A approach for power saving and secure routing

International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume22 Number3- April2015
A approach for power saving and secure routing
Anil Kumar
Department of Computer Science and Application
Maharishi Dayanand University, Rohtak, Haryana, India.
and low management, lack of trusted based system.
Abstract: - in wsn’s the whole concept of wsn’s
is established around mainly two things one is
security and other is the routing techniques of
that protocol networks. A lots of wsn’s networks
are there which are used for routing
information from one end to another end so that
the information route in an easy and fast way.In
this paper we are proposing a power saver and
secure routing (PSSR) for wsn’s. which provide
security and save energy consumption also.it
communicate with two nodes only when the
distance between those nodes are less than the
given threshold value and as well as they
satisfied the criteria of q-composite keys to save
energy and to maintain security in this wsn’s.
We use 3 key (1 static, 2 dynamic).these keys
changes every time whenever n/w is
resynchronized to maintain security. We
provide less time for synchronization because
when two parties are compromised with each
other their key value get already change.
Rest of the paper is organized as follows. In
section 1 introduction. Section 2 present System
model and protocol description is given in
section 3.Section 4 presents the algorithm. In
section 4.5 we analyze PSSR in respect to
energy, security and life of the network. In
section 4.5 finally we summarize the work done
in this paper.
Introduction: - in wsn’s whenever we design it our
first preference is to make a reliable model of
wsn’s so that it’s easy to maintain security and save
energy consumption in n/w. so that our wsn’s have
a large n/w life to exchange information and along
these things one n/w’s should also be complex for
miscellaneous person for leakage of information. A
lot of protocols are in wsn history which consumes
less energy or easy routing path. Some of increase
energy efficiency like in dynamic routing in which
data is forwarded to nodes those has highest
residual power but these nodes cause some
problems like unbounded delay. on behalf of
security these are also lots of techniques are used in
wsn’s like RSA and Elliptic curve cryptography
[ECC] but ti is not compatible due to high
computational complexity. It also consumes high
energy and heavy code storage requirement. Mostly
wsn’s design is fail for unpredictable n/w topology
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System model: - whenever we design a n/w our
first preference is to make it free from adverbial
attack during the setup because when we setup the
wsn’s the BS generates the keys from key pool for
each nodes. Here we use concept of q-composite
keys. It provide good security level to PSSR, but
one disadvantages is that with q-composite is that
q no. of keys is common between 2 nodes which
are far away from each other so that idea to
established communication in between nodes is not
so good because by communicating ours energy
consumed too much. So keeping in mind this
problem we propose a new constraint of distance
on q-composite concept. By this concept only then
connection is established when distance between
these nodes are less than the given threshold value
D0.The value of D0 guided by the n/w area and
density nodes in wsn’s area.
PSSR Protocol Description:- when n/w is setup
then the Base station of n/w’s generates sets of
keys from the key pool for all nodes in the n/w’s
and maintain a list of all nodes in the n/w’s. in this
we maintain 3 list:1. one is node ID
2. ID of node location
3. Key sets assign to nodes.
id 1
----------id 2
----------id 3
----------id 4
----------id 5
----------id 6
id 1
-------id 2
-------id 3
-------id 4
-------id 5
-------id 6
Location id’s sensor id’s
key sets
After that we further make 3 tables whose
descriptions are given below:A. Local neighbour:- Now base station
compare all keys in the key sets which
was provide by him to all keys in the
n/w’s if the find list of keys which are
common to nodes and base station list
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with in n/w’. Then it store in logical
neighbours list of that n/w’s. If the list is
empty then base station assign again a new
keys sets to the corresponding nodes and
the then repeat the process again and again
until some of keys sets are not common or
B. Physical neighbour:- the list of physical
neighbour are sorted in same way. Here
base station compute the distance of all
nodes those are in wsn’s area it compare
all nodes one by one with the the set
threshold value for distance if the node
distance are under the given threshold
value then it stores the nodes id to
physical neighbour list if not then it
neglected the nodes.
the base station find actual neighbour list for all
nodes then base station construct a graph of
network where nodes represented as nodes in n/w’s
and edges represented secure link. Now base
station obtain minimum spanning tree of graph.
