International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 21 Number 2 – March 2015 Fake Multi-biometric Detection for Applications of Fingerprint, Iris and Face Recognition 1 Preethi.V and 2Prof.S.Chidambaram 1 PG Scholar/Communication Systems and 2Assistant Professor,Department of ECE Adhiyamaan College of Engineering,Hosur,India ABSTRACT-Many organizations are using different kinds of machine – driven person’s identifications systems that improve the user’s needs, satisfaction, and Potency to secure essential resource. In this project it gives the information on the recent developments in person’s identification using biometric technique. By using this technique we ensure to identify a person weather he/she is real person or fake person. The target is to extend the safety of biometric reorganization frameworks, by adding liveness assessment in a simple, fast, user friendly and non-intrusive manner. In this project it gives information about different modalities like fingerprint, face recognition, and iris to review against the various types of vulnerabilities attacks. The proposed method presents a very low level of complexity, that makes it suitable for realtime applications, using general image quality features extract from one image (i.e., the same non inheritable for authentication purposes) to differentiate between legitimate and shammer samples. The experimental results obtained on publicly available data sets of fingerprint, iris, and 2D face shows the proposed method which is extremely competitive compared with other state-of-the-art approaches and that the analysis of the overall image quality of real biometric samples reveals highly valuable information that will be very efficiently used to discriminate them from pretend traits. Keywords-Identification, Liveness. Potency, biometric, attacks, I. INTRODUCTION The term “Biometric” comes from the Greek words bios (life) and metric (measure). Biometrics refers to technologies that measure and analyze human body characteristics like fingerprints, irises, hand movements voice and facial patterns, for authentication functions. The field of biometrics examines the distinctive physical or behavioral traits that can be used to determine a person‟s identity. In Recent years, machine-controlled person identification is highly researched because for protected access to computer, buildings, mobile phones and ATM‟S. Person identification is the process of associating an identity to an individual. Person identification techniques are classified into three types such as knowledge based approach, token based approach, and biometric based approach. ISSN: 2231-5381 A knowledge-based approach depends on something an individual knows to make a personal identification, like a password or a PIN.Token-based approaches are based on something an individual have to create a personal identification sort of a passport, driver‟s license, ID card, master card, or keys. Once credit and ATM cards are lost or stolen, an unauthorized user will typically come up with the right personal codes. Although many people still select easily guessed PIN‟s and passwords like birthdays, phone numbers and social security numbers. Biometric based systems use physiological or behavioral features of an individual for identification. Whereas, in Biometric based systems it cannot be forged or purloined data. Knowledge based and Token based approaches have many disadvantages like countersign forgotten, or countersign was stolen by hackers or unauthorized person, Tokens could also forgotten, lost, stolen, or misplaced. Biometric like Face recognition, iris, and fingerprint technology may solve this drawbacks of above mentioned approaches. It gives several advantages over classical security methods such as Password or something we have like keycard, ID,etc. In biometric system there is no need for the user to remember or recollect the difficult PIN codes that could be easily forgotten or to hold a key that could be lost or Stolen. Biometric system conjointly has some of the disadvantages like (i) lack of secrecy, (ii) biometric trait cannot be replaced,(iii)vulnerable to external attacks that may decrease their level of security,(iv)vulnerability points will generally divided into direct & indirect attacks. Biometric recognition is the automatic recognition of a person based on one or more of these traits. The word “biometrics” is also used to denote biometric recognition methods..A biometric recognition system is a pattern recognition system. Throughout biometric recognition, biometric traits are measured and analyzed to determine a person‟s identity. Biometric Authentication or verification is any method that validates the identity of a user who wishes to sign into a system by measuring some intrinsic characteristic of that user. Page 116 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 21 Number 2 – March 2015 Fig.1 Biometric verification and biometric identification (in case of PC login) Distinctiveness Permanence Collectability Performance Acceptability Circumvention Face Universality Biometric Identifier TABLE I Comparison Table for biometric technologies H L M H L H H Fingerprint M H H M H M M Iris H H H M H L L There are a number of alternative problems that should be considered, including:(i) performance, that refers to the achievable recognition accuracy and speed, the resources needed to achieve the desired recognition accuracy and speed, as well as the operational an environmental factors that have an effect on the accuracy and speed;(ii)acceptability, that indicates the extent to which people are willing to accept the use of a particular biometric identifier (characteristic) in their daily lives;(iii) circumvention, which reflects how easily the system may be fooled using fraudulent method. ISSN: 2231-5381 Fig 2.A graphical representation of FAR and FRR errors, indicating the CER The FRR or False Rejection Rate is the probability that the system incorrectly rejects access to an licensed person, because of failing to match the biometric input with a template or guide. The FRR is often expressed as a percentage of valid inputs which are incorrectly rejected. FAR and FRR are key metrics for biometric solutions, some biometric devices allow to tune them so that the system more quickly matches or rejects. Both are important, but for more applications one of them is considered. False Accept Rate is also known as False Match Rate, and False Reject Rate is usually referred as False Non-Match Rate. CER is the rate where both accept and reject error rates are equal. Page 117 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 21 Number 2 – March 2015 Image(Face, Iris, Fingerprint ) Attack: Image(Face, Iris, Fingerprint ) Sensor HW-Based LD Feature Extractor Synthetic Samples SW- Based LD Rest of Biometric Recognition System Attack: Spoofing Fig 3. Types of attacks detected by using Hardware and Software based Liveness Detection II.LIVENESS DETECTION III.EXISTING SYSTEM Liveness detection is the ability to determine whether a biometric sample is being provided by a humanbeing rather than from copy created using an artifact. Special