International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 21 Number 6 – March 2015 In-situ stand-off control of Robotic arm using human gestures Anitha.G.K#1, Poonguzhali.R#2, Mythili.S#3 , JebaSingh Kirubakaran.S.J#4 1, 2,3 UG Scholar, 4 Assistant Professor, Vel Tech Multi Tech Dr.Rangarajan Dr.Sakunthala Engineering College, Avadi Chennai-62 India. Abstract— This paper presents the hand gesture recognition system with a web camera, which is used for recognizing the hand gesture. Since the hand tracking is quite difficult, greater resolution is obtained by using a white background. For background extraction, direct inverse algorithm is used. Experimental evaluations on self build databases of histogram values of hand gestures are maintained. Based on that pixel values, the corresponding gesture is identified and specific command is given to the Robotic system. This paper is mainly used to develop the Human Robot Interaction. Keywords— Hand gesture recognition, direct inverse algorithm, Human-Robot Interaction (HRI). I. INTRODUCTION In current trend, Robots are mainly used in various fields such as search operations and for protection against dangerous conditions. Therefore, the natural communication between human and robot is needed. This paper suggests the control of robotic arm using the hand gestures. Instead of using a remote control, the robotic arm is controlled by various gestures performed by human body. Human robot interaction is an active area in robotic research. Research in robotics results in the development of two fields: Robotic manipulation and the input feeding system .In the in-situ standoff control, human gestures are given as input. Gesture recognition is mainly achieved using the camera and methodologies such as Grey scale conversion, Inverse algorithm, Thresholding model. It involves Image processing, Machine learning and the application development. Apart from this, it also needs some kinds of hardwares for interfacing the system with gesture control. Overall aim is to make the robotic arm to understand the human body language thereby building a bridge between human and the robot. Because of the difficulty in hand gesture spotting, hand gesture recognition is a challenging aspect. The Robotic system consists of Robotic arm with mechanical base. Using the hand gestures, the mechanical base is made free to move forward, backward, left, right and the robotic arm can change its position such as forward, backward, rotate etc.. The interaction used in this project is Remote Interaction. i.e., the human and the robot are separated spatially. The distance can be around 100meters.In the entire field of robotics, learning plays an important role. Robots should adapt their behaviour to their environment and the need of their users. This requirement is achieved by the approaches as they use learning techniques for learning new gestures. Since there SSN: 2231-5381 is no need of any additional device, this method provides a simple and natural kind of Human-Robot Interaction. II. LITTERATURE SURVEY Many approaches has been developed for recognizing the hand movement and controlling the robotic system. Previously, Keyboard and Mouse are the main interface between man and machine. Then the machines are controlled by the voice of human [1].It has some disadvantages that in the noisy environments sound would cause disturbance. Afterwards, Robots are controlled by face tracking [2]. It tracks well in noisy environments. But the tracking of gesture depends on the speed of the CPU. Later, real time hand tracking using the set of classifiers [3] is used for controlling the robots. But this needs more efficient algorithm. Then Robots are controlled by motion trajectory [4].But the motion trajectory is determined by using centroid of the hand image which is inaccurate. In this paper, we propose hand gesture recognition with a web camera. The user can control the wireless robot using different gestures. The operator can control the robotic arm from the station such a laptop or computer with the web camera. The gestures is captured in the web camera to give commands to the Robotic arm. III. PROPOSED HUMAN ROBOT INTERACTIVE SYSTEM A. BASE UNIT The base unit consists of web camera, computer, arduino board and xbee transmitter. Page300 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 21 Number 6 – March 2015 B. REMOTE UNIT The Remote unit consists of xbee, arduino and the Robotic arm module. Fig.1 Block diagram of the base unit First, the real time image(hand gestures) is captured via the web camera and is processed in the computer by using labview. In the labview, the real time image is converted into the grey level images. Using inverse algorithm, the grey level image is transformed into the inverse images. Then by means of Thresholding model, the pixels values are calculated and compared with the database. Thereby generating a code. Arduino pin will get enabled by the code. After processing, the code for the specific gesture is identified and sent to the xbee transmitter. Fig.2 Block diagram of the remote unit The transmitted signal is received by the xbee in remote