Vehicle Automation Using J1708/J1587 Protocol with ECU Report, GPS and NFC

International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume23 Number 5- May 2015
Vehicle Automation Using J1708/J1587 Protocol
with ECU Report, GPS and NFC
Tanmoy Sarkar
PG Student , Dept Of ECE, PES College of Engineering, Mandya, Karnataka, India
The automobile industry, which in the past were highly dependent on the electro-mechanical subparts or modules
have fully been revolutionized after the introduction of electronics. The electronic intervention involved various
issues like working in compatibility with electro-mechanical modules, timing differences, wired losses, etc, but still
held a edge over the basic electro-mechanical counterpart. Another issue was the communication scheming which
needed to be fast and accurate for perfect balance between various integrated ECU's available in the vehicle.
Keeping this point in view the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) built a protocol referred to as J1708/J1587
which is widely regarded as the most efficient wired framework ever existing for communication's between various
ECU's. The SAE-J1708/J1587 has been used in the vehicle automation to obtain the parameter reports from the
ECU as fast and as accurate as possible. The vehicle automation module also provides provision for GPS
Transreceiver for obtaining the exact location of vehicle and thus is capable of tracking vehicle pathway. Another
added advantage is the availability of NFC scheming that can reduce the user interventions driving the vehicle more
and more towards complete automaticity.
Keywords - ECU, SAE J1708/J1587, Vehicle Automation System, GPS, NFC
The enormous growth in the prospects of achieving fast and
uninterrupted or undaunted communication between the
vehicle and the user are getting the automotive sector to a
new era of dimension. The electronic revolution has
undoubtedly taken over each and every aspect of life and
has provided a base for the automotive industry to increase
the overall safety and hardcoded luxury features which
sometime people on dreamt about.
numbers of ECU's with inter-linked communication
strategies existing between each module. Communication
between these modules makes the use of network protocols
an essentially important factor.
One such protocol is the SAE J1708/J1587 protocol.
Considered to be a rather old standard but still plays a very
important role when it comes to communication existing
between modules of heavy loaded vehicles such as trucks
and buses. It's being slow is overdone by its reliability and is
used for secondary or less urgent data exchange.
Much recent history of automobile involves a lot more
electronification than it was in the earlier days. The trend is
with increasing count of modules per vehicle. Now days
even in a generalized vehicle there exists an increasing
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Comm. Interfaces 1
ARM 7 LPC Series
ARM 9 PNX Series
The LPC series ARM 7 based microcontroller is embedded
coded to obtain parameters values based on the protocol
rules of the J1708/J1587 protocol through various sensors
which itself serves as various nodes. The intention is that
the protocol will promote a standard for serial
communication between modules with microcontrollers
Comm. Interfaces 2
Fig. 1 Block Diagram
The J1708 bus consists of two wires (A and B). The
difference in voltage potential between wires determines the
voltage level on the bus “A” and “B”. Logical high level (1)
is achieved when point A is at least 200 mV more positive
than point B. Logical low level (0) means that point A is at
least 200 mV more negative than point B (See the following
figure 2). The transceiver should be fed with +6V to -6V in
relation to common ground.
The Fig. 1 shows the whole of system architecture and the
various communication interfaces the system is having.
Through this one can have a idea of how exactly the system
is taking the report from ECU and then providing it to the
company server.
In Fig. 1 the middle figure is the basic automotive core that
is serving as a small real time based embedded system. This
is installed in the vehicle and communicate with the other
components through various communication interface
available depending whether the components can handle the
communication interface and the data rates at which the
information has to be transferred .
The Automotive core consists of two microcontroller and
several communication interfaces each providing some or
the other feature. The first microcontroller is the ARM 7
based LPC series whereas the second controller is the ARM
9 based PNX series. The communication interface have the
following:- I2C, SPI, UART, I2S, Timers, ADC, etc
The Automotive core provides the user with underlined
output data to be saved in the company server or cloud via
the GPRS scheme as shown. The details that is provided as
the output is the ECU reports as needed by the customer ,the
GPS report (pre-mentioned details about the vehicle
location and route follow) and the NFC based
communication if the customer intended for the same.
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Fig. 2 Determination of bus logic level
J1708 network uses a bus topology with “random” access to
the bus. By Random access it is meant that any node has the
capability to transmit whenever it requires unless the bus is
not already busy. The bus must have been in idle mode
(logical high level) for at least a bus access time before a
node may access it.
The time counting is based on the bit time which, at 9600
bps, is about 104.2 microseconds. Every message has a
priority between 1 and 8, where 1 has highest priority.
