Sparse Source Localization in Presence of Co-Array Perturbations Ali Koochakzadeh Piya Pal Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Maryland, College Park Email: Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Maryland, College Park Email: Abstract—New spatial sampling geometries such as nested and coprime arrays have recently been shown to be capable of localizing O(M 2 ) sources using only M sensors. However, these results are based on the assumption that the sampling locations are exactly known and they obey the specific geometry exactly. In contrast, this paper considers an array with perturbed sensor locations, and studies how such perturbation affects source localization using the co-array of a nested or coprime array. An iterative algorithm is proposed in order to jointly estimate the directions of arrival along with the perturbations. The directions are recovered by solving a sparse representation problem in each iteration. Identifiability issues are addressed by deriving Cramér Rao lower bound for this problem. Numerical simulations reveal successful performance of our algorithm in recovering of the source directions in the presence of sensor location errors. 1 I. I NTRODUCTION Uniform spatial sampling geometries such as the Uniform Linear Array (ULA) have been studied for decades and they are well known to be capable of resolving O(M ) sources using M sensors [1], [2]. Recently, new non-uniform array geometries, namely nested [3], and coprime [4] arrays, have been proposed which can dramatically increase degrees of freedom from O(M ) to O(M 2 ) leading to capability of estimating O(M 2 ) source directions. In these techniques, the vectorized form of the covariance matrix of received signals is studied, which leads to the concept of virtual co-arrays. Two main approaches have been proposed to use this enhanced degrees of freedom in order to improve the DOA (directions of arrival) estimation. The first approach is the subspace methods, where the typical subspace methods for arrays, such as MUSIC, are performed on the spatially smoothed co-array manifold [5]. In the second approach, sparsity is used as the key to recover the directions of sources. In this case, the range of all possible directions is discretized into a grid, and the DOA estimation problem is then reformulated as a sparse representation problem [6]–[9]. We review this approach in more details in Section II-A. The results established so far are based on an unperturbed array geometry, one in which the sensor locations exactly satisfy the geometrical constraints. Array imperfections, however, are known to severely deteriorate the performance of DOA estimation algorithms [10], [11]. This is mainly due to strong dependence of these algorithms to the availability of an accurately known array manifold. One of the most common forms of these imperfections is uncertainty about the accurate location of the sensors. To address the array imperfections and suppress their effect on DOA estimation, there are many 1 This work was supported by the University of Maryland, College Park. c 978-1-4673-7353-1/15/$31.00 2015 IEEE methods proposed in the literature, which are known as selfcalibration methods. In these methods, the perturbations are modeled as unknown but deterministic parameters, and these parameters are estimated jointly with the directions of the sources. The methods in [11], [12], and [13] resolve the sensor location uncertainty, using eigenstructure-based methods. [14] proposes a unified framework to formulate the array imperfections, and renders a sparse Bayesian perspective for array calibration and DOA estimation. In all of these methods, the array is assumed to be ULA, and none of the self-calibration methods in the literature use the concept of co-arrays. In this paper, we study the effect of random perturbations on the sensor locations and investigate if it is possible to perform DOA estimation using a co-array in presence of