Two-Dimensional FRI Signal Reconstruction Using Blind Deconvolution Aniruddha Adiga∗ , Satish Mulleti∗ , Prasad Sudhakar† , Chandra Sekhar Seelamantula∗ ∗ Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India 560012 Email:{aniruddha, satish.mulleti}, † Medical Image Analysis Lab GE Global Research, Bangalore, India 560066 Email: Abstract—Finite-rate-of-innovation (FRI) signal model, which has found usage in a wide range of applications, requires that the continuous-time form of the underlying template signal be known. In this paper, we consider the situation where the template is unknown but comes from a parametric family, and only its sparse linear combination is involved in signal generation. Given the sampled version of such a signal, we estimate the model parameters (the coefficients of linear combination as well as the template signal) by formulating it as a blind deconvolution problem. Our two-stage alternating `p − `2 minimization scheme exploits the excitation sparsity and parametric form of the template signal for estimation. The excitation locations are superresolved using a sub-pixel estimation step. Experimental results show that even in the presence of noise, the proposed method can estimate the model parameters with high accuracy. I. I NTRODUCTION In some imaging applications, the underlying scene consists of isolated point excitations that are sparse. Examples include biological imaging where the fluorophores are tagged [1], astronomical imaging [2], quantitative optics [3], etc. The locations of the point excitations are crucial to the study and hence they have to be estimated with high accuracy. Most imaging systems have finite-sized apertures, which limit the resolution of the images. Mathematically, the aperture acts as a blurring optical filter, which can be modeled by a point spread function (PSF). When a scene is blurred by the PSF of the imaging device, the point excitations are blurred and the information about their true locations is lost. Moreover, when the measurements are digitized, it further undergoes spatial sampling thereby increasing the spatial ambiguity of the excitation locations. Thus, it becomes essential to undo the blurring of the PSF in order to make quantitative observations about the image. Baboulaz and Dragotti [4] showed that the point source excitation convolved with a known PSF is a finite-rate-of-innovation (FRI) signal and showed that a high resolution signal reconstruction is possible from low-resolution images. c 978-1-4673-7353-1/15/$31.00 2015 IEEE A. Related Work Vetterli et al. [5] first introduced the FRI signal model, characterized by a finite number of parameters per unit interval: f (t) = L X a` h(t − t` ), (1) `=1 where {a` , t` }L `=1 are unknown and the pulse h(t) is known. Typical pulse shapes considered are Dirac impulses, differential Dirac impulses, piecewise polynomials, nonuniform splines, [5] and arbitrary known pulses [6]. To sample and efficiently reconstruct FRI signals, sampling kernels such as the sinc, Gaussian [5], kernels that satisfy generalized StrangFix conditions [7], [8], causal exponential kernels [9], [10], and sum-of-sincs kernel [6], [11] have been considered. The reconstruction relies on high-resolution spectral estimation tools such as the annihilating filter method [12], matrix pencil [13], algebraically coupled matrix pencil method (ACMP) [14], etc. FRI method has been extended to reconstruct a sum of 2-D Dirac impulses, lines and polygons [15], 2-D polynomials, n-dimensional Diracs and convex polytopes [4], step edges [16], etc. The FRI signal in (1) can be alternatively written as f (t) = L X h(t)∗ a` δ(t−t` ). Hence, estimating {a` , t` }L `=1 from f (t) `=1 with a known h(t) can be seen as a deconvolution problem. In situations where h(t) is unknown, f (t) may not be an FRI signal. Matusiak and Eldar proposed a multichannel sampling approach to reconstruct signals composed of finite-duration unknown pulses [17]. B. Our Contribution We consider 2-D FRI signals of the form f (x, y) = L X a` g(x − x` , y − y` ), (2) `=1 where the pulse g(x, y) is parametric and the parameters are unknown. Such signals are practically more relevant than a completely known pulse case. For example, in