International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 26 Number 2- August 2015 A Study on the Influence of Abrasive Flow Machining Parameters on Edge Radius in Cross Drilled Holes Deepak Devassia*1, Dr. Shajan Kuriakose#2, George Oommen#3 . 1 PG Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MA college of Engineering, Kothamangalam, Kerala, India 2 Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MA college of Engineering, Kothamangalam, Kerala, India. 3 SCI/Engr „SF‟ Manager, CS&SC-CF, CSC/LPSC/ISRO, Valiyamala, Trivandrum Abstract — The effect of abrasive flow machining parameters on edge radius in cross drilled holes of launch vehicle fluid component made of Z30C13 stainless steel are studied. The main parameters are abrasive size, abrasive concentration and number of cycles. The experiment is conducted based on Taguchi‟s L9 orthogonal array. The optimum parameters for edge radius and the influence of each parameter on edge radius are analysed by signal to noise ratio and ANOVA. Keywords — Abrasive flow machining, Cross drilled hole , Edge radius, Orthogonal array, Signal to noise ratio, ANOVA I . INTRODUCTION Abrasive flow machining (AFM) is a nonconventional machining process in which the machining of inaccessible profiles are made possible by the flow of an abrasive laden medium through the profile. The accessibility of the medium is so high that it can flow through small passages/vents where conventional tool cannot reach. The advantages of AFM can be utilized in machining fluid components with cross holes and internal passages /vents. Polishing and deburring of these features is difficult because of inaccessibility of tools. Manual deburring increases the risk of damaging finished surfaces. Many of the recent anomalies in control components have been attributed to loose metal particles getting entrapped on the seating surfaces. More often these particles are found to be generated from cross holes or internal passageways which are hidden from the normal vision. These particles are at many times not visible to the naked eye and can be seen only under magnification. Specialized viewing equipment’s are not normally available at the shop floor to locate such type of particles. As a result machining of such components to the required finish become difficult at the shop floor. AFM is an ideal solution for precision deburring, polishing and edge radiusing of surfaces of machined components. Abrasive action is highest in most restricted passage leading to the removal of burrs and edge polishing. This study aims at the optimization of edge radius of launch fluid component ISSN: 2231-5381 made of Z30C13 stainless steel by varying the parameters . II. LITERATURE SURVEY Abrasive flow machining (EDM) is a widely used unconventional manufacturing process that uses an abrasive laden medium for machining complex shaped workpieces or workpiece with internal passages /vents. Jain[1] analyzed the effects of different process parameters, such as number of cycles, concentration of abrasive, abrasive mesh size and media flow speed, on material removal and surface finish. He found the dominant process parameters as concentration of abrasive, followed by abrasive mesh size, number of cycles, and media flow speed. Brass and aluminum are the work materials and the experiments performed on it. He also found that the material removal (MR) is governed by initial surface finish and workpiece hardness. As the percentage concentration of abrasive in the medium increases, material removal increases while the surface roughness value decreases. With higher abrasive mesh size, both material removal and improvement in the roughness value decreases. S.Chouhan [2] investigated the surface finishing of die steel with the use of abrasive flow machining. Grinding medium is pressed along the contours at a defined pressure and temperature. Depending on the respective machining task, different specifications of media are used. The surface finishing is better with use of abrasive flow machining process as compared to other flow machining processes. The change in surface roughness, increases with the increase in length of the work-piece and decreases with the increase in cross section of the work-piece. Siddiqui[3] studied the effect of different type of passages for the laden medium outflow and the process parameters in the abrasive flow machining. Cylindrical workpiece made of brass with different cross sections of internal passages and length have been micro machined by abrasive flow machining technique and the output responses material removal and surface roughnes value are measured. The input parameters, such as abrasive particle concentration, particle size, number of cycles and media flow speed kept as constant. The results infer the work-piece surfaces having single passage for media outflow have higher material removal and more improvement in surface roughness Page 115 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 26 Number 2- August 2015 compared surfaces having multiple passages and with increase in the number of vents for media outflow the performance measures decrease. J.Cherian[4] studied the effect of AFM process parameters on surface roughness and material removal rate. He found that