Reduction of Carbon Emission by Using Green Bricks: Bangladesh Perspective Debojit Sarker

International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 24 Number 1- June 2015
Reduction of Carbon Emission by Using Green Bricks:
Bangladesh Perspective
Debojit Sarker1, Md. Khairul Hasan Khan2, Md. Moynur Rahman3, Sumit Saha4, Dr. Rowshan
Graduate Student, 2MSc Student, 3Junior Engineer, 5Professor,
1, 2, 4, 5
Department of Civil Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka,
Oriental Consultants Co. Ltd, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Abstract— Carbon emanations are the most despicable
aspect of the present world. What's more, advancements of
the created world are contributing most to this worldwide
marvel of high-carbon discharges. Advancement of vitality
proficient hello there tech is vital to build profitability in the
modern area furthermore lessening of carbon discharges.
Bangladesh is the best place in South Asia for venture, and
in such manner we need to develop green-innovation for
more productive and less polluting modern procedures. The
expression "innovation" alludes to the use of information for
useful purposes and the field of "green innovation" envelops
a persistently advancing gathering of routines and
materials, from strategies for creating vitality to non-lethal
cleaning items. Bangladesh is as yet pondering issues like
illicit brick kilns, utilization of kindling for brick preparing,
brickfields on cropland and the loss of top soil and cutting
of slopes faulted for brick producing. An extensive number
of brick kilns absence of standard level as needed by the
related law while numerous others don't have the clearances
from the Bureau of Environment (BoE). Bricks are being
made in these furnaces by blazing kindling. Moreover, the
smoke discharged from brick kilns causes respiratory issues
and asthma in youngsters and elderly individuals in
adjacent regions. As per an UNDP review, these brickfields
reason air contamination, land corruption and
deforestation. Brick makers are significant polluters, yet
today there is a cleaner option going ahead stream called
green bricks. Bangladesh has received smokeless brick
making innovation presented by the UN Advancement
Program. The creative innovation that is being utilized to
supplant the current exceptionally old framework will make
brick fabricating more environment-accommodating in
Bangladesh. This innovation requires less human
intercession than the conventional. Lower loss of kindling,
less utilization of coal, low interest for mud, low human
intercession and so on are the diverse great sides to green
brick fabricating. In the wake of exhibiting such certainties
in regards to conventional brick framework, the paper
additionally inspects the probability of green brick
innovation with points of interest. This paper additionally
sharpens the individuals by making mindfulness against
conventional kilns and makes the innovation basically
accessible to the brick producers and along these lines
serves to advance the utilization of green bricks.
Keywords— Carbon emission, Green technology, Green
brick, Sustainable development, Bangladesh.
ISSN: 2231-5381
In a large portion of the Asian nations the
craftsmanship and investigation of green brick making
is frequently the most ignored however most critical
part of accomplishing efficiently great quality let go
bricks and other ceramic items. The craft of brick
making has been kept casually inside of families and
has been gone on to eras through customary
information. There has been no recorded endeavour to
exchange the craftsmanship and exploration of this
part of brick making ability to "pariahs" in an
investigative and methodical way. Subsequently, until
today, with the exception of the rehearsing decays,
numerous expert brick making business visionaries
know almost no about the best green brick creation
practices and the reasons thereof. It additionally
manages the fundamental learning and comprehension
the art of the whole process, from soil determination
to making an item prepared for terminating. This
paper means to present the certainty how this
imperilled environment of Bangladesh can be spared
by the mass utilization of green brick innovation. This
article is separated into four sections: the first part
contains the examination procedure utilized as a part
of this work; in second part dialog on conventional
brick making industry in Bangladesh. In the following
part, there is exchange displayed on the possibility of
the green brick innovation. The last part comprises of
finish of this exploration took after by discoveries.
Bangladesh is the 8th biggest crowded nation with
160 million individuals. Every year 3,00,000 to
4,00,000 provincial individuals move in Dhaka. The
current individuals and new vagrants need lodging
office. At present in our nation the every year obliged
asylum changes from 3 lakh to 5.5 lakh units.
