Analysis of Generalized Ridge Functions in High Dimensions Sandra Keiper Technische Universität Berlin Institut für Mathematik Straße des 17. Juni 136, 10623 Berlin Email: Abstract—The approximation of functions in many variables suffers from the so-called “curse of dimensionality”. Namely, functions on RN with smoothness of order s can be recovered at most with an accuracy of n−s/N applying n-dimensional spaces for linear or nonlinear approximation. However, there is a common belief that functions arising as solutions of real world problems have more structure than usual N -variate functions. This has led to the introduction of different models for those functions. One of the most popular models is that of so-called ridge functions, which are of the form RN ⊇ Ω 3 x 7→ f (x) = g(Ax), (1) m,N where A ∈ R is a matrix and m is considerably smaller than N . The approximation of such functions was for example studied in [1], [2], [3], and [4]. However, by considering functions of the form (1), we assume that real world problems can be described by functions that are constant along certain linear subspaces. Such assumption is quite restrictive and we, therefore, want to study a more generalized form of ridge functions, namely functions which are constant along certain submanifolds of RN . Hence, we introduce the notion of generalized ridge functions, which are defined to be functions of the form RN 3 x 7→ f (x) = g(dist(x, M )), (2) N where M is a d-dimensional, smooth submanifold of R and g ∈ C s (R). Note that if M is an (N −1)-dimensional, affine subspace of RN and we consider the signed distance in equation (2), we indeed have the case of a usual ridge function. We will analyze how the methods to approximate usual ridge functions apply to generalized ridge functions and investigate new algorithms for their approximation. I. I NTRODUCTION An approach to break the curse of dimensionality is to consider ridge functions of the form (1), where A is usually called ridge matrix and g ∈ C s (Rm ), 1 ≤ s ≤ 2, is called ridge profile. For particular choices of A, different approaches have been investigated. For example, if A is of the form AT = [ei1 , . . . , eim ], for eik ∈ RN the canonical unit vectors, ik ∈ {1, . . . , N }, f can be rewritten as a function which depends only on a few variables, i.e. f (x1 , . . . , xN ) = g(xi1 , . . . , xim ). An approach of recovering the active variables and approximating the ridge profile g has been given in [1]. For g in some approximation class As defined in [1] the result reads as follows: Theorem I.1 ([1]). If f (x) = g(xi1 , . . . , xim ) with g ∈ As , then the function fˆ determined by the algorithm introduced in [1] satisfies kf − fˆkC([0,1]N ) ≤ |g|As l−s , where the number of point values used in the algorithm is smaller than (l + 1)m #(A) + mdlog2 N e, for a family A of partitions of {1, . . . , N } into m disjoint subsets, which is rich enough in the sense that given m distinct integers i1 , . . . , im ∈ {1, 2, . . . , N } there is a partition A ∈ A such that each set in A contains precisely one of the integers i1 , . . . , im . Note that A can be chosen such that #(A) is bounded by #(A) . log2 N . Another approach is to assume that m = 1 and that the matrix A therefore is a vector, usually called ridge vector and denoted by A =: a. In this case f is of the form f (x) = g(hx, ai). (3) We usually denote the space of all ridge functions of this type with R(s) and with R+ (s) if all entries of a are assumed to be positive. The recovery of usual ridge functions from point queries was first considered by Cohen, Daubechies, DeVore, Kerkyacharian and Picard in [2] for ridge functions