International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume23 Number 2- May 2015 A novel design of multiple input multiple output basedcommunication system using transceivers Saran M.L.1, Dr. T.C. Manjunath2, Subiya Yaseen3, Harsha K.3 1, 2, 3, 4 Department of ECE, HKBKCE, Nagawara, Bangalore, Karnataka-560045, India 9916569248 9449820361 8892568292 9686846781 Abstract :-MIMO systems are widely used in baseband communications and also play a major role in 4G technology. FPGA based prototyping and implementations of MIMO systems provide an environment for testing and development of MIMO based communication systems. The proposed FPGAbased MIMO system aims at developing a transmitter system consisting of source, encoder, interleaver, modulator and a receiver system consisting of ML detector, de-interleaver, decoder system and a noisy wireless channel which is represented by a wired channel to which error bits are given to mimic the noise. The above modules are going to be developed using Xilinx, simulated and integrated in to the FPGA kit. As a scope of future work the implemented FPGA based MIMO communication system can also be modified and extended to calculate Bit error rate, SNR etc. Keywords –:2×2 Transmitter,Receiver MIMO, Antennas, FPGA, II. OBJECTIVE The prime objective of the proposed work is to realize a (2×2) MIMO system on a Field Programmable Gate Array. The dissertation aims in developing an efficient software simulation of transceiver system and a noisy channel. The transmitter section would consist of two transmitters each consisting of individual encoders, interleavers and modulators. The receiver section will consist of two individual receivers each having individual detectors, demodulators and decoders. After the simulation, the MIMO system is implemented on an FPGA where input in the form of binary values would be given to the system through switches or push buttons and output will be viewed on the LED display present on the FPGA kit. The work also aims at evaluating the delay involved in the communication and also the number of bits involved during the delay time. I. INTRODUCTION III. PROPOSED WORK Multiple Input Multiple Output(MIMO) Communication System is a new and emerging technology and is expected to play a very important role in 4G wireless systems. MIMO systems provide higher bandwidth utilization and longer range compared to the conventional single input single output (SISO) technology [1]. FPGA prototyping of MIMO provides an accelerated and repeatable test environment in a laboratory setting[2][3].MIMO systems have evolved rapidly as a generic technology of communication in 4G wireless systems. It makes use of multiple antennas both at the transmitter and the receiver section to make excellent utilization of the available bandwidth and to reduce the effects of fading and signal loss[4]. This technique also helps us to increase the number of bits transmitted i.e. bitrate. This section will give a detailed description of what the paper proposes and intents to do starting with a top level conceptual block diagram of the completely integrated 2×2 MIMO system followed by a Transceiver level block diagram that shows the transmitters and receivers in the system.Then the transmitters and receivers are explained in detail using individual block diagrams of transmitter and receiver. CLK DOUT 1 RST DIN 1 2×2 MIMO DOUT 2 DIN 2 An important challenge for the MIMO technology would be the design of the transmitter and receiver sections which involves complex algorithms at both sections.The design and testing part can be simplified by designing the circuits using hardware description languages (HDL) and Integrated Software Environment (ISE) which provides accurate simulations of the design and then synthesizing the design to an hardware accelerated environment such as an FPGA [5].This type of prototyping of the MIMO system will provide an excellent testbed under which testing of MIMO can be done such as delay in communication, bit error rate, SNR etc., can be determined. FPGA prototyping provides verification of physical layer design ideas and makes the designing more economical. ISSN: 2231-5381 Fig. 1: Top level view of integrated 2×2 MIMO communication system The above figure 1 shows the integrated top level view of the proposed 2×2 MIMO communication system with the basic input and output pins. There are two inputs Din1 and Din2 other than the control inputs clock (Clk) and Reset (Rst) at the input side and two outputs Dout1 and Dout 2 at the output side. The main objective of the dissertation work would be a complete integration of the 2×2 MIMO system using less number of logical blocks in the FPGA thus increasing