Complete Dictionary Recovery over the Sphere Ju Sun, Qing Qu, and John Wright Department of Electrical Engineering, Columbia University Email: {js4038, qq2105, jw2966} Abstract—We consider the problem of recovering a complete (i.e., square and invertible) dictionary A0 , from Y = A0 X0 with Y ∈ Rn×p . This recovery setting is central to the theoretical understanding of dictionary learning. We give the first efficient algorithm that provably recovers A0 when X0 has O (n) nonzeros per column, under suitable probability model for X0 . Prior results provide recovery guarantees when X0 has √ only O ( n) nonzeros per column. Our algorithm is based on nonconvex optimization with a spherical constraint, and hence is naturally phrased in the language of manifold optimization. Our proofs give a geometric characterization of the high-dimensional objective landscape, which shows that with high probability there are no spurious local minima. This invited talk summarizes these results, presented in [1]. It also presents numerical experiments demonstrating their implications for practical problems in representation learning and the more general algorithmic problem of recovering matrix decompositions with structured factors. Index Terms—Dictionary learning, Recovery guarantee, Geometric analysis, Nonconvex optimization, Riemannian trustregion method first efficient algorithm that provably recovers A0 when X0 has O (n) nonzeros per column. This algorithm is based on nonconvex optimization. Our proofs give a geometric characterization of the high-dimensional objective landscape, which shows that w.h.p. there are no spurious local minima. In particular, the geometric structure allows us to design a Riemannian trust region algorithm over the sphere that provably converges to one local minimum with an arbitrary initialization, despite the presence of saddle points. II. T HIS PAPER : A GLIMPSE INTO HIGH - DIMENSIONAL GEOMETRY Since Y = A0 X0 , with A0 nonsingular, row (Y ) = row (X0 ). The rows of X0 are sparse vectors in the known subspace row (Y ). Following [8], we use this fact to first recover the rows of X0 , and then subsequently recover A0 by solving a linear system of equations. Under suitable probability models on X0 , the rows of X0 are the n sparsest vectors (directions) in row(Y ) [8]. One might attempt to recover them by solving3 I. I NTRODUCTION Dictionary learning (DL) is the problem of finding a sparse representation for a collection of input signals. Its applications min kq ∗ Y k0 subject to q 6= 0. (1) span classical image processing, visual recognition, compressive signal acquisition, as well as recent deep architectures for This objective is discontinuous, and the domain is an open signal classification [2, 3]. Despite many empirical successes, set. Known convex relaxations [8, 15] break down beyond the √ relatively little is known about the theoretical properties of aforementioned n barrier. Instead, we work with a nonconvex DL algorithms. Typical formulations are nonconvex. Even alternative: p proving that the target solution is a local minimum requires . 1X nontrivial analysis [4–7]. Obtaining global solutions with min f (q) = hµ (q ∗ yi ) , subject to kqk2 = 1, (2) p i=1 efficient algorithms is a standing challenge. Suppose that the data matrix Y is generated as Y = A0 X0 , where yi is the i-th column of Y and where A0 ∈ Rn×m and X0 ∈ Rm×p . Existing recovery . hµ (z) = µ log exp(z/µ)+exp(−z/µ) = µ log cosh(z/µ) (3) results pertain only to highly sparse X0 . For example, [8] 2 showed that a certain linear programming relaxation can is a smooth (infinitely differentiable) approximation to the |·| recover a complete (m = n) dictionary A √0 from Y , when function and µ controls the smoothing level. The spherical X0 is a sparse random matrix with O( n) nonzeros per constraint is nonconvex. column. [9, 10] and [11, 12] have subsequently given efficient Despite this nonconvexity, simple descent algorithms for (2) algorithms for the overcomplete setting (m ≥ n), based on exhibit very striking behavior: on many practical numerical a combination of {clustering or spectral initialization} and examples, they appear to produce global solutions. To attempt local refinement. These algorithms again succeed when X0 √ to shed some light on this phenomenon, we analyze their 1 e has O( n) nonzeros per column. Giving √ efficient algorithms behavior when X0 follows the Bernoulli-Gaussian model: which provably succeeds beyond this “ n barrier” is an open [X0 ]ij = Ωij Vij , with Ωij ∼ Ber(θ) and Vij ∼ N (0, 1). For problem.2 the moment, suppose that A0 is orthogonal. Fig. 1 plots the In this work, we consider the problem of recovering a landscape of EX0 [f (q)] over S2 . Remarkably, EX0 [f (q)] has complete dictionary A0 , from Y = A0 X0 . We give the no spurious local minima. Every local minimum qb produces a 1 The O e suppresses logarithmic factors. row of X0 : qb∗ Y = αe∗i X0 . Moreover, the geometry implies 2 Recent works, including [13, 14], guarantee recovery with (almost) linear sparsity, but run in super-polynomial (quasipolynomial) time. 3 The notation ∗ denotes matrix transposition. Slightly%more%formally%…! Lemma:%Suppose))))))))))))))))))),)and)))))))))))))))))).)Then…)2 0.3 0.28 Negative%curvature 0.26 Nonzero%gradient 0.24 0.22 Strongly%convex 0.2 0.18 1 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 −0.5 −0.5 −1 −1 …)and)so)…)every%local%optimizer%of%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%is%a%target%point.