Bangladesh will need to develop pretty nearly four
million new houses yearly to suit the developing
populace. Fast urbanization in the nation has made a
blasting development industry and prodded the
generation of 8.6 billion bricks every year, with
interest for the bricks ascending at a yearly rate of
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 24 Number 1- June 2015
around 5.28 percent (UNDP; 2011). Bangladesh has number, actual should be at least 15% higher. Most
around 6,000 approved brickfields and various illicit brick fields have set up 25-feet tin chimney stacks set
ones. The unlawful brickfields don't have fitting assets up of 120-feet ones, resisting government rules. In the
to run and legitimate permit to keep the fields into brick furnaces smokes are wafting out of the
track. The brickfields are ordinarily little free units smokestacks dirtying nature of the range.
and work 24 hours amid the dry season. They are
situated close towns or significant development
As indicated by the Brick Kiln Control (altered) Act
locales; i.e., Gabtali, Savar, Ashuliya, Keraniganj, (2001), there must be no foundation of brick kilns
Narshingdi, Gazipur and Manikganj. In Dhaka, there inside of a three-kilometer range of human
are around 4,500 brick kilns in operation, creating inhabitation and in addition organic product garden.
around 9.0 billion bricks for each year. The biggest Be that as it may, absence of legitimate checking,
brick making zone is on the north of Dhaka city, brickfields have sprung up like mushrooms and the
where more than 1,000 brickfields are arranged. The circumstance has made a genuine risk to environment
current innovation for terminating furnace are altered and biodiversity while the individuals in the
stack kiln (FCK) and bull's trench furnace (BTK); neighboring regions face wellbeing risks and ripeness
however last one is banned in Bangladesh contributes of ranches is going down. The brick kilns radiate
16% of generation. The primary crude materials lethal vapour containing suspended particulate matters
utilized as a part of brick kilns to dry bricks are rich in carbon particles and high centralization of
kindling and coal. If there should be an occurrence of carbon monoxides and oxides of sulphur (SOx) that
inaccessibility of coal brick fields (around 33%) are unsafe to human health.
utilization kindling illicitly to dry bricks. Therefore an
extensive number of trees like Keora, chaila, sundari,
mehguni, bain and so forth are being felled aimlessly.
On the off chance that Bangladesh keeps up its current
financial development rate, proceeded with utilization
of this obsolete brick terminating innovation would
raise the level of nursery gas outflows to 8.7 million
tons by 2014 by utilizing coal as a part of the reason.
Moreover, utilizing of kindling as a part of furnaces
likewise brings about critical deforestation and this
wood still record for around 25 percent of the fuel
utilized as a part of Bangladesh's brick making kilns
The division of environment said that the 4,000
brick kilns smoulder almost 20 lakh huge amounts of
coal and another 20 lakh huge amounts of wood
consistently to take care of the demand for 400 to
1200 tons of fuel. Request proposed that numerous
brick makers set up their kilns close backwoods with
the expectation to plain the woods illicitly. Another
examination uncovers that specialists of the brick field
cut numerous trees as well as assembled embankments
to prevent water from entering its premises amid high
tide which brings about sudden surge in the
neighbouring ranges. Alongside this, individuals
working in the brickfield in light of fatal air and poor
water quality need to acknowledge a subhuman life.
On a normal the labourers get 80 taka consistently for
more than 12 hours of greatly hard or risky work. In
Bangladesh there are three noteworthy wellsprings of
air contamination; i.e. (a) vehicular emanation, (b)
little commercial enterprises like brick kilns and
different biomass inclinators and (c) re-suspended
street dust. In assembling seasons of brick, October to
Spring, contamination goes to crest in Dhaka and
around the city relying upon the monsoonal
downpours. The Figure 1 shows total number of brick
kilns in Bangladesh in Brick-burning season 20052006 (GEF-UNDP Study, 2006). This is the minimum
ISSN: 2231-5381
Figure 1. Number of Brick Kilns in Bangladesh (GEFUNDP Study, 2006)
The green brick generation procedure is the most
essential perspective in any kind of brick making to
accomplish quality and benefit. Every progression of
the whole green brick generation framework is
interlinked. Disregarding any one procedure will
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 24 Number 1- June 2015
influence the last item quality. Soil excavation, soil the best possible procedure of pugging is not took
storage, pugging process, moulding process, drying after then soil chunks of different sizes stay inside of
and stacking, and sorting –are the steps for green brick the earth to be formed. This not just purposes splits in
production (Saha & Rahman, 2013).
the green bricks amid drying and terminating
procedure (significant reason for breakage)
A. Soil excavation
additionally diminishes the quality of the let go bricks.