the average percent reduction in the surface roughness can be improved by keeping the grain mesh number, extrusion pressure and abrasive concentration at high levels, also the average force ratio can be improved by keeping abrasive concentration and extrusion pressure at high level and grain mesh number at low level. R.Guptha[5] analyzed the the key parameters abrasive concentration, abrasive mesh size, diameter of rod and rotational speed of tooling rod were varied to see their effects on material removal. In this study a hybrid machining process has been developed to enhance the material removal rate . Effective MR is obtaind by providing a centrifugal force to abrasive media by rotating tool rod inside the workpiece .he also found that abrasive concentration has the highest contribution to MR. S. S. Hiremath[6] developed a prototype model of an Abrasive Flow Machine (AFM) with various sensors to monitor process parameters. Experimentation was carried out on various engineering materials and studied the quality characteristics-surface finish achieved on various kinds of workpieces. It was shown that a very high surface finish is achieved as the experiments were carried out for more number of passes and even small intricate cavities available on internal surface of the workpiece was machined to high quality surface finish. Also the obtained results show that this process completely removes all traces of thermal recast layers remaining after spark erosion processes. The abrasive laden media is filled inside the cylinders and the workpiece is positioned in the fixture. The media can move back and forth through the workpiece, when the system is operating. The system is automated with a timer circuit to control the direction of flow and to set the number of cycles. One back and forth movement of the cylinder is called one cycle. B. Abrasive Media The abrasive media consists of two parts, the abrasive particles and the polymeric base. The abrasive particles used is silicon carbide (SiC) and the polymeric base is developed Fig.2. Abrasive media from Vikram Sarahbhai Space Center of Trivandrum ISRO, C. Workpiece The workpiece used is a launch vehicle fluid component made of Z30C13 stainless steel. The workpiece is machined to the II. EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS The experiment is conducted at Liquid Propulsion System Center of Indian Space Research Organization, Trivandrum. The experimental details are given below. A. AFM Machine For the study a two way abrasive flow machine has been developed with two opposing pneumatic cylinders connected each other to a fixture as shown in Figure. 1. Fig.3. CADD model of workpiece required dimensions in CNC milling machine. The experiment is conducted on the machined workpiece. D. AFM Process Parameters and their Levels Based on references from literatures and books the process parameters and their levels selected are shown below in Table.I. Fig.1. AFM setup ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 116 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 26 Number 2- August 2015 TABLE I. PROCESS PARAMETERS AND LEVELS SELECTED Parameters Levels Units Response 1 2 3 Abrasive size µm 8 63 150 Concentration %by weight 30 40 50 No. of cycles Cycles/min 100 200 300 The edge radius is formed at the cross drilled hole of the workpiece. So it can be measured only by cutting the workpice Edge radius . E. Selection of Orthogonal Array In this experiment the input parameters selected are Abrasive size (As), Abrasive concentration (Ac) and Number of cycles (Nc). Taguchi’s L9 orthogonal array was selected for conducting the experiments, since three factors are chosen with three levels each. The selected orthogonal array for the experiment is shown in the Table II. Fig.4. CAD model showing edge radius The computer generated cross sectional view of the workpiece is shown in figure 4. The marked region is the edge where the radius is measured. IV RESULTS AND DISCUSSION After the experimentation, the workpiece is cut to equal half’s through the cross hole, as shown in figure. 5 TABLE II. L9 ORTHOGONAL ARRAY Exp. No 1 Parameter Combinations Abrasive No. of Abrasive Concentration Cycles size (A) (B) (C) (µm) (% by weight) (cycles/min) 8 30 100 2 8 40 200 3 8 50 300 4 63 30 200 5 63 40 300 6 63 50 100 7 150 30 300 8 150 40 100 9 150 50 200 F. Experimentation The workpiece is machined as per the required dimensions in a CNC milling machine. The abrasive media is filled inside the cylinders of the AFM machine. The media size is selected based on the values in the OA, for each run. The workpiece is positioned in the fixture of the AFM. The time is set in the timer circuit for required cycles and the machine is switched on. After machining the workpiece is taken out from the fixture, cleaned and cut to two equal half for measuring the edge radius. Fig .5. Cross section of machined workpiece The edge radius is measured and tabulated. The optimum combination of parameters were found out by calculating the signal to noise ratio and the significance of each parameter on edge radius were obtained by ANOVA [7-8]. A. Edge Radius In the experiment, the desired characteristic for edge radius is larger the better. The larger value of edge radius is preferred