Deterministic Construction of Quasi-Cyclic Sparse Sensing Matrices from One-Coincidence Sequence Weijun Zeng, Huali Wang and Guangjie Xu Lu Gan Institute of Communications Engineering PLA University of Science and Technology Nanjing, China Email: School of Engineering and Design Brunel University West London, United Kingdom Email: Abstract—In this paper, a new class of deterministic sparse matrices derived from Quasi-Cyclic (QC) low-density paritycheck (LDPC) codes is presented for compressed sensing (CS). In contrast to random and other deterministic matrices, the proposed matrices are generated based on circulant permutation matrices, which require less memory for storage and low computational cost for sensing. Its size is also quite flexible compared with other existing fixed-sizes deterministic matrices. Furthermore, both the coherence and null space property of proposed matrices are investigated, specially, the upper bounds of signal sparsity k is given for exactly recovering. Finally, we carry out many numerical simulations and show that our sparse matrices outperform Gaussian random matrices under some scenes. I. I NTRODUCTION Classically, compressed sensing (CS) theory considers a discrete-time sparse signal x ∈ RN , and defines the k-sparse signal as x has at most k nonzero elements, then the system can get the observation y ∈ RM from linear projection in the noiseless setting [1], [2], i.e., y = H · x. (1) where H is an M × N sensing matrix. The solution to this system can be formulated as followings min ∥x∥0 subject to H · x = y, x∈RN (2) which is a non-convex optimization problem and also called as ℓ0 -minimization problem. Generally, there are two ways to recover the k-sparse signal x in CS. The first method is to establish convex relaxation of (2), we can faithfully recover x via ℓ1 -minimization min ∥x∥1 subject to H · x = y. x∈RN (3) The second method is greedy algorithms for ℓ0 -minimization (2), such as orthogonal matching pursuit (OMP). A. Sensing Matrix Apart from the reconstruction algorithms, another main concern in CS is the construction of sensing matrix. In fact, a ”good” sensing matrix can not only reduce the number of observation, but can also reduce reconstructing time-complexity. c 978-1-4673-7353-1/15/$31.00 ⃝2015 IEEE To recover the signal exactly and decide which sensing matrix is ”good”, some criteria have been proposed. An insightful and useful criteria called restricted isometry property (RIP) was proposed by Candes and Tao [3]. It has been proved that if H satisfies the RIP of order k with enough small restricted isometry constant δ, signals with sparsity O(k) can be exactly recovered by ℓ0 or ℓ1 -minimization. In [4] Xu proposed a sufficient and necessary condition of exactly recovering, named the null space property (NSP). The null space of H, N (H), is the set {x ∈ RN : Hx = 0}. The following lemma states the condition where ℓ0 -minimization can exactly recover all k-sparse signals, here it is called as (ℓ0 , k)-recoverability. Lemma 1. Matrix H ∈ RM×N has (ℓ0 , k)-recoverability if and only if N (H)\{0} contains no 2k-sparse vector. In this paper, we theoretically analyze NSP of the proposed sensing matrices according to Lemma 1. But generally, there is no efficient algorithm to verify whether a deterministic matrix is RIP and NSP or not. Therefore, it is desirable to find another criteria. Most explicit constructions of RIP matrices are based on bounding the mutual coherence between the columns of the sensing matrix. Definition 2 (Coherence). Let H = (h1 , h2 , · · · , hN ) be an M ×N sensing matrix. The coherence between the columns of M × N sensing matrix is then defined as µ(H) = |⟨hi ,hj ⟩| max . 1≤i̸=j≤N ∥hi ∥2 ∥hj ∥2 (4) For deterministic signals, if k < 21 (µ(H)−1 + 1), then x is the unique minimizer of (2) [1]. For generic signals, [5] have the following proposition. 2 Proposition 3. If ∥H∥ = ρ and µ(H) ≤ logc N , where c is an absolute constant. When the sparsity level satisfies cN k ≤ ρ log N and the nonzero random sets of signal x are drown uniformly, except with probability O(N −1 ), x is the unique minimizer of (2). Where ∥.