A New Proposed System for the Bumper of all type

International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 21 Number 9 – March 2015
A New Proposed System for the Bumper of all type
of Vehicle
Nitin B. Yadav#1, Sandip Budhe#2
Mechanical Engineering Department,
Symbiosis Institute of technology, lavale, pune-412115, India
Abstract— in present paper different bumper system of vehicle
are studied. Bumper is an important part of vehicle which acts as
one of the safety part of vehicle, now a day’s bumper used in
vehicle which directly connected to chassis of vehicle. So that
when accident are happened the force that transfer to other parts
of vehicle through linkage. There is no mechanism to drop that
linkage. in this paper we studied new proposed bumper system
by using hydraulic cylinder to minimized the impact of
accident ,the cylinder used here work in two stages, this bumper
system applicable to all kind of vehicle need to change the
stiffness of spring that we use in cylinder, so proposed bumper
system suggested for future research.
Keywords— Bumper, Single acting Hydraulic Cylinder, spring,
catia, impact
In automobiles (passenger) and heavy vehicles
bumper is used in front and rear of vehicle as safety
purpose. It made in such a way that it takes
maximum impact of vehicle and after accident it
goes towards chassis. The lot of research is done in
this field on material basis. most of the vehicle use
bumper which made from steel, light material such
as aluminium, and plastic and many more. now a
days the bumper that we have seen on vehicle is
directly connected to chassis, so there is solid to
chassis ,furthermore no space is kept between
bonnet and bumper all they make closed (fixed )
between bonnet and bumper so that after accident
impact travel in linkage, and affect to bonnet,
engine and finally goes to driver cabin and
passenger. Now a day’s technology has been
change and research is going on hydraulic bumper
system it involves in automobile industry in 19th
century with rigid and complex form .but in this
paper we proposed new system for bumper in such
a way that it will break the linkage of impact which
is form by solid to solid contact, by using single
acting hydraulic cylinder with maintaining the gap
between bumper and bonnet.
Study includes different types of bumper system
as material, and suitable design point of view.
Zhida sen (2012) had done work on new design
of longitudinal beam for front of the car, a frontal
crash FEA model is done using CMVDR294, and
simulation for the same using LS-DYNA. In this
paper they have done work on 100% crash
simulation, and 40% ODB crash simulation for
front of the car, but key focus of this paper on side
impact of car. After accident simulation is done for
front only but side parameters such as side door,
pillar roof, door frame driver seat not take in to
account, in this paper they work for the same
parameters. For that he divided 3 division crash
energy absorption areas, front, middle and rear.
Longitudinal beam the part who takes maximum
impact after accident, so he did deformation study
at certain forces on longitudinal beam. Finally
result showed that improvement in longitudinal
beam will improved car safety, and the same area
Fig. 1 Impact travel direction after collision
he suggested for future work. in present paper he
Fig.1 shows that vehicle that use bumper system work on forces transfer to different areas of vehicle,
that connected to chassis of vehicle with no gap and done calculation for the same, but key area that
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is bumper of vehicle he didn’t study on that. After
impact forces are travelled to first bumper then
other parts. So the bumper design is much
important to reduce transmission of forces [1].
S.Prabhakaran (2012) had done work on
composite bumper which applicable to light
passenger vehicle, further fabrication is also done
by using hand layup process. In this method they
use E-glass epoxy bidirectional laminate and glass
fiber. Further Charpy test is carried out to check
material ability of bumper. Test is carried out on
composite bumper it showed that there is weight
reduction by 53.8%, and factor of safety 64%
higher as compare to steel material. The focus of
paper based on new design, material and cost
saving. The thickness of the bumper according to
material properties is carried out theoretically.
Bumper is made of composite and it is followed by
charpy test. Results are good as compare to steel
material. Experiment was done on same area
(40mm2) impact value and impact energy are 294J
and 74(J/mm2). Further analysis is done on
composite and steel bumper by using FEA.
Results showed that reduction in weight and cost
by 53.78% and 77.22%. Impact strength is good for
composite that is 7.25 compare to steel 3.25.
Maximum stress produced on the material is
369.168 n/mm2, compare to steel 142.471.in case of
factor of safety it is 3.4 compare to steel 1.2 So
alternately there is weight reduction of bumper and
less weight improved fuel efficiency of vehicle.
The study is focus on cost, weight, and new
design of bumper. The composite material tested on
Charpy test machine is only comparative basis. The
model of bumper that design was old model not
advanced. No impact absorbing material added to
bumper, which make solid to solid contact with
vehicle [2].
