Peer to Peer Data Dissemination over Disconnected MANET based on... T.Sennila ,C.Balakrishnan


International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 20 Number 2 – Feb 2015

Peer to Peer Data Dissemination over Disconnected MANET based on Gossip






PG Scholar, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, S.A. Engineering College, India.


Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, S.A. Engineering College, India.


In a mobile ad hoc network (MANET) peer to peer data dissemination uses three techniques and they are advertised, social network and flooding. The flooding technique and advertisement technique can easily have maximum overhead and minimum compatibility. Both are developed by connecting mobile for secure communication. The social network technique is utilizing diffusion or publishing algorithm in strategic networks. To avoid the overhead and compatibility, social network based peer to peer content based file sharing in mobile ad hoc networks is used. These methods have some component node stability, interest routing scheme, community construction and interest extraction. But these also produce high overhead due to broadcasting in one mobile to another mobile. So, we propose a gossip protocol for efficient file sharing and spread information between mobiles in a social network. It is mainly used for effective searching, less time consuming, high scalability between one mobile to another mobile in disconnected MANET.

Keywords —Central trust, Content based file sharing,

Decentralized, Gossip, MANETs, Spoon. community structure, interest extraction, and interest oriented file searching and retrieval.

The interest extraction only drives interest node from its files. In that connection can drives a file vector for each of its files and they have keywords and weight. Community construction act as a centralized manner by collecting interest node and contact frequencies from all nodes to one central node. Interest oriented file searching is based on two ways intra-community and inter-community file searching. The intra-community is representing the home community and intercommunity is representing the foreign community. Intracommunity only searches the file within the home community, but inter-community search all the files both home and foreign community.


Research Problem



A MANET (Mobile Ad-hoc Network) is a framework less network and connected without wires in the network. It is selfresolute in any direction and changes the connections from one system to another system. The MANETs is mobile and is a kind of wireless ad-hoc network that has routable networking on top of the link layer. It comprised peer to peer file sharing, self-healing, and self-forming the network.

In a MANET, the files are shared efficiently and avoid congestion in peer to peer network. The p2p is sharing and distributing the digital media using network topology. The peer to peer information sharing method makes large networks in which nodes share files directly with each other using decentralized server. It can share the files, for example, audios, images, games, files, videos, graphics, text, and etc. MANET has some advantages that are mobility, cost effective, less time consuming, self- configurable, rapidly deployable, and more robust than cellular system.

In disconnected MANET, p2p file sharing systems are based on two methods flooding based and advertisement based. A first Flooding based method to improve the searching process and the advertisement based method each file holder regularly broadcasts an advertisement message in order to inform surrounding nodes about what files are to be shared. These two techniques have low capability and produce high overhead. It can be avoided using SPOON concept that is

Social network based Peer to Peer content-based file sharing in mobile ad-hoc Network. The SPOON has three components

The peer to peer file sharing have two problem flooding based and advertisement based. The Flooding based method is based on broadcasting in the search process. A node needs to explore some files, first broadcast the requirement to its adjacent, then from the response messages; it can obtain the instruction which is related to the file owner. These methods use PDI (Passive Distributed Indexing) concept and it is an appropriated search service which permits resource effective searching for transparent query. The PDI exploits the building blocks for query transmission, query acknowledgement, and query result. The building blocks mainly used for eliminating the query message to the entire network in more application.

After eliminating the query message, it can achieve a number of duplicate messages. The flooding based method is higher superior because of equivalent message and these overhead includes high congestion due to the high volume of traffic.

The advertisement based method represents the content location service and it based on Geography-based Content

Location Protocol (GCLP). The GCLP to allow each client to detect an adjacent server by use of graphical distance. In advertisement based method, each file holder typically transmits a message in order to communicate environment nodes as regards what files are to be shared. These methods also proceed to high overheads and low search proficiency because expired routes produced by transient network connections. The both two approaches have high overhead and low capability.

To overcome this method uses SPOON concept but there have also some disadvantages. In that method, first form community, then each can broadcast its neighbouring node and select the ambassador. The ambassador transmits the files for data-holder and it can share data to the coordinator, but they loss some files because of random production. Then the

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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 20 Number 2 – Feb 2015 coordinator passes the files from one base station to other base station in a centralized manner.