within 0 – 0.5 mm tolerance as smoothening of the edge at the cross drilled hole reduce the chance of burr formation at the edge and also reduce the pressure drop of fluid which flow through that area. / = −10 (1) Table III summarizes the edge radius of each slots and their corresponding signal to noise (S/N) ratios G. Measurement of Edge Radius ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 117 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 26 Number 2- August 2015 TABLE III. S/N RATIO FOR EDGE RADIUS Parameters TABLE IV. RESPONSE TABLE FOR EDGE RADIUS Edge radiu s S/N ratio 100 0.048 -26.37 40 200 0.063 -24.01 8 50 300 0.089 -21.01 4 63 30 200 0.072 -22.85 5 63 40 300 0.093 -20.63 6 63 15 0 15 0 15 0 50 100 0.074 -22.61 30 300 0.099 -20.08 40 100 0.086 -21.31 50 200 0.108 -19.33 Exp.n o As Ac Nc 1 8 30 2 8 3 7 8 9 The main effects plot for S/N ratio is shown in Figure 6. Level As Ac Nc -23.80 -23.10 -23.43 -22.03 -21.98 -22.06 -20.24 -20.98 -20.57 Optimum 3 3 3 Delta 3.55 2.11 2.85 rank 1 3 2 1 2 3 Based on the analysis of S/N ratio, the optimal machining performance for edge radius is obtained at abrasive size150µm (level 3), concentration 50 % by weight (level 3) and number of cycles 300 cycles/min (level 3). In the analysis, abrasive size is the most influencing parameter followed by number of cycles and concentration. Based on the ANOVA results in Table V the percentage contribution of various factors affecting edge radius is identified. Here, particle size is the most influencing factor followed by number of cycles. The percentage contribution of particle size and number of cycles towards edge radius is 52.01 % and 31.77 % respectively. Also the probability level of concentration is more than α (0.05) which indicates that it has least contribution towards edge radius. Source Degree of freedom Sum of squares Mean of squares Fig.6. Signal to noise plot for edge radius The main effect plot shows that edge radius is increasing as the particle size, concentration and the number of cycle’s increases. This is because the maximum material removal is occurring at these conditions. From the S/N plot, highest values of S/N ratio is selected as the optimum value and can be inferred clearly from the response table of S/N ratio given in Table IV P % Contribution TABLE V. ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE FOR EDGE RADIUS F As 2 0.001454 0.000727 44.51 0.022 52.01 Ac 2 0.000453 0.000226 13.86 0.067 16.18 Nc 2 0.000889 0.000444 27.20 0.035 31.77 Error 2 0.000033 0.000016 Total 8 0.002828 0.04 B. Regression Equation The obtained result of edge radius is used to model a regression equation to predict other combinations of parameters. ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 118 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 26 Number 2- August 2015 Edge radius (mm) = 0.00633 + 0.000217 Abrasive size (μm) + 0.000867 Abrasive concentration ( % by weight) + 0.000122 No. of cycles C. Conformation Test The optimal conditions and another four random combination are set on the machine and experiment is conducted and the result is noted. The same combinations of parameters are tested by the regression model and ANN. The predicted results are compared to validate the regression model. TABLE VI . EXPERIMENTAL V/S PREDICTED RESULT Experimental Level Predicted edge radius edge radius Regression ANN 0.110 0.1020 0.106 A1B3C1 0.067 0.0636 0.080 A2B3C3 0.093 0.0999 0.090 A3B3C3 (optimal) A3B3C2 0.093 0.1066 0.108 A1B1C3 0.078 0.0706 0.080 The comparison shows that there is no much difference in the three results obtained, which shows that the regression model is fit for prediction of edge radius for future reference. This can be clearly understood from figure 7. analysis, optimum condition for edge radius is obtained at particle size of 150 μm (level3), concentration 50% by weight (level 3) and number of cycles 300 cycles/min (level 3). Particle size and number of cycles are found to be the most influencing parameter on edge radius with 52.01% and 31.77 % contribution respectively followed by concentration with 16.18% contribution. From the results obtained a regression model is developed to predict the edge radius. The validity of the model is found by predicting and experimenting results with unknown parameter combination and comparing the result. In this study the predicted and experimented results are almost similar which shows the regression model is fit for prediction. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors acknowledge the guidance and technical support provided by the Liquid Propulsion System Centre of Indian Space Research Organization, Trivandrum and Carborundum Universal Limited, Kalamassery for providing the essential abrasive particles. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Fig.7. Compared results for edge radius V. CONCLUSION In this study the influence of the process parameters on Edge radius of launch vehicle fluid component made of Z30C13 stainless steel by AFM was studied using Taguchi L9 orthogonal array method. The edge radius during machining is mostly influenced by particle size and number of cycles. Concentration has a little influence in case of edge radius. 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