with positive ridge vector. It was shown that the accuracy of their method is close to the approximation rate of one-dimensional functions: Theorem I.2 ([2]). Let f = g(h·, ai) such that f ∈ R+ (s), with s > 1 and kgkC s ≤ M0 as well as kakw`p ≤ M1 . Then the algorithm introduced in [2] requires O(l) queries to approximate f by fˆ satisfying, kf − fˆkC([0,1]N ) ≤ C0 M0 l−s + C1 M1 (N, l)1/p−1 , where l ≥ 1, C0 is a constant depending only on s, C1 depends on p and ( [1 + log(N/l)]/l, if l < N (N, l) := 0, if l ≥ N. In the remainder of this abstract we will denote the space of functions f ∈ R+ (s) which fulfill the assumptions of the above theorem by R+ (s, p; M0 , M1 ). However, the algorithm from [2] does not apply to arbitrary ridge vectors. In [3] and [4] new algorithms were introduced to waive the assumption of a positive ridge vector. In [4] it was shown: Theorem I.3 ([4]). Let f : [−1, 1]N → R be a ridge function with f (x) = g(hx, ai), where g is a Lipschitz continuous function which is differentiable with g 0 (0) > 0 and g 0 also Lipschitz continuous. For a arbitrary h>0 one can construct a function fˆ, satisfying kf − fˆk∞ ≤ 2c0 ka − âk1 ≤ 4c0 c1 h , 0 g (0) − c1 h using N + 1 samples and assuming that g 0 (0) − c1 h > 0. Here is â the approximation of the ridge vector a found by the algorithm. The constants c0 and c1 are given by the Lipschitz constants of g and g 0 . The main idea of the algorithm in [4] is to approximate the gradient of f by divided differences exploiting the fact that the gradient of f is some scalar multiple of the ridge vector. The accuracy of the approximation of the gradient is determined by the choice of the number h, whereas the number of sampling points is fixed. The approach by Fornasier, Schnass and Vybiral [3] is rather based on compressed sensing. Thus, not the gradient but the directional derivatives of f were approximated at a certain number, say LX , random points in LΦ random directions. It was shown: Theorem I.4 ([3]). Let 0 < s < 1 and let log N ≤ LΦ ≤ [log 6]−2 N . Then for every h > 0 there is a constant C such that using LX (LΦ +1) function evaluations of f , the algorithm introduced in [3] defines a function fˆ that, with probability ! 2 2 1− e−CLΦ + e− √ LΦ N − + 2e 2LX s α 4 C2 , will satisfy kf − fˆk∞ ≤ 2C2 p ν1 α(1 − s) − ν1 , where α is the expected value of g 0 with respect to the uniform surface measure µSd−1 on the sphere, namely Z α= |g 0 (ha, ξi)|2 dµSd−1 (ξ), Sd−1 which ensures a lower bound for g 0 (ha, ·i), and ν1 = C 0 LΦ log(N/LΦ ) 1/2−1/q h +√ LΦ Note that h again plays the role of determining the accuracy of approximating the directional derivative by divided differences and that the last mentioned approach can also be applied to functions of type (1). II. A LMOST R IDGE F UNCTIONS The assumption that functions arising as solutions of real world problems are precisely of the form (3) is very strong. Therefore, it may be useful to consider functions that are only close to usual ridge functions. Hence, we introduce two possibilities to define almost ridge functions and analyze how particular algorithms, which are designed to capture usual ridge functions, apply to recover almost ridge functions. In particular we analyze functions of type (2) with M being close to some hyperplane. Let us define almost ridge functions of type I. Note that for an (N − 1)-dimensional submanifold M the signed distance is given as dist(x, M ), if x lies on an outward normal ray of M dist± (x, M ) = − dist(x, M ), if x lies on an inward normal ray of M , and that we denote the orthogonal projection to an affine subspace H of RN by PH . Definition II.1. Let g ∈ C s (R) and let M