The existing method use three concepts, flooding based, advertisement based, and SPOON technology. The flooding based method is high overhead because of duplicate message.

The advertisement based method is also producing high overhead and low capability because expired routes. The

SPOON technique to overcome the high overhead and low efficiency, but it can loss the files and take more time due to random generation. In that proposed system these are avoided in the Gossip technique and it can be used in a decentralized manner. These techniques use central trust algorithm, and can choose the trustee authority to communicate the honest node from its community. proportioned by a constitution that is nodes are hardly equivalent, with no node changing a specialized role. As an impact, gossip protocols are essentially simple.

6) Low cost administration: Each node only wants to maintain an assumption of the system membership, in order to choose its gossip peers at accidental. This membership is easier to maintain than constructions with stronger limitations.


5) Proportion constitution: The gossip protocols are

Gossip Elementary for MANETS

The application of gossip based protocol in MANET, it is divided into three ways and these are:

1) Sparse gossip: In that scenario, gossiping requires only a little part of the nodes that establish the mobile ad-hoc network. Therefore the other contributors are arriving when the broadcast is accomplished at the network level. In this instance, gossip wants to be performed at the top level.



Gossip protocols have emanated as a powerful orderliness for implementing highly adaptable and robust observance, such as intelligence diffusion and accumulation. The gossip protocol need to access in dynamic system, but the existing is used in a static system. It can be easily implemented in a decentralized method and manifest desirable characteristics, namely flexibility, dependability, adaptability, and robustness.

In this protocol each node interacts with a small subset of the participants and substitution a small amount of intelligence in each interaction. These types of protocol are often applied to internet based routines and wireless ad-hoc network.

2) Dense gossip: In that scenario, the bulk of nodes or even all of them perform in gossiping. Therefore, it is potential to manipulate the broadcast constitution of the wireless communication to enhance gossip.

3) Delay tolerant gossip: diffusion of data in the technique.

In that scenario, gossip contributors are accepted to be mobile and their mobility methods instrumental in protecting network connectivity. The network may be not connected for long times. In this instance, gossip through mobile nodes are the only way to confirm the


Advantage of Gossip

The gossip based protocols have many advantages and they are expandability, self-possession, node insolvency, buoyant to transient, proportion constitution, low cost administration.

1) Expandability: Gossip protocols are essentially expandable. In that gossip protocols, each node accomplishes a rooted set of process at fixed rate inconsiderate of the network size.

2) Network node self-possession: In that gossip protocol, every interacts with a minimum number of peers for a minimum number of durations, in order to produce a service.

These gossip peers are chosen at accidental, the load is symmetrically allocated among all links.

3) Buoyant to node insolvency: The gossip protocols are essentially redundant: a node is communicated by more than one peer in a given execution. Any insolvency of one single node has small consequences on the dependability of the protocol.

4) Buoyant to transient network insolvency: Due to the accidental selection of peers, many paths are examined in a gossip based protocol. This creates the protocol extremely flexible to link insolvencies, which are non-transitive network partitioning.


Broadcast Gossip

The gossip is generally achieved by engaging the origins of information choose at scatter the nodes with which it is sent to trade-off data. Then, the origin sends end-to-end information for each of these targets. In broadcast gossip, the origin of information does not choose target nodes. First, it undecorated broadcasts the information to all nodes in its dispatch limit.

Then every recipient uses some algorithm to decide if it is willing to act as a forwarder of the message or not. The broadcast gossip uses some decision algorithms and they are probably based, counter based, and distance based.

General Gossip

Dissemination Pub-Sub Aggregation overlay construction

Fig.1 Gossip based applications

1) Probabilistic based: Each recipient of the broadcast tosses a coin to decide if it should become a forwarder or not.

2) Counter based: Each recipient monitors how many neighbours have previously decided to gossip a given message, and decides to forward it if it hears fewer than M such gossips.

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3) Distance based: Each recipient estimates its distance to the source of the gossip. More distant nodes are more likely to become gossip peers than closer nodes.



Opportunistic gossip is unique to mobile ad hoc networks.

In this scheme, mobility and in particular the knowledge of the mobility pattern of nodes is utilized to propagate messages in the system. The messages are forwarded to nodes that are likely to be moving towards a desired region of the network.