∥ denotes the spectral. In this paper, we also analyze the bound of proposed matrix coherence and we find that the proposed matrix is a weakly incoherent matrix. Specially, we focus on the generic signals for theoretical analysis and simulation results by the proposition 3. B. Related Work and Main Contribution Gaussian, Rademacher random sensing matrices satisfy the RIP with high probability, these matrices are best bet for analyzing the CS system, but these matrices suffer from storage and computational issues and can not use in real scene. Taking these issues into account, DeVore constructed a p2 ×pr+1 deterministic sensing matrices using finite fields [6], such construction gives cyclic matrices which are interesting of circuit implementation and these matrices also satisfy the RIP of order k < p/r + 1 with high probability but with fixed sizes, where p is the prime power and 1 < r < p is an integer. Inspired by algebraic geometry codes, Li introduced a new deterministic construction via algebraic curves over finite fields, which is a natural generalization of DeVores construction [7]. Then Li introduced the concept of near orthogonal systems to characterize the matrices with low coherence [8] and use an embedding operation [9] to merge sparse matrices with low coherence [10]. Recently, Xia proposed deterministic binary sparse sensing matrices based on finite geometry and showed their large sparks [11]- [13]. They also used array codes to construct quasi-cyclic(QC) sensing matrices [13] and gave two lower bounds of the spark of the sensing matrices [11]. Inspired by the connection QC-sensing matrices and the matrices with hash families [14], we construct the deterministic sensing sparse matrices from low-density parity-check (LDPC), and its circulant matrices are permuted according to the one-coincidence sequences (OCSs) [15] (the OCSs will be described in next section), which is a generalization of array codes [13]. Its main advantage is that the proposed sensing matrices with flexible sizes and can make the hardware realization convenient and easy. We firstly get the coherence µ(H) = d1v , where dv is the uniform column weight of the sensing matrix H. Afterwards, we analyze the (ℓ0 , k)-recoverability of the proposed matrices, that is, any sparse signal can be exactly recovered by ℓ0 -minimization with sparsity k ≤ σ(dv , g)/2, where σ(dv , g) is the size of smallest stopping set of H. II. C ONSTRUCTION OF Q UASI -C YCLIC S PARSE S ENSING M ATRICES A. The Sensing Matrices Design In this subsection, we present a new class of deterministic sparse matrices built from QC-LDPC [15]. The proposed sensing matrices H can be represented by a dv × dc array of circulant permutation matrices P as follows: H= P a00 P a10 ··· P a(dv −1)0 P a01 P a11 ··· P a(dv −1)1 ··· ··· ··· ··· P a0(dc−1 ) P a1(dc −1) ··· , P a(dv −1)(dc −1) (5) where aij ∈ {0, 1, · · · , p−1}, p is a prime power, 0 ≤ i ≤ dv , 0 ≤ j ≤ dc , P aij represents identity matrix cyclically shifted the columns to the right aij positions. And the exponent matrix E(H) of H is defined by a00 a01 ··· a0(dc−1 ) a10 a11 ··· a1(dc −1) . E(H) = ··· ··· ··· ··· a(dv −1)0 a(dv −1)1 · · · a(dv −1)(dc −1) (6) The design of exponent matrix E(H) are widely investigated, such as array codes presented in [13]. Here, we design the exponent matrix by adopting the one-coincidence sequences (OCSs) [15], here OCSs are multilevel sequences, which have properties that any two different ones have at most one element in common. The element aij of exponent matrix E(H) can be generated from QCSs as follows: aij = [α(mi + nj )2 + φi + φj ] mod p , (7) where α ∈ {1, 2, · · · , p − 1}, mi , nj ∈ {1, 2, · · · , p − 1}, φi , φj ∈ {0, 1, · · · p − 1}, and the two sequences {m0 , m1 , · · · , mdv −1 }, {n0 , n1 , · · · , ndc −1 }, whose elements are randomly selected from GF(p), if i ̸= j, mi ̸= mj , ni ̸= nj . Comparing to other random and deterministic sensing matrices, the size of the proposed sensing matrices is dv p × dc p, from this point of view, the