If two messages is sent at exactly the same time a collision
occurs on the bus. When this happens both sending nodes
have to release control of the bus. Both nodes then have to
wait for a bus access time before they can start sending
again. Consequently the node with highest priority will gain
access to the bus first and can start to transmit its message.
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GPS Module
PNX Series
Tag at
edge of
Fig. 4 NFC Embedded with Vehicle Automation System
Fig. 3 Vehicle Automation included with GPS Tracking
At earth at least four GPS satellites are „visible‟ at any time
from the individuals position . Each and every satellite
transmits information about its current position and the
current time at regular intervals depending upon the way the
satellite has been time triggered. These signals which
generally tend to travel at the speed of light, are intercepted
by the GPS receiver, which calculates by various algorithms,
how far away each satellite is based on how long it took for
the messages to arrive. Once the receiver has the
information on how far away at least three satellites are (a
minimum of three satellite are imp. for accurate
measurement), the GPS receiver can pinpoint at the current
location using a process called trilateration.
The concept in fig. 3 is to use the reading obtained by the
GPS receiver and feed it to the ARM 9 based PNX series
microcontroller. The microcontroller is coded to obtain GPS
readings and it sends the location based data to the server
using GPRS.
The concept utilized is that a NFC tag generally a passive
one will be embedded to the Vehicle ARM 9 based PNX
series microcontroller from one end while the other end in
such a way that the tag will be directed under the number
Underground buried RF antennas will be there, once the
vehicle approaches the range of the buried antennas it will
trigger the NFC tag which will intend trigger the Vehicle
automation system a message will be directed via GSM sim
to receive and send Vehicle information. Once the
information is verified completely the toll gates will open
up. With the help of a counter each toll will also have the
feature of counting the having the exact nos. of vehicles
passing by it.
Totally 15 parameters are measured they are as follows
A. Idle Time
B. Return Speed Max
C. Loading stop Time
D. Loaded Travel Time
E. Total Cycle Travel Distance
F. Empty Travel Distance
G. Return Speed Avg
H. Load Tonne
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I. Haul Speed Max
J. Total Cycle Travel Distance Time
Simulation for the GPS will be shown on GUI as
K. Empty Travel Time
L. Loading Time
M. Loaded Travel Distance
N. Haul Speed Avg
O. Check Sum
All these 15 data‟s can be collected completely or
specifically by selecting each and every parameter using the
check box given along with the name of the parameters. The
values can be retrieved within a specific amount of time or
Fig. 7 GPS Location traced during simulation
While Telematic have been an important part of the
automotive industry for some time, the very latest
techniques are set to become a standard element in all new
cars. The Telematic in automobile industry are playing an
important role by increasing the vehicle safety and by
providing cosy rides.
Fig. 5 GUI Page available to the user
Simulations will be shown in the GUI to the user when
above is filled
The latest systems combine GPS, cellular, advanced
security, and in-car connectivity (e.g. the Controller Area
Network, USB, and NFC). The most important application
of this technology is the eCall automatic emergency system,
which is triggered to automatically sends an electronic
signal via the mobile network which includes both CDMA
and GSM, to the emergency services in the event of an
accident or any other mishappenings, providing location as
well as other automobile component status
More increase in Telematic results into the following,
drivers will be pre warned about issues such as potential
intersection collisions, nearby emergency braking, blind
spot or lane-change issues, and "do not pass" warnings if
existing. It also means that information regarding potential
traffic congestion can be collected ahead of time with the
available GPS service.
Fig. 6 Data Obtained after Simulation
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The more latest technology is the evolvement of the Near
Field Communication. NFC means that with just a tap of
your Smartphone to your car key, you can use the phone to
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume23 Number 5- May 2015
monitor the status of your car including applications such
as maintenance status, door lock status, car finder, etc.
An automated car certainly has an exciting journey ahead of
it. As more and more cars are able to evolve in terms of
automation and Telematic the user can be provided with a
suitable and cosy journey.
Real-Time Vehicle Tracking And Performance Monitoring
Using Wireless Networking And The Internet :- William
Jenkins, Ron Lew Is, Georgios Lazarou, Joseph Picone And
Zachary Rowland
Near Field Communication (NFC) based Electronic Toll
Collection System :- Nikhil Mohan , Savita Patil
Vehicle Detection And Tracking Techniques: A Concise
Review :- Raad Ahmed Hadi, Ghazali Sulong and Loay
Edwar George
Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Networking and Services :Xue
Yang Illinois
Jie Liu ; Vaidya, N.F. ; Feng Zhao
LPC data sheet PNX data sheet by NXP Philips.
NXP Automotive documentary.
Tanmoy Sarkar is an M.Tech student in the Department of
ECE in PESCE, Mandya affiliated by Visvesvaraya
Technological University. His area of interest is Embedded
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