an imaging system g(x, y) represents the PSF and the excitation signal is modeled as L X a` δ(x − x` , y − y` ). Based on the acquisition `=1 setup, we may know that the shape of the PSF resembles a 2-D Gaussian but that its covariance matrix is unknown. Moreover, we may have access only to the samples of f (x, y). We propose a blind-deconvolution-based two-stage alternating minimization approach to estimate the parameters of the sampled 2-D FRI signal by assuming a functional prior on the PSF and exploiting sparsity of the excitation signal. As we are given a sampled signal, (x` , y` )L `=1 are estimated to the nearest locations on the sampling grid. In applications where precise location estimates are required (e.g., optical deflectometry [3]), we propose a local gradient descent stage around the on-grid estimates, using the estimated PSF, to obtain off-grid locations. As a first step towards generic parametric kernels, we only consider Gaussian kernels in this paper. II. P ROBLEM S TATEMENT AND P ROPOSED M ETHOD Consider the 2-D FRI signal f (x, y) = L X a` g(x − x` , y − y` ), (3) `=1 1 −1 T where h 2 g(x, y) i = exp − 2 [x y]Σ [x y] , with Σ = σx ρσx σy . In (3), {a` , x` , y` }L `=1 , σx , σy and ρ are the ρσx σy σy2 unknown parameters and the model order L is known. Given uniform samples f (nTx , mTy ), (n, m) ∈ Z × Z of f (x, y), with known Tx and Ty , the goal is to estimate the unknown parameters. A. Blind Deconvolution The FRI signal given in (3) is a sum of L scaled Gaussian pulses placed at different locations. Assuming linearity and shift-invariance, we write f (x, y) = g(x, y) ∗ L X a` δ(x − x` , y − y` ) . (4) `=1 | {z e(x,y) In most practical systems, we have access only to the samples of f (x, y), which is represented as, f (nTx , mTy ) = g(x, y)∗ L X `=1 . x=nTx ,y=mTy (5) When the impulses lie on the sampling grid, that is (x` = n` Tx , y` = m` Ty ), (5) can be written as f (nTx , mTy ) = g(nTx , mTy )∗ L X a` δ((n−n` )Tx , (m−m` )Ty ). `=1 (6) We consider the above model for deconvolution and develop an alternating projections based algorithm for estimating the samples of g(x, y) and e(x, y). We assume a normalized sampling grid, that is, Tx = Ty = 1. B. 2-D Alternating `p − `2 Projections Algorithm As the deconvolution problem is ill-posed, we need to impose priors on the unknown parameters. For instance, in the signal model considered in (6), it is known that e(x, y) is a point source excitation consisting of L Dirac deltas in two dimensions, where L M × N and thus, e(n, m) is sparse. We also assume that the PSF (filter) is Gaussian. An alternating `p − `2 projections algorithm (ALPA) is presented in [23] for deconvolution of 1-D signals (speech, to be specific), wherein the algorithm is developed with the assumption that the excitation is sparse with no particular model for the filter. However, it is assumed that the filter is predictable from the measurement. We develop an algorithm on similar lines as ALPA for the 2-D deconvolution problem. Ideally, the problem of factorizing a given signal into excitation and filter is posed as a joint optimization problem, which is hard to solve. Hence, the approach taken is to first estimate one of the signals keeping the other fixed and then to switch their roles. The process of estimation is refined iteratively until a suitable stopping condition is satisfied. The model in (6) is represented in matrix form as } We observe that the parameters σx , σy and ρ are encoded in g(x, y), while {a` , x` , y` }L `=1 are encoded in e(x, y). Hence, the problem at hand is to obtain a suitable decomposition from which the parameters can be estimated. Due to the structure of (4), the decomposition can be posed as a deconvolution problem. Since both pulse and excitation are not known, it becomes a specific case of blind deconvolution. The problem of blind deconvolution arises in several image processing applications, and a review of available techniques is presented in [18], [19]. In many situations such as starfield imaging [20], fluorescence microscopy [1], neural signal processing [21], the excitation is inherently sparse. Since blind deconvolution involves estimation of two unknown quantities, the joint estimation is a hard