its efficiency and also reducing the delay time for transmission of bits between the transmitters and the Page 107 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume23 Number 2- May 2015 receivers. Above top level diagram can be split in to a transceiver level diagram as shown below in figure 2. from the transmitter are added with error bits to corrupt the signal which normally happens in a noisy channel. Now let us consider the individual blocks in detail The Proposed Generic Transceiver Level Block Diagram TRANSMITTER 1 CLK 2×1 MUX TRANSMITTER 1 RECEIVER 1 DOUT 1 SOURCE 1 DIN 1 CONVOLUTION ENCODER 1 PUNCTURING 1 INTERLEAVER 1 QAM MODULATOR 1 INTERLEAVER 2 QAM MODULATOR 2 ERROR BITS RST DIN 1 TRANSMITTER 2 CLK DIN 1 2×1 MUX TRANSMITTER 2 RECEIVER 2 DOUT 2 SOURCE 2 DIN 2 CONVOLUTION ENCODER 2 PUNCTURING 2 ERROR BITS RST Figure 2: Generic Transceiver levelblock diagram of the proposed2×2 MIMO system The proposed block diagram is explained as follows…The block diagram of the 2×2mimo system consisting of two transmitters and two receivers and a multipath channel are shown in the figure 2. The transmitter section comprises of a source an encoder that performs encoding of the source symbols. The encoder is followed by an interleaver which is used for error correction during burst error scenarios in the channel. The interleaver is followed by a modulator that modulates the symbols and makes them suitable for transmission through a noisy channel. The output bits from the transmitter are added with error bits to corrupt the signal which normally happens in a noisy channel. Two 2×1 MUX are used at the beginning of the receivers so that the receivers can select only the signal associated for it and reject the multipath signal. The receiver section consists of a maximum likelihood detector which generates an optimal estimate of the transmitted symbols. The detector is followed by a deinterleaver that performs the inverse of interleaver and finally a decoder decodes the symbols. The decoded bit stream will represent the original data transmitted by the transmitter. A)TRANSMITTER Figure 3: Detailed Block Diagram of the transmitter section IV. PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION AND SIMULATION REPORT The dissertation work havecompleted the implementation of the 2×2 MIMO transmitter module realized by 2 chains of transmitters as shown in fig 6. Each transmitter consists of convolution encoder, puncturing, interleaver and 16-QAM modulator blocks. A) MIMO Transmitter MIMO transmitter produces multiple data streams required for MIMO communication and the output ports of the transmitter serves as antennas. A horizontal Encoding (HE) scheme is selected at the transmitter side with two individual transmitters encoding and interleaving two independent data streams separately[5]. The implementation is carried out by using the Xilinx ISE and Modelsim tools. The Verilog HDL language is used for programming the module. The figure 7 shows the top level module of the implemented 2×2 MIMO module. The module has five inputs comprising of three control inputs clock(clk),reset(rst), enable and two single bit data inputs din1 and din2.Each transmitter produces two 16 bit ouputs with a total of four outputs for the 2×2 MIMO transmitter. The figure 3 shows a detailed block diagram of the transmitters which have been realized. The above figure shows two transmitter sections with all the individual blocks starting from the source till the modulator. The two transmitters are necessary for achieving two inputs i.e. multiple inputs for our 2×2 MIMO. The transmitter section comprises of a source an encoder that performs encoding of the source symbols. The encoder is followed by an interleaver which is used for error correction during burst error scenarios in the channel. The interleaver is followed by a modulator that modulates the symbols and makes them suitable for transmission through a noisy channel. The output bits ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 108 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume23 Number 2- May 2015 VI. CONCLUSIONS This paper discusses the physical layer implementation of a simple 2×2 MIMO communication system in an FPGA. The paper mainly focuses on the transceiver part and discusses the design of the complete 2×2 MIMO transceiver blocks. The paper shows the implementation of the MIMO transmitter along with the simulation waveforms for the same.In the future, the aim would be to implement the Receiver sections of the 2×2 MIMO comprising of ML detector, decoder etc., which can be used to detect and receive the data stream from the transmitter section. 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