perturbations. We use the grid based model to obtain a sparse representation and propose a sparsity-aware estimation framework to jointly recover the DOAs and the perturbation errors using an iterative algorithm. We also address identifiability issues for this framework by explicitly deriving the Cramér Rao bound and studying conditions under which it exists. The paper is organized as follows. In Sec II we formulate our problem. Sec III establishes Cramér Rao based conditions under which our problem is identifiable. In Sec IV, our proposed approach for jointly estimating the source directions and perturbations is presented. Sec V elaborates the performance of our proposed algorithm via numerical simulations. Sec VI concludes the paper. Notation: Throughout this paper, matrices are represented by capital bold letters, vectors by lower case bold letters. xi denotes the ith entry of a vector x. xa:b represents the (Matlabstyle) subvector of x starting at a and ending at b. Similarly, X(a:b,c:d) stands for the submatrix of X consisting of the (a, b)th through (c, d)th elements. (.)∗ , (.)T , (.)H represent the conjugate, transpose, and hermitian, respectively. ◦, ⊙, ⊗ stand for Hadamard product, column-wise Khatri-Rao product, and Kronecker product, respectively. k.kF denotes the matrix Frobenius norm. k.k0 , and k.k denote the ℓ0 pseudo-norm and ℓ2 norm of a vector, respectively. vec(.) represents the vectorized form of a matrix. Re{.} returns the real part of a complex valued number. II. P ROBLEM F ORMULATION We consider an array of M sensors impinged by K narrowband sources with unknown directions θ. Let y(t) ∈ CM represent the vector of the received base-band samples on each sensor, s(t) ∈ CK be the vector of the emitted signals from each source, and w(t) be the additive noise on each sensor, respectively, at the time snapshot t. The sources are assumed to be zero mean, stationary and pairwise uncorrelated signals. Further, we assume that the noise vector is zero mean, i.i.d., 2 white with variance σw , and uncorrelated from the signal. Assume the sensors are originally designed to be at locations introduced by the vector d ∈ RM , however due to deformation of the sensor array, the sensors are actually located at d + δ, in which δ ∈ RM is an unknown perturbation vector. The received samples can be written as y(t) = A(θ, δ)s(t) + w(t), (1) in which A(θ, δ) = [a(θ1 , δ), . . . , a(θK , δ)] denotes the array manifold, and a(θi , δ) ∈ CM is the steering vector for the kth source whose mth element is am (θk ) = ej(2π/λ)(dm +δm ) sin θk . We can further rewrite the array manifold A(θ, δ) as A(θ, δ) = A0 (θ) ◦ P(θ, δ), (2) where A0 (θ) is the array manifold as if the sensors were located at their originally designed positions dm , P(θ, δ) is the perturbation matrix introduced by the sensor location errors δm , and ◦ denotes the Hadamard matrix product. Furthermore, the (m, k)th components of M × K complex valued matrices A0 (θ) and P(θ, δ) are ej(2π/λ)dm sin θk , and ej(2π/λ)δm sin θk , respectively. Given the problem setting as stated above, the goal is to jointly estimate both the vectors δ and θ by observing L snapshots of the received samples on the sensors. We compute the covariance matrix of the received signals as Ry = E(yyH ). Assuming that the sources are uncorrelated, following [3] the vectorized form of the covariance matrix is 2 z = AKR (θ, δ)rss + σw vec(IB ), (3) where AKR (θ, δ) = A(θ, δ)∗ ⊙ A(θ, δ) is the difference co-array, rss = [σ1 , σ2 , . . . , σK ] is the diagonal of Rs = E(ssH ) the covariance matrix of the sources, and z = vec(Ry ). The (m + m′ M, k)-th element of AKR (θ, δ) is given by ej(2π/λ)sin(θk )(dm +δm −dm′ −δm′ ) . Thus each column of AKR (θ, δ) is characterized by the difference co-array: Sca = {dm − dm′ , 1 ≤ m, m′ ≤ M } Therefore, AKR (θ, δ) acts as a larger virtual array with sensors located at dm + δm − (dm′ + δm′ ) for 1 ≤ i, j ≤ M . In the rest of this paper, without loss of generality, we