A Situation Based Routing Protocol in Aggressive Adhoc Networks ,

International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 8 Number 1- Feb 2014
A Situation Based Routing Protocol in Aggressive
Adhoc Networks
Karnati Pavan Kumar1 , Meshineni Rambhupal2
M.Tech scholar, 2Assistant Professor
CSE Dept, Aditya Engineering College, Surampalem, East Godavari Dist. , Andhra Pradesh, India.
Abstract: In mobile adhoc networks there is more usage of
data exchanging in the form of packets. Due more scalability
of users there is more amount of data packets are exchanging
in adhoc networks. The issue is traffic and mobility, and also
packet delivery is dynamic in nature. It takes more time to
deliver due to nodes have transmission problem that is
interruption. Therefore we propose routing protocol which
improves mobility between the existing nodes.
delay uniformly distributed between 0 and 10
To insure that routing information propagated
through the network inatimelyfashion, routing
packets being sentwerequeued for transmission at
the head of the network interface transmit queue,
whereas all other packets (ARP and data) were
inserted at the end of the interface transmit queue.
Basic Mechanisms
Adhoc networks are decentralized wireless networks. It
does not depend on the existing infrastructure. It uses
routers to transmit data to other nodes. An ad hoc network
is made up of multiple “nodes” connected by “links.”Links
are influenced by the node's resources andbehavioural
properties as well as link properties. Since links can be
connected or disconnected at any time, a functioning
network must be able to cope with this dynamic
restructuring, preferably in a way that is timely efficient,
reliable, robust, and scalable.The network must allow any
two nodes to communicate by relaying the information via
other nodes. A “path” is a series of links that connects two
nodes. Various routing methods use one or two paths
between any two nodes; flooding methods use all or most
of the available paths.
The protocols were carefully implemented according to
their specifications published as of April 1998 and based on
clarifications of some issues from the designers of each
protocol and on our own experimentation with them. In
particular, during the process of implementing each
protocol and analysing the results from early simulation
runs, we discovered some modifications for each protocol
that improved its performance. The key improvements to
each protocol are highlighted in the respective protocol
descriptions below. We also made the following
improvements to all of the protocols:
To prevent synchronization, periodic broadcasts
and packets sent in response to the reception of a
broadcast packet were jittered using a random
ISSN: 2231-5381
Each DSDV node maintains a routing table listing the
“next hop” for each reachable destination and the DSDV
tags each route with a sequence number and considers a
route more favourable than if has a greater sequence
number, or if the two routes have equal sequence numbers
but has a lower metric. Each node in the network advertises
a monotonically increasing even sequence number for
itself. When a node B decides that its route to a destination
D has broken it advertises the route to D with an infinite
metric and a sequence number one greater than its
sequence number for the route that has broken (making an
odd sequence number). This causes any node A routing
packets through B to incorporate the infinite-metric route
into its routing table until node A hears a route to D with a
higher sequence number.
The main contributions of this paper can be summarized as
We propose a position-based opportunistic routing
mechanism which can be deployed without complex
modification to MAC protocol and achieve multiple
reception without losing the benefit of collision avoidance
provided by 802.11.
The concept of in-the-air backup significantly
enhances the robustness of the routing protocol and reduces
the latency and duplicate forwarding caused by local route
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 8 Number 1- Feb 2014
In the case of communication hole, we propose a
Virtual Destination-based Void Handling (VDVH) scheme
in which the advantages of greedy forwarding and
opportunistic routing can still be achieved while handling
communication voids.
We analyse the effect of node mobility on packet
delivery and explain the improvement brought about by the
participation of forwarding candidates.
The overhead of POR with focus on temporary
storage usage and bandwidth consumption due to
forwarding candidates’ duplicate relaying is also discussed.
Through analysis we conclude that due to the selection of
forwarding area and the properly designed duplication
limitation scheme, POR’s performance gain can be
achieved at little overhead cost.
Finally we evaluate the performance of POR
through extensive simulations and verify that POR
achieves excellent performance in the face of high node
mobility while the overhead is acceptable.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: we present
the protocol design of POR and complementary
mechanisms in Section 2. VDVH is depicted in Section 3.
Section 4 analyses the effect of node mobility on packet
delivery and reveals the benefits brought about by the
participation of forwarding candidates. Redundancy in
POR including memory consumption and duplicate
relaying due to opportunistic forwarding will also be
Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) have gained a great
deal of communication because of its more advantages
brought about by multi hop infrastructure-less
transmission. Due to the error prone wireless channel and
the dynamic network topology is reliable data delivery in
MANETs especially in challenged environments with high
mobility remains an issue. Traditional topology-based
MANET routing protocols (e.g., DSDV, AODV, DSR are
quite susceptible to node mobility.
One of the main reasons is due to the predetermination of
an end-to-end route before data transmission. Owing to the
constantly and even fast changing network topology it is
very difficult to maintain a deterministic route. The
discovery and recovery procedures are also time and
energy consuming. Once the path deviates or breaks the
ISSN: 2231-5381
data packets will get lost or be delayed for a long time until
the reconstruction of the route causing transmission
A Survey on Position-Based Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc
Position Based Routing for Wireless Mobile Ad Hoc
Networks In mobile ad hoc network there are several
routing algorithms which utilize topology information to
make routing decisions at each node. The aim of this paper
is to utilize position information to provide more reliable as
well as efficient routing for certain applications. Thus
extensions to existing position based routing algorithm
have been described to work more efficiently even in cases
where they are not working at present. In this paper an
algorithm is proposed and it removes some of the
drawbacks of the existing GPSR (Greedy perimeter
stateless routing) position based routing algorithm. In
proposed algorithm different algorithm has been used to
planarize the graph so that it will not disconnect the route
in case of location inaccuracy in perimeter mode whereas
in GPSR in certain cases of location inaccuracy it will
disconnect the graph and hence the packets will not be
routed thereby decreasing packet delivery ratio.
