Analysis and Enhancement of Adaptive Packet Technique in Wireless Sensor Network

International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 24 Number 5- June 2015
Analysis and Enhancement of Adaptive Packet Technique in Wireless
Sensor Network
Ritesh Kumar#
M.Tech, Electronics and Communication Engineering, LPU, Jalandhar, Punjab, India
Abstract- Wireless Sensor network (WSN) is an application based
and self configuring type of network. All sensor nodes in WSN work
cooperatively to serve the requests. The battery consumption,
security, packet loss etc. are some of the major challenges of
wireless sensor networks. In previous times, many techniques had
been proposed to reduce battery consumption and packet loss in the
network. The advertisement scheme is the much efficient technique
to reduce the packet loss in the network. In this paper, enhancement
in the advertisement scheme is proposed which is based on the
acknowledgement based technique. The simulations are performed
using Network Simulator (NS-2) Version 2.35 tool. The
experimental result shows that the proposed technique overcomes
the problem of advertisement request and response packet collision
in the advertisement scheme.
Keywords- WSN, LEACH, CLUSTERING, Advertisement scheme,
A wireless sensor network is the collection of nodes
organized in cooperative manner. The nodes used in the
network are the sensor nodes which are used for the
communication by using the wireless media. The wireless
media may be either radio frequency waves, infrared medium
or any other media in which there is no use of the wires is
done. The sensor nodes are arranged randomly and the nodes
may communicate with each another to establish an Ad-hoc
network [2]. In wireless sensor network the sensor nodes
monitor different conditions at different locations and
different conditions may be some kind of heat or
temperatures, stress, strain, level of noise, movement of
vehicle, the objects’ presence, the atmospheric conditions like
humidity, lightning condition etc, and any current
characteristics like the speed and direction of any object and
shape of objects [14]. The sensor nodes are automatic devices
distributed locally to cooperatively monitor any location. The
sensor nodes normally have a sensing medium, a processing
medium and a communicating medium. A sensor node
consists of a senor module, a battery, a processor and a radio
device. These nodes are generally low-power nodes and are
capable to do multiple functions, operate in an unmanned
atmosphere with the limited capability of computation and
sensing [15]. In case if a sensor node is unable to establish the
communication with any of the other node, then it means that
they are not within the range with one another. In such
situations, the data can be transmitted to the destination node
by using the inter-mediate nodes between the source node and
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the destination node. This way of transmission of data is
known as multi-hoping [2].
All sensor nodes in WSN work cooperatively to serve the
requests. There is no requirement of prior established infrastructure to deploy the network. In such networks we can add
or remove the nodes as per requirement. This property is
known as the flexibility of the network. Due to this property
we have to deal with several forceful changes in the topology
of the network such as the path updation, updation of the tree
of the network etc. In a wireless sensor network the sensor
node collects data and then sends it to the sink. The data sink
may be connected to the world via internet where the
information may be required [2]. The most common problem
in using such kinds of network is their limited battery life.
This is due to the reason that a sensor node is expected to be
small in size and this results in the constraints on its
component’s size i.e. battery size, processors size, data and
information storing memory, all are required to be small.
Thus any optimization in these networks should be focused
on optimizing the energy consumption. In WSN, a lot of
sensed data and routing information has to be transmitted
that usually have some time constraints so that the
information can be utilized before any mishap happens,
e.g. industrial monitoring, machinery monitoring, etc [2]. In
data communication more energy power is consumed in
comparison to any other internal processing. So energy
conservation in WSN is needs to be addressed.
In section II, we have included the related work. In
section III, we have introduced the CSMA/CA. The section IV
includes the proposed methodology and simulations and
results are discussed in section V.
Fan Xiangning and Song Yulin [1] studied the LEACH
protocol, and puts forward energy-LEACH and multi-hop
LEACH protocols. Energy-LEACH protocol improves the
selection technique of the cluster head. This protocol assigns
the task of cluster head to some node which has more residual
energy. Multi-hop LEACH protocols improve the mode of
communication from single hop to multi-hop between the sink
node and the cluster head. Simulation results show that the
energy-LEACH and multi-hop LEACH protocols have better
performance than the Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering
Hierarchy (LEACH) protocol, which is basically a clustering
based protocol used in data collection from the wireless
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Yunxia Chen and Qing Zhao [12] studied the integrated
design of medium accesses management protocols for
wireless device network for the maximization of network
lifespan. They identified following key parameter- the channel
state and therefore the remained energy- that have an effect on
network lifespan. They showed that maximizing time period
of the network requires adaptively commerce off CSI (channel
state information) with REI (residual energy information)
accordingly with the life period of network [12]. Specifically,
network life period-increasing protocols ought to be
additionally aggressive by providing the priorities to sensors
with higher network channels, specializing in reducing power
consuming, when the network is new.
