International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 9 Number 13 - Mar 2014 Local Search –The perfect guide Tanmay Kadam1, Nikhil Saxena2, Akash Kosambia3, Prof Anita Lahane4 1 (Computer Engineering, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, University of Mumbai, India) 2 (Computer Engineering, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, University of Mumbai, India) 3 (Computer Engineering, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, University of Mumbai, India) 4 (Computer Engineering, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, University of Mumbai, India) ABSTRACT This paper contributes the new idea to the world of local search in computer science. The use of the local search is to provide the client with the most accurate information of source to destination. This paper enhances this idea and helps the client to reach its destination without any dilemma. This paper aims in providing the route to the client from source to destination with the alternative of three paths, one being the shortest distance then the other. Furthermore this paper also explains the use of local search via mobile, helping the client to reach its destination with the help of web mapping services. I. INTRODUCTION In this paper, we are interested in the area of local search services as Local search service has become an integral part of everyone’s routine .Wherever you go local search is your savior (a friend in need). In our paper we intend to make a local search service which is user friendly and extracts a high level of accuracy in results. In our paper, we are aiming to build web based service and sms based service for local search. In web based service we are aiming at using APRIORI algorithm for accurate extraction of result which is the most suitable result. We also aim at providing source and destination field for finding the distance between the two. We are aiming to use Dijkstra’s algorithm which will calculate the shortest path between the source and destination and thereby contributing to the optimal result. In sms based ISSN: 2231-5381 service the queried result will be sent via sms along with the url link of the location on the map. We are aiming at building J2ME application for mobiles that run on java platform. The result will include the location on the map, street address, city name, postal code, contact number for both web based and sms based service. Existing system such as JustDial and GetIt (yahoo) has certain limitation such as they don’t provide the source to destination field thereby failing to provide the users with the shortest path between the two. Also the calculated distance between them is not displayed. Yellow pages and GetIt (yahoo) lack in providing sms service due to which users of second generation mobile phones cannot benefit from this service. Although the existing system provides a good result but there are certain areas they lack in and also the results are inadequate. Existing system has certain inefficiencies and our aim is to enhance the field of local search service by using various algorithms and technologies. One of the ideas is to enhance the shortest path i.e. the source and destination field by providing options of three routes between them and the user can decide which one is more convenient. Furthermore we also aim at providing local search service via Mobile for on the go instant search. II METHODOLOGY 1.1 Apriori Algorithm The algorithm attempts to find subsets which are common to at least a minimum number of item sets. Page 652 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 9 Number 13 - Mar 2014 1.1.1 Working User sends a message to the system “Search_andheri_college_rgit”. Suppose the database has 1000 records, the first word ‘andheri’ is scanned suppose it will contain 100 records of andheri, the second word ‘college’ is scanned suppose it has 10 records and then finally the last word ‘rgit’ is scanned it fetches the desired data and replies it to the user. 1.2 Dijkstra’s algorithm It computes length of the shortest path from the source to each of the remaining vertices in the graph. 1.2.1 Pseudo-Code of the Algorithm dist[s]← 0 (distance of source to vertex is 0) for all v Є V-{s} do dist[v]←∞ (set all other distances to infinity) S←null (S,the set of visited vertices is initially empty) Q←V (Q,the queue initially contains all the vertices) WhileQ≠null (while the queue is not empty) Do u←mindistance(Q,distance) (selectthe element of Q with min.distance) ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 653 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 9 Number 13 - Mar 2014 S ←S U {u} (add u to list of visited vertices) for all v Є neighbours[u] do if dist[v] > dist[u] + w(u,v) (if new shortest path found) then d[v] ← d[u] + w(u,v) (set new value of shortest path) return dist 1.2.2 deployed in the server. And the server is a computer system that selectively shares its resources and database domain that has been deployed on the server in order to give accurate result to the client. 1.2.4 Ontology In this paper, we are making a use of ontology which will help our clients to find the source without any difficulty. It represents knowledge as a set of concepts within the deployed domain on the server side and relationship between the pair of concepts within the same domain. We want to introduce ontology in our local search for following reasons:- Example 1) To share common understanding of the structure of information among the client. 2) To make domain assumption explicit. 3) To enable reuse of domain knowledge. 4) To analyze domain knowledge. dist[B] > dist[C] + edge[C,B] 4 > 1+2 (true) Hence, after following the steps of dijkstra’s algorithm we get the result as follows: Example:- suppose the client wants to search for Chinese restaurant, with the help of ontology the client will get semantic information on the query around that destination, which will give many options to the client to choose from. III RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Admin login dist = 1 + 2 + 3 = 6 1.2.3 Working of Client and Server We are aiming to use client-server model which was developed by Xerox Parc, which has become an integral approach in computer networks. This model works on two approaches, client and server. In this approach client acts as a device which initiates contact to the server via network in order to make use of resources or the keywords which client wants to search from our database domain which has been ISSN: 2231-5381 Fig: Admin login Page 654 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 9 Number 13 - Mar 2014 3.4 Add Records to Database 3.2 Change Admin Password Fig: Add records to database Fig: change admin password 3.3 View Database Records 3.5 Deleting Records Fig: View Database Records Fig: Deleting Records ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 655 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 9 Number 13 - Mar 2014 3.6 Records deleted successfully 3.8 Record Update Successfully Fig: Records Deleted Successfully Fig: Records updated successfully 3.7 Update Records 3.9 operation log Fig: Update Records Fig: Operation log ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 656 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 9 Number 13 - Mar 2014 IV CONCLUSION In this paper, we have provided number of ways by which a local search service can be enhanced and provide an excellent result. The database is not restricted to any specific geographical extent (like search results in Maharashtra state only).The proposed system can be enhanced by expanding the database to a larger geographic extent. The system can be expanded to give search results in various parts of the country. Thus the database of the system can be increased without much modification in the background working of the core system. In our Paper ,we have explained and implemented the local search service which not only provides the user with all the information it needs but also provides the geographical map about the location thereby making the search more precise and useful. Also the use of local search through mobile gives users an alternative option to get access to our local search service. [6] Motorola Global Telecom Solution Sector. (2002) "i95cl Multi-Communication Device J2ME Developers' Guide". Motorola, 2002. V ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We wish to express our sincere gratitude to Dr. U.V.Bhosle, Principal and Prof S.B.Wankhade, HOD of computer Department and Prof Anita Lahane of Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology for giving us the guidance and encouragement in successful completion of this technical paper. VI REFRENCE [1] Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L.Rivest, and Clifford stein. Introduction to algorithms. the MIT press,2009. [2] S. Willmott, I. Constantinescu, and M.calisti. Multilingual Agents: Ontologies< Languages and Abstractions.In OAS2001 workshop, 2001. [3]N. Noy and D. L. Mcguinness. Ontology Development 101: A Guide to creating Your First Ontology, 2001. [4]Andrew V. Goldberg. A simple shortest path algorithm with linear average time. In proceedings of the 9th European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA ‘01),Springer Lecture Notes in computer science LNCS 2161,pages 230-241, 2001. [5] R. Agrawal, T. Imieliński, and A. 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