Mohit Tomar (2013) had done work on new
design of bumper system in order to minimize the
collision force which produces by other car. Test
results are found by using simulation process (Auto
Desk).in this paper comparative analysis is done
between normal bumper and modified bumper
results are drawn for flow of energy in the bumper
during collision. The load is applied on bumper and
results are found for von misses, first principle and
3 rd principle stresses. As compare to conventional
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bumper he added shock absorber to the front
bumper in order to reduce impact. The load of
11240.450 lb force is applied on the bumper and
test results are drawn Table I.
Results showed that small change that done on
bumper to add shock absorber in order to absorb
shock during impact .results are good for all the
stresses that mention in table. So in above research
paper detail study is done on design basis no
material parameter and weight is considered.
Changes are done in only in the frame (chassis).
Forces are applied on the bumper only. Bonnet area
which is the force transfer medium did not take in
to account, forces transfer to different areas after
accident not consider [3].
Conventional and modified test results
lb force
lb force
2.1 Max
4 Max
Nitin S. Motgi (2013) had done work on impact
analysis on front bumper, for that he design new
bumper system and modelling, analysis is done for
the same, by using CAD/CAE software.
Fig.2 CAD model of bumper system
Fig2. Showed that new design of CAD model on
which further CAD/CAM analysis is done
By using finite element method and application
of force on bumper for various materials he came to
conclusion that metallic and composite bumper
fascia is most appropriate material and most suited
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for impact strength. Stress and deformation results
are found for aluminium and composite bumper
fascia. Internal energy indicates energy absorption
capacity of bumper. From results he concludes that
aluminium fascia has poor absorption capacity of
impact while composite bumper fascia show better
results than aluminium.
Fig.3 and fig.4 showed that internal energy
Fig.5 CAD model of bumper system
absorption in case of aluminium and composite
Fig.5 showed that modelling of bumper is done by
bumper facia [4].
using PRO-E, and analysis is carried out for the
Material property for ABS Plastic and PEI
Material-ABS Plastic
Model Type
Linear Elastic isotropic
Linear Elastic Isotropic
Fig3. Aluminium bumper fascia
3.38*10^7 N/m2
3.189*10^8 N/m2
3.189*10^8 N/m2
Mass density
Result showed that modelling and impact
analysis is done by using PRO-E software, analysis
Pradeep Kumar Uddandapu (2013) had done is carried out at different speed followed by stress,
work on bumper system of vehicle by considering displacement and strain, as compare to steel
variables like material, structure, shape. and impact property it is found that ABS and PEI are good
condition are studied for analysis of bumper beam material, but analysis is not done by using CFD, no
in order to reduce crashworthiness during collision. shock absorbing material take in to consideration.
More priority given to selection of material, and he So the problem of transfer of forces in a linkage
perform analysis for various speeds according to remain as it is [5]
their regulation, and finally came to conclusion the
Galal A. Hassaan (2014) had done work on
material property of ABS (Acrylonitrile-Butadienebumper
system of vehicle by introducing spring
Styrene) and PEI plastic are good and they can take
over conventional material that uses such as steel damper system. It is applicable for both front and
fiber. The material property are describe for ABS rear of vehicle. Initial parameters are considered for
bumper such as 100 mm dynamic motion. Crash
Plastic and PEI TABLEIII.
speed is considered between 20 to 140 km/hr and
mass of the vehicle taken between 1000 to 6000 kg.
Fig.4 Composite bumper fascia
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Spring stiffness and damping coefficient is taken as
88.776 kn/m and 2250 kns/m respectively.
The spring damper system is shown in below
figure.6. It consists of vehicle with spring damper
and it is collide on other vehicle, so the damper
system is used to absorb shock and kinetic energy
which is produced by impact. The mathematical
equations are drawn to prove his theory at various
speed and masses.
and impact analysis. The author selected best
material out of the mention material above. And it
applies for his bumper system, for analysis of these
material different boundary conditions are set for
Experimentation of these materials is done by
considering speed and forces of impact at different
boundary conditions act on bumper of vehicle. The
isometric model of bumper fig.7, on which different
tests are performed to select best material
Fig.6 Vehicle Buffer dynamic system
System differential equations assuming linear
Fig.7 Isometric model of bumper
elastic and damping characteristics is –
M d 2x
c dx
kx 0 ,
Results are drawn such as
a) After impact analysis
Results are carried out by considering vehicle strike
–low deformation,
on other vehicle at different speed on that basis he
–Maximum von misses stress,
found graph between vehicle buffer time response
–low strain value.
to arbitrary buffer parameter. MATLAB code is
b) Under loading condition
written in order to get the result at different speed
–maximum stress value,
and masses. Exact optimal design of buffer was
–low deformation,
presented in this paper by considering active and
material is selected
semi active approach.