One designate node are now taken as root node and
set it to communicate with base station. This
delegation must be on rotation basis otherwise
energy of nodes communicating with base station
consumed soon and n/w will disconnect.
Communicating node
sensor node
C. Actual neighbour: - in actual neighbour
only those nodes are sorted which are in
physical neighbour list and as well as in
logical neighbour list. Only nodes which
are presented in both lists are stored in
actual neighbour list. If there is an empty
location in actual neighbour list then it
shows that some node are far away from
the other nodes and there chance is very
rare and we can ignore it these are node
are few in numbers and rarely it happens.
Link between node
To rotate the delegation, BS can choose any
scheduling scheme; PSSR using the scheme
presented in GANM [15]. BS computes link keys
between a node and all of its neighbours by
applying some hash function, as shown in the
algorithm. It also computes a timer value, as shown
in the algorithm, to synchronize the network. Once
the link keys and timer value are computed, BS
constructs N packets, one for each node, containing
node ID, set of link keys for that node and timer
value, as shown:
Node id
link keys
Packet to synchronize
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BS broadcast these packets in the network. Nodes
in the area receive only the packet meant for them,
store this information within its memory, and
ignore other packets. On receiving the above
packet, timer within the node is triggered and the
whole network gets synchronized. Once the
network is synchronized, nodes within the network
start sensing the surrounding and send the sensed
data, in the following format to its parents, where,
these data are aggregated and this aggregated data
is forwarded to their parent; this process is
continued and finally aggregated data reaches to
the node communicating with BS through which
data is reached to the BS.
Sender id
Neighbours link keys
Data packet
This whole process of resynchronization is repeated
after the regular interval of time in order to enhance
the security level of the network, by generating
unpredictable key values, in the least possible
interval. To enhance the security level further, link
keys and timer values may be encrypted before
their transmission in the data packet.
Algorithm:- List ‘LNbr’ is an array of pointer, in
which locations are pointing to the link list of ID of
logical neighbors of the node under consideration
(i.e. nodes with Q keys in common, can be
represented as CKeysI,J for nodes I and J), ‘PNbr’ is
an array of pointer, in which locations are pointing
to the link list of ID of those nodes whose physical
distance is less than Do, ‘Nbr’ is an array of pointer,
in which locations are pointing to the nodes
allowed to communicate with each other, according
to PSSR as well as node under consideration and
‘Iso’ is list of all those nodes, which are isolated
from the network.
The function SECURE_LINK(Iso[I]) is used to
establish a secure link among the isolated nodes
present in the list ‘Iso[]’. However, the function
RESYNCHRONIZE ( ) is used to resynchronize
the entire network in the synchronization time,
‘Tsync’ so that, each delegate node, ‘Dlgt’ in the list
communicates with the BS on round robin basis.
The synchronization time, ‘Tsync’ must be less than
the threshold time, ‘T0’ (by some tolerance value
ε), which is the time taken by an adversary to
capture any node in the network. Moreover, T BS
and timer[I] are the timers maintained at the Base
Station and at each node in the network; acting as
their respective dynamic keys.
1. While ((Nbr[1])||( Nbr[2])||( Nbr[3])||…||(N
br[N]) = NULL) repeat steps 2 to 5
2. Initialize C :=1.
3. For I:=1 to N
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If (Nbr[I] = NULL) add its ID to Iso[C];
4. For I:=1 to C
Generate new key set and replace the key set
in KSets[I] corresponding to node Iso[I] by
new set.
5. Call SECURE_LINK (Iso[I]).
6. Establish two way communication links by the
link key as:
K:= HASH {k1||k2||……||kk}.
graph obtained in step 6.
8. Traverse the Tree constructed in step 7 and store
the nodes in Dlgt[I].
9. Initialize I:=1.
10. while (I>0) repeat step 11 to 15
11. Temp:= Tsync:= T0 - ε
12. while(Temp > 0 )
i) Delegate node Dlgt[I] to communicate
with BS.
ii)Temp: = Temp -1.
14. I:=I+1; Temp:= Tsync
15. If I==N then Set I:=1.
1. Temp:= Tsync
2. while (Temp >= 0) repeat steps 3 to 6
3. If (Temp == Tsync)
i) Generate two way communication links
between each pair of nodes by the link key
K:= ((HASH {k1||k2||……||kk}+
ii) x:= (int | (T0-HASH{n||LID[Dlgt[I]]})/2| ).
iii) Set TBS:= x.
iv) for I:=1 to N
Set timer[I]:= x.