In the wake of finishing the dirt quality for brick
making through brick bats testing and pilot scale
Both manual and automated pugging are by and
generation trials the removal of the chose soil begins. large drilled for setting up the dirt for embellishment.
The initial phase in this procedure is to cut the grass In manual pugging process, the dirt is uncovered and
and do a general cleaning, uprooting all surface spread out on the ground, watered and left to douse
vegetation and stones from the zone. The second step overnight. The blend of soil and water is then pugged
is to unearth just the chose soil. On the off chance that physically by foot. In automated pugging, the sodden
obliged evacuate soil that is keeping the uncovering of soil is uncovered from the store and bolstered
chose soil. Convention and financial aspects straightforwardly into the pug factory while the
characterizes the utilization of supplies for soil obliged water add up to accomplish the required
removal. Generally for efficient reasons, these days consistency is included physically amid the pugging
cutting edge and motorized machines are likewise procedure. By and large there is no institutionalized
being utilized as a part of Bangladesh. Automation for practice for working this. Every site has its particular
soil uncovering and additionally green brick blending qualities that will be vital to exploit. Different
is gradually turning into an essential piece of green elements, for example, offices accessible at the site,
brick making in Bangladesh. Brick business business person's longing, site geology and so forth
visionaries are pulled in to automation because of must be used before pugging work begins. It is the
different reasons basically because of human asset obligation of the business visionary to create efficient
administration issue, high brick interest and rivalry and still proficient pugging practices at his site.
among the brick business people for delivering quality
D. Moulding process
Moulding is the procedure where the pugged mud is
B. Soil Storage
put in a mold in request to shape indicated states of
Albeit there are a few frameworks of crude material bricks. Trim is the procedure by which the readied soil
stockpiling connected in profoundly motorized brick is framed into the state of a brick. There are two
creation commercial enterprises, for Bangladesh, techniques for trim in particular manual and motorized.
under the common brick generation circumstance, the The most widely recognized technique for
most proper and savvy crude material stockpiling sort embellishment followed in Bangladesh is sand
is the outside, longitudinal stockpile. The outside shaping. Motorized embellishment comprises of
stockpiles are specifically presented to the climate; the squeezing and expulsion. Aside from these there are
crude materials are then again dried out by the sun and more complex strategies for brick making e.g.
immersed by downpour.
mechanical squeezing, water powered squeezing and
firm expulsion. The recent techniques are out of the
The most suitable stockpiling sort is the 'Level top extent of dialog since they are outside the allotted
store' system. It comprises of individual even layers boundaries for little scale brick creators because of the
which are delivered while saving the crude material. It to a great degree high venture cost. Trim procedure is
is of point of preference if the individual layers are not trailed by a few stages. They are transportation of
surpassing 20 to 30 cm all together that the maturing arranged soil, soil development, mixture readiness,
and mixing procedure is proficient. Maybe the most framing of wedge, tossing of wedge into the mold box,
basic stockpiling sort is the 'Rooftop sort' stockpiling. compaction of batter, cutting of intemperate mixture
This strategy has however one inconvenience, while and leveling, discharging and leveling and cleaning of
keeping the dirt, the coarse grain tends to roll towards mold.
the base, henceforth the upper layers comprise
basically of fine grained material, while the base E. Drying and Stacking
layers contain generally coarse grained material.
Drying in brick making ordinarily alludes to the
procedure of thermally evacuating dampness to yield a
C. Pugging process
strong item. Thermally uprooting the dampness can be
Pugging of crude materials guarantees homogeneity achieved by either mechanical warming (dryer) or
of soil with different added substances. The all the climatic drying (presentation to sun beams). For brick
more completely the procedure is done the more making in Bangladesh, air drying is the most wellprominent the homogeneity of the brick. Prior to the known practice.
pugging procedure consideration ought to be taken to
uproot methodically every remote molecule e.g. stones,
Stacking of green bricks obliges unique
brick bats, plastic, wood and so on. In the event that consideration and just very much prepared laborers
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 24 Number 1- June 2015
can do it in an all-around oversaw way. For the most of Dhaka and Chittagong which is produced in China
part the green brick stacking is finished by (Saha & Rahman, 2013). Among the two choices
disintegrates themselves. Different examples of UNDP pick half and half innovation for Bangladesh.