put the first sensor on the origin. Therefore d1 = δ1 = 0, and ∂ ∂δ1 = 0. It can be simply verified that adding a common bias to the locations of the sensors will not alter the covariance matrix Ry . A. A Grid Based Model and Role of Co-Array In order to estimate the directions of arrival, following the same approach as in [7], we use a grid based model. In this setting, the range of all possible directions, [−π/2, π/2], is quantized into a certain number of grid points, Nθ , in order to construct a grid based array manifold Agrid (δ) ∈ CM ×Nθ , where each column of this matrix is a steering vector corresponding to a particular direction in the grid. The gridded coarray manifold is given by Aca (δ) = Agrid (δ)∗ ⊙ Agrid (δ). Clearly, this co-array manifold only depends on δ, and the structure of the array. We can now rewrite (3) as 2 z = Aca (δ)γ + σw vec(IB ), where the non-zero elements of γ ∈ CNθ are equal to the corresponding elements of rss . We can further suppress the effect of noise by only considering the off-diagonal elements of the covariance matrix Ry , or in vectorized form by removing the rows in z and Aca (δ) corresponding to i − j = 0. Hence, we obtain zu = Auca (δ)γ We assume that K is sufficiently smaller than Nθ to have a sparse vector γ. We will further elaborate this assumption in the next sections. Considering that the value of perturbations (δ) are given, the directions of the sources can be found by recovering the sparse support of γ. The size of the recoverable sparse support (or equivalently, the number of sources, K) fundamentally depends on the Kruskal Rank of Agrid (δ). The support can be recovered by solving min kγk0 γ≥0 s.t. z = Auca (δ)γ. In Absence of Perturbation: It is shown in [15, Thm. 8], in absence of perturbation (δ = 0), the size of the recoverable support of γ satisfies Supp(γ) ≤ Mca /2, where Mca is the number of distinct elements in the co-array Sca . For a ULA, the coarray is given by U LA = {ndn = −M, . . . , M } Sca and hence Mca = O(M ) whereas for nested array with even number of sensors and two levels of nesting M M N ested ( + 1) − 1} = {ndn = −M ′ , . . . , M ′ ; M ′ = Sca 2 2 and hence Mca = O(M 2 ). Perturbation and Size of Support: The presence of perturbation has a non trivial effect on the size of the recoverable support. Of particular interest is the question: Does the presence of perturbation δ reduce the size of identifiable support from O(M 2 ) to O(M ) for nested arrays? By a simple equations-versus-unknown argument, it can be seen that for nested arrays, the number of distinct equations in (4) is still O(M 2 ), whereas the number of unknowns is M + K, since we have M unknown values for the perturbation and K unknown values for the source directions. Since the number of unknowns only increases by O(M ), it may be still possible to identify K = O(M 2 ) sources in presence of perturbations. The next section presents a more formal Cramér Rao bound based study of this problem. III. I DENTIFIABILTY AND C RAM ÉR R AO B OUND We derive the stochastic Cramér Rao bound (CRB) for the grid based model under perturbation, using which we can claim some necessary conditions under which the sparse support is identifiable for the perturbed model, for a given perturbation δ. We consider the signals s(t) to be stochastic with normal distribution N (0, Rs ), in which Rs is a diagonal matrix with a few non-zero elements corresponding to the directions on the grid where we have active sources. Assuming the noise to be zero mean uncorrelated Gaussian with distri2 bution N (0, σw I), we get 2 y(t) ∼ N (0, Agrid (δ)Rs AH grid (δ) + σw I) 2 is known. Thus, the We assume that the power of noise σw goal is to estimate the parameter set ψ = [δ 2:M , γ] which completely characterizes the distribution of y(t), where γ = diag(Rs ), and δ1 = 0. Remarks on the derivation of CRB: There are two ways to derive the CRB. Since the model is underdetermined 20 Nested (Ideal) ULA (Ideal) Nested (Pertubed) ULA (Perturbed) 0 −20 −40 i−th singular value (dB) (Nθ ≫ M ), it may seem that we need priors on our parameter γ (such as sparsity, or some other form of Bayesian prior) for the Fisher Information matrix to be invertible. However, we will show that the FIM continues to be non singular, i.e. the parameters continue to be identifiable without incorporating any prior on the parameter as long as Nθ remains smaller than a certain threshold. We also show that beyond this threshold, the FIM necessarily becomes rank deficient. −60 −80 −100 −120 −140 A. CRB without Sparsity Priors Theorem 1. The Fisher information matrix of the parameter set ψ is given by Jδδ Jδγ (4) J = JH J δγ γγ 0 50 100 150 i Fig. 1. The singular values of Aca (δ) for nested and ULA arrays in perturbed and ideal settings. M = 12, Nθ = 200, δ = 0.3 × δ 0 with δ 0 defined in Section V. (2:M +Nθ ,2:M +Nθ ) where −160 −T Jγγ = LAH ⊗ Ry −1 Aca (δ) (5) ca (δ) Ry n −1 −1 T ◦ D δ Rs AH Jδδ = 2L Re Dδ Rs AH grid Ry grid Ry T o −1 (6) + Ry −1 ◦ Dδ Rs AH Agrid Rs DH grid Ry δ n o T −1 −1 H Jδγ = 2L Re Dδ Rs AH R A ◦ A R y grid y grid grid (7) PM ∂Agrid in which Dδ = i=2 ∂δ i , and we temporarily omitted argument of δ from Agrid (δ) for the simplicity of notation. The first row and column of the matrix in the RHS of (4) are eliminated since we assumed that δ1 is known and equal to 0. Proof. Jγγ is obtained similar to [16], by plugging the perturbed coarray manifold in the equations therein. The rest of the Fisher information matrix is derived using the same approach as in [17] (pp. 960-962). The Cramer-Raó lower bound on the parameter set ψ is then given by J−1 . Corollary 1. A necessary condition for identifiability of the DOA estimation problem is Nθ = rank(Aca (δ)). Proof. For the matrix J to be invertible, it is necessary that each diagonal block be nonsingular. (However, this is not a sufficient condition since the Schur complement of J, Jδδ − H Jδγ J−1 γγ Jδγ , should also be nonsingular). It is shown [16] that Jγγ is nonsingular iff Nθ = rank(Aca ) which completes the proof. Remark 1. For δ = 0, rank(Aca (δ)) can be determined using the structure of the array. For instance, for a ULA array rank(Aca (δ)) = O(M ), and rank(Aca (δ)) = O(M 2 ) for nested and coprime arrays. However, for non-zero δ, the rank of the coarray increases and it can be as large as M 2 −M +1, since the differences δi − δj can given rise to more unique differences. This is further validated using simulation. For ULA, the singular values of Aca (δ) start decaying quickly beyond 2M , whereas, for nested array, they decay only beyond O(M 2 ). Figure 1 shows the singular values of Aca (δ) for ULA and nested arrays in the presence of perturbation. We will investigate into this interesting effect thoroughly in future and compare their performance in sparse support recovery. Notice that the sparsity constraint on the vector γ is not used so far. The next question to ask would be: how to address the question of identifiability when Nθ > rank(Aca (δ))?. B. Oracle CRB For J to be nonsingular, we need Nθ = rank(Aca (δ)). When Nθ > rank(Aca (δ)), J (computed without assuming any prior on γ) is singular, indicating that beyond this value of Nθ , some form of prior on γ is necessary for identifiability. It has been shown in [16] that γ is still identifiable, as long as γ is sparse with k-rank(Aca (δ)) , (8) 2 where k-rank(.) represents the Kruskal rank of a matrix. Considering that γ satisfies the sparsity constraint, we can still define an oracle CRB assuming that the support of γ (indices of non-zero elements in γ) is known. In this case, the same expressions for the Fisher information matrix as in (4) are valid, if we replace Agrid with AΩ , and AKR with AKR,Ω , where AΩ , and AKR,Ω are constructed by only picking the columns corresponding to the indices Ω, from matrices A and AKR , respectively, where Ω is the support of γ. By inverting the Fisher information matrix, we obtain an oracle CRB