problem to solve (non-convex) and hence alternating estimation schemes are a viable alternative [22]. a` δ(x − x` , y − y` ) y = He, (7) where H denotes a block Toeplitz matrix associated with the PSF H ∈ RN ×N , e and y are the vectorized versions of the excitation E ∈ RM ×M and measurement Y ∈ R(M +N −1)×(M +N −1) , respectively. To begin with, we start with the estimation of a sparse e, wherein a cost function is formulated to incorporate trade-off between the sparsity of the signal and least-squares fit of the approximation with the signal. As for the sparsity, `p −norms have been extensively employed as sparsity-promoting regularizers [24], [25], [26] and hence the optimization problem for estimation of e is written as, e = arg min ks − Hek22 + λkekpp , e (8) where 0 ≤ p ≤ 1. For the case p = 1, the problem (8) is called LASSO [27] or basis pursuit denoising [28]. The ability of this formulation in producing sparse solution has been extensively studied in the literature. Also, availability of solvers for the convex non-differentiable `1 −norm has made it a popular sparsity promoting functional. Ideally, one would like to solve for the case where p = 0, but solving such a cost function is NP-hard. The possibility of using 0 < p < 1 for obtaining sparser results is discussed in [20], [29], [24], [25]. The intuition can be drawn by considering a unit ball in R2 for kekp . As p → 0, the unit ball approaches the unit ball surface of the indicator function of `0 −norm (indicator function indicates whether an element of vector is non-zero or not). In probabilistic modeling of data, point-source excitations given in (5), where L M × N , can be modeled using low order generalized p−Gaussian (gpG) probability density function as shown for star-field images in [20]. It can be shown that, with this assumption, the maximum a posteriori estimate of e from measurements corrupted by AWGN is a vector that minimizes the cost function, which is similar to the function in (8). A problem with `p −norms for 0 < p < 1 is that they are non-convex and pose difficulty in optimization. Also, the optimization could lead to local minima. However, a mathematically tractable majorization-minimization (MM)-based algorithm is presented in [26], where the `p -norm is majorized with weighted `2 . It is shown that, iteratively solving the new cost function will lead to the minimizer. We take a similar approach and modify the cost in (8) as, ẽ(i) = arg min ks − Hek22 + λeT W(i) e. e (9) The PSF is initialized with a 2-D Gaussian of arbitrary variance. A procedure to chose λ is given in [30]. The quadratic cost in (9) is differentiable and the solution for the ith iteration is −1 ẽ(i) = HT H + λW(i) HT s. (10) In order to ensure that the entries of ẽ do not become small, we normalize it to have unit energy. The new excitation is (i) denoted as e. W(i) is a diagonal matrix with entries wjj = p−2 (i−1) ej . This choice of weights results in ill-conditioned solution of least-squares problem: h̃(i) = arg min kY − E(i) hk22 , h (13) and then fitting a 2-D Gaussian to this H̃ (h̃ rearranged to get a H̃ ∈ N × N ) to get H(i) . A new H(i) matrix is constructed from H(i) and plugged into (9). The modified cost function is ẽ(i+1) = arg min ks − H(i) ek22 + λeT W(i+1) e. e (14) The process of alternating between the equivalent models is repeated until a suitable stopping criterion is met. The criterion we use in ALPA to stop is when ke(i) −e(i−1) k22 ≤ Γ, where Γ is a predetermined threshold. Alternatively, one could run the algorithm for a prefixed number of iterations. The procedure is presented in Algorithm 1. The locations are estimated by thresholding the sparse excitation and picking only those locations above the threshold. Algorithm 1 ALPA: Algorithm to estimate sparse excitation and PSF Input: measurement vector Y Outputs: excitation E(i) and filter H(i) Stopping criteria: ke(i) − e(i−1) k2 ≤ T or i = fixed number of iterations R. Initialization: i = 0 1. Choose size of PSF = L. 1. H(0) = M × M filter. 2. H(0) = Block Toeplitz(H(0) ). 3. W(0) = IN ×N . 4. λ = 1. while stopping criterion false do Step 1: Excitation optimization step: ẽ(i) = arg min ks − H(i−1) ek22 + λeT W(i) e. e Step Step Step Step 2: 3: 4: 5