unit which is operating in the same frequency as transmitter. The next proceeding step is to send the signal to the arduino board, where the command for the robotic arm is generated. By providing the command to the robotic arm, the motor corresponding to the specific gesture will be operated. Many approaches has been developed for recognizing the hand movement and controlling the robotic system. IV. TECHNOLOGIES USED A. LABVIEW Fig.3 Base unit module SSN: 2231-5381 Labview is a short form of Laboratory Virtual Instruments Engineering Workbench. It is platform independent and development environment for Visual programming language from National Instruments. The virtual instruments has three component namely Block diagram, front panel and connector panel. The block diagram contains a graphical source code. The front panel is constructed using controls and indicators. It is very easy to learn in which the different function nodes can be connected by drawing wires. The benefits of using labview are it can be easily interfaced with the devices, Code compilation, large libraries, Code reuse, Parallel Programming, low cost. Page301 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 21 Number 6 – March 2015 B. ARDUINO UNO THRESHOLDING MODEL Arduino is a single board microcontroller. It provides a set of analog and digital input/output pins. It can be interfaced with different extension boards and circuits. Arduino is an microcontroller board with the on board power supply, USB port to communicate with the PC or laptop and Atmel microcontroller chip. It is an open source hardware, any one can modify it according to their needs. Arduino can take inputs from the switches or sensors for controlling the motors, lights. The pixel values are automatically estimated for each gestures in labview in the form of two dimensional matrix. The range of mean value required for specific motor operation is decided and is pre-feeded in the database. C. XBEE TECHNOLOGY HISTOGRAM COMPARISON Every now and then when the gesture is recognized the generated pixel values is compared with the histogram mean value range in the database and generates the code corresponding for the robotic arm movement is transmitted to the Arduino via the USB cable. Xbee is a IEEE802.15.4 network protocol wireless communication. It covers over 100meters because of its low power consumption. Using intermediate devices, longer distances can be achieved through Xbee technology.It is simpler and less expensive compared to other technology such as wifi. Xbee is a fast point to multipoint or peer to peer networking. Fig.4 Real and their corresponding inverse images of sample gesture D. L293D DRIVER CIRCUIT Making Robot to move is not easy. It cannot move only by connecting it with the main circuit. The motors of the robot needs extra power. The additional power is supplied by motor driver. It can be used in the circuits where the space is limited and the power requires will be more. It is very flexible for the robotic applications. V. DESIGN A. LABVIEW The human gestures which are captured in the web camera are processed in the labview software. There are two major sections in labview namely the front panel and the block diagram. Since it is the simple graphical representation, it is easy to learn for the beginners. Several methodologies are involved in the generation of codes. GREY SCALE CONVERSION The real time color images are converted into the grey scale images . Grey scale image includes only two colors namely black and white . In Grey scale the color range varies from 0 to 255. The dull color is represented as ―0‖ and the bright color is depicted as ‗1‖ after the grey scale conversion. INVERSE ALGORITHM Inverse Algorithm is applied on the priorly converted Grey scale images. As a result, the color inversion occurs. The Inverse algorithm causes the black image to become white and similarly the white images are converted to appear as black. SSN: 2231-5381 B. ARDUINO UNO Arduino UNO used in base unit and remote unit are of different types. In the transmitter section it is designed in such a way that it can be easily interface with the Labview software. On the other hand,Arduino board in the remote unit is manufactured mainly for the control of DC motors of the robotic arm and the mechanical base. The coding generated in the labview enables the desired pin in the Arduino. In order to interface the Labview program and the Arduino board, an interlink file have been used. Before running the labview software, it is important to download the interlinking file. The interlink file may be any of the png format files. While compiling, if there occurs any firmware problem, then the file has to be dump again. C. XBEE SERIES2 MODULE In this paper, we used xbee in both transmitter and receiver. Xbee is a low powered device. In the transmitter section, the enabled signal from the arduino is send to the xbee. For interfacing the xbee and the arduino, pic microcontroller is used. This is mainly used to reduce the cost. The transmitter signal will be received by the xbee receiver. Though Xbee is a low powered device, it can be operated over long