attention is paid to the liveness detection techniques ,which use totally different physiological properties to distinguish between real and pretend traits. Liveness assessment methods have to satisfy certain requirements like (i) the technique shouldn‟t harmful to the user ,(ii)people shouldn‟t be reluctant to use it,(iii)result ought to be produces in reduced interval of time, (iv) should be cost effective (v) should have a good fake detection rate. Liveness detection methods are classified into two techniques:(i)Hardware – based techniques, (ii) Software –based techniques. A spoofing attack is a situation in which one person or program successfully masquerades as another by falsifying data and thereby gaining an illegitimate advantage. The above two types of methods as its own advantages and disadvantages over the other and combination of each would be the foremost fascinating protection approach to extend the safety of biometric systems. In hardware based techniques it has good pretend detection rate whereas software based techniques typically more cost-effective and less harmful since the implementations are transparent or clear to user . In the present work we tend to propose a novel software based „multi –biometric and multi –attack‟ protection method which overcomes the limitations through the use of image quality assessment (IQA). Being a software based approach it offers the benefits like fast , user friendly, In hardware based techniques it has good pretend detection rate whereas software based techniques typically more cost-effective and less harmful since the implementations are transparent or clear to user. The drawback of fake biometric detection may be seen as a two –class classification problem where an input biometric sample needs to be assigned to one of two classes: Real or Fake. Expected quality differences between real and fake samples may include: degree of sharpness, luminance level ,color, quantity of information found in both type of images (entropy), structural distortions or natural appearance. Following this “qualitydifference” statement, in the present work we have tendency to explore the potential of general image quality assessment as a protection method against different biometric attacks. The key point of the process is to find a set of discriminant features which permits to build an appropriate classifier which gives the probability of the image “realism” given the extracted set of features. ISSN: 2231-5381 Fig .4General Diagram for Biomertic recognition Once the feature vector has been generated the sample is classified as real or fake by using some classifiers. In existing technique, they used Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) and Quadratic Discriminant Analysis (QDA) which is used as the classifiers to classify real or fake. Page 118 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 21 Number 2 – March 2015 IV PROPOSED SYSTEM DATABASE INPUT DATA Template SENSOR FEATURE EXTRACTION MATCHER Features REAL / FAKE Decision Fig. 5 Architecture of Proposed Method First, evaluate the multi – biometric dimension of the protection methodology. That is, its ability to achieve good fake detection rate when compared to other state-ofthe-art approaches, with completely different biometric modalities like Fingerprint, Iris, Face. Second , evaluate the multi attack dimension of the protection methodology i.e., its ability to notice not only spoofing attacks however conjointly fallacious access tries dispensed with synthetic or reconstructed samples. ethod is user friendly, fast and harmless to the user. So it is preferable for the real time applications. V EXPERIMENTS AND RESULTS The performance of the proposed liveness detection scheme is validated on different database such as ATVS ,a dataset captured at the biometric Recognition Group ,Fingerprint Liveness Detection competition 2009 & 2013.The above two comprises datasets of real and fake images. When compared to the existing method we have a tendency to reduce the algorithms used i.e., before they used two algorithms LDA and QDA. Here, we used ANN algorithm in order to that we can load the entire image database into the program at the same time and it‟ll compare with the database and it classifies the given image is real or fake based on database. Images of three biometric is given which is shown in the fig .input is given to the feature extraction which will calculate the features according to the image quality measures and then Matcher is used to classify the image is real or fake. In proposed method we have considered some of the 6 metrics such as Mean Square Error, Signal to Noise ratio, Peak Signal to Noise Ratio, Structural Content, Maximum Difference, Average Difference. After calculating all those metrics ANN Classifier is used with Feed Forward Neural Network Algorithm in the MATLAB 2013 to differentiate the real or fake traits. This proposed ISSN: 2231-5381 Fig. 6 Input of Fingerprint Image Fig. 7 Input Image Feature Vector Page 119 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 21 Number 2 – March 2015 for different biometric such as Fingerprint, Face and iris.The performance of 6 metrics of fingerprint, face and iris is tabulated below. Table II Features of Fingerprint, Face and Iris Images FEATURES Mean Square Error Peak Signal to Noise Ratio Signal to Noise Ratio Average Difference Structural Content Maximum Difference Fig.8 Filter the Input Image FINGERPRINT 0.2552 FACE 0.0373 IRIS 0.02052 29.9971 38.3510 40.2032 5.9317 14.2705 15.93055 0.4114 0.2958 0.0403 1.0162 1.0047 1.0025 51 51 46 VI CONCLUSION Image quality assessment for liveness detection technique is employed to detect the real and fake biometrics. Due to image quality measurements it is easy to find out real and fake users. As a result of fake identities always have some different features than original it always contain different color, luminance levels, general artifacts, amount of information and amount of sharpness, found in both type of images, structural distortions or natural appearance. Multi-biometric is a challenging system. It is more secure than uni-biometric system. In this project the three biometric systems that are face, iris and fingerprint recognition are taken from publicly available database. It is very competitive performance and to its multi-biometric and multi-attack characteristics. The proposed method has some other attractive features such as: it is simple, fast, non-harmful, user friendly and cheap. In future remaining metrics and performance are yet to be calculated. Further evaluation on other image based modalities e.g., palm print, hand geometry, vein and also for video attacks can be used. Fig. 9 Original and Distorted Image Fig. 10 DFT and IDFT REFERENCES Fig.11 FFT to Magnitude and Phase Among 25 metrics 6 metrics are calculated and the results are evaluated. The same process is carried out ISSN: 2231-5381 [1]Anil K.Jain, Arun Ross, Salil Prabhakar “An Introduction to Biometric Recognition,” IEEE Trans on Circuits and Systems for Video Tech, vol.14,no.1,Jan 2004. [2]J.Galbally,J. 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