be an (N − 1)dimensional smooth, connected submanifold of RN , so that we can find an (N −1)-dimensional affine subspace H of RN and an ε ≥ 0, such that dist(H, M ) := supx∈M kPH (x)−xk2 ≤ ε and that PH : M → H is surjective. Then we call f (x) := g(dist± (x, M )) an almost ridge function of type I and fˆ = g(dist(·, H)) a ridge estimator of the almost ridge function. The algorithm by Cohen et al. [2] can be applied immediately, since it was proven a stability result for noisy measurements. Theorem II.2 ([2]). Suppose that we receive the values of a ridge function f only up to an accuracy ε. That is, when sampling the value of f at any point x, we receive instead the value f˜(x) satisfying |f (x) − f˜(x)| ≤ ε. Then if f ∈ R+ (s, q; M0 , M1 ) and M0 −2S+ 2S+1/2 +3/2 s̄ l , 6 where s̄, S > 0 and s̄ ∈ N, such that s̄ + 1 ≤ s ≤ S, the output fˆ of the algorithm satisfies kf − fˆk∞ ≤ C0 M0 l−s + C1 M1 (N, l)1/q−1 , ε≤ ! , where the positive constant C 0 depends only on C1 ≥ kakq and on C2 ≥ sup|α|≤2 kDα gk∞ . for some constants C0 depending on s̄, S and C1 depending on q and l the number of function evaluations. Note that we indeed reach an approximation result for almost ridge functions of type I by setting the almost ridge function f = f˜ and a corresponding ridge estimator fˆ = f . Then the algorithm gives an approximation fˆ which fulfills: kf − fˆk∞ ≤ kf − fˆk∞ + kfˆ − fˆk∞ ≤ ε + C0 M0 l−s + C1 M1 (N, l)1/q−1 . Also in [4] a stability result for the case of random noise was proven. However, the difference between an almost ridge function and a usual ridge function cannot be seen as random noise. Instead we can prove the following result. Theorem II.3. Given an almost ridge function of type I as f (x) = g(dist± (x, M )) and let fˆ = g(dist± (·, H)) ∈ R+ (s) be a ridge estimator such that for (x) := dist± (x, M ) − dist± (x, H) holds kε0 (x)k2 ≤ η. Then by the method introduced in [4] we can approximate the ridge vector a of the ridge estimator fˆ by â, with an error bounded from above by: p hν1 (η) + h|g 0 (0)|ν2 (η) + |g 0 (0)|N η , ka − âk2 ≤ p |g 0 (0)|2 ν3 (η) − |g 0 (0)|hν4 (η) − h2 ν5 (η) where νi (η), i = 1, . . . , 5, are some constants depending on and decreasing with η. Note that the assumption on (·) to be bounded by η is very natural since it ensures that the normal vector to the manifold M does not change to much and is therefore close to the normal vector a of H, which we try to recover. Another possibility to define almost ridge functions is to allow a varying ridge vector. These are almost ridge functions to which we refer to as almost ridge functions of type II. Definition II.4. Let a(·) : RN → RN be a smooth function which has norm one and is close to a constant vector, i.e. there exists a vector a ∈ RN , kak2 = 1, with ka(x) − ak2 ≤ ε and ka(x)k2 = 1 for all x. We then call a function of the form Fig. 1: Generalized ridge function of the form f (x) := g(dist(x, L)2 ), where L is some one-dimensional affine subspace of RN . The figure shows two different sets of constant function values for the function f (x1 , x2 , x3 ) = x22 + x23 = dist(x, L)2 , where L := span (1, 0, 0) (blue line). III. G ENERALIZED R IDGE F UNCTIONS The disadvantage of the method described before is that the approximation error cannot fall below inf fˆ∈R(s) kf − fˆk, where R(s) denotes the space of usual ridge functions. Thus, it would be more convenient to approximate a function of the form (2) by an estimator of the same form. Moreover, it would be favorable to waive the assumption that the manifold M is close to some hyperplane. We initially analyze generalized ridge functions of the form f (x) = g(dist(x, L)2 ), (4) where L