%+ Fig. 1. Why is dictionary learning over Sn−1 tractable? Assume the target dictionary A0 is orthogonal. Left: Large sample objective function EX0 [f (q)]. The only local minima are the columns of A0 and their negatives. Center: the same function, visualized as a height above the plane a⊥ 1 (a1 is the first column of A0 ). Around the optimum, the function exhibits a small region of positive curvature, a region of large gradient, and finally a region in which the direction away from a1 is a direction of negative curvature (right). √ that at any nonoptimal point, there is always at least one O(1/ n), our algorithm succeeds even when θ = 1/2 − ε direction of descent. for arbitrarily small ε > 0. The geometric characterization in Probabilistic arguments show that this structure persists in Theorem 1 can be extended to general orthobases A0 ∈ On high dimensions (n ≥ 3), with high probability,4 even when by a simple rotation, and to general invertible A0 ∈ Rn×n by the number of observations p is large yet finite. Theorem 1 preconditioning, in conjunction with a perturbation argument, makes this precise, in the special case of A0 = I. The result as summarized in the following theorem. Theorem 2 (High-dimensional landscape - complete dictiocharacterizes the properties of the reparameterization g(w) = f (q(w)) obtained by projecting Sn−1 onto the equatorial plane nary): Suppose A0 is complete with its condition number κ (A0 ). There exist positive constants and C, suchthat for e⊥ n – see Fig. 1 (center). c? −1 −5/4 and µ < min c θn , when Theorem 1 (High-dimensional landscape - orthogonal dic- any θ ∈ (0, 1/2) a n 4 5o , cb n . κ(A )n 4 C n n 0 8 tionary): Suppose A0 = I and hence Y = A0 X0 = X0 . p ≥ 2 max 4 , 2 κ (A0 ) log and Y = c? θ µ µ µθ There exist positive constantsc? and C, such that for any √ −1/2 pθ (Y Y ∗ ) Y , U ΣV ∗ = SVD q n (A0 ), the following o hold θ ∈ (0, 1/2) and µ < min ca θn−1 , cb n−5/4 , whenever . 4n−1 n C 3 simultaneously for all w ∈ Γ = w : kwk < with p ≥ µ2 θ2 n log µθ , the following hold simultaneously for all 4n q n o high probability: . w ∈ Γ = w : kwk < 4n−1 with high probability: 4n c? θ µ ∇2 g(w; V U ∗ Y ) I if kwk ≤ 4√ , 2 c θ ? 2µ µ 2 I if kwk ≤ 4√2 , ∇ g(w; X0 ) µ 1 w∗ ∇g(w; V U ∗ Y ) µ ≥ c? θ if 4√ ≤ kwk ≤ 201√5 ∗ w ∇g(w; X0 ) 2 µ 1√ kwk 2 √ ≥ c? θ if 4 2 ≤ kwk ≤ 20 5 q kwk w∗ ∇2 g(w; V U ∗ Y )w 1 4n−1 1√ q ∗ 2 ≤ − ≤ kwk < c θ if ? w ∇ g(w; X0 )w 2 4n , 20 5 1√ 4n−1 2 kwk ≤ −c θ if ≤ kwk < , ? 2 4n 20 5 kwk and the function g(w; V U ∗ Y ) has exactly one local minimizer and the function g(w; X0 ) has exactly one local minimizer w? over the open set Γ, which satisfies w? over the open set Γ, which satisfies µ kw? − 0k ≤ . (5) s ( ) 7 cc µ n log p µ kw? − 0k ≤ min , . (4) In particular, with this choice of p, the probability the claim θ p 16 −7 fails to hold is at most 4np−10 + θ(np) + exp (−0.3θnp) + −8 2 2 2 In particular, with this choice of p, the probability the claim p + cd exp −ce pµ θ /n . Here ca to ce are all positive fails to hold is at most 4np−10 + θ(np)−7 + exp (−0.3θnp) + numerical constants. Although the problem has no spurious local minima, it does cd exp −ce pµ2 θ2 /n2 . Here ca to ce are all positive numerical have many saddle points (Fig. 1). We describe a Riemannian constants. In words, one sees the strongly convex, nonzero gradient, and trust region method (TRM) [16, 17] over the sphere which can negative curvature regions successively when moving away escape these saddle points. Using the geometric characterization from each target solution, and the local minimizers of f (q) in Theorem 1, we prove that from any initialization, it converges are next to the target solutions in their respective symmetric to a close approximation to the target solution in a polynomial sections. Here θ controls the fraction of nonzeros in X0 in number of steps. Using this algorithm, together with rounding our probability model. Where previous results required θ = and deflation techniques, we can obtain all n rows of X0 and hence also recover A0 by solving the equation Y = AX0 . 4 Here the probability is with respect to the randomness of X . Hence we obtain a polynomial-time algorithm for complete DL, 0 working in linear sparsity regime. This can be compared to previous analyses, which either demanded much more stringent (sublinear) sparsity assumptions [8–11], or did not provide efficient algorithms [13, 14]. Theorem 3 (Informal statement of our results): For any θ ∈ (0, 1/3), given Y = A0 X0 with A0 a complete dictionary and X0 ∼i.i.d. BG (θ), there is a polynomial algorithm that recovers A0 and X0 with high probability (at least 1−O(p−6 )) whenever p ≥ p? (n, 1/θ, κ (A0 ) , 1/µ) for a fixed polynomial p? (·), where κ (A0 ) is the condition number of A0 and µ is the smoothing parameter in (3). The particular geometry of this problem does not demand any clever initialization, in contrast with most recent approaches to analyzing nonconvex recovery of structured signals [9–11, 13, 18–30]. The geometric approach taken here may apply to these problems as well. Finally, for dictionary learning, the geometry appears to be stable to small noise, allowing almost plug-and-play stability analysis. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT JS thanks the Wei Family Private Foundation for their generous support. 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