for the problem of estimating the source powers jointly with the sensor location errors. Although, the support of γ is not known in the actual DOA estimation problem, this oracle CRB indicates a fundamental lower bound that every estimation algorithm must obey. kγk0 ≤ IV. A N I TERATIVE A LGORITHM F OR J OINT S UPPORT AND P ERTURBATION E STIMATION As per the model from Section II-A, in order to estimate the directions of sources jointly with the perturbation, we need to solve a sparse representation problem to recover the support of γ. Since the sensor location errors δ are unknown, the matrix Agrid (δ) is also unknown. Hence, the sparse representation problem cannot be solved directly. To overcome this difficulty, we use a two-stage approach to jointly estimate the sensor location errors and solve the sparse representation problem. In the first stage, we assume that the vector δ is fixed, and then we solve the following sparse representation problem: s.t. kγk0 ≤ K. (9) γ̃ = arg min kAgrid (δ)γ − zk2F γ This problem can be solved using basic sparse recovery methods like OMP [18] or LASSO [19]. In the second stage, the perturbations are updated assuming that the recovered sparse vector in the first stage is fixed. Using the updated vector δ, the first stage is again repeated until a convergence criterion is met, which can be a certain number of iterations. The algorithm is initialized with δ (0) = 0. A pseudocode for this algorithm is illustrated in Figure 2. A. Updating the perturbation vector In order to update the vector δ, in the second stage, we minimize the error value E(δ) = kAca (δ)γ̃ − zk2F . This minimization can be done by running T iterations of gradient descent ∂E(δ) , (10) δ ←δ−µ ∂δ in which µ > 0 is the step size parameter and the mth is obtained by component of ∂E(δ) ∂δ ∂Pca (δ) ∂E(δ) = tr −2zγ̃ T + 2A0,ca γ̃ γ̃ T , (11) ∂δm ∂δm where A0,ca , and Pca (δ) are matrices constructed by gridding A0 (θ), and P(θ, δ). Lemma 1. E(δ) is Lipschitz continuous with constant C, i.e.k∇E(δ (1) ) − ∇E(δ (2) )k ≤ C(δ (1) − δ (2) ) , where √ 4πM 2M k − zγ̃ T + A0,ca γ̃ γ̃ T k (12) C= λ Corollary 2. A sufficient condition for gradient descent to converge to a local minimum is µ < µ0 , where µ0 = C2 , and C is given by (12). Although the gradient descent approach can find the minimum value of E(δ) given the step size parameter µ is smaller than µ0 given in Corollary 2, it may require relatively large number of iterations T for gradient descent to converge. Therefore, the updating process may become very time consuming. Hence, we propose another approach for minimizing E(δ). B. Updating the perturbation vector: a linearized approach To simplify the minimization of E(δ) we can assume that the perturbations are sufficiently small, which is a natural assumption. We can use first order Taylor expansion of Agrid (δ) with respect to δ to approximate E(δ), and then we minimize this approximated function instead. In this case, the minimization task simplifies to a least squares problem. We can approximate E(δ) as E(δ) ≃ kA0,ca γ̃ + Qδ − zk2 , (13) ca (δ) where the ith column of Q is equal to ∂A∂δ γ̃. The δ=0 i minimizer of (13) is then given by δ̄ 1 = 0, δ̄ 2:M = (Q̄H Q̄)−1 Q̄H (z − A0,ca γ̃), with Q̄ = Q(2:M,2:M ) . C. Convergence The proposed algorithm has the same flavour as K-SVD [20] algorithm for dictionary learning, in the sense that by iteratively performing sparse recovery and updating the dictionary atoms, an unknown dictionary is recovered. In our problem, Agrid (δ) is a structured unknown dictionary. Similar to K-SVD, the convergence here is subject to success of both stages. For the first stage to succeed, the sparsity of γ should be high enough so that recovering a unique sparse solution be guaranteed. For the second stage, if gradient descent is used, the step-size parameter and the number of iterations should be tuned to avoid divergence of this stage. If the linearized approach is used, the perturbations should be small enough for the linear approximation to be valid. If all these criteria are met, in each iteration of our algorithm, the positive valued function E(δ) decays until converging to a local minimum. 