size of proposed sensing matrices is very flexible, we can adjust the weight p, dc and dv to obtain the expected sensing matrices, which is not limited to the fixed sizes. In [15], it has been proved that the OCS-LDPC code is free of cycles of length 4. B. Column Replacement In this subsection, we consider the construction of sensing matrices from the point view of the column replacement technique. Here, we firstly introduce the column replacement technique. Let P ∈ Rp×p , P = (Pij ) be a origin matrix, let B ∈ {1, · · · p}m×n , B = (Bij ) be a pattern matrix. We can get a new matrix H ∈ Rmp×p , H = (Hij ) through column replacement P into B, that is, H(a−1)p+b,c = Pb,Bac for 1 ≤ a ≤ m, 1 ≤ b ≤ p, 1 ≤ c ≤ n. Since the submatrix P aij of H represents circulant permutation matrix cyclically shifted the columns to the right aij positions, we can get the pattern matrix B ∈ {1, · · · , p}dv ×dc p , Bi,(j−1)p+1:(j−1)p+p = ((p − aij + 1, p − aij + 2, · · · , p − aij + p) mod p). In our main result of theorem 5, we adopt column replacement to prove (ℓ0 , k)-recoverability of the proposed matrix H, since the origin matrix P meets the (ℓ0 , k)-recoverability, the matrix H may also meet the (ℓ0 , k)recoverability with proper pattern matrix B. III. M AIN R ESULTS In this section, we will show the low coherence of the obtained matrices and analyze its (ℓ0 , k)-recoverability. A. Coherence The following theorem suggests that the sparse sensing matrices built from OCSs have low coherence. Theorem 4. For the sensing matrix H built from OCSs, as shown in (5). We have µ(H) = 1 dv , (8) where dv is the uniform column weight of the sensing matrix H. Proof. Suppose H has N columns h1 , h2 , · · · , hN , then √ ∥hi ∥2 = dv for 1 ≤ i ≤ N . Since the OCS-LDPC code is free of cycles of length 4, it is easy to see that any two distinct columns of H has only one same ”1” in all lows, so the maximum inner product of any two distinct columns is 1, we have 1 µ(H) = . dv Remark 1: For generic signals and from the proposition 3, if our proposed matrix satisfies µ(H) ≤ logc N , i.e., 1 dv ≤ c log(dc p) . (9) √ Since the spectral norm of our proposed matrix is ρ = dv dc cN and then the generic signal with sparsity k ≤ ρ log N , i.e., k≤ √ √ c dc p dv log(dc p) , (10) can be exactly recovered by (2) with probability 1 − O(N −1 ). when the parameter of our proposed matrix satisfies dv ≥ log(dc p)/c, the inequality (9) holds, then the bounds of sparsity level k satisfies (10). From the inequality (9), it is shown that there exists a threshold c to measure the recovery performance c p) of our proposed matrix, when log(d < c, the recovery dv c p) performance of the matrix is good, when log(d > c, the dv recovery performance may degrade. of its smallest cycle. For the regular LDPC codes, A.Orlitsky [16] showed that σ(dv , 6) = dv + 1, σ(dv , 8) = 2dv and for larger g, σ(dv , g) ≤ dv4−2 (dv − 1)g+2 , where dv > 2. The following theorem consider (ℓ0 , k)-recoverability. Theorem 5. Suppose that P is a p×p circulant permutation matrix, where p is a prime power, the resulting sensing matrices H is characterized by a dv × dc array of circulant permutation matrices, and the element aij of its exponent matrix H is generated from OCSs as shown in (7). Then, the H is a sensing matrix that meets the (ℓ0 , k)-null space condition, where k ≤ σ(dv , g)/2. Proof. As discussed in section II of B, we can consider the construction of sensing matrices as the point view of the column replacement technique. We prove the (ℓ0 , k)recoverability of H according to contradiction. Suppose that H does not meet (ℓ0 , k)-recoverability, from Lemma 1, we can see that there exists a 2k-sparse vector z ∈ N (H)\{0}. ∆ Let supp{z+ } = {z1+ , · · · , zs+ } = {i : zi > 0}, and ∆ supp{z− } = {z1− , · · · , zs−′ } = {i : zi < 0}, here,without loss of generality, we suppose s′ ≥ s. Since there exists a 2k-sparse vector z ∈ N (H)\{0}, thus s ≤ k and s′ ≥ 1. From the definition of stopping set, when k ≤ σ(dv , g)/2, there must not exist a stopping set between the {z1+ , · · · , zs+ } and {z1− }. That is, there is a row γ in the pattern matrix B, which make Bγz+ ̸= Bγz− or Bγzε+ ̸= Bγz+ , Bγzε+ ̸= Bγz− 1 1 i j holding, where 1 ≤ ε ̸= j ≤ s. We have Hγ z = 0 since Hz = 0.