During their mobility, these nodes offload the message opportunistically to other nodes they encounter.

The decision regarding which nodes to offload a message can be taken either by means of some heuristic or probabilistically. Hence, with opportunistic gossip, mobility becomes a substitute for dissemination along connected paths.

Here, mobility becomes an asset of data dissemination rather than an obstacle. These types of networks have been referred to as delay-tolerant, intermittently-connected, or highlypartitioned.




Architecture Diagram

Fig. 2 System Architecture


Community Formation and Importance

Without loss of generality, we assume that node contents can be classified into different interest categories. It was found that users usually have a few file categories that they query for files frequently in a file sharing system. Exactly, for the superiority of users, 80% of their shared files drop into only

20% of overall file categories. Like other file sharing systems, we consider that a node‟s stored file can reflect its file interests. Thus, social network determines the targets of a node from its files.


File searching and Transfer

Architecture diagram represents the productive file sharing and avoids the superior between the networks. First send the file from the source, and the files collected by the data-holder.

These data-holders collect the files from the origin node and send to the coordinator. In that data-holder node derives a file vector for each of its files from its metadata. These file vector denote the keyword and weight and after retrieving the file vector, a node selects the interest groups. Then the coordinator checks the index files from the data-holder. It is used to determine the importance of a vertex within the network and assign weights to each link based on the frequency for select the coordinator.

Intra community used to calculate query and community vector. Each files associated with a counter that represents the number of hops. Ambassador checks all the files and used to bridge the coordinator in its home community and foreign community. Each node reports its utility values for foreign communities it has met with the coordinator in its home community.

Inter community eliminates unwanted or empty files. This community designs an application to the foreign community.

It is similar to intra community file searching and uses a multiple copy forwarding strategy. Network is used to send all the files to sink node. The nodes exchange two phases of interest vectors and community vectors on that network. It can remove the unwanted files or queries of the network.

File searching in Spores is done in parallel. A peer sends search requests to its immediate neighbours who in turn forward the request to their immediate neighbours, etc., for a specified depth into the network. A search request specifies a file name, uniqueness code, type (file or folder), and search id.

Either a filename or uniqueness code (or both) must be given.

A search id is derived from the other components of the request plus the originating peer address. It is cached at peers receiving the request and used to prevent looping and redundant messages.

Fig. 3Parallel file search

Fig. 3 shows peer A searching for a file that is stored in peer M. When a search request reaches M, the file name and/or uniqueness code are matched against files in M‟s

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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 20 Number 2 – Feb 2015 shared space. The return arrows show the path of the search success messages that contain the address of M. In Spores it is useful to know how many copies of a file exist in the surrounding network to estimate the file saturation level. For this reason, every outgoing search message results in a reply indicating the number of copies found. In the example, peer A will receive three replies containing accumulated copy counts.

A successful search results in the target peer‟s address being stored in the searching peer‟s connected list in the anticipation that it will later be downloaded from.

4) Level-1 Heading : A level-1 heading must be in Small

Caps, centred and numbered using uppercase Roman numerals.

For example, see heading “III. Page Style” of this document.

The two level-1 headings which must not be numbered are

“Acknowledgment” and “References”.

5) Level-2 Heading: A level-2 heading must be in Italic, left-justified and numbered using an uppercase alphabetic letter followed by a period. For example, see heading “C.

Section Headings” above.

6) Level-3 Heading: A level-3 heading must be indented, in Italic and numbered with an Arabic numeral followed by a right parenthesis. The level-3 heading must end with a colon.

The body of the level-3 section immediately follows the level-

3 heading in the same paragraph. For example, this paragraph begins with a level-3 heading.


Distributed Detection and Push-Pull

Our push-pull approach decreases the number of messages that are sent within the peer to peer network. The prevailing approaches for information dissemination or information retrieval within a P2P network have tried to pass out messages through all or selected neighbours and up to an unspecified depth. Unlike these approaches, our technique involves a detection state to gather data on peers that would be interested in receiving positive information. Thereafter, the push phase of P2P Gossiping involves a multicast of that information to specially selected peers (called seers) based on the discovered data. The push phase can be repeated with new information using long times. A peer will retrieve the information from a nearby seer via a pull phase. We show that distributeddetection is a low superior, simple protocol to determine seers and avoids easily. In our algorithm for the push state makes gossip, information available to a large percentage of interested peers within a very short number of links. In addition, these two capabilities facilitate the management of quickly changing community structures via undirected intra-community communication.


