International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 27 Number 2- September 2015 Harmonic Filter Development For Saving And Reliability To Building Electricity Zulkarnaini1, Dasman1, Multa Azmi2 Lecturer of Department Electrical Engineering Industrial Technology Faculty ITP1 Student of Department Electrical Engineering 2 Jln. Gajah Mada Kandis Nanggalo Padang ABSTRACT - This paper presents a simulation of a simple control scheme for a three-phase shunt pasif filter to remove harmonics and saving energy compensation of the non-linear loads . Therefore with the work of the security Molded Case Circuit Breakers ( MCCB ) and the relay is not in accordance with the rating works. Non linear loads is of , Computers , Printers , Air Conditioning ( AC ) , Rectifier , energy saving lamps , motor control , etc. in modern buildings that cause harmonics. If the voltage and current harmonics injected into wire electrical installation of the building , there will be a Total Harmonic Distortion ( THD ). Voltage and current harmonics appearing will be a serious problem if the amount exceeds the limits of the standards set by the standards ( IEEE 519-1992 ) International Electrotechnical Commission ( IEC ). So from the results of studies using EDSA Shofware THDi obtained before using the filter of 9.03 % and after use filters THDi 4.42 %. And be saving electrical current of 41 Amperes before using the filter 277 Ampere and after using the filter to 236 Amperes . Means a saving of 14% wave that is not pure anymore ( Arrillaga , J. 1985) . It is very disturbing for protection devices ( MCCB ) and measuring devices to operate on a sinusoidal wave ( Dekker , M. 2002) . Current harmonic distortion is one of the problems of electric power quality suffecient to have a major influence on system performance of electricity power. These problems can damage and shorten the life of electrical equipment as well as energy waste. In addition , harmonic distortion may also affect the calculation of KWH Meter measuring devices that cause loss to the electrical consumers . So here many users to add to its power . Referring to the previous studies on the effects of harmonics MCCB , the greater the harmonic load the faster the MCCB trip ( drop out ) . Based on the negative effects of harmonics are generated , it would require an effort to suppress harmonics has been occured . One of them using a passive filter which is more widely used because of being , reliability , more economical , and easier to maintain . Keyword : Harmonics , Filter , Save Energy, THD . 1. INTRUDUCTION Harmonic is problems of non - linear loads continue to grow at a modern building . This will become a new challenge to build an economical and reliable electric power suplay , because there is a change of power supply at electrical equipment installed in a modern building. The increasing the use of electronic equipment can cause large harmonic distortion in the future . The most common problem is harmonic coused by non - linear loads such as electrical equipment in building , air conditioning (AC) , lighting , computer , motor speed control unit etc . In general , harmonics , does not create problem. Odd multiple harmonics can cause changes of value , which is highly unexpected (Ming-Yin C. 2007) Referring to the characteristic non-linear load which used in the building causes harmonics. If the voltage and current harmonics will be injected into the wire electrical installation of the building , there will be a voltage and current harmonic distortion . Voltage and current harmonics are visible in the form of sinusoidal ISSN: 2231-5381 Literary review Basically , the voltage and current waveform are distributed from sources to load in sinusoidal wave form . However , the distribution and installation process is interference a variety of disorders that are not sinusoidal waveform pure . One of the phenomena sinusoidal waveform aberrations are not linear Fig1. basic concepts of harmonic waves (EDSA) Page - 84 - International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 27 Number 2- September 2015 Harmonic Filter (3) (4) (5) Fig. 2. The fundamental wave and the harmonic level 3 the phase difference of 180 and the fundamental wave shape is distorted by the third harmonic ( EDSA ) (6) With power factor to be achieved is 0.95 then Here below is a table harmonic current distortion based on standard IEEE - 519-1992 : Table 1. Limit Current Distortion (0,12kV-69 kV) Fig 3. The Fundamental wave and the harmonic level 3 the phase difference of 0 and the fundamental wave shape is distorted by the third harmonic .