distance by using intermediate devices. This forms a mesh network. Both the xbee transmitter and receiver is operated in the same frequency of 2.5GHZ. The distance between base unit and remote unit can be around 100meters. Xbee is configured for 9600bps for serial communication. Xbee modules also have an interactive command interface. This interface allows us to change the current transmission channel being used along with many transmitter and receiver options. Page302 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 21 Number 6 – March 2015 The pic microcontroller is a 40 pin IC. In this paper, it is used only for interfacing the xbee and arduino. Since there is only one transmitter port and receiver port in the Arduino board ,in order to interface with the Xbee series 2 module ,PIC microcontroller is used in between the Arduino and Xbee The Arduino pins are connected to all 6 pins of port A and two pins of port E in the PIC. It is a processor with a built in memory and a RAM. PIC microcontroller will allow the design to communicate with world through USB, Ethernet or wireless connectivity. D.ROBOTIC ARM VI. GESTURE COMMANDS FOR ROBOTIC SYSTEM LABEL Fig.5 Robotic arm module The robotic arm is a mechanical arm. It is programmable according to user needs. It acts as a substitute for the human arm. There are five motors in the robotic arm. It is highly flexible and adaptable to any kind of environment. It is used to perform the specific task depends on the application. The robotic arm is the heart of this project since we are going to control the remote unit (robotic section) using gestures. The structure is similar to the hand consisting of shoulder, elbow, wrist and gripper instead of fingers, and a led at the centre of the gripper. The gripper can do the same work of the fingers in pick and place operations. The degree of freedom is guaranteed to the robotic arm using the DC motors. DC motors are preferred since it assures the step by step robotic movement. E. L293D MOTOR DRIVER 1.Gripper motion 2.Wrist motion 3.Elbow motion 4.shoulder motion SSN: 2231-5381 ANGLE ON:7-17 OFF:18-30 0-1.77 degree ON:31-40 OFF: 4150 ON:50-65 OFF:6677 120 degree ON:78-100OFF:101150 180degree 300degree The hand gestures are recognized and converted into the commands for the robot navigation .There are five dc motors in the robotic arm. Each gesture specifies a movement of particular motor. Since it is a remote interaction, the distance can be around 100meters.The code for the gesture is send to the receiver via antenna. Here, we used few simple gestures in order to control the motors of robotic arm. The motor driver is used to supply the extra current which is required by the motors to run. Each motor is connected to L293D which is the motor driver unit and supplies additional current for the working of the DC motors. A single L293D can control the operation of two motors at a time. The robotic arm is placed in the mechanical base which is provided with four wheels for the ease of movement. Out of four, two wheels are connected with the DC motors and other two remains as a dummy wheel. As a whole 7 motors are involved in the operation which includes the 5 motors of arm and 2 two motors of the mechanical base. The Zigbee receiver after receiving the transmitted signal transfer it to the Arduino board. The corresponding command for the operation of motors are produced in the Arduino.MAX232 protocol is used as the interface between the XBEE and the Arduino .MAX232 converts the TTL (Transistor-Transistor Logic) in to RS232. It works based on the concept of H-bridge. It is a circuit in which voltage is flown in all direction. In order to rotate the motor in clockwise and anticlockwise direction, the voltage must change its direction. Therefore H-bridge IC are ideal for driving DC motor. F. PIC MICROCONTROLLER PIXEL VALUES Fig.6 Few simple hand Gestures VII. CONCLUSION Robots play an important role in making our lives easier and better. Robotics is a vast field. The way of recognizing has been improving day by day. In this paper, we propose the hand gesture recognition in order to control the robotic arm with the help of the web camera. By calculating the pixel values and comparing with the pre-feed database, the specific command is provided to the robotic arm which depends on the gesture given. It is cost effective and highly flexible. A system is developed to demonstrate the proposed system. Experimental results show Page303 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 21 Number 6 – March 2015 that the system can recognize the hand gesture in the real time and perform the desired action. [13] [14] VIII. APPLICATIONS AND FUTURE ENHANCEMENT [15] A. Applications It can be used for the mass-production in industry and for cutting edge precision within the medical field, Sign language recognition, Gaming interface, Remote mining and land mine detection. B. Future enhancement [16] [17] [18] It can be improved by following techniques: Touch Screen is the current familiar trend. By integrating our technology, we can operate a machine at far distance. 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