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: δ (0) ← 0, i ← 0 repeat n o γ (i) ← arg minγ kAgrid (δ (i) )γ − zk2F s.t. kγk0 ≤ K δ (i+1) ← arg minδ kAgrid (δ)γ (i) − zk2F i←i+1 until Convergence δ̂ ← δ (i) , γ̂ ← γ (i) Fig. 2. Algorithm for jointly estimating the perturbations and the source directions V. E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS We conduct several numerical experiments to study the effect of perturbation on DOA estimation, and the performance of our proposed algorithm. The simulations are performed for the uniform linear array (ULA), and nested arrays. In all of the cases the number of sensors are fixed to be M = 8. In each case, we run the experiment for different number of sources. The sources are assumed to be uncorrelated complex Gaussian signals. The number of grid points (Nθ ) is either 19 or 139, where − π2 and π2 are not included in the grid. These choices are to study both cases where Nθ = rank(Aca ) and Nθ > rank(Aca ). In the cases where number of sources are 12, we assume that sources are located at directions: [−63◦ −45◦ −27◦ −18◦ −9◦ 0◦ 9◦ 27◦ 36◦ 45◦ 54◦ 72◦ ]. For 9 sources, we consider the same directions except for −9◦ , 9◦ , 54◦ . For 6 sources, −45◦ , −18◦ , 27◦ are also discarded. In all the simulations, the vector of location errors (perturbations) is δ = αδ 0 , where δ 0 = λ2 × [0 −0.25 −0.1 0.1 0.4 0.35 0.45 0.3]T , and α > 0 is a scalar, and λ > 0 is the wavelength of the impinging wave. For the ULA, the unperturbed sensor locations are d = λ2 ×[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]T . For the nested array, the sensors are located at d = λ2 × [0, 1, 2, 3, 7, 11, 15, 19]T . In all the simulations, the number of time snapshots is assumed to be 2 = 4 × 10−4 . L = 800, and the power of noise is set to σw We use LASSO [19] to perform sparse recovery, and gradient descent approach for updating the perturbation vector in each iteration of our algorithm. The number of sources K can be estimated by looking into the recovered sparse support (obtained from LASSO) and then pruning the spurious peaks by a simple thresholding. In the first experiment, we consider a nested array with 8 sensors and 9 sources, with the sensor and source locations as mentioned in the previous paragraph, and α = 0.3, Nθ = 139. Figure 3 illustrates the recovered powers with and without using our proposed algorithm for recovering the sensor location errors, showing the improvement in recovery of source powers when our algorithm is used. In 3a the source powers are all equal to one. However, in 3b they have the following values, respectively: 0.7, 1, 0.7, 1, 0.6, 0.8, 0.6, 0.9, 1. The plots show satisfactory performances in both cases. In the second experiment, we conduct Monte Carlo simulations to study the performance of our algorithm for recovery of the sensor location errors. Figure 4 shows the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of the recovered sensor location q errors δ̂ versus α. The RMSE in this case is defined PNtests kδ̂−δk2 as i=1 Ntests , where Ntests indicates the number of Monte-Carlo simulations for each value of α (In all the simulations Ntests = 100). As α increase (larger perturbations), 1.4 1.4 γ γ̃ γ̂ γ γ̃ γ̂ 1.2 1.2 1 1 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0 −100 −80 −60 −40 −20 0 20 40 60 0 100 −100 80 −80 −60 −40 −20 0 20 40 60 80 100 (a) Equal source powers (b) Unequal source powers Fig. 3. γ, γ̃, γ̂ indicate the original source powers, the initial guess assuming δ = 0, and the recovered source powers using our algorithm, respectively. 