Distributed Detection of Seers


Querying and Rendering the Data

The interest-oriented file searching scheme has two steps: intra- Community and inter-communitysearching. The interest node first searches files in its home community. The coordinator finds that the home community cannot satisfy a request and it launches the inter-community searching. To forward the request to an ambassador that will travel to the foreign community that matches the request‟s interest. A request is deleted when its TTL (Time To Live) expires.

During the search, a node sends a message to another node using the interest-oriented routing algorithm (IRA), in which a message is always forwarded to the node that is likely to hold or to meet the queried keywords. The fetched file is routed along the search path or through IRA if the route expires.

Peers are classified based on their involvement value with respect to the community. The involvement of a peer in a community is the average of all out link weights corresponding to the common interest attributes shared by subscribers of that community. In other way, for peer „X‟, involvement is proportional to the number of peers from the neighbourhood of „X‟ to which there are outgoing links.

Peers are called seers if they have a higher value of involvement due to their links (direct or indirect) to more peer claiming the same attribute(s). Thus, information stored on the forecasters will be available to more peers within the community.

Now, we propose a simple Distributed Detection algorithm to find the forecasters that will be used for the push phase.

The algorithm will gather involvement values from most peer subscribers of the community in an efficient manner.





Create vector ‘u’ for community ‘m’

Insert my information

Send ‘u’ to direct neighbours claiming ‘M’

Send ‘u’ to 2nd-deg neighbours claiming ‘M’

Wait to receive end messages


After running this algorithm, which uses significant elements for co-operating the construction of communities, peers will discover the communities that they participate.

However, since significance attributes are constantly changing values, the construction of communities wants to occur on a regular basis to keep the P2P system up-to-date and to keep the peers subscribed to the most suitable, existing communities.

A periodic increase in transmitting messages might not be suitable for minimum bandwidth networks, as regular transmission will be affected by this increased traffic.



Receive vector ‘u’

If I have already received ‘u’

Send NACK to sender of the ‘u’



Send ACK to sender of the ‘u’


Insert my information

List neighboursclaiming ‘M’

Remove sender of ‘u’ from list

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If list has peer identities

Foreach peer in list

Send ‘u’ to peer

Receive acknowledgement from peer



Create end message with ‘u’

Send to Initiator



Fig. 4 Pseudo-code for Distributed Discovery Algorithm

The distributed detection algorithm shows the pseudo-code in the above. By making the initiating peer wait „t‟ cycles after the frequency drops off to zero (Point A), most of the end messages can be gathered. Here, „t‟ is calculated as the time it takes for the frequency to reach its peak from zero. If more messages enter during wait time, Point A is reset and the value

„t‟ is recalculated for the new peak frequency.


International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 20 Number 2 – Feb 2015 p2p Gossiping that participate in the system. These links collectively form an overlay, which defines the “who knows whom” relationship, and determines the potential communication paths for gossiping.

A significant amount of research has focused on devising algorithms for building and maintaining a multitude of overlay types, possessing various properties appropriate for one application or another. These include overlays that resemble random graphs or small-worlds, super-peer structures, geographic-based topologies, semantic overlays, etc.

The MANET world is, however, fundamentally different.

When routing is either not available, or too expensive, communication remains inherently limited to physically neighbouring nodes. More specifically, a node can gossip with another node only if the latter is in the transmission range of the quondam. Let alone that transmission ranges are not always symmetric. Thus, in the dense gossip scenario (for static and slow moving networks), the overlay is mainly constrained by the physical topology.

For undirected intra-community information dissemination, we propose P2P Gossiping. P2P Gossiping is a push-pull approach that is resilient and does not critically depend on any single peer or message. It involves communication between seers to achieve a detached similar to the case of rumour spreading. However, the two major differences between our method and rumour spreading is that each peer does not have an a priori knowledge of the number of peers that exist, and peers are not at random. As indicated earlier, our algorithm utilizes the seers within a community to carry the information or updates so that it will be available to most peer subscribers.