stacking are followed in Bangladesh. In a few sections Under the 'green brick venture' UNDP hopes to set up
a herringbone example of stacking is made, in a few no less than 16 HHK by 2015 in the nation in view of
sections honeycomb and in different parts shut stuffed its 'triple advantage' including vitality productivity,
stacking and in different parts cross stacking. The cost viability and making vocation open door for
herringbone example is the most effective since it nearby individuals. UNDP likewise hopes to build up
considers quicker and notwithstanding drying.
a preparation focus to prepare up green brick furnace
F. Storing of green bricks
Green bricks are mostly put away for terminating
Green brick has officially begun working in diverse
amid the blustery season. The driest months for the territories of our nation; i.e., Savar, Dhaka, Ashulia,
year must be used to deliver green bricks on store. Mymensingh, Khulna and Norshindi. Creation of such
Amid the mid-year months green bricks dry speedier. bricks recommended that they require just 40% of
Hence the rate of generation will be high. There are human mediation than that of the customary one and
three imperative things to be considered for green as the generation proceeds during the time it keeps all
brick putting away. Firstly, the putting away example individuals dynamic with no streamlining. In its
ought to be such that harm because of downpour won't arrangement, coal and mud are blended consequently
happen. Also, it ought to be efficient and not involve and afterward filled a machine. In every bit of brick
much space. Thirdly, there must be fundamental labor around 2-3 percent coal is blended. Bricks are
to deliver adequate bricks for normal utilization and arranged naturally and taken to a storehouse, and
capacity. After finish of the stack, we must cover the smoke of the kiln for drying the crude bricks (Byron,
top with a thick plastic. The plastic covers just the top 2009). It is the creation procedure utilized as a part of
to shield the bricks from downpour harm. On top of Jewel Auto Green Brick, Saughat, Narayanganj.
the plastic we need to put red bricks the whole time. Another green brick furnace in Dhamrai utilize
Then again we can put a layer of smoldered coal slag roughly seven to 7.5 tons of coal for every 100,000
and afterward a layer of red bricks. This is done to bricks (Wasserman, 2009). The innovation of
keep the red bricks from slipping amid substantial introducing green brick furnace is extravagant than the
customary one. It will take Tk 7 crore to Tk 10 crore
to set up a vitality productive brick furnace that will
have the capacity to deliver around two crore bricks
IV. POTENTIALITY, COST AND PRODUCTION OF GREEN yearly - some 40,000-50,000 bricks for every day;
while Tk 1 crore is needed for a conventional
As a push to diminish nursery gasses, Bangladesh brickfield. The quality of the bricks delivered thusly is
has embraced smokeless brick making innovation more than twofold than that of the conventional bricks
presented by the UN Improvement Program as a and lead under 5% rejects when contrasted with 25%
feature of its anticipate "Enhancing Kiln Proficiency for the customary strategy. The cost of green bricks is
in the Brick Making Industry". The UNDP, which likewise focused. As indicated by the proprietor of the
began its pilot extend in 2006, will contribute $25 Jewel Auto Brick Field, per piece green brick is of Tk
million in the following five years for 15 new 6 and the customary one is of Tk 5.50-5.80 (Saha &
activities in the nation. The creative innovation that is Rahman, 2013). The introductory high cost of setting
being utilized to supplant the current 150-year-old a green brick kiln will be defended in the
framework will just make the brick making industry accompanying wayso productive that when this is recreated crosswise
over Bangladesh we will have gigantic advantages for A. Computerized Procedure
The generation procedure is completely
both the individuals and the worldwide environment
(unknown, 2010). The cleaner option going ahead mechanized. After the generation for drying the bricks
stream is called green bricks. Under the task, 31 a couple number of individuals are required; i.e., for
vitality effective brick furnaces will be set up in month to month creation of 40,000 bricks, it takes 40
diverse parts of the nation (UNDP, 2009). The new to 50 works at the most noteworthy.
innovation can be utilized as a part of making green
brick would be two sorts: Vertical Shaft Brick Furnace B. Help from Govt. and Private banks
To energize the proprietors, govt. advances are
(VSBK) and another is Half breed Hoffman Kiln
(HHK). VSBK is low scale brick making innovation; furnished with a payback time of 5 long years which is
effectively showed in Vietnam, Nepal and India and truly advantageous.
