encryption and decryption algorithm for converting message to unknown format. By implementing this concepts we can improve the provide security and also improve efficiency of wireless network. Because by implementing this concept we can overcome burden Page 337 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 29 Number 7 - November 2015 of bit shifting operation and also to overcome repeated test. In the cryptography techniques using symmetric key cryptography we are encrypt repeated data, it easily identify type of algorithm to be used. So that this is another disadvantage of symmetric key cryptography. So that by implementing proposed system it will not face the problem of repeated content. Another advantage of proposed system is no need to use the secret key for the encryption and decryption of plain type of message. By considering those solution we can specify the our proposed system is more efficient and more privacy of transferring message. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 is used to specify the related work our proposed system. Section 3 is used describe the implementation procedure of our propose system. Section 4 is to specify the conclusion of our propose system. Section 5 is to specify the references to be used for our proposed system. II. RELATED WORK In this section we review literature closely related to our proposed system. To days so many types of controlling of information dissemination. By implementing those techniques we can broad casting message to all other nodes in a network. Here we are only focus on broad casting information from the source node to destination node with secure manner. In a wireless broad casting [1][2] to transmission of data mainly depending on the reliability and over head of transmitting. To implementing broad casting information some of silent features are available in the network. One of the approach is fountain codes[3][4] is to improve more reliability and reduce transmission over head in the network.For example, Kumar et al. [3] propose FB cast, a new broadcast protocol that improves sensor networks’ wireless broadcast reliability using LT codes. Fountain codes are sparse graph codes for channels with erasures. They are an important technique to reduce redundancy caused by data retransmission. An idealized digital fountain should have the following properties [4]: 1) A sender can generate a potentially infinite supply of encoding packets from the original data. Encoding packets should be generated in constant time per packet given the original data; and 2) A receiver can reconstruct a message that would require k packets to send once any k encoding packets have been received. The reconstruction time should preferably be linear in k. Approximations to a digital fountain can be obtained from the idealized version by loosening the requirements in various ways. Four representative codes are: 1. Reed-Solomon codes [5]; ISSN: 2231-5381 2. Tornado codes [6]; 3. Luby Transformation (LT) codes [7]; and 4. Raptor codes [8]. On the practical scheme side, there have been studies on classical problems of secret sharing [9], [10], [11], [12], [13].The usual setting is that a sender encrypts a message into several parts, and some sets of qualified receivers can pool their received parts to reconstruct the message, while on the other hand unqualified users cannot retrieve the information even if they pool their shares together. These works and their follow-up works are different in spirit from Turf Cast. In these works, the encryption scheme is predefined, i.e., they have predefined qualified users and sometimes have a predefined set of knowledge to serve as keys. However, in Turf Cast, we do not have either the Concept of a key or a predefined set of qualified users. Any users lingering long enough near a designated spot can be qualified to receive the information. So the group of qualified users is highly dynamic and fluid, which hardly allows a systematic cryptographic scheme. III. PROPOSED SYSTEM In this proposed architecture we are introduce an evolutionary algorithm for cooperate communication between nodes. The cooperate communication can be done by using signal strength and channel capacity for the purpose of transferring data. By implementing cost communication shortest path algorithm we can identify shortest path between the source node to destination for transferring data. Before transferring data from source node to destination node we can perform the cryptography technique. In this paper we are proposed two bit change transpose technique for encryption and decryption of transferring data. Node Construction: In this module we construct a general node to node communication through the socket programming, Every node can communicate with each other .data packet can be transmitted from source node to destination node, Each node acts as server, it can accept the any connection and receives the data packets from any other node and transmits the data packets to other node. Before transferring data packet form one node to other the server will find out which node genuine node or malicious node. Identification of Genuine or malicious nodes in network: In this module we can identify genuine node or malicious node in network. The identification process can be done by the server in the network. Before identify the server will generate shared value Page 338 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 29 Number 7 - November 2015 and send to all nodes in a network. In this module the server will choose two nodes as malicious nodes for performing identification process of genuine or malicious. So that the server before sending shared value will choose two nodes as malicious and send different value. After that the nodes will retrieve the shared value from server and generate individual hash code of each node. After generating hash code the nodes will send to server. Based on hash value the server will find out malicious nodes in the network. After identifying malicious nodes each user find out shortest path from source node to destination node. Average Nodes Algorithm: Strength Shortest Path The implementation Average Nodes Strength Shortest Path algorithm finding shortest path. Before finding shortest path we are initialize each node signal strength and stored into database. After that we can also specify the out signal strength node in network. The implementation process of Average node strength shortest path algorithm is as follows. 1. 2. 3. Get the all nodes of signal strength (Si). Find out average signal strength from source node to destination node by using following formula. avg= S1+ S2 +………+Si /i Finding distance source node to other nodes by using following formula Int max=0; Encryption Algorithm: 1. Enter the transferring message and add randomized character between plain text. After each 3 character of plain text we can add the duplicate character. 2. After adding duplicate character we can convert into ascii format. 3. The ascii values can be converting into eight bit block and divide eight bit block into two parts. 4. After conversion two parts take the right block and reverse it. 5. Takenthose binary values and generates 32* 32 matrixes by using second level data. 6. After completion matrix generation we can perform circular transpose the matrix. 7. That transpose data can be transferred to destination through the path. Decryption Algorithm: The destination node will retrieve the cipher format message from the source node and decrypt that data by using following steps. 1. The cipher message will be converting into binary format. 2. Take the binary formats data and generate forming 32* 32 matrix format. Int min=S[i]; 3. After generating matrix we can perform the circular shift matrix we can get another matrix formatted data. If(max<min) { Max=min; } 4. After finding distance of each node we can arrange the path from source node to destination node. 5. So that the data send through path and reached the destination node. After finding the path source node will transfer the data through path to destination node. Before sending data to destination node the source node will encrypt the data and transfer to destination node. The implementation procedure of tiny transpose encryption algorithm as follows. 4. Take those binary values and divide those binary values equal eight bit parts. Tiny Transpose Encryption and Decryption Algorithm: 8. After converting ascci format we can convert into character and remove duplicate getting original message. 5. Take each eight bit binary values and split into two equal parts. 6. After splitting take the right part and revers that part. 7. After completion of reversing take that eight bit and convert into ascci format. This process continues till completion of total parts. The implementation procedure of encryption and decryption is as follows. ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 339 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 29 Number 7 - November 2015 By implementing those concepts we can reduce time complexity for finding shortest path and also provide more security of transferring data. BIOGRAPHIES: IV. CONCLUSION This paper presented newly evolutionary algorithm for finding shortest path source node and destination node. By implementing this algorithm we can find out shortest path and send data through that path. In this paper we also implement another approach for providing security of transferring data. So that every source node will perform one of the cryptography approach for converting data into unknown format. In this paper we are implementing tiny transpose encryption algorithm for encryption and decryption of transferring message. By implementing that concept we can improve network efficiency and also reduce time complexity. Another advantage is that to provide more security of transferring data. V. REFERENCES Katikam Mahesh is a Student inM.Tech(CSE) in Sarada Institute of science Technology Andmanagement, Srikakulam. He Receivedher B.Tech(CSE) from chebrolu engineering college ,chebrolu , guntur. His interesting areas are network security and data mining. Mr.V.Laxmiprasad is working as a Asst.professor in Sarada Institute of Science, Technology And Management,Srikakulam, Andhra Pradesh. 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