Information Dissemination

Let us now look at information dissemination, which is the most widely studied application of gossip. In Internet-based systems, gossip-based information dissemination typically relies on the periodic exchange of information between random pairs of nodes. It depends, in other words, either on full knowledge of the network, or on the creation of an overlay resembling a random graph, serving as a basis for information propagation. Random overlays typically have logarithmic diameter, which results in the dissemination of a message to the whole network in a logarithmic number of steps.

We nominate a result of the P2P Gossiping technique that involves the initiator of the distributed detection algorithm. At the end of the Distributed Detection algorithm, the initiator will know certain properties of the community, such as the values of involvement that was inserted by each peer into the vector. The initiator will then create a set of seers by picking the peers that have the highest involvement values. By the definition of involvement, the peers in this set will have more community subscribers in their neighbourhood when compared to the neighbourhoods of peers that are not in the set.



In gossip-based applications differ between Internet-based and MANET systems through the prism of a number of fundamental applications. communication prevents, or at least hinders, communication between arbitrary pairs of nodes. Consequently, information flows along paths determined by the physical topology of the

MANET. Thus, in the dense gossip scenario the number of steps it takes information to spread across the whole network is directly proportional to the diameter of the physical topology. In such cases, cooperation among nodes is strongly required in order to limit the dissemination overhead. Broadcast gossip primitives have served as the technique of choice to achieve this goal.


In MANETs, on the contrary, topology constrained

Topic-based Publish/Subscribe


Overlay Construction

Gossip protocols can be used to exchange membership information. This information can be used to build and maintain overlays with different classes of constraints.

Internet-based systems are by default routing-enabled and follow the point-to-point communication model. A node can initiate communication to another node only if the former knows the network address of the latter. Appropriately, in order to gossip, each node needs to maintain a list of links to other nodes, that is, a list of network addresses of other nodes

In topic-based publish/subscribe, publishers issue events, each one being associated with a certain topic. Subscribers register with one or more topics and expect to receive all events concerning topics of their interest. This is essentially equivalent to multicasting messages (i.e., events) to all subscribers (i.e., subscribers) of a multicast group (i.e., topic).

We will follow the publish/subscribe terminology.

In Internet-based systems, subscribers of each topic typically form a separate overlay, enabling the dissemination of messages among themselves. That is, the dissemination of an event to the subscribers of its respective topic is essentially

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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 20 Number 2 – Feb 2015 reduced to basic information dissemination among these subscribers only, without involving any non-interested subscribers.


Data Aggregation

Data aggregation constitutes another important representative of gossip-based applications. Averaging constitutes a fundamental aggregation operation, in which each node is equipped with a numeric value, and the goal is to estimate the average of all nodes‟ values. Various previous works have shown how averaging can be used as the basis for the computation of other aggregates, including generalized greedy, difference, counting of nodes, total, and profit.

In averaging, a node updates its estimate of the average between its previous local estimate and the estimate received.

When nodes, r and s with estimates T estimates are updated as follows:

T r

= T r

+T s

/ 2AndT s

= T r r

and Ts gossip, their

+T s

/ 2

Note that the sum of the two nodes estimates does not change, therefore neither does the global average. The variance, however, over the set of all nodes‟ estimates decreases, unless Sp and Sq have been already equal, in which case it remains unaltered. Experiments and theoretical analysis show that the variance converges to zero. Moreover, when applied on small-world or random graph topologies it converges at an exponential rate, whose exponent depends on the communication graph defining the nodes neighbours.

In data aggregation, nodes are essentially exchanging their estimates, in an effort to influence the global estimate. The initial estimates of the nodes are, thus, diffused in the network, affecting, to some extent, the global average estimate. As a consequence, averaging speed is highly related to the speed of information propagation in a certain network. The rule of thumb is that the higher the link randomization in an overlay, the faster the aggregation convergence.




A P2P network can be naturally organized into communities. It is dynamic and implicit structures consisting of peers that share interest attributes, and they are useful for efficient search or information dissemination operations within the network. A set of rules for peers to join a P2P network such that the network will always exhibit certain properties like small world


and power law distribution. In this paper, we proposed an undirected intracommunity communication using two phases, push and pull, that are preceded by a Distributed Detection operation. The

Distributed Detection algorithm involves gathering information on peer members of a community. We provided a dynamic scheme to determine a termination point for this algorithm.



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