A Novel Computerized Examination System

International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 20 Number 1 – Feb 2015
A Novel Computerized Examination System
Master of Engineering,
Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
Avinashilingam Institute of Home Science and Higher Education for women,
Coimbatore, Tamilnadu.
Computerized Examination System (CES) is
developed for institutions to overcome the manual method
of writing exams and evaluating the paper. The CES
includes several advantages are automatic result
generation for test-takers, time limit for taking exams ,
random question generation
along with options,
evaluation of overall performance of students , ease of
flexibility. This system is application software, which aims
at providing services to the students, Lecturer and also to
the Institutions. The system fulfills the requirements of the
institutions for conducting exams and also for
accommodating more number of students. The CES is
developed with JAVA as front end tool and MS ACCESS
as back end tool and IDE as Net Beans 8.0.It have been
tested for the institutions and performance assessment is
carried out for 150 students which gave better results. And
the test proved that CES is suitable for accommodating
huge number of students.
Computerized Examination System (CES),
Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
Some of the Examination System which already
exists is discussed below. The paper titled “An Arabic
Web-based Exam Management System” , Magdi ,
Mahmoud and Ahmed has proposed web based
examination system is an effective solution for mass
education evaluation which carries out examination and
auto-grading for students and this system facilitates
conducting exams, collection of answers. This system is
well suited for both local and remote examination [7].
Another paper which discusses about examination
system is titled on “The Design and Implementation of
Online Examination System Based on J2EE”, Huiqiang,
Hangzhou and Ying has proposed system with J2EE
architecture. This System provides automatic score
generation of test papers and giving immediate feedback
and also effectively provides teachers and students an
interaction platform [10].
As the growth of technology, the manual method of
writing exams is replaced with computer based
examination system and also web-based examination
system. In recent years, a variety of computer based
system is developed for the institutions. The traditional
method of manually writing exams includes several
drawbacks. Some of the drawback includes
Malpractices, waiting for results, wastage of resources
(pen, paper etc.,), collecting answer sheet, mistake
occurs during correction etc.,. The CES is developed to
overcome above drawbacks with several advantages.
These includes automatic result generation and no need
of waiting for results, to see the overall performance of
the students, avoid cheating by randomization of
questions, timer is set for writing exams and if it
exceeds it will automatically log-off. Several students
can attend their exams without any problem with in the
particular distance through LAN connectivity.
ISSN: 2231-5381
The CES is applied for conducting Quiz, entrance
examination system and for conducting class tests also.
In this paper, the working of the modules is explained
clearly by using flow chart. The system comprises of
three different modules. The three modules are Lecturer
module, Students module and Instructor module. The
minimal requirement for taking test is just having a Web
browser and it is connected through LAN from main
server. This CES system is beneficial to lecturer who is
taking questions, students who are willing to attend
exams, Instructors who controls the overall process of
the system. In the instructor module, an instructor
manages lecturer and student profile. The username and
password is provided to students and lecturer by an
instructor. By providing username and password one can
enter in to the CES system. The student can attend the
test with their valid username and password. There are
three different modules, which are explained below.
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 20 Number 1 – Feb 2015
A. Instructor Module
The Instructor can either delete the student or add
the student or updating the student details in the
database. And the Instructor has the privilege to give
valid username and password. The Instructor can print
the performance report of students and submit it to the
staff if needed.
B. Lecturer Module
By getting valid username and password from
instructor, the lecturer can enter in to the CES system.
After getting entered in to the system, the personal
details can be changed. If needed can change the
password. The lecturer has the privilege to see the
performance of the students. The randomization of
questions and along with answers is the additional
advantage in CES. The staff can add questions
according to subject-wise. And the performance of the
student can be viewed by staff according to class-wise.
Advantages for the lecturers:
The lecturer is relieved from correcting the
questions which is time consuming.
To avoid cheating, the questions are randomly
generated from the question bank, easily edited
and changed.
For different students the different set of
questions is generated.
The Exam can be taken by using a simple
personal computer.
D. Flow Chart
The basic flow of lecturer, Student and instructor
is explained with flow chart. The Admin module
initiates the process. Then the lecturers can upload the
questions in to the system. Then the student enters in to
the system and can attend the exam. The immediate
result is obtained and the result is updated in to the
Wrong Credentials
Login in to the page
Right Credentials
Enter valid
Username and
Enters in to
the account
Perform Functions
Log out
C. Student Module
By getting valid username and password from
instructor, the student can enter in to the CES system.
After getting entered in to the system, the personal
details can be changed and if needed can change the
password too. Before the students attend the test, the
students should read the instruction to attend it. Then the
questions are randomly generated to avoid copying of
answers. One of the advantages of using CES system is
automatic-result generation without waiting for the
results. While the student answering the questions the
system check for the time if the exam time expire or not.
The system ends the exam if it is expired then save the
answers in the database. Advantages for the students
The Exam can be taken by the students at
The Exam can be taken from anywhere.
ISSN: 2231-5381
Fig. 1: General Flow Chart of CES
E. System Specifications
Hard ware Requirements:
Processor : Pentium IV 2.4 GHz
Hard Disk : 160 GB
: 1GB
Software Requirements:
Operating System
: Windows 7
Programming Language : JAVA
: NetBeans 7.2
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F. Programming tools used
The programming tools used for the front-end tool
used for the development of the system is JAVA
programming language and Net Beans IDE 7.2 as a
integrated development environment while MS
ACCESS is used as the database as a backend tool.
The CES system consists of Home page, Login page,
Question Upload Page, test page and result generation
page. The Login page itself consists of Lecturer login
page, student login page and instructor login page.
Fig. 3: Login Page
A. Home page
In home page, the login for lecturers, students and
instructors is provided and ensures the users to enter in
to the system.
Fig. 4: Student account Page
C. Question Upload Page
After the Lecturer enters in to the system, the
questions are uploaded in the question bank. He/she has
the privilege to add or delete or update the questions if
Fig. 2: Home Page
B. Login page
The student with valid user name and password
provided can enter in to the page for taking test. The
lecturer is also provided with unique user name and
password to enter in to the system.
ISSN: 2231-5381
D. Instruction Page
In this page, the students can read the instructions
to attend the test. The page will guide the students by
giving proper instructions to the students. And details
about time limit and number of questions to be attended
is provided.
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 20 Number 1 – Feb 2015
better results. In future the work can be extended to
provide security by applying cryptographic techniques.
In future, video based questions are included for taking
test. And negative markings will be added.
Fig. 5: Instruction page
E. Test Page
After the student reads the instructions, the student
can attend the test with the timer running at the top. If
student exceeds the time limit, then automatic log-off
system is provided.
Fig. 6: Test Page
F. Result Generation Page
The result can be viewed by the student after they
finish their exam. The lecturer can view the students
report according to class-wise and also by subject-wise.
The result of student includes name, roll no, average
mark obtained and displaying the number of wrong
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The CES is well suited for institutions and it is an
essential tool because of quick result generation and also
for easy access. It has been tested for institution and
works well for accommodating 150 students which gave
ISSN: 2231-5381
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