its prosperity and acknowledgement will be much
C. Amazing popularity
higher in divisional urban areas and residential
The beginning high cost gets completely defended
communities. Then again, HHK is innovative based
and keep on multiplying in metro urban communities with the high generation and deals as interest for such
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 24 Number 1- June 2015
bricks and with the twist of land business in innovation as a part of brickfields encompassing
Bangladesh, the everyday interest of such brick is just Dhaka city. As per the Collins English Lexicon carbon
expanding, and green brick is dependably the need as credit is a testament demonstrating that an
it spares nature securing woodlands.
administration or organization has paid to have a
certain measure of carbon dioxide expelled from the
D. Procuring through Carbon Credit
earth. Emanation exchanging is another term
For the proviso of radiating less carbon noticeable identified with carbon exchanging is a business based
all around, 2 crore of taka are to be gotten yearly from methodology which is utilized to control
the created nations.
contamination by accepting financial motivators for
accomplishing decreases in the outflows of poisons
E. Brisk & Secured Recuperation of Speculation
(i.e., carbon and so on.). A nation's driving non-saving
As indicated by Auto Green Brick Field in Ashulia, money monetary foundation, Mechanical and Base
with the booked creation and speedy offering the Advancement Account Organization (IIDFC) has
expense of setting up the green brick furnace is officially gone into two assertions named "emanation
recouped inside only one year.
decrease buy understandings (ERPA)" with the World
Bank and the Danish Vitality Office (DEA) to help in
lessening carbon emanations from brickfields.
According to assertions, the World Bank and
Bangladesh's brick industry has become give or Denmark will purchase 189,000 and 60,000 emanation
take 5.3 percent amid the most recent decade- it diminishments separately (Khan, 2009). According to
speaks to one of the biggest wellsprings of nursery gas the rules of the Kyoto convention, Bangladesh will get
emanations in the nation. In 2008, aggregate carbon 15.20 dollars from the worldwide Group
dioxide discharges in Bangladesh came to 50.39 Advancement Carbon Store for decreasing every ton
million Metric Tons (mn MT); inside which evaluated of carbon emanations (The Daily Ittefaq, 2009).
at 6 million tons of carbon dioxide because of the Starting here of perspective if Bangladesh can
utilization of outdated advances and substandard fills, diminish the measure of discharges no less than 50%
for example, wood, sulfur coal and the copying of tires. of 8.75 (4.17%) million tons through innovation
For every capita premise in the meantime, Bangladesh exchange, the nation will get immense income
is positioned at 172 around the world, with per capita produced $70 million a year from worldwide carbon
outflows expanding on 2007 by 0.02 metric tons to exchanging store.
0.33 metric tons. From another source (The Daily
Ittefaq, 2009), at present, 6000 conventional
brickfields are radiating 8.75 million tons carbon
UNDP proposed green bricks are useful both for
every year. As per the UNDP, Bangladesh utilizes humankind and environment. Lower loss of flame
around 23 tons of coal to deliver 100,000 bricks, woods, less blazing of coals, low interest for earth,
contrasted and China, which utilizes 7.8 to 8 tons of low intercession of human bodies and so forth are the
coal to create the same sum (UPI, 2010). The yearly distinctive empowering sides of green brick. The
nursery gas discharges by the customary brickfield is investigation recommended that, any green brick
equal to outflows of more than 230,000 traveler furnace delivering 50,000 bricks daily need most
vehicles or carbon sequestered by more than 250,000 extreme 60 works. Bangladesh can accomplish Tk.
sections of land of pine or fir timberlands. By taking 200,000 for a long time's creation of smile brick for
after the helpless circumstance, UNDP is giving the lessening carbon outflow. By dropping the utilization
vitality productive brick making innovation Crossover of coal it can likewise diminish reliance on different
Hoffman Furnace (HHK) to make clean bricks (The nations for importing coal from them. As green brick
News Today, 2011) and diminish carbon discharge. A guarantees entire year efficiency instead of regular
solitary kiln that keeps running on HHK innovation profitability it can without much of a stretch adapt to
will create 15 million bricks and cut carbon emanation expanding requests of bricks in Bangladesh (Saha &
by 5,000 tons a year. A twofold unit kiln will deliver Rahman, 2013).
30 million bricks and cut carbon dioxide (CO2)
emanation by 10,000 tons consistently (Byron, 2009).