20 15 15 10 10 5 RMSE, nested, K=6 CRB, nested, K=6 RMSE, nested, K=9 CRB, nested, K=9 RMSE, nested, K=12 CRB, nested, K=12 RMSE, ula, K=6 o-CRB, ula, K=6 RMSE, ula, K=9 o-CRB, ula, K=9 RMSE, ula, K=12 o-CRB, ula, K=12 0 −5 −10 −15 −20 −25 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 RMSE (dB) RMSE (dB) 5 0 RMSE, nested, K=6 o-CRB, nested, K=6 RMSE, nested, K=9 o-CRB, nested, K=9 RMSE, nested, K=12 o-CRB, nested, K=12 RMSE, ula, K=6 o-CRB, ula, K=6 RMSE, ula, K=9 o-CRB, ula, K=9 RMSE, ula, K=12 o-CRB, ula, K=12 −5 −10 −15 −20 −25 0 0.5 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 α 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 α (a) Nθ = 19 (b) Nθ = 139 Fig. 4. The RMSE of the recovered δ̂ vs α, for different array structures and different number of sources. 35 30 30 25 25 RMSE (degrees) RMSE (degrees) 20 20 15 15 10 RMSE, RMSE, RMSE, RMSE, RMSE, 10 RMSE, nested, K=6 RMSE, nested, K=9 RMSE, nested, K=12 RMSE, ula, K=6 RMSE, ula, K=9 5 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 5 0 0 0.5 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 α 0.25 0.3 0.35 nested, K=6 nested, K=9 nested, K=12 ula, K=6 ula, K=9 0.4 0.45 0.5 α (a) Nθ = 19 (b) Nθ = 139 Fig. 5. The RMSE of the recovered source directions vs α, for different array structures and different number of sources. 0 −20 −10 −30 −20 RMSE, nested, K=6 CRB, nested, K=6 RMSE, nested, K=9 CRB, nested, K=9 RMSE, nested, K=12 CRB, nested, K=12 RMSE, ula, K=6 o-CRB, ula, K=6 RMSE, ula, K=9 o-CRB, ula, K=9 RMSE, ula, K=12 o-CRB, ula, K=12 −40 −50 −60 −70 −80 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 α 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 RMSE (dB) RMSE (dB) −40 −30 RMSE, nested, K=6 o-CRB, nested, K=6 RMSE, nested, K=9 o-CRB, nested, K=9 RMSE, nested, K=12 o-CRB, nested, K=12 RMSE, ula, K=6 o-CRB, ula, K=6 RMSE, ula, K=9 o-CRB, ula, K=9 RMSE, ula, K=12 o-CRB, ula, K=12 −50 −60 −70 −80 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 α (a) Nθ = 19 (b) Nθ = 139 Fig. 6. The RMSE of the recovered source powers vs α, for different array structures and different number of sources. o-CRB denotes the oracle CRB. the algorithm begins to fail to find the correct sensor locations. However, the CRB still suggests the possibility of identifying the correct sensor positions in those circumstances. Figure 6 shows the RMSE of the recovered source powers. The experiments are conducted for both Nq θ = 19 and Nθ = 139. PNtests kγ̂−γk2 The RMSE in this case is defined by i=1 Ntests . In all the plots, CRB of the corresponding parameters is calculated by taking square-root of the trace of the CRB matrix for those parameters. For the cases where Nθ > rank(Aca ), the oracle CRB is calculated, and is shown by o-CRB. Figure 5 depicts the RMSE of source directions, which is calculated by comparing the support of γ̂ with that of γ. As it can be observed, for the nested array, our algorithm can successfully recover the true support even in high perturbations. VI. C ONCLUSION In this paper we studied the effect of random perturbations on the sensor locations in DOA estimation problem using the concept of co-arrays. We proposed an iterative algorithm to find the direction of sources along with the perturbations. We addressed identifiabilty issues by deriving Cramér Rao lower bounds. The experimental results revealed successful performance of our algorithm especially for nested arrays. We can conclude that conclude that co-arrays of nested arrays are robust to small perturbations in the sensor locations. R EFERENCES [1] H. Krim and M. Viberg, “Two decades of array signal processing research: the parametric approach,” Signal Processing Magazine, IEEE, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 67–94, 1996. [2] R. O. Schmidt, “Multiple emitter location and signal parameter estimation,” Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 276–280, 1986. [3] P. Pal and P. Vaidyanathan, “Nested arrays: a novel approach to array processing with enhanced degrees of freedom,” IEEE Trans. Signal Process., vol. 58, no. 8, pp. 4167–4181, 2010. [4] P. P. Vaidyanathan and P. 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