( EDSA ) Voltage and current forms distorted can be obtained by summing algebraically the basic wave ( generated by the plant) with harmonic waves which are having a frequency , amplitude , and phase angle varies . Furier analysis has been used to analyze the amplitude and frequency of the wave wich have been distorted Harmonic Distortion In the Electric Power System , harmonics defined as one component of a prioda sinusoidal wave having a frequency which is a multiple of a round of the fundamental wave. If the fundamental frequency of a power system is fo , then the frequency of the harmonic order to - h is hfo . Indexes are often used to determine the harmonic content , both current and voltage , total harmonic distortion ( THD ) , which can be calculated by the equation : Vh THDV h 2 x100% V1 Ih THDi 2 h 2 I1 (1) 2. Methodology The method used is descriptive method the writers take four stages by performing harmonic calculations make use of software EDSA as follows 1. Provision stage research facilities . 2. Data collection phase. 3. The data analysis phase. 4. Inference research. In accordance with data to be studied, the stages will be carried out by using certain methods and techniques that are tailored to their behavior. Data Collection Data collection was performed by means of measurements on each load and also on the total load of the building of Institute Technology Padang (ITP) campus producing harmonics of using on an ongoing basis . In this case , these are the type of load are , Air Conditioning ( AC ) , energy saving lamps , PC , printers , active speakers , cell phone charger , laptop charger , fans , and dispensers. While the total load measurement result based on the load above we get the following 2 x100% (2) With V1 is the rms value of the fundamental component of V , Vh is the effectiv of the harmonic components in the waveforms are distorted ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 85 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 27 Number 2- September 2015 Harmonic on the main panel can be seen in Table 4 below Table 4. The main panel harmonic measurement results non filter FIG.3. Single line diagram of (ITP) campus Table No 1 2 3 4 5 6 2. Load measurement results panel Building THDi (%) THDv(%) A 11.92 2.88 B 8.88 2.88 C 10.11 2.88 D 11.33 2.88 E 11,92 2.88 F 15.01 2.88 Measurement results , then obtained the highest harmonic is level 3 , 5 and 7 , and so on . So big filter required by syoftware EDSA These filters are installed on the main bus ITP campus can be seen in the image below . 3. Results and Discussion Based on the above data analysis is carried out using a filter is needed with EDSA software . Table 3. The main panel measurement results. No Harmonik THDi (%) THDv(%) 1 3 9,965 2.88 2 5 9,928 2.88 3 7 19.17 2.88 With the current waveforms main panel as follows Fig. 6. EDSA simulation diagram be used filter. Fig 4. Current waveform of main panel non filter From the simulations shown in the table THDi each building is dominated by 3rd harmonic level , 5th and 7th . Preferred harmonic filter installation on the main panel , because the harmonics will be collected at the main panel . To fix THDi and contained in the system . With power factor to be achieved is 0.95 then From the above, the simulation results obtained following the harmonic filter. Fig. 5. Current waveform of main panel be used filter ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 86 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 27 Number 2- September 2015 Based on the results of the research , the electricity load of modern buildings contain many harmonics. From the experimental results it can be some conclusions as follows. Table 5. Harmonic measurement results be used filter . No Harmonic L (mH) C(µF) 1 3 1,26 102,3 2 5 1,9 112,0 3 7 2,1 114,7 5. Table 5. Harmonic measurement results be used filter . Based on research , it can be graphed the results before and after using a single tunned filter following: 120 100 Harmonic (%) 80 60 Sebelum Filter 40 Setelah Filter 20 Suggestion In order to save energy and efficiency it is advisable to power users modern buildings to use harmonic filters . For electricity suplayer PT PLN ( Persero ) is also recommended to use the harmonic filter in modern building H13 H11 H9 H7 H5 H3 0 H1 Conclusions. After the process of planning , manufacture and testing tools as well as by comparing the theories supporting , and from the data obtained it can be concluded : 1. Once the filter is installed on the main panel looks harmonic changes that occur in the main feeder where THDi which was originally worth 9.03 % down to 4.47 % which has been under the standards set by the IEEE 519-1992 . 2. After use harmonic filters can also save electric current as follows on the harmonic level 3 of 9.965 Amperes to 7.8 Amperes , 5 levels of harmonic currents 9.928 Ampere to 4.186 Ampere and harmonic current level 7of 19.171 Ampere becomes 2.022 Ampere . And harmonic bigest is level 7 3. So based on the above analysis can save electrical current of 277-236 = 41 Ampere and this can provide energy cost savings of 380 x 41 x 0.95 x 12h / day x $ 1,0 = $ 177,6 / day and per month to $ 177,6 x 30 = $ 5.328 million / month 4. 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