Recursive CORDIC- Based Low Power DCT Architecture

International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 20 Number 6 – Feb 2015
Recursive CORDIC- Based Low Power DCT
Assistant professor, #2P.G.Scholar, II M.E.VLSI Design
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,
Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women-University
Coimbatore, India
Abstract- One of the maximum commonly used transform
technique is Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT). In the DCT
algorithm the inputs are in spatial domain and the outputs are in
frequency domain and it is mostly used for image compression.
DCT using Coordinate Rotation Digital Computer (CORDIC)
algorithm lessen the number of calculation and increases the
accuracy. Therefore discrete cosine transform design using
CORDIC is used to obtain low power. All calculation in DCT are
not equitably essential in producing the frequency domain output.
Therefore the calculation energy can be lessen without severely
incriminating the image quality. The 2-D DCT achieves more
power saving. In a lookahead CORDIC approach, all interior data
path become individualistic and the number of repetition can be
easily controlled but the implementation complexity of lookahead
CORDIC is considerably high because it requires more area.
Therefore the recursive CORDIC is proposed in this project. This
technique is easy to implement and considered as an appropriate
technique. The power requirement for recursive CORDIC is less
compared to lookahead CORDIC. The implementation is done
using the Modelsim SE9.1i software.
Keywords-Coordinate rotation digital computer (CORDIC), low
power, discrete cosine transforms (DCT).
The demand for low power implementation is
tremendously increasing, with the explosive growth
of multimedia services. The significant part of
multimedia system involving image and video
processing. DCT is one of the maximum calculation
procedure in image compression and it is commonly
used in many traditional such as JPEG [2], MPEG
[3]. The trigonometric function in signal processing
may be easily estimated by using Coordinate
Rotation Digital Computer (CORDIC).For the
multiplier less low-power DCT architectures,
CORDIC has been widely used. CORDIC can be
easily implemented with the iterative operations of
additions and shifts. For reducing the hardware
complexity of DCT Many previous research works
were focused such as DCT based distribute
arithmetic (DA) [6] and Multiplication constant
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Multiple (MCM)-based commence [7]. The simple
DCT design offers a bit-serial DA-based commence
but enormous hardware space is required for
additional ROMs and control logics. The low-power
CORDIC-using DCT design used the data
correlations, it reduces the correlation between
adjacent pixels are effectively used to avoid the
interior CORDIC repetitions. In DCT, in producing
the frequency domain outputs (DCT constants) all
the calculation are not equally vital. A low-power
CORDIC-using DCT design, where the DCT
constants are economically abused to achieve the
power savings minimum image quality degradation.
The conventional CORDIC architecture is a data
dependencies because the present iteration is
depend on previous iteration. A lookahead CORDIC
design [8]–[9] are preferred to overcome the
characteristic data-dependencies in the traditional
CORDIC architecture.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows, The
Existing system is given in Section II.The Proposed
system is given in Section III. The Simulation
results and analysis is given in Section IV.
Conclusion is given in Section V.
A.CORDIC Architecture:
In CORDIC the basic fundamental is to using a
rotation matrix [4], which is illustrated as follows
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for column DCT , we use another DCT.The 2-D
DCT procedure with separate 1-D DCT is shown in
fig [1].
where the vector correspondent constitution of x and
y axes represent x and y, correspondingly, the i th
repetition step represent i, σ is the bit that can be +1
or −1 pointing the clockwise and counter clockwise
path of the vector revolution, z is the aggregate
angle, and α is the defined angle. In the CORDIC
architecture, by using vectoring mode we can easily
calculated the amplitude and argument of a given
vector, while by the revolution mode the sine and
cosine values can be computed.
Lookahead CORDIC Approach: In the CORDIC
equation shown in (1), the data from the preceding
stage repetition must be computed first to determine
the result of the present stage. The conventional
CORDIC are data dependencies because the present
iteration is depend upon the previous iteration.
Lookahead CORDIC [8]–[10] is enhanced, to
overcome the information dependent, where
lookahead denote to finish the iterations at one time.
Fig 1: 8 × 8 2-D DCT procedure with separable 1-D DCT.
The 8*8 1-DCT Transform is represented as
x(i) is the input information, x(k) is the 1-DCT
output information . X is the output vector, x is the
input vector.DCT can be implemented by shifters
and adders. After 2-D DCT procedure, the DCT
inputs are in spatial domain and the outputs are in
frequency domain [13]. The DCT has the energy
B. CORDIC Operations Of Scale-Factor
compression feature, so the a low frequency
In the CORDIC process, after every repetition the component is mostly focused on DCT coefficient.
revolution vector is measured and aggregate Hardware design of CORDIC-using 1-D DCT is
shown in fig.2.
concordant to the following equation:
Where n is the number of repetition. The scale factor
is determined by the number of iteration. By the low
power CORDIC design changing the number of
repetition, In only one guidance, where the vector
revolves to the destination angle. The consistent
scale factor must be changed concordant to the
C.CORDIC-Using DCT Architecture
The 2-D DCT process is disintegrated into an 1-D
DCT .In 2D DCT process we are using two 1-DCT
inorder to perform a row DCT and column DCT.