∑Then, we form a special vector w ∈ Rp by adjusting wη = {zi : Bγi = η, 1 ≤ i ≤ N }, where 1 ≤ η ≤ p. The process of forming vector w can be considered as a projection, where the vector z is projected onto Rp according to element in row γ of B. Since H can be accounted as column replacement of P into B and Hγ z = 0 holds, it follows that P w = 0. Then w is a 2k-sparse since z is 2k-sparse and w is nonzero since wBγz− < 0 or wBγz+ > 0. From lemma 1 ε B. Null Space Property 1, P does not meet the (ℓ0 , k)-recoverability, but it is clear that p × p circulant permutation matrix , i.e., P , meets (ℓ0 , k)recoverability, thus a contradiction. As discussed in section I, deterministic matrices with NSP or RIP can not be efficiently verified. Many previous researches of sparse sensing matrices only consider other criteria, such as in Theorem 4. For our proposed sensing matrices, the verification of NSP is executed by reducing to a much smaller permutation matrix. In particular, we exploit that the proposed sensing matrix is formed by inflating a circulant permutation matrix. By combining the methods of CS and hash families in [14], we investigate the (ℓ0 , k)-recoverability of the sparse sensing matrices built from OCSs. Before stating the (ℓ0 , k)-recoverability of the sparse sensing matrices, we introduce a definition referred as stopping set, which is related to the error performance of the LDPC codes. A stopping set S of H is a subset of columns of H , which doesnt contain a row of weight one. Here, we denote σ(dv , g) as the size of smallest stopping set of S, where dv is the column weight of H and g is the girth of H, the length Remark 2: In the work [11], they have proved a lower bound for binary matrices spark(H) ≥ σ(dv , g), where spark(H) is defined to be the smallest number of columns of H that are linearly dependent [17] and it is shown in [17] that 1 spark(H) ≥ 1 + µ(H) and spark(H) > 2k. In the current work, we present a novel analysis of the (ℓ0 , k)-null space condition by the column replacement technique, and we also get a upper bound for exactly recovering. Remark 3: In [18], the authors also showed that girth can be used to certify good sensing matrices. In [12], they examined the performance of reconstruction guarantee of binary sensing matrices based on girth. The two papers focus on general binary sensing matrices and analysis of its performance, in this paper, we focus on the condition of exactly recovering from the column replacement technique. From the Theorem 5, our results show that the larger girth g are, the large size of smallest stopping set will be, thus the the large exactly SIMULATION RESULTS The proposed parity-check matrices H have been proved to be the ”good” sensing matrices according to the theorem 4 and 5. In this section, we provide the simulation results for the matrices built from OCSs. The same experiments conditions with [8] are set in all simulations. Sparse signals are generated as follows. The support of sparse signal is generated uniformly at random, while the corresponding values of nonzero elements are generated i.i.d. from standard Gaussian normal distribution. The sparse sensing matrices are generated by (5) and (7), and in (7) we set α = 1 and let φi = 0 for 0 ≤ i ≤ dv − 1, φj = 0 for 0 ≤ j ≤ dc − 1. It should be noted that we also set other value to these parameters, the phenomenon is very similar with the above settings, so they are omitted. Moreover, we make comparison with the matrices constructed in [13]. However, since the sizes of DeVores matrices in [6] and BCH matrices in [9] are fixed, it is unfair when making comparison, we omit these comparison in this paper. Here, we denote Gaussian random matrix as Gaussian matrix (M × N ), the proposed matrix as proposed matrix (H(dv , p, dc )) and IAC matrix in [13] as IAC (H(dv , p)). For signal x reconstruction, we adopt the OMP algorithm to solve b. For each sthe ℓ0 -minimization, and denote its solution as x parsity k, 1000 Monte Carlo trials is performed and we declare that recovery is successful if the reconstruction signal-to-noise ( ) (SNR) satisfies SNR(x) = 10 · log10 ∥x∥ 2 dB ≥ 100. x∥ ∥x−b 2 Firstly, the proposed matrices with uniform column weight dv = 4, prime power p = 11, 13, 19 and dc = p are adopted, the corresponding Gaussian matrices and IAC matrices of same sizes are chosen in figure 1. From the theorem 4 and 5, when dv ≥ √ log(dc p)/c satisfies, generic signals with sparsity dc p k ≤ √d c log(d can be recovered by OMP algorithm with v c p) probability 1 − O((dc p)−1 ). From Fig. 1, it is shown that: • When the prime power p is small, the performance of proposed matrices (H(dv , p, dc )) and IAC (H(dv , p)) are notably better than the corresponding Gaussian matrices. along with p increasing, the performance of proposed and IAC matrices will be degraded, to some extent, will be worse than the Gaussian matrices. That is because with p increasing the inequality (9) will not hold and the conditions of proposition 3 are wrecked. • On the other hand, when the inequality (9) holds, from Fig 2 we can easily see that with p increasing, the sparsity of generic signals can √ be recovered also increases, since dc p the sparsity k ≤ √d c log(d is proportional to p. In pracp) v • c √ dc p tice, some generic signals with sparsity k > √d c log(d v c p) can also be recovered. Through the Fig. 1, the performance of proposed matrices and IAC matrices are almost the same. The above Proposed matrix (H(4,11,11)) Gaussian matrix (44*121) IAC (H(4,11)) Proposed matrix (H(4,13,13)) Gaussian matrix (52*169) IAC (H(4,13)) Proposed matrix (H(4,19,19)) Gaussian matrix (76*361) IAC (H(4,19)) 0.8 Perfect Recovery Percentage IV. 1 0.9 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 5 10 15 20 Sparsty k 25 30 35 Fig. 1. The perfect recovery percentage of noiseless signals. The corresponding Gaussian matrices sizes are 44 × 121, 52 × 169, 76 × 361. 1 0.9 0.8 Perfect Recovery Percentage recovering signal sparsity k is. In the next simulations section, we will show that the positive influence of girth to the recovering performance. 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 10 Proposed matrix (H(4,19,6)) Gaussian matrix (76*114) Proposed matrix (H(4,19,9)) Gaussian matrix (76*171) Proposed matrix (H(4,19,17)) Gaussian matrix (76*323) 15 20 25 30 Sparsty k 35 40 45 50 Fig. 2. The perfect recovery percentage of noiseless signals. The corresponding Gaussian matrices sizes are 76 × 114, 76 × 171, 76 × 323. phenomenon still exists, when p is small or large, for the sake of limits of space, we omit the corresponding simulation results. Secondly,we examine the performance of the flexible proposed matrix, when dc changed. Here, we set prime power p = 19, dc = 6, 9, 17, and we also adopt the Gaussian matrix as benchmark. As shown in Fig.2: • The performance of the proposed matrix outperforms the Gaussian matrix and the gap betweens them is widen, along with dc decreases. Similarly with first experiment, that is because with dc increasing the inequality (9) will not hold and the conditions of proposition 3 will be wrecked. • When the inequality (9) holds, from Fig.2 we can easily see that the proposed matrices H(dv , p, dc ) perform better than the bound of√(10), that is, some generic signals with dc p sparsity k > √d c log(d can also be recovered. p) v c Thirdly, in above two experiments the column weight dv = 4 is a constant and the prime power p is varied. In this experiment, we fix the prime power p = 29, dc = 23 and let dv = 4, 5, 6. As shown in Fig.3, similarly, its performance is in line with our theorem 4 and 5, even better than the theoretic bound. When dv is small, the performance of proposed matrices is slightly worse than Gaussian matrices, but along with dv increasing, the performance of proposed matrices will surpass the Gaussian matrices. From the above three experiments and statement of remark c p) 1, we can conclude that there is a threshold of log(d dv log(dc p) such that when is