is some d-dimensional affine subspace of RN . We will exploit the fact that we can estimate the tangent plane in some x0 ∈ RN of the (N − 1)-dimensional submanifold x ∈ RN : dist(x, L) = dist(x0 , L) as the unique hyperplane which is perpendicular to the gradient of f in x0 and that the function f restricted to this tangent plane is again of the form (4). We propose the following algorithm: f (x) = g(hx, a(x)i), an almost ridge function of type II. Algorithm The algorithm of Cohen et al. does again immediately apply to almost ridge functions of type II. For the algorithm introduced in [4] we can prove the following result on the approximation of almost ridge functions of type II. Theorem II.5. Given an almost ridge function f by f (x) = g(hx, a(x)i) with g ∈ C 2 ([0, 1]) and a := a(0) such that ka − a(x)k2 ≤ min{ε, ε/kxk2 }. Then by the method introduced in [4] we can approximate the ridge vector a(x) by â with an error of at most ka(x) − âk2 ≤ ε + √ N (1 + ε)ϑ + |g 0 (0)|ε , [|g 0 (0)| − c1 h(1 + ε)] (1 − ε) where 1/2 ϑ = c1 h(1 + ε) + 2c1 h [1 + ε + (2c1 h(1 + ε|g 0 (0)|))] for all x in RN and c1 the Lipschitz constant of g 0 . Initialize: f˜N := f and T̃ N = RN . Repeat: For i = N, . . . , d + 1: 1) For some arbitrarily chosen x̃i ∈ T˜i compute " #N ˜i (x̃i + hek ) − f˜i (x̃i ) f i ∇h f˜ (x̃i ) = . h k=1 2) Set ũi := ∇h f˜i (x̃i )/k∇h f˜i (x̃i )k2 . ⊥ 3) Define T̃ i−1 = (span{ũi , . . . , ũN }) . 4) Let f˜i−1 be the restriction of f to T̃ i−1 . Result: Set L̃⊥ = T̃ d . Using this algorithm to recover f , we can show the following approximation result. Theorem III.1. Let f be a generalized ridge function of the form (4). Assume that the derivative of g ∈ C s (R), s ∈ (1, 2], is bounded by some positive constants c2 , c3 . By sampling the function f at (N − d)(N + 1) appropriate points we can construct an approximation of L by a subspace L̃ ⊂ RN , such that the error is bounded by √ kPL − PL̃ kop . (1 + K)d dh, for some arbitrarily small h > 0, where K is some constant depending on the Hölder constant and bounds of g 0 . It then only remains to recover the ridge profile g. We begin to show that the described algorithm is well-defined if L is a subspace of RN , i.e. contains the zero. Thus, our first aim is to show that the system, which is formed by the gradients of the restrictions of f , forms indeed a basis for L. We denote the gradient of a function f by ∇f . Theorem III.2. Let f (x) = g(dist(x, L)2 ) = g(kPP xk22 ), where P = L⊥ . We compute the vectors ui , i = N, . . . d + 1, iteratively in the following way: Initialize f N = f and T N = RN . For i = N, . . . , d + 1 set 1) ui := ∇f i (xi )/k∇f i (xi )k`i2 for some randomly chosen point xi ∈ T i , ⊥ 2) T i−1 := span ui , . . . , uN , 3) f i−1 := f T i−1 the restriction of f to T i−1 . Then L is given by L = T d . Proof: Assume we can write L as L = span {u1 , . . . , ud } where {u1 , . . . , ud , ud+1 , . . . , uN } is an orthonormal basis of RN , then we set V = [u1 . . . ud ud+1 . . . uN ]. We begin by computing the gradient of f and obtain ∇f (x) = 2g 0 (kPP xk22 )PP x, which is obviously perpendicular to L, since P and L are perpendicular. Therefore, we can assume that uN = ∇f (xN )/k∇f (xN )k2 , since the choice of V is not unique. Thus, we get the representation of T N −1 = span{u1 , . . . , uN −1 }. Now define f N −1 to be the restriction of f to T N −1 and hN −1 : RN −1 → R by x̂ x̂ hN −1 (x̂) := f (V ) = f N −1 (V ). 