A Survey on “Energy Efficient and Secure 8- May 2015

International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 23 Number 8- May 2015
A Survey on “Energy Efficient and Secure
Infrastructure for MANET Jamming Attack”
Rajeev Raman#1, Narendra Pal Singh Rathore*2
Student, Computer Science &Engg., RGPV, Bhopal, M.P. India
Assistant Professor, Computer Science &Engg., TRUBA, Indore, M.P. India
Abstract: Security is the mandatory requisition in the
mobile Ad-Hoc network (MANET). Due to wireless
nature, it can be easily venerable or jammed by any
malicious network. But now a day MANET is the most
growing and very important part of our life system.
MANET is used in various fields like military operation,
vehicles, flood affected areas and remote areas etc. In
this survey, we present a novel idea for detecting
jamming from jammer, which uses three parameters i.e.
Avg. Request, Variance and Energy. In this context of,
overall variance of request is calculated in the network.
It behaves like threshold. Any node crosses the threshold
behaves like malicious node for some time. After that
total energy of overall system will be calculated. Any
node goes beyond this level will also treated as malicious
Keywords: Avg. Request, variance, energy, Mobile AdHoc Network.
A wireless network is a network set up multiple base
stations communicating among computers or other
devices by sharing of radio signal frequencies. These
days, Wireless Networks are becoming more popular
because of easy setup and less cabling. A mobile Ad
hoc Network (MANET) is a system of wireless mobile
nodes that dynamically self-organizes [5].Due to
unstructured or self-configuring network. Any node
can add or leave the network at any time.
This feature, security is challenge to secure network.
Our main objective is to focus on the jamming, which
is the part of hybrid security. Jamming attack is a kind
of DoS attack. The purpose of a jammer is to protest
the communication between nodes. The main
objective of the jammer is to prevent an authorized
sender or receiver from transmitting or receiving
packets on the network.
The jamming is dividing into two categories:
(a) Physical jamming Attack
(b) Virtual jamming Attack
ISSN: 2231-5381
The physical jamming is the causing of continuous
transmission or packet collision at the receivers end.
Virtualjamming happen at the MAC layer by attack on
control frames or data frames.
This section of the document introduces the
previously made efforts in order to improve security in
MANET environment.The shared nature of the
medium in wireless networks makes it easy for an
adversary to launch a Wireless Denial of Service
(WDoS) attack. Recent studies, demonstrate that such
attacks can be very easily accomplished using off-the
shelf equipment. To give a simple example, a
malicious node can continually transmit a radio signal
in order to block any legitimate access to the medium
and/or interfere with reception. This act is called
jamming and the malicious nodes are referred to as
jammers. Jamming techniques vary from simple ones
based on the continual transmission of interference
signals, to more sophisticated attacks that aim at
exploiting vulnerabilities of the particular protocol
used. In this survey, KonstantinosPelechrinis et al
present a detailed up-to-date discussion on the
jamming attacks recorded in the literature. They also
describe various techniques proposed for detecting the
presence of jammers. Finally, author survey numerous
mechanisms which attempt to protect the network
from jamming attacks. They conclude with a summary
and by suggesting future directions. [1]
With the pace of life, technology has also been
evolved. We have moved from the fixed transmission
to the mobility aspect. MANETs in today’s
environment is of great importance. The dynamic
feature of MANETs makes the networks
vulnerable to different security attacks. So it is
authentication along with power utilization and
robustness for the MANETs for successful
transmission.In our following paper we have
introduced our novel hybrid security approach by
using digital signature (DSA) with Blowfish algorithm
(DSAB) and compared its performance with existing
encryption techniques like AES, DES, etc. This
article is an extension of the article submitted to
ISCTURKEY 2012, Ankara, Turkey [2].
Security is an essential requirement in wireless ad hoc
network. Compared to wired networks, wireless ad
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 23 Number 8- May 2015
hoc network are more vulnerable to security attacks
due to the lack of a trusted centralized authority
and limited resources. Attacks on ad hoc networks
can be classified as passive and active attacks,
depending on whether the normal operation of the
network is disrupted or not. In this paper, we are
describing the all prominent attacks
alsoVarious attacks on the routing protocol are
described in literature in a consistent manner to
provide a concise comparison on attack types to the
best of our knowledge [3].
The varieties of studies in the literature have been
addressed by the researchers to solve security
dilemmas of Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (MANET).
Due to the wireless nature of the channel and specific
characteristics of MANETs, the radio interference
attacks cannot be defeated through conventional
security mechanisms. An adversary can easily
override its medium access control protocol (MAC)
and continually transfer packages on the network
channel. The authorized nodes keep sending Requestto-Send (RTS) frames to the access point node in
orderto access to shared medium and start data
transfer. However, due to jamming attacks on the
network, the access point node cannot assign
authorization access to shared medium. These attacks
cause a significant decrease on overall network
throughput, packet transmission rates and delay on the
MAC layer since other nodes back-off from the
communication. The proposed method applied for
preventing and mitigating jamming attacks is
implemented at the MAC layer that consist of a
combination of different coordination mechanisms.