Basic Principles and Problems
The effects of setting prioritiesamong data packets under
various mobility ortraffic load conditions, and various
packet temporary storage sizes.Our goal is to find
scheduling algorithms that improveperformance most
compared to the conventional ones.Since we compare the
effects of different schedulingalgorithms that choose
among data packets we needto separate out the effects of
control packets. The scheduling algorithms presented here
consistently give higher priority to control packets
than todata packets.
For mobile adhoc networks the issue of routing
packets between any pair of nodes becomes a big task
because the nodes can move randomly within the network.
A path that was considered optimal at a given point in time
might not work at all a few moments later. The properties
of the wireless channels add to the uncertainty of path
quality. The operating environment as such might also
cause problems for indoor scenariosthe closing of a door
might cause a path to be disrupted. Traditional routing
protocols are proactive in that they maintain routes to all
nodes including nodes to which no packets are being sent
and reacts to any change in the topology even if no traffic
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 8 Number 1- Feb 2014
The rate at which these control messages are sent
must reflect the dynamics of the network in order to
maintain valid routes. Thus scarce resources such as power
and link bandwidth will be used more frequently for
control traffic as node mobility increases. An alternative
approach involves establishing reactive routes which
dictates that routes between nodes are determined solely
when they are explicitly needed to route packets. This
prevents the nodes from up- dating every possible route in
the network and instead allows them to focus either on
routes that are being used or on routes that are in the
process of being set up.
We propose a position-based routing mechanism which can
be deployed without complex modification to MAC
protocol and achieve multiple reception without losing the
benefit of collision avoidance provided by 802.11.5) The
overhead of POR with focus on temporary storage usage
and bandwidth consumption due to forwarding candidates’
duplicate relaying is also discussed. From the analysis we
conclude that due to the selection of forwarding area and
the properly designed duplication limitation scheme the
POR’s performance gain can be achieved at little overhead
In our work propose an efficient position based
opportunistic routing(POR) protocol. This protocol we
have four parts. First part is Duplicate Relying is as follows
in forwarding packets it maintains candidate list to reduce
fail of delivering of packet due to high priority of
candidate. The propagation area of a packet will cover the
entire circle comprising the destination as the centre and
the radius can be as large as the distance between the
source and the destination. In other words only the source
and the next hop node need to calculate the candidate list
while for the packet relayed by a forwarding candidate and
the candidate list is empty.
Next part is trigger node is forward packet from
greedy mode to void handling mode. If any node switches
another node instead of another node it calls message for
warning showing misprocess. As soon as warning sent to
node. Otherwise the destination node is correct it will send
to node without other choice.
The final part is greedy forwarding the forwarding
area is divided into two parts such as A-I and A-II. To
prevent deviating it can switch to greedy forwarding and
the candidates in A-I assigned with higher priority in
relaying and scaling is located in A-II. After a packet has
been forwarded to route around the communication void
for more than two hops (including two hops) and the
forwarder will check whether there is any potential
candidate that is able to switch back. If yes that node will
be selected as the next hop but the mode is still void
handling. Only if the receiver finds that its own location is
nearer to the real destination than the void node and it gets
at least one neighbour that makes positive progress towards
the real destination and it will change the forwarding mode
back to normal greedy forwarding.
Performance Analysis
Packet Delivery
is affected by the changeand require periodic control
messages to maintain routes to every node in the network.
Maximum Speed
In the above graph shown that more number of candidates
raises packet delivery but initially yielded candidates only
achieve more performance.while the improvement becomes
less and less observable when N continues to increase
Next part is MAC Interception that is
broadcasting. In this we RTS/CTS mechanism to
broadcast.It sends packets fastly with CSMA. Therefore we
can reduce packet loss in multicasting.In the network layer
we just send the packet via uncast to the best node which is
elected by greedy forwarding as the next hop.
ISSN: 2231-5381
In this paper we proposed a fast delivering protocol which
delivers packets fastly and action list dynamically. In POR
protocol the staleness property broadcast nature in wireless
medium. The efficiency of this protocol is mobility and
high packet delivery ratio without delaying. It adjusts
temporarily direction flow by using greedy forwarding. It
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 8 Number 1- Feb 2014
maintains the action list to avoid the collisions and
Karnati Pavan Kumar received his B.Tech
Degree in Information Technology from
Newton’s Institute of Engineering, Macherla,
Guntur dist in 2010, JNTUK University.
Currently, he is pursuing his M.Tech. degree in
Computer Science and Engineering from Aditya
Engineering College, Surampalem, East
Godavari Dist. , Andhra Pradesh, India . At present, he is
engaged in “A Situation Based Routing Protocol In Aggressive
Adhoc Networks”.
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ISSN: 2231-5381
Meshineni Rambhupal received the M. Tech
degree in Computer Science and Engineering
from JNTUK College Of Engineering, JNTUK
University , Kakinada. Currently, he is working
as an Assistant Professor in Aditya Engineering
College, Surampalem, Andhra Pradesh, India.
He has nine years of experience in teaching. His
research interest includes Object Oriented Programming, Mobile
Computing and Distributed Database.
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