Brick kilns are one of the major sources of emission
The key to the Cross breed Hoffman Kiln's prosperity in Bangladesh. There is wide scope to improve the
is its capacity to totally blaze the majority of the fuel traditional brick manufacturing process of Bangladesh.
that is blended into the bricks amid terminating, and The major issues in environmental improvement
consequently definitely diminish vitality utilization. It involve the increasing of the combustion efficiency of
likewise dries the bricks by coordinating hot air into existing kilns, and upgrading kilns to newer and more
the passage from the annular kiln, which squares efficient process design, upgrading the design of the
nursery gas outflow (UNDP, 2011). Then again, chimney so that it emits less hazardous pollutants and
Bangladesh can win significant income through the overall process technology upgrading. Process
offering carbon as carbon credit like China and India technology upgrades are usually capital intensive.
in the universal market by utilizing present day Combustion efficiency improvement can be achieved
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 24 Number 1- June 2015
with relatively lower costs in many kilns. Promoting immense test and will oblige a transformation in the
cleaner production in this industry requires extensive way we create and devour vitality, travel and plan and
understanding of work with brick making technology deal with our urban and provincial situations.
Notwithstanding, the pathway to this insurgency is
clear and, by method for aspiring worldwide joint
The improvement of low carbon innovations will effort to create and send lowcarbon innovations, well
oblige a critical level of backing from both the general inside of our grip. We comprehend what we need to
population and private part; notwithstanding, they can do; this paper reveals to us how.
possibly make an exceptionally huge commitment to
financial development and occupation creation in the
Bangladesh. Interest in low carbon innovations should [1] Bayron, R.K. (2009, December 13). Brick kilns going green.
The Daily Star. Retrieved from
not just be seen as a feature of the fleeting monetary
recuperation, additionally as a method for empowering
economical financial development throughout the [2] Akter, B. (2010, November 25). Brick field: a deadly
decades to come.
As a result of occasional efficiency, obsolete
innovation, low profitability of work, non-existent
promotion and casual administration framework the
brick making industry in Bangladesh is depicted as
"footloose" industry. At the same time, the UNDP
facilitated new green brick idea can give Bangladesh a
soul of pledge from the brick businesses. Despite the
fact that the conventional brick furnaces contaminate
nature intensely; the majority of the brick creators or
business people lean toward it for its low capital
necessity and significant yields and in addition simple
establishment. As a solitary unit customary brick
furnace needs just Tk. 10 million, ventures while
HHK costs in any event Tk. 100 million individuals
won't be effectively spurred to grow such another
brick furnace. They are for the most part not able to
manage the cost of them and will bring about an
increment in cost of brick.
Government need to push individuals by making
mindfulness against customary kilns and make the
innovation just accessible to the brick producers.
Electronic and print media ought to approach to
energize individuals for utilizing such sorts of bricks.
Additional showcasing is obliged to acquaint
individuals with green bricks. To energize business
visionaries, banks need to give long haul advance.
Anyhow, the issue is in getting credit from banks, a
business visionary needs to finish an expansive
number of customs including check of declarations
and licenses. To evade such shamefulness approach
producers ought to make transform this simple and
ought to modernize the arrangements and regulations
with interest of time.
With help of Asian Development Bank, Bangladesh
bank has additionally expanded a renegotiate plan of
Tk. 400 crore in 2015 to set up and spread the
innovation. Distinctive banks have officially begun
giving credit to green brick furnace foundation with
payback time of 5 years.
Effectively lessening emanations to avert risky
environmental change is without uncertainty an
ISSN: 2231-5381
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Ferdausi, S.A., Vaideeswaran, S., & Akbar, S. (2008,
November). Greening brick making industries in Bangladesh.
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Management Unit, the World Bank.
Guttikunda, S. (2009, May). Impact Analysis of Brick Kilns
on the Air Quality in Dhaka, Bangladesh. SIM working paper
Khan, S. (2009, December 20). An important tool in global
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Introduction of vertical shaft brick kiln in Bangladesh.
MSN green. (2010, April 4). Bangladesh adopts green brick
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Rahim. (2011, November). Real Estate Business in
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pp. 2. 2011, June 20. Eco-friendly brick technique helps build
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Roy, P. (2004, March 7). Spewing out eco time bomb
Raising chimney heights of brick kilns fails to stop grave air
Saha, R. & Rahman, M. (2013). GREEN BRICK
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SOS arsenic-net. (n.d.). Toxic fumes from brick kiln a threat
The Daily Ittefaq. (2009, August 30). Deal to reduce carbon
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The Daily Star. (2011, April 20). Brick kilns burn firewood,
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The Hawker. (2015, May 25). BB to enhance support to
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