International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 29 Number 6 - November 2015 Missile Autopilot Design using Artificial Neural Networks 1 Adel Alsaraj, 2Gene Stuffle 1, 2, Idaho State University Abstract The power and speed of modern digital computers is truly astounding so that it enables carrying on complex tasks such as aerospace simulation, design and analysis, precisely. In addition to the nature of the guidance problem, the design technique, neural networks, necessitates cumbersome computations to yield precise and accurate performance. Neural networks approach the solution of this problem by trying to mimic the structure and function of the human nervous system. Therefore, this paper is devoted a new approach using the power of both computation facilities and neural networks in the design and analysis of an autopilot for the guidance system. Then, its performance is justified against the classical design approach through the Six degrees of freedom (6DoF) flight simulation. I. Introduction The nervous system consists of neurons, which are connected to each other in a rather complex way. Each neuron can be thought of as a node and the interconnections between them are edges [1]-[4]. Such a structure is called as a directed graph. Further, each edge has a weight associated with it, which represents how much the two interconnected neurons can interact. If the weight is more, then the two neurons can interact much more; and consequently a stronger signal can pass through the edge [5], [6]. Avery simple model and consists of a single trainable neuron. Trainable means that its threshold and input weights are modifiable. Inputs are presented to the neuron and each input has a desired output determined by the user or designer [7]. The threshold and/or input weights can be changed to modify the output according to the learning algorithm [8]. The output of the perceptron is constrained to Boolean values :( true, false), (1,0), (1,-1) or whatever [9], [10]. This is not a limitation because if the output of the perceptron were to be the input for something else, then the output edge could be made to have a weight and consequently the output would be dependent on this weight [11]. This paper is devoted to the autopilot design for a missile system using the artificial neural networks approach. The paper starts with introduction to the neural networks, followed by the Neural Net-based Guidance and autopilot Design ISSN: 2231-5381 using model reference neural network. Then, the designed controller is used with the system and the simulation results were analysed. Finally, the conclusions of the paper are discussed. II. Artificial neural networks Artificial Neural networks are composed of simple elements operating in parallel. These elements are inspired by biological nervous systems. As in nature, the network function is determined largely by the connections between elements. A neural network can be trained to perform a particular function by adjusting the values of the connections (weights) between elements. Commonly neural networks are adjusted or trained, so that a particular input leads to a specific desired output, fig. (1).The network is adjusted, based on a comparison of the output and the target, until the network output matches the target. Typically, many such input/target pairs are used, in this supervised learning, to train a network. The supervised training methods are commonly used, but other networks can be obtained from unsupervised training techniques or from direct design methods. Unsupervised networks can be used, for instance, to identify groups of data. There are a variety of kinds of design and learning techniques that enrich the choices that a user can make. Fig. (1) Idea of the Artificial Neural Network(ANN) connection Neural networks have been trained to perform complex functions in various fields of applications including pattern recognition, identification, classification, speech, vision, and control systems [12]. Today, neural networks can be trained to solve problems that are difficult for conventional computers or human beings. Page 284 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 29 Number 6 - November 2015 A. Neuron model A neuron with a single scalar input (Simple Neuron) and no bias is shown in fig. (2-a), where the scalar input p is transmitted through a connection that multiplies its strength by the scalar weight w, to form the product wp. The weighted input wp is the only argument of the transfer function f, which produces the scalar output a. However, to approach reality, the weighted input (wp) isusually corrupted by a bias (b), fig. (2-b). That is, the bias can be viewed as being added to the product wp as shown by the summing junction or as shifting the function f to the left by an amount b [13]. The bias is much like a weight, except that it has a constant value. The net input n, again a scalar, is the sum of the weighted input wp and the bias b. This sum is the argument of the transfer function f. A transfer function f is typically a step function or a sigmoid function that takes the argument n and produces the output a. Note that w and b are both adjustable scalar parameters of the neuron [14], [15]. (a) Without bias (b) With bias Fig. (2) Simple neuron configuration The central idea of neural networks is that such parameters can be adjusted so that the network exhibits some desired behavior. Thus, the network can be trained to carry on a particular job by adjusting the weight or bias parameters, or perhaps the network itself can adjust these parameters to achieve some desired output. B. Transfer functions The transfer function can be found in many different forms; among them are the hard limit, the linear, and the sigmoid types. The hard limit transfer function is used to limit the output of the neuron to either 0, if the net input argument n is less than 0, or 1, if n is greater than or equal to 0. The linear transfer functionis used to transfer the input with a certain scaling factor. While, the sigmoid transfer functionaccepts the input, which may have any value between plus and minus infinity, and squashes the output into the range from 0 to 1. ISSN: 2231-5381 C. Neuron with vector input A neuron with a single R-element input vector is shown in fig. (3). Fig. (3) Neuron with vector input In this structure, the individual element inputs p1, p2, …,pR are multiplied by weights w1,1, w1,2, ...,w1,R and the weighted values are fed to the summing junction. Their sum is simply Wp, and it is obtained by the dot product of the