smaller than the threshold, the dv proposed matrices will be better than the corresponding Gaus- 1 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 Perfect Recovery Percentage Perfect Recovery Percentage 1 0.9 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 Gaussian matrix (116*667) Proposed matrix (H(4,29,23)) Gaussian matrix (145*667) Proposed matrix (H(5,29,23)) Gaussian matrix (174*667) Proposed matrix (H(6,29,23)) 0.2 0.1 0 10 20 30 Proposed matrix (H(3,29,5)), girth=6 Proposed matrix (H(3,29,5)), girth=8 Proposed matrix (H(3,29,5)), girth=10 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 15 40 50 60 70 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 Sparsty k 80 Sparsty k Fig. 3. The perfect recovery percentage of noiseless signals. The corresponding Gaussian matrices sizes are 116 × 667, 145 × 667, 174 × 667. log( d c p ) dv Fig. 5. The perfect recovery percentage of the proposed matrix H(3, 29, 5) with different girth. ( p, dc ) dv Fig. 4. The threshold log(dc p) dv of proposed matrices H(dv , p, dc ) which perform better than corresponding Gaussian matrices. ( the matrices perform worse than Gaussian matrices are not listed.) log(dc p) dv of sian matrices. In order to investigate this threshold, we run numerous simulations and summed up those proposed matrices H(dv , p, dc ) better than corresponding Gaussian matrices, see Fig.4. From Fig.4, we can see that: log(dc p) • For fix p, there is a threshold of which is shown in dv log(dc p) bold such that when dv is smaller than the threshold for any dc and dv , the proposed matrices will be better than the corresponding Gaussian matrices. log(dc p) of proposed • With p increasing, the threshold dv matrices outperform Gaussian matrices decreases. With this fact, out proposed matrices can play an important role in practice, since the proposed matrices can reduce the storage space when column N = dc p is huge. Finally, we verify the influence of girth to the recovery performance. We consider the proposed matrix H(3, 29, 5), firstly setting {m0 , m1 , m2 } = {0, 1, 3}, we can obtain the sensing matrix with girth 6 by setting {n0 , n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 } = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}, obtain the sensing matrix with girth 8 by setting {n0 , n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 } = {0, 1, 2, 5, 8}, obtain the sensing matrix with girth 10 by setting {n0 , n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 } = {0, 1, 5, 14, 25}. As shown in Fig.5, when the girth increase, the performance of proposed matrices will be better, which verifies the Theorem 5 and the statement of Remark 3, that is, large girth has positive influence to the recovering performance. V. C ONCLUSION In this paper, we studied a new class of deterministic sensing sparse matrices built from QC-LDPC codes for CS. The coherence and (ℓ0 , k)-recoverability of proposed matrices were analyzed, we got two low bound of the signal sparsity order k. Simulations reveal that the proposed matrices significantly outperform Gaussian random matrices under some conditions and the theoretical results about signal sparsity order k has also been verified. On the other hand, comparing with other existing fixed-sizes deterministic matrices and random matrices, the proposed sensing matrices not only require less memory for storage and low computational cost for sensing and reconstruction, but the sizes are also quite flexible, it can attain wide application. R EFERENCES [1] D. L. Donoho, Compressed sensing, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. 52, pp. 1289-1306, Jul. 2006. [2] E. Cand‘es, J. Romberg, and T. Tao, Robust uncertainty principles: Exact signal reconstruction from highly incomplete frequency information,IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. 52, pp. 489-509, Feb. 2006 [3] E. J. Candes and T. Tao,Decoding by linear programming, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. 51, no. 12, pp. 4203-4215, Dec. 2005. [4] W. Xu and B. 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