Inorder to perform row DCT we use an 1-D DCT,
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Fig. 2. Hardware architecture of CORDIC-based 1-D DCT.
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After quantization the high frequency DCT
coefficient become lessen because the low frequency
component are highly sensitive to human eyes when
compare to high frequency component .In
CORDIC,large number of repetition is used for low
frequency coefficient in order to get the accurate
result, where the high frequency coefficient require a
small no of iteration.
Required iteration and direction for vector rotation
D.Low Power DCT Architecture Using Look ahead CORDIC
In the conventional CORDIC structure having the
crossing datapath, the two separate CORDIC data
path is not feasible and also changing the number of
iteration in conventional CORDIC structure[1].The
lookahead approach-based design of CORDIC
module is shown in fig.3.In the look ahead CORDIC
we assign a different number of iteration to the
cordic datapath.In the look ahead, all the interior
datapath become independent, and the number of
iteration can be easily controlled [8]-[10]. For
example if we revolve the vector of an angle π/16,
only the ith repetition (i=0, 1, 3, 10) are required, the
rest of repetition can be avoided for power saving.
The Recursive CORDIC design block diagram is
shown in Fig.4. In the recursive style the equations
(4) must be appareled. The representation “>> (n-1)”
denote the shifting process.In Fig.4 shows the
recursive design and the primary inputs are X0
andY0 for the first repetition. For rest of the
repetition the output from the adder is get back to
the input via a Multiplexer.
Fig 3: lookahead approach-based architecture of CORDIC module.
The most interesting fact is that the look ahead
technique is enforced to the CORDIC, it eliminate
the high shift term because of using less number of
Fig. 4. Recursive CORDIC Architecture.
iteration, means the CORDIC with low calculational
difficulty, a CORDIC using low power DCT .By using select signal the multiplexer is limited.
architecture can be derivative. By using the lookahead The block with symbol “+” mean an adder. The
cordic we can achieve a low power owing to lesser significance of di decide the addition process has to
number of repetition. Required iteration and direction be approved out. To attain exact output, N-number
for vector rotation is shown in table I.
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of repetition is known by the lookahead CORDIC
architecture and then the output is get back to the DCT OUTPUT:
The output image file size is that 238KB
input via the multiplexer.
X (i+1) = K (i) [x (i) – y (i) d (i) 2^-i]
Y (i+1) = K (i) [y (i) + x (i) d (i) 2^-i]
The recursive architecture requires less area and
also for calculating few angle inputs consumes
lesser power, for the physical implementation .In
terms of area, power the recursive design of
CORDIC core is more efficient. In the recursive
CORDIC both iteration and recursive function is
Fig. 6. DCT output image.
The various design of CORDIC based DCT
architecture is implemented using front end. The
design is coded in VHDL and simulated using
ModelSim 6.3f software. The analysis of area and
power are performed using Xilinx ISE 8.1 software.
Fig. 7. IDCT output image.
The simulation result for implementing existing
methodology using lookahead CORDIC based DCT SIMULATION RESULT:
architecture is determined using ModelSim 6.3f
software. The generated output for every clock pulse
is shown in the Fig.11. The Area and Power report
for lookahead CORDIC using DCT design is
determined using Xilinx ISE 9.1. Total Equivalent
Gate Count for implementing the design is 9270.
The total power estimation is 43 mW.
By using MATLAB the input image will be get in
terms of pixel by the MATLAB R2007b. The input
image file size is that 288KB
Fig 8: Simulation result for CORDIC based DCT architecture.
Fig. 5. Input image.
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Since the Existing methodology had various
complexities such as area, power . To overcome
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 20 Number 6 – Feb 2015
these difficulties the architecture is modified by
recursive architecture. The simulation result for
recursive architecture using ModelSim 6.3f. The
Area and Power report for recursive architecture is
determined using Xilinx ISE 9.1. Total Equivalent
Gate Count for implementing the design is 3711.
The total power estimation is 34 mW.(Table.1)
Table .II Comparision Table
( Gate Count)
area.In terms of area, power the recursive design of
CORDIC core is more efficient. In the recursive
CORDIC both iteration and recursive function is
used. The Recursive CORDIC based DCT
architecture is coded using VHDL and simulated
using ModelSim 6.3f. The gate count and power
consumption of the lookahead and recursive
CORDIC were analyzed using Xilinx ISE 8.1
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In the conventional DCT architecture, the output of
the frequency domain all the calculation are not
evenly significant. This paper conferred a lowpower Recursive CORDIC-using DCT design, To
assign the numbers of CORDIC repetition where the
significant differences in DCT coefficients were
effectually abused. Instead of conventional
CORDIC, to overcome the information-needs the
Lookahead CORDIC design were effectually used.
In proposed the Recursive CORDIC design is used
in DCT architecture in order to reduce power and
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