–low deformation,
Exact design of bumper not take in to
–Maximum von misses stress,
consideration, how to apply on vehicle, how it work
selected because of fulfilling the
Still open, at the time of working it doesn’t break
the linkage of impact that formed between bumper requirement such as high strength to weight ratio,
and bonnet. So it will reduce the impact energy but crashworthiness, high stiffness to weight ratio.
Material study has been done but new design does
at higher speed it defiantly damage bonnet engine,
take in to account which result in solid to solid
transmission parts of vehicle [6].
contact between bumper and bonnet which result in
Alen john (2014) had done work on Bumper no energy absorption and sudden failure [7].
system of ambassador car. It is modeled by using
CATIA V5R18. Further static analysis is done by
using FEM package of ABAQUS 6.10. And for
dynamic he used ANSYS Workbench 11.0.the
material used here such as Aluminum B390 alloy,
carbon composite and chromium coated mild steel.
For mention three material he did static, dynamic
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Aman N. Charkha (2014) had done research on
material basis bumper system he replaced old
bumper made up of steel by Composite bumper
system his design base on weight reduction
parameter. He used fiber reinforced composite
material that result in to less cost and 30% weight
reduction. They added new composite structure
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material such as glass chopped strand mat, core mat
and epoxy resin to absorb most kinetic energy. And
process carried out by hand layup method fig.8
Fig.8 Hand layup method
As shown in fig. this method is applicable for
making fibreglass composite. The resin is poured in
to mould it is in the form of liquid or wax. Resin is
2-part polyester, vinyl or epoxy mixed with
hardener. The air should not be trap, after
completion of process we get bumper structure,
resin is used because it is good resistance to
chemical, creep, fatigue, high strength. This method
is beneficial because of low cost. the result show
that composite impact bumper beam is most
suitable over steel impact beam, the cost and weight
is low compare to steel, impact and equivalent
strength is also good so in this paper research is
done as material point of view but not study done
on new design or structure of bumper [8].
Fig.9: proposed system of Single acting hydraulic cylinder with rail
In fig.9 bumper is fixed connected to single acting
hydraulic cylinder, which is connected to the
chassis of vehicle, so there is gap between rail and
bonnet of vehicle. The linkage is drop that transmits
impact from bumper to bonnet.
Working principle of hydraulic cylinder:
Stage 1:
After impact of vehicle on rail, the rail is compress
not fully but up to certain distance, because the
hydraulic cylinder absorbs first impact of accident
and minimized it. Distance is decided on type of
vehicle (e.g. passenger, heavy duty).for example
fig.10 indicates total distance is 500mm.
From literature review it shows that most of the
vehicle uses bumper which is directly or by using
some mechanism connected to the chassis of
vehicle, so there is solid to solid contact between
bumper and bonnet of vehicle. So the effect of
accident travel in a linkage from bumper to bonnet
and finally to the driver and passengers. In this case
there is no mechanism to drop this linkage. So the
proposed system consists of single acting spring
return hydraulic cylinder with rail (bumper) as
shown in fig.9, modelling is done using CATIA
Fig.10 first stoke of cylinder (initial stage).
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Fig.13 shows that position of piston after impact,
the fluid contains in right side of the piston move
towards left via small holes on piston. After
collision the piston return to its original position by
spring mechanism. The spring use here should have
high strength in order to absorb impact and sustain
strength as per vehicle impact.
As the bumper is connected to cylinder
rod there is provided fillet so after load no bending
is take place.
Fig.11 Second Stroke of cylinder (after impact)
Different types of bumper system are studied
base on material and design basis. So we choose
When compression of cylinder reaches to maximum best material for proposed bumper system. New
level at end, second stroke directly impact on design of bumper is possible which can take
cylinder which is followed by chassis, for example maximum impact and make the car safe.
Main perspective of this study is to show that
fig.11 indicate compress cylinder up to 250mm.
acting hydraulic cylinder can be use in
Selection of single acting hydraulic cylinder, spring
stiffness and its size depend on type, size of the bumper system. Because hydraulic property takes
maximum impact, load. In first stage spring is used
vehicle and it application base.
to reduce the impact and in second stage impact
goes to chassis. One more benefit is that it will drop
the direct linkage of impact that is form by metal to
metal contact between colliding of two vehicles. It
reduces by using hydraulic cylinder. So the stiffness
of spring used in hydraulic cylinder is play
important role according to type of vehicle.
Stage 2:
Fig.12: Before Impact of cylinder
The research work dedicated to my parents, teacher
and guide who always motivate and guide me.
Fig.13: After impact of cylinder
As shown in fig.12, fluid contain in cylinder
proportional limit on left and right side of the piston.
Left rod end which is permanent connected to
bumper, with stopper, when stopper reaches to
cylinder first stroke is complete.
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