matrix W and the vector p. The neuron has a bias b, which is summed with the weighted inputs to form the net input n. This sum, n, is the argument of the transfer function f, and it is given by: n w 1,1 p w p w R p R b (1 ) D. Network architectures Two or more of the neurons shown above may be combined in a layer, and a particular network might contain one or more of such layers. Single Layer of Neurons A one-layer network with R input elements and S neurons is shown in fig. (4).In this network, each element of the input vector p is connected to each neuron input through the weight matrix W. The ith neuron has a summer that gathers its weighted inputs and the bias to form its own scalar output ni. The various ni taken together form an Selement net input vector n. Finally, the neuron layer outputs form a column vector a. Note that it is common for the number of inputs to a layer to be different from the number of neurons. In addition, a layer is not constrained to have the number of its inputs equal to the number of its neurons. A single composite layer of neurons having different transfer functions can be created simply by putting two of the networks shown above in parallel. Both networks would have the same inputs, and each network would create some of the output elements. The input vector elements are applied to the network through the weight matrix W, which has the form: Page 285 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 29 Number 6 - November 2015 W w1,1 w2,1 w1, 2 w2, 2 ... w1, R ... w2, R wS ,1 wS , 2 ... wS , R Note that the row indices on the elements of matrix W indicate the destination neuron of the weight and the column indices indicate which source is the input for that weight. For example, the indices in w1,2 say that the strength of the signal (5) Ainput multi-layer from the Fig. second elementnetwork to the first neuron is w1,2. Fig. (4) A one-layer network Multiple Layers of Neurons A network can have several layers; each layer has a weight matrix W, a bias vector b, and an output vector a. A three-layer network is shown in fig. (5) with the equations written below the figure. This network has R1 inputs, S1 neurons in the first layer, S2 neurons in the second layer, etc. It is common for different layers to have different numbers of neurons and a constant input 1 is fed to the biases for each neuron. Note that the outputs of each intermediate layer are the inputs to the following one. Thus, layer 2 can be analysed as a one-layer network with S1 inputs, S2 neurons, and an S1S2 weight matrix W2. The input to layer 2 is a1, and the output is a2. The layers of a multilayer network play different roles. In other words, a layer that produces the network output is called an output layer, while all other layers are called hidden layers. That is, the three-layer network shown in fig. (5) has one output layer (layer 3) and two hidden layers (layer 1 and layer 2). Multiple layer networks are quite powerful in evaluating complex processes. For instance, a network of two layers, where the first layer is sigmoid and the second layer is linear, can be trained to approximate any function (with a finite number of discontinuities) arbitrarily well. E. Learning approaches There are different learning approaches and consequently different types of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) that enable its utilization with different applications. Among these approaches are [16]: Back-propagation multilayer ANN,Recurrent type ANN,Associative type,Probabilistic, andAdaptive resonance. The Back-propagation is utilized in real time learning controller function, and consequently it is considered with autopilot design for the guidance system. Back-propagation was created by generalizing the Widrow-Hoff learning rule to multiple-layer networks and nonlinear differentiable transfer functions. Input vectors and the corresponding output vectors are used to train a network until it can approximate a function, associate input vectors with specific output vectors, or classify input vectors in an appropriate way as defined by the designer. Networks with biases, a sigmoid layer, and a linear output layer are capable of approximating any function with a finite number of discontinuities. Standard back-propagation is a gradient descent algorithm, as is the Widrow-Hoff learning rule. The term backpropagation refers to the manner in which the gradient is computed for nonlinear multilayer networks. There are a number of variations on the basic algorithm, which are based on other standard optimization techniques, such as conjugate gradient and Newton methods. Typically, a new input will lead to an output similar to the correct output for input vectors used in training that are similar to the new input being presented. This generalization property makes it possible to train a network on a representative set of input/target pairs and get good results without training the network on all possible input/output pairs [17]. III. Neural net-based guidance and control design The application of neural networks has attracted significant attention in several disciplines, ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 286 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 29 Number 6 - November 2015 such as signal processing, identification and control. The success of neural networks is mainly attributed to their unique features such as: Parallel structures with distributed storage and processing of massive amounts of information, and Learning ability made possible by adjusting the network interconnection weights and biases based on certain learning algorithms. The first feature enables neural networks to process large amounts of dimensional information in real-time. The implication of the second feature is that the non-linear dynamics of a system can be learned and identified directly by an artificial neural network. In addition, the network can adapt to changes in the environment and make decisions despite uncertainty in operating conditions. Therefore, neural networks are implemented in aerospace applications and consequently the guidance system for enhancing its performance. Most neural networks can be represented by a standard (N+1) layer feed forward network. In z this network, the input is 0 y while the output zN n . The input and output are related by is the following recursive relationship: net j zj W jz j 1 Vj 2)N , j 1, 2,........ f i (net j ) A. Neural network with model reference control In this control structure, the desired performance of the closed-loop system is specified through a stable reference model, which is defined by its input-output pair {r(t), yref(t)}, fig. (6) [19]. This figure (shows that the control system attempts to make the plant output y(t) match the reference model output yref(t), asymptotically. Thus, the error between the plant and the reference model outputs is used to adjust the weights of the neural network controller [20]. r NN reference model yr ef + e NN controller u NN y Pla nt Fig. (6) Model reference control scheme. Autopilot design using model reference NN A hybrid model reference adaptive control scheme is implemented with the guidance system. In this system, a neural network is placed in parallel ( with a linear fixed-gain independently regulated 1 autopilot as shown in fig. (7). B. and net N W N z N z N net N 1 ( VN 3) where the weights Wj and Vj are of the appropriate dimensions. Vj is the connection of the weight vector to the bias node. The activation function vectors fj (.), j = 1, 2,..., N–1 are usually chosen as some kind of sigmoid, but they may be simple identity gains. The activation function of the output layer nodes is generally an identity function. The neural network can, thus, be succinctly expressed as NN( y; W, V) Fig. (7) Block Diagram of acceleration control system using model reference NN controller The linear autopilot is chosen so as to ( f N ( W N f N 1 ( W N 1f N 2 (...stabilize the plant over the operating range and 3 provide approximate control, while the neural ) 1 y V1 ) V 2 ) ... V N 1 ) V N ) W 2 f1 ( W controller is used to enhance the performance of the where f ji (net ij (k )) 2 1 e netij ( k ) 1, i,4) j 1,......, N 1 wherei denotes the ith element of fj and λ is the learning constant. For network training, error back propagation is one of the standard methods used to adjust the weights of neural networks [18]. ISSN: 2231-5381 linear autopilot when performance becomes poor by adjusting its weights. A suitable reference model is ( chosen to define the desired closed-loop autopilot p re f y re f responses and across the flight envelope. These outputs are then compared with the actual outputs of the lateral autopilot p and yielding an error measurement vector [ Page 287 y p re rror International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 29 Number 6 - November 2015 y re rror ]T. This error is used in conjunction with an adaptive rule to adjust the weights of the neural network so that the tracking error is minimized. A direct effect of this approach is to suppress the influence resulting from roll rate coupling. The neural network model and controller are designed using the Matlab neural network toolbox. A two layer network is designed with sigmoid transfer function followed by a linear one for both the plant and the controller. This structure is shown in fig. (8), which shows the connection The network is trained offline with a step reference signal yielding the system response shown in fig. (9). This figure shows a stable system, but with distorted transients. This neural The network is trained offline with a step reference signal yielding the system response shown in fig. (9). This figure shows a stable system, but with distorted transients. This neural network autopilot is implemented with the Six degrees of freedom (6DoF) simulation and the same engagement scenario of [21]. The obtained miss distance is reduced to only 5%. Fig. (9) Acceleration step response with neural controller at 6 sec For more enhancements in the system performance, the network is retrained but with reference signal adjusted to cope with the values obtained from the previous 6DOF simulations. Then, the new autopilot is implemented yielding faster response, fig. (10), and higher relative stability compared with the previous one and also that obtained with classical control in [21]. For more justification of this new autopilot, it is implemented within the 6DOF simulation, which is conducted with target initial position of [6 1 –2] Km, initial velocity of [-250 –100 0]. This target experienced a manoeuvre of [30 –25 10] [m/sec2], i.e. 4.23 g after 5 seconds from the instance of missile launch, and lasted for 2 seconds. The missile-target flight path with a lead network is shown in fig. (11-a) where the miss distance is 47.8 ISSN: 2231-5381 between the two networks in Simulink point of view. Fig. (8) The connection between the two networks in Simulink point of view. [m] and the time of flight is 8.27 seconds. Using the modified neural network controller yields the engagement scenario shown in fig. (11-b), where the miss distance is about 3[m], and the flight time is 8.15 seconds. That is, it yields to save 2% in the flight time and to reduce 94% in the miss distance, compared to the previous design. It is clear that, the new system is much faster than the original one, and with less miss distance of about 93% of the lead network and 85% Fig. (10) Acceleration step response with modified neural controller at 6 sec Fig. (11) Missile and Target trajectory (a) with original autopilot (b) modified NN controller It is clear that, the new system is much faster than the original one, and with less miss distance of about 93% of the lead network and 85% less than the classical PID controller. The three Page 288 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 29 Number 6 - November 2015 engagement scenarios are plotted together with zooming to clarify the difference between them as shown in fig. (12). this figure clarifies how the neural network achieved a smooth and fast approach to the interception with minimum miss distance. [5] [6] IV. Conclusions A neural network based adaptive inverting autopilot design is developed and implemented for a guided missile system. This design approach was superior to the original and designed classical approaches from the point of view of miss distance and demanded acceleration. That is, the neural network proved its robustness with such a stochastic non-linear system provided it is carefully trained. [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] Fig. (12) Missile-target engagement scenarios with lead, PID and neural networks References [1] [2] [3] [4] [18] [19] Calise A., and R. Rysdyk; ‘Nonlinear Adaptive Flight Control Using Neural Networks’, Control Systems Magazine, December 2008. [20] McFarland M., A.J. Calise; ‘Neural-Adaptive Nonlinear Autopilot Design for an Agile Anti-Air Missile’, AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control [21] Conference, San Diego, CA, AIAA 96-3914, July 29- 31, 1996. 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