Bilal Abu Bakr and Leszek Lilie [5], proposed the
LEACH-SM protocol. This LEACH-SM protocol modifies
the renowned LEACH protocol by providing an optimal
energy saving spare management, together with the spare
selection. LEACH-SM includes the spare selection phase to
LEACH protocol. This paper presented a quantitative
comparison of the energy consumption and wireless sensor
network lifetime for both the protocols.
Nikodem M. et al. [13], focused on the theoretical
aspects of clustering in the wireless sensor networks, as a
mean to enhance the lifetime of the network. They
investigated whether the clustering itself (without data
aggregation) can enhance the network lifetime in a specific
application when compared to non-clustered networks. Their
result showed that the clustering itself cannot enhance the
lifetime of network, therefore the additional techniques and
means are needed to be utilized in action with clustering.
F.J. Atero et al. [3], proposed a new architecture called
HARP (Hierarchical Adaptive and Reliable Routing Protocol).
It is a clustering algorithm that builds the inter-cluster and
intra-cluster hierarchic trees that are reformed to save lots of
power. This architectural design is scalable and might be
utilized in both homogeneous as well as heterogeneous
wireless sensor networks. Also a new cluster heads election
formulation and its associated data gathering protocol (sHARP) was proposed in this paper. This protocol results in
optimizing and balancing the consumption of energy within
the network.
Dahlila P. Dahnil, et al. [4], presented a relative study of
clustering techniques and cluster quality of a single criterion
cluster heads formation in wireless sensor network. They
simulated the Hybrid Energy Efficient Distributed (HEED)
[11], Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH)
and Energy-based LEACH protocols and compared their
performances in terms of the number of cluster head
generated, size of the cluster, and distribution of cluster head,
coverage, and scalability. The results of these protocols were
presented to point out that how the cluster formation helps in
enhancement of the lifetime network. We investigated
scalability aspects in the presence of advanced nodes in the
network and its effect on the network lifetime.
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In wireless networks there is the need to avoid the
collisions because it is not possible to detect those always. So
the technique known as carrier-sense multiple accesses with
collision avoidance (CSMA-CA) was discovered for this type
of network. The CSMA/CA is a protocol which is basically
designed by making modifications in the carrier sense
multiple access method. The carrier-sense multiple accesses
with collision avoidance are used for making the
improvements over carrier-sense multiple accesses method. It
is basically used for the carrier transmission in the 802.11
wireless networking. The carrier-sense multiple accesses with
collision avoid is the scheme which is applied to prevent the
collisions before they take place. In the carrier-sense multiple
accesses with collision avoid technique; whenever a node or a
station receives a packet that is to be transmitted, it firstly
checks to make it sure that the channel is not busy means there
is not any other node which is transferring data packet at that
particular instant of time. When the station finds that the
channel is idle, then only the packet is transferred. In any
condition if the channel is busy, then the node or station has to
wait for a random instant of time, and then checks again to see
that the channel is clear or not. This time period is known as
the back-off factor or back-off period, and this back-off period
is count down by the back-off counters [8]. When the back off
counters reaches to zero, then if the channel is obtained clear
then only the node transfers the packets. If the channel is
unclear or busy when the back- off counter reaches to zero,
the back- off factor is set again, and the same process is
revised again.
Carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance in
the computer networking, is a network multiple access method
in which carrier sensing is used, but nodes try to avoid the
collisions by transmitting only when the channel is found to
be in "idle" position [9]. The key idea behind the carrier sense
multiple-access with collision detection (CSMA/CD)
technique is that a station must have to be able to receive
while transmitting to detect a collision. When the collision is
not present there, the station only receives one signal i.e. its
own signal. When the collision is present there, the station
receives two different signals in which one is its own signal
and the second is the signal transmitted by a second station
[10]. To differentiate these two cases, the received signals in
both the cases must be considerably different. In the case of a
wired network, the received signal and the sent signal has
almost the same energy because either the length of the cable
is short or the repeaters are present there in order to amplify
the energy between the sender and the receiver. This employs
that in a collision, the detected energy becomes almost double.