0 0 T Then ∇hN −1 (x̂) = ∇f (x)T V̂N −1 , where V̂i results by deleting the (i + 1)-th up to the N -th column of V and x := V (x̂, 0)T ∈ T N −1 . Thus,the gradient of hN −1 considered as a ∇hN −1 (x̂) vector in RN is given by = VNT−1 ∇f (x), where 0 Vi results by substituting the i-th up to the N -th column of V with the zero-vector. And since hN −1 is the rotated version of f N −1 the gradient of f N −1 is the rotated version of the gradient of hN −1 , i.e. ∇f N −1 (x) = V VNT−1 ∇f (x) = 2g 0 (kPP xk22 )V VNT−1 PP x. An easy computation shows that V VNT−1 PP x is the projection of PP x to T N −1 . Thus, it is obvious that ∇f N −1 (x) is perpendicular to L. Further is ∇f N −1 (x) also orthogonal to uN . Therefore, we set uN −1 = ∇f N −1 (xN −1 )/k∇f N −1 (xN −1 )k2 for some xN −1 ∈ T N −1 and T N −2 := span {u1 , . . . , uN −2 }. We repeat this procedure until we get a basis {ud+1 , . . . , uN } of P , which then gives us the desired space L = P ⊥ . The previous theorem shows that, if we could compute the gradient in (N − d) points, we would be able to recover the space L, respective its orthogonal complement P , exactly. However, we are only allowed to sample the function at a few points. Thus, we can only approximate the gradients by computing the divided differences: N f (x + hei ) − f (x) ∇h f (x) = . h i=1 The described procedure can of course not find the correct plane P , however, it is able to compute a good approximation of P , where the approximation error depends on the choice of h. Proof of Theorem III.1: As mentioned above the idea is to approximate the gradients of f = f N and f i for i = d + 1, . . . , N − 1. Since we need N + 1 samples for each gradient approximation, we need (N − d)(N + 1) samples altogether. We already know from Theorem III.2 that the subspace P can be written in terms of the gradients of f and its restrictions. Hence, we assume P = L⊥ = span {ud+1 . . . , uN }, where the ui ’s are given as stated in Theorem III.2. Lemma III.3. Under the assumptions of Theorem III.1 and with the choice of the ũi ’s, i = d + 1, . . . , N , as proposed in the algorithm it holds: √ √ 2Ĉ dh 2Ĉ dh ≤ =: S0 , (5) kũN − uN k2 ≤ c2 Cd Q where C j := min{1, min{ i∈I k∇f N −i (xi )k2 } : I ⊂ {0, . . . , j}}, Ĉ some positive constant and xi = PT i x̃i . We use the approximation of the gradient to approximate the tangent plane T N −1 at x with T̃ N −1 = ∇h f (x)⊥ . The approximation error is then of course given by (5). Further we let f N −1 and f˜N −1 be the restriction of f to T N −1 and T̃ N −1 respective. In addition, we define the functions x hN −1 = f (V )) and its approximation through h̃N −1 := 0 x f (Ṽ ) for x ∈ RN −1 , where V and Ṽ are unitary matrices 0 mapping RN −1 ⊂ RN to T N −1 respective T̃ N −1 . Again we want to step by step compute the column vectors ui of V , i = N, . . . , d + 1, as the normalized gradients of f , f i . But instead of computing the gradient of f j , respective hj , we can only approximate it trough a approximation of the gradient of f˜j , respective h̃j . Thus, we step by step set the columns ũi , i = N, . . . , d + 1 of Ṽ by the normalized approximated gradients of f˜i . The error of the approximation can then be estimated by: Lemma III.4. With the same assumptions and choices as in Theorem III.1 and Claim III.3 it holds S1 := kũN −1 − uN −1 k2 ≤ S0 + 2[c2 + C̃]S0 , where C̃ := 2kgkC s + c3 . We first have to proof the following lemma: Lemma III.5. With the same assumptions and choices as before, let x := PT N −1 x̃, where x̃ ∈ T̃ N −1 then kPP x − PP x̃k2 ≤ kuN − ũN k2 . We can show that similar estimations as in Lemma III.4 hold for kui − ũi k2 , i = d + 1, . . . , N − 2. First it follows similarly to Lemma III.5: Lemma III.6. With the same assumptions and choices as before it holds for x̃i ∈ T̃ i and x = PT i x̃i that: kPP xi − PP x̃i k22 ≤ N X kũj − uj k22 . j=i+1 direction η ∈ S N −1 , and all H ∈ G(N − d, N ) such that η∈ / H ⊥: gH (kPH xt k22 ):= gH,η (kPH xt k22 ) := f (xt ), and we will minimize the objective function G(N − d, N ) 3 H 7→F̂ l (H) n X 2 l = f (xi ) − ĝH (kPH xi k22 ) , i=1 l for some appropriately chosen points x1 , . . . , xn and ĝH being the approximation of the one-dimensional function gH , which can be computed by sampling gH at l equally spaced points along the line given by η. Note that η is almost surely not in L and that in this case gL = g holds true. By choosing the xi , i = 1, . . . , n, carefully we can ensure that L is indeed the unique minimizer of the objective function This inequality in turn yields the estimation we wished for: Lemma III.7. With the same assumption and choices as before and with K := 2[C̃ + 1 + c2 ] it holds: kuN −i − ũN −i k2 ≤ S0 + K i−1 X Sj := Si , j=0 and therefore Sd ≤ (1 + K)d S0 . It further holds for every constant K ≥ 1 d−1 X (1 + K)i ≤ (1 + K)d . i=0 Putting the conclusions of the previous lemmas together finishes the proof of Theorem III.1. The estimation of g itself is again very simple. Thus, computing the gradient gives the direction in which f changes, and in this direction it becomes a one-dimensional function. Hence, we can estimate g with well-known numerical methods. Indeed, we have already seen that the gradient of f in some point x is given by ∇f (x) = g 0 (kPP xk22 )PP x, i.e. the normalized direction is a := PP x/kPP xk2 . Setting xt := ta yields f (xt ) = g(kPP xt k22 ) = g( t2 kPP xk22 ) = g(t2 ). kPP xk22 We only have to work further if we do not know that H is a subspace but an affine subspace in advance. In this case, we can only approximate g up to a translation with the method described before. However, similar to the algorithm in [4], this algorithm uses a fixed number of samples and the estimation cannot be improved by taking more samples. We therefore aim for an algorithm which yields a true convergence result. For this purpose we again rewrite the distance of a point x ∈ RN to a subspace L as dist(x, L)2 = kPL⊥ xk22 . A possibility is now to introduce an optimization problem over a Grassmannian manifold G(N −d, N ). Thereto we set, for a randomly chosen G(N −d, N ) 3 H 7→ F(H) = n X f (xi ) − gH (kPH xi k22 ) 2 . i=1 Thus, we will give results on how many points xi , i = 1, . . . , n are needed and how to choose them. We will further show that l F̂ almost surely converges to F for l → ∞ and that therefore the solution L̃ of the minimization problem l L̃ := argminH∈G(N −d,N ) F̂ (H) gives a suitable approximation to L. Namely, we can show the following result: Theorem III.8. Suppose that the derivative of g is bounded from below by some positive constant and that d = 1 or d = N − 1. Let L̃ := argminH∈G(N −d,N ) F̂M (H), then √ kPL̃ − PL kop . εl = l−1/2 . IV. O UTLOOK The algorithm we have introduced to recover generalized ridge functions of type (4) is based on the approximation of the gradient of f at several points. We also aim to use gradient approximations to capture generalized ridge functions of the type (2). In particular we want to use the gradients to compute samples from the manifold. We then aim to apply the methods of [5] to estimate the manifold M . R EFERENCES [1] R. DeVore, G. Petrova, and P. Wojtaszczyk, “Approximation of functions of few variables in high dimensions,” Constructive Approximation, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 125–143, 2011. [2] A. Cohen, I. Daubechies, R. DeVore, Kerkyarcharian, and D. Picard, “Capturing ridge functions in high dimensions from point queries,” Constr. Approx., vol. 35, pp. 225–243, 2012. [3] M. Fornasier, K. 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