4. TBS:= TBS + 1.
5. timer[I]:= timer[I] + 1.
6. Temp:= Temp-1.
1. for I:=1 to N repeat steps 2 to 3.
2. for J:=1 to N repeat step 3.
3. If (I!=J)
If ((CKeys I,J >= Q) && (|LID I -LID J| <= D0))
Add the IDs of the nodes in the neighbor list
4.1 Analysis of PSSR:-In WSN routing, energy
and security are the three primary factors that
should be kept in mind, before designing any
protocol. It is a general myth that efficient routing,
security and networks lifetime are seemed to be
incompatible, but PSSR trying to balance all these
parameters. All these aspects are considered in
development of PSSR.
We are using three keys for communication;
out of which one is static (i.e., ID of node) and
remaining two are dynamic, which are computed
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simulated for energy consumed by SNs with the
increasing threshold value of distance, the effect of
key set size on the time taken to establish a secure
link and finally, PSSR is compared with QComposite random key pre distribution scheme.
Figure 4 shows that the times taken for the
establishment of secure link increases with the
increasing size of the key set, assigned to the sensor
nodes. It is observed that the lifetime of a SN
decreases as the distance between two nodes
increases in Figure 5 and finally, Figure 6 shows
the comparison between the traditional Qcomposite random key pre-distribution technique
and PSSR. It can be observed that the energy
consumption for the secure link establishment in Qcomposite random key pre-distribution scheme gets
increased with the increasing size of Q. However,
in PSSR, the energy consumption remains constant
since all the exhaustive tasks are managed by the
BS rather than SN itself.
time taken to establish secure link
fig 4:- Effect of Key Set
Size on Secure Link
Establishment set of
key assign to SN's
Distance in meter
by applying hash function; as given in the
algorithm. These two dynamic keys are changed
every time, when the network gets resynchronized.
So, in PSSR, if some node gets compromised, it
will be identified after next synchronization. PSSR
resynchronize entire network in the time less than
T0, where, T0 is the time required to compromise
any node by an adversary. In some protocols,
highest residual energy nodes are identified within
the network and all data to the BS are routed
through that node, which may causes problem, such
as, unbounded delays. However, rather than
checking nodes with highest residual energy, PSSR
delegate a node to communicate with BS on
rotation basis, which is selected based on GANM
(discussed in literature survey), and we kept this
rotation time less than T0, so that, even if somehow
an adversary is able to capture it, its effect could be
Energy is considered to be most important
factor to enhance the life of the network. In PSSR,
communication link between two nodes is
established only if the distance between these two
nodes is less than D0 and they satisfied the key
criteria of Q composite keys. In PSSR, algorithms
to set up the network are running at the BS, which
saves energy of SNs a lot. In Q-composite scheme,
there is no restriction of distance between two
nodes and if communication link is established
between two nodes, which are far away with each
other, then much more energy is required to
communicate with each other, as compared to
Effect of
Key Set Size
on Secure
ent set of
key assign
set of key assign to SN's to SN's
fig 5:- Effect of
Distance between the
Neighbors on the…
31500 32000 32500 33000 33500 34000
energy consumed in nano Joule
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Figure 6. Comparison of Q-Composite Scheme
article, we have presented PSSR protocol for
WSNs. The design of PSSR protocol is motivated
by the observation that, in Q- composite scheme,
the algorithm to establish secure link between
nodes was executed in the sensor nodes due to
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which, huge amount of nodes energy was
consumed during setup phase. To enhance the
security, PSSR keeps on changing keying materials
every time network gets resynchronized.
As a future work, researchers can consider the
mobility of sensor node in the deployment area and
one can think the mobility of BS as well.
Summary:- This chapter presented PSSR
protocol for WSNs. The design of PSSR protocol is
motivated by the observation that, in Q- composite
scheme, the algorithm to establish secure link
between nodes was executed in SNs due to which,
huge amount of SNs energy was consumed during
setup phase. To enhance the security, PSSR keeps
on changing keying materials every time network
gets resynchronized.
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