In case of a wireless network, much amount of the transmitted
energy is wasted in the transmission. Thus in the received
signal there is very little energy. Thus, a collision may add up
to 5 to 10 percent additional energy. This technique is not
useful for effective detection of collisions. Thus we need to
avoid the collisions on a wireless network because they cannot
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 24 Number 5- June 2015
be detected. Thus the carrier sense multiple access with
collision avoidance technique was invented for this network.
In carrier sensing multiple accesses with collision
avoidance, the collisions are avoided with the help of three
strategies of CSMA/CA – the interframe space, the contention
window, and the last one is the acknowledgements. In case of
wireless sensor networks there are some problems or some
issues known as – hidden terminal problem, and exposed
terminal problem. In case of controlled access methods, the
stations or nodes make consultation with one another to
confirm that which particular node or station has the rights to
transmit. A node can’t transmit until it is licensed or
authorized by the other nodes. Three popular controlledaccess methods: First is the reservation method, second is the
polling method and third is the token passing method. Studies
show that under ideal propagation conditions (simulations),
the Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) modulation
technique provides the highest throughput for all nodes on a
network when used in collaboration with CSMA/CA and the
IEEE 802.11 RTS/CTS exchange when the network load is
light. The Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS)
modulation technique follows distantly behind directsequence spread spectrum technique with regard to throughput
with a greater throughput when the network load becomes
actually heavy. However, under the real world conditions, the
throughput is generally the same due to the radio propagation
period time, sink again sends an advertisement respond packet
to requesting cluster head.
The simulations of proposed methodology are performed
and results are analyzed using network simulator (NS-2)
version 2.35 tool.
Number of Nodes
Antenna Type
Number of Channels
Propagation Model
Two Ray Propagation Model
Physical Medium
Wireless Medium
The simulation parameters used are given in table 1.
The battery consumption is the major issue in the wireless
sensor network. To reduce the battery consumption of the
sensor nodes many techniques are proposed so far, among all
the techniques clustering is much efficient technique. In
technique of clustering whole network is divided into fixed
size clusters and in each cluster, cluster heads are chosen. The
data is transmitted from one cluster head to another. The
routes between source and destination will be selected with
reactive routing protocols. In this routing scheme, the slotted
ALOHA is used for channel sensing. The Slotted ALOHA
will not work efficiently due to the self configuring nature of
wireless sensor network and it cause packet collision in the
network. To increase efficiency of the network, advertisement
scheme had been proposed to take channel access. In
advertisement scheme, the advertisement request and response
packet can collide in specific conditions which reduce the
network efficiency. The enhancement is been proposed in
advertisement scheme to remove advertisement request and
response packet collisions. The proposed enhancement is
based on the acknowledgement scheme. The cluster head
which is requesting for the channel access will send an
advertisement request packet to sink and sink will respond
back with the advertisement respond back, if the channel is
free. When the cluster head receives advertisement respond
packet, it will send an acknowledgment packet to sink. If the
sink will not receive acknowledgment packet in threshold
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Fig. 1 Packet loss graph
As illustrated in the figure 1, the green line shows the
packet loss in the old scenario and red line shows the packet
loss in the new scenario. The packet loss in the old scenario is
more due to advertisement request and response packet
collisions. The proposed methodology has implemented in the
new scenario and it shows that it reduce packet loss in the
network and increase network reliability, throughput and
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In this work, we conclude that packet loss is the major [15]
issue in the wireless sensor network due to its self configuring
nature. The packet loss in the network can lead to increase in
energy consumption of the wireless sensor nodes. To reduce
packet loss in the network advertisement scheme had been
proposed in the past year. In advertisement scheme,
advertisement request and response packet collision can
happen which reduce network throughput and increase battery
consumption. To overcome this problem, enhancement in
advertisement scheme is proposed in this paper which is based
on the acknowledgment technique. The experimental results
show that proposed enhancement is much efficient and
reliable than existing technique.
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