These are a combination of Point Controller Functions
(PCF), that is used to coordinate entire network
activities at the MAC layer and RTS/CTS (Clear-ToSend) mechanisms which is a handshaking process
that minimizes the occurrence of collisions on the
wireless network. The entire network performance and
mechanism is simulated through OPNET simulation
application [4].
Security is an essential service for wired and
wireless network communications. The success of
mobile ad hoc networks (MANET) strongly
depends on people’s confidence in its security.
However, the characteristics of MANET pose both
challenges and opportunities in achieving security
as confidentiality, authentication,
integrity, availability, access control, and nonrepudiation. In this paper we provide a survey on
various security threats in MANET [5].
In a tactical field, wireless communication is prevailed
among military agents and vehicles, but it is fragile by
jamming attack from an adversary because of the
wireless shared medium. Jamming attack is easily
achieved by emitting continuous radio signal and it
can interfere with other radio communications within
the network. Channel switching over multiple
channels or route detouring have been proposed to
ISSN: 2231-5381
restore communication from jamming attacks, but
they require a special radio system or knowledge of
network topology. In this paper, in order to overcome
limitations of the previous research, we propose a new
robust rate adaptation scheme that is resilient to
jamming attack in a wireless multi-hop tactical
network. The proposed rate adaptation scheme detects
jamming attack and selects the data transmission
mode which has the expected maximum throughput
based on the successful transmission probability.
Through the performance evaluations, we prove rate
adaptation scheme that improves packet delivery ratio
and the wireless link utilization [6].
Wireless connectivity huge range results it exposed to
selective interference attacks, well known as jamming.
The thought of interrupting with wireless
transmissions will form as a platform and increases of
Denial-of-Service attacks on wireless connectivity. As
a critical situation, jamming has been known under an
external threat model. Moreover, antagonist of perfect
skills of protocol requirements and network
confidential things makes invisible jamming attacks
that won’t come under notice. In this paper, we
identify crisis of selective jamming attacks in wireless
connectivity. Such attacks, the attacker work on these
attacks very less time only, gives most preference to
the information which was passed through messages.
Explanation of benefits of chosen jamming based on
network performance was presented in two real time
applications or case studies. A chosen attack on TCP
and another is on routing. We explore that selecting
jamming attacks are cause of doing packets which of
real-time were declared at physical layer. To make
cautious about the attacks, we created three schemes
that restrict packet in reality classification by attaching
attributes. We guess the security of our approaches
and calculate their computational and communication
in future [7].
Mobile Ad-Hoc Network is a trust based network in
which a central supervising authority is absent. Its
independent and mobile behavior makes it vulnerable
towards a variety of attacks like wormhole, black-hole
and DDoS. DDoS, itself consist of a variety of attacks
such as Hello packet flooding, RREQ flooding etc. In
our work, we are portraying RREQ DDoS flooding
attack. In this attack malicious node floods fake
RREQ packets frequently. This causes node to lose
their computation power, battery and leads them to
Denial-of-service state. It is priory known that nodes
of a MANET are equipped with limited bandwidth,
battery power and computational power. DDoS
Flooding attack makes nodes so busy that their
energy, bandwidth and other resources get exhausted
and finally they become unable to handle genuine
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 23 Number 8- May 2015
requests and services are denied i.e. Denial-ofService.
To solve this issue, we are proposing to frame a
threshold based solution that considers three
parameters i.e. Avg. Requests, variance and Energy.
Into this context, the proposed methodology works as
follows. In this context, variance of overall requests in
the network is calculated. These will act as threshold
in the proposed algorithm. Any node exceeds
transmission above the threshold, will be blacklisted
for some time. Next, overall energy of the network is
calculated by taking average. If fluctuation beyond an
acceptable range (Say 5 to 10%) is traced, the node
will be finally titled as malicious node.
Following is the step-by-step Depiction of overall
Step 1: Record No. of requests of each node.
Step 2: Calculate variance of overall Nodes.
Step 3: If Requests (Node) > Threshold
Blacklist the Node ( for some time)
Step 4: Next, Calculate overall energy of the
Step 5: Compare the energy with previously
calculated energy average.
Step 6: If fluctuation > 10%
Node is permanently titled as Malicious node
The work in this paper is about to find out and classify
jamming attacks in 802.11b wireless networks. Types
of jamming detection and classification techniques has
been introduced in the literature. Most of them, To use
the individual parameters like signal strength, carrier
sensing time, and packet delivery ratio [1] to find the
jammer and to classify the jamming attacks type. The
announced result show by the authors are usually
marked the jamming regions. They do not classify
different jamming mechanism type. We put a multimodal scheme that models find the different jamming
attacks by using the correlation between three
parameters: Avg requests, Variance and Energy.
Based on, during training sessions which are then
compared with test sessions to detect and classify
jamming attacks. This proposed model helps to detect
different jammed regions for various type of jamming
attacks. In addition, it is uniformly effective for both
the protocol-aware and protocol-unaware jammers.
The produced results are not based on simulations, but
a test-bed was propounded to experiment in real
scenarios demonstrating significant enhancements in
previous results reported in the literature.
ISSN: 2231-5381
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