A Survey on Honeypot Based Signature Generation Techniques in Computer Network Security

International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume22 Number 6- April 2015
A Survey on Honeypot Based Signature
Generation Techniques in Computer
Network Security
Geetika yadav1 , Ms.Prabhjot Kaur2
M.Tech Student, Department of CSE, B.S.Anangpuria Institute of Technology and Management, Faridabad
Haryana, India
Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, B.S.Anangpuria Institute of Technology and Management, Faridabad
Haryana, India
Abstract- Honeypot is a resource that is used in the area
of network security, which is intended to be
compromised. Honeypots reduces the number of false
alerts as each traffic is considered as suspicious
.Internet worms are of major concern for information
and network security. Worms are malicious codes
which propagate themselves, after affecting a host will
try to infect other hosts. This paper describes Anomaly
based detection technique and signature based detection
technique to detect the presence of worm and generate
signature for the detected worm.
how to protect the system better. They capture huge
amount of information about the attack. Research
honeypot is an excellent tool for capturing automated
attacks such as auto-rooters or worms. Research
honeypots contribute little to the direct security of an
B. Production honeypots
Production honeypot is implemented inside the
production network to help mitigate risk. They
protect the target system by deceiving and detecting
attacks, giving alert to administrator. They are
capturing limited amount of information.
I. Introduction
A honeypot is a resource whose value is being
attacked or compromised. It traps attacks, records
intrusion information about tools and activities of the
hacking process and prevents attacks. Every traffic to
and from a honeypot is considered as unauthorized
activity. It utilizes network’s unused IP’s and analyze
attackers behavior and decreases false positives.
There are various types of honeypots available based
on their aims and the level of interaction. If we look
at the aims of the honeypots we can see that there are
two types of honeypots which are research honeypots
and production honeypot.
A.Research honeypot
Research honeypots are used by military ,research
and government organizations. Their aim is to
discover new threats and learn more about the
blackhat motives and techniques. The objective is
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We can categorize honeypots according to the level
of interaction. Level of interaction means how much
the hacker will be able to interact with the system.
More level of interaction brings more risk into the
network security. There are three categories of levels
of interaction in honeypots these are low interaction
honeypot, medium interaction honeypot and high
interaction honeypot.
A.Low Interaction honeypot
Low interaction honeypots are used to detect the
hackers and deceive them by emulating the operating
system services and port services on the host
operating system. The interaction with other hosts is
limited which reduces the propogation of attacks.
These can be used to identify new worms or viruses
and analyzes the traffic that is going on through the
network. It captures limited information which is
mainly transactional data and very limited interaction
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therefore it is very easy to fingerprint. Examples of
Honeyd,Spector, KFsensor and Dionaea.
Honeyd is developed by Niels Provos from university
of Michiga. Honeyd is an open source solution and
designed for UNIX systems. It is configurable so
anyone can create their own services and decide
which port to open and listen. Honeyd captures TCP
traffic that hacker is generating. When the hacker
establishes the connection with Honeyd, Honeyd
generates fake messages and return them to the
hacker to fool the hacker. It can capture the
connection on any port and it is being able to change
Fig.Honeyd structure from virtual
honeypots:from Botnet tracking to Intrusion
Nepenthes is developed with Mwcollect. According
to Maggie F. and Zanero S. Nepenthes is working on
five modules which are vulnerability, shellcode
parsing, fetching, logging and submission modules.
Vulnerability function allows us to create vulnerable
services. Shellcode parsing takes the payload and
examine on it and get information about the extracted
data. If any important data is found to examine then
fatch functionality gets the malware and submit to the
center part. You can log the information that you
have by logging function of Nepenthes .Nepenthes is
used for mostly malicious software that are spreading
over internet automatically.
One of the strength of the Nepenthes is that it
emulates FTP and TFTP servers so the attacker can
upload the malicious software to the honeypot which
allows the forensic party to analyze the threat.
Fig.Nepenthesis architecture from Maggi F. and
Zanero S.
B. Medium interaction honeypots
C. High Interaction Honeypot
Medium Interaction honeypots are most advanced
than low interaction honeypots. Still operating system
does not exists. More information and more
complicated attacks from the hackers can be
obtained. MWcollect, Honeytrap and Nepenthes are
some of the medium interaction honeypot that are
used today.
High interaction honeypots are the most advanced
honeypots .Unlike Low interaction and Mediun
interaction honeypots there is an operating
system.More data can be captured from hackers
activities. These are also known as GEN-II honeypots
and stated development in 2002.They provide better
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data capture and control mechanisms. These kind of
honeypots are very time consuming and difficult to
maintain. The number of honeypots in the network is
limited. The risk associated with these honeypots is
higher because they can be used easily as launch pads
for attacks. Example of High interaction honeypot is
The Honeywall has three virtual network interfaces
et0 is bridged to vmnet6,it is the attacker side.Eth1 is
bridged to vmnet5,it is the honeypot side. Finally
eth2 is bridged to vmnet3,it is the management
administration and it allows remote administration of
Honeywall.Eth0 and eth1 are making a bridge thus
none of these interfaces have a network address
making these two interfaces invisible.
Once managed to install and run all the virtual
machines properly, we use the attacker machine in
order to hack the honeypot. The first step is to detect
any security flow that we could exploit. In order to do
that we used two tools : Nmap and Nessus[5].
hosts can communicate. A worm program is selfreplicating: it remotely exploits a software
vulnerability on a victim host, such that the victim
becomes infected, and itself begins remotely
infecting other victims. Researchers attention has
turned to methods for containing the spread of a
worm. Three chief strategies exist for containing
worms by blocking their connections to potential
victims: discovering ports on which worms appear to
be spreading, and filtering all traffic destined for
those ports and discovering source addresses of
infected hosts and filtering all traffic from those
source addresses; and discovering the payload
content string that a worm uses in its infection
attempts, and filtering all flows whose payloads
contain that content string. Every worm has some invariant
byte pattern which is used as signature for detecting a
worm. Worm detection algorithms are categorized into two
categories Anomaly based detection and Signature based
detection. Anomaly based system observe the traffic statistics and
host behavior to detect previously known worms to detect
malicious traffic it requires to understand normal traffic behavior.
this method is found to be effective in detecting unknown worms,
it generates high false alarm. Signature based detection looks for
specific byte sequence in each packet. If any match found it will
be identified as malicious[12].
II. Signature Generation Techniques
External interface
Management Interface
Internal Interface
To generate signature for the detected worm so that they can be
detected early and can not propogate our system. For this several
techniques are available which are given below:
Content based Signature generation techniques
Fig.Honeywall Implementation
Several algorithm have been proposed for anomaly based worm
detection and signature based detection.But none can cover entire
range of worms.One or the early work in this category is
Honeycomb, proposed by Keibach and Crowcroft.Honeycomb
combines honeypot technology with automated signature
generation scheme to detect malicious network traffic
Honeycomb generates signature consisting of a single contiguous
substring of a worms payload to match all worms instances.
Honeycomb has implemented Longest Common
Substring(LCS) algorithm to spot the similarities in packet
payloads. Problem with Honeycomb is that it generates single
contiguous substrings of worm’s payload to match all instances of
polymorphic worms. Honeycomb often generate multiple alarms
for same attack and unable to detect multiple instances of a
polymorphic worms[12].
In recent years, a series of Internet worms has
exploited the confluence of the relative lack of
diversity in system and server software run by
Internet-attached hosts, and the ease with which these
Hyang-Ah Kim and Karp describes Autograph a distributed,
automated worm signature generation scheme to detect
polymorphic worms. Autograph takes input from across DMZ
traffic that includes benign traffic and selects suspicious traffic
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using certain heuristic. Payloads partition is done into different
content block using COPP algorithm. The content blocks are
analyzed and Autograph selects most frequently occurring byte
sequence across the flows in suspicious flow pool. Prevalence
histogram is generated for each content block which acts as worm
signature. Polymorphic worms may change their payloads in
each injection. Autograph fails to address this problem[12].
James Newsome,Brad Karp and Dawn Song address these
problems in Polygraph by generating multiple disjoint content
substrings to match all instances of a polymorphic worm. They
observed that multiple invariant substrings is often present in all
variant payloads of a polymorphic worm. Such invariant
substrings include protocol framing byte ,return addresses and in
some cases obfuscated code. Polygraph divides signatures into
tokens-a contiguous byte sequence. The system extracts tokens
automatically and represents each suspicious flow as a sequence
of tokens.The system is noise tolerant the quality of signature
depends on the performance of the flow classifier[13].
Zhichun et al., have proposed Hamsa-a network based signature
generator scan be connected to routers via a span port or an
optical splitter for monitoring the traffic. Hamsa follows the
Polygraph token based approach, but replaced suffix tree method
of token extraction with light weight suffix array method which
increases the speedup of token extraction process 100
folds.Hamsa signature quality is also dependent on the
performance of the flow classifier chosen. Presence of too much
noise will increase the complexity of signature generation
algorithm and reduce the quality of signature generated[12].
LISABETH is an improved version of hamsa. All
these techniques generate automated signatures for polymorphic
worms based on multiple invariant substrings. But
these signatures are based on single instances of multiple worms.
Hence they can detect only the known worms.
Yong Tang et.al has adopted double-honeynet technique
which includes two honeypots, one honeypot for inbound
traffic with high interaction and other for outbound
traffic with low interaction. Since the outbound honeypot is low
interactive- it is not able to collect all the worm instances hence it
is not able to generate an efficient signature[16]. Mohssen et al.,
have proposed double honeynet with high interactive honeypot
for outbound connections, hence can collect sufficient amount of
worm instances. For signature generation different methods
like protocol classifier, clustering based on destination
port, substring extraction algorithm, an efficient algorithm
that converts worm substrings into binary
representations and using these binary representation for pattern
matching [15], using principal component analysis technique
have been used to reduce the dimension of worm
B. Anomaly Based
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Here a virtual system is set to analyze the behavior of worm and
this analysis is used for the detection of the similar
worms. A specific worm after attacking a system goes in search
of a system with similar vulnerability so this behavior is detected
by the virtual machine and is used as signature for worm
Pan Xiaohui et al., have designed a hybrid method based on
worms’ propagation model. Authors proposed a
hybrid method for detecting polymorphic worm
accurately in the early stage. It combines port scan detection and
emulation, port scan detects the suspicious packet and emulator
first executes every instruction byte and detects is it a worm or
Song Qing et al., proposes a Worm Terminator
which detects and contains the fast spreading worm based on its
characteristic a fast spreading worm will start to infect others as
soon as it successfully infects one host. Worm Terminator also
exploits by observation that a fast spreading worm keeps
exploiting the same set of vulnerabilities when infecting new
III. Conclusion
This paper summarizes some of the techniques to
generate signature for detected worms. Among the
techniques available Content based signature
generation technique is easy to implement because it
considers the payload of worm and treat them as
strings of bytes which are used to generate signature
and these signatures are stored in signature pool but
anomaly based signature generation technique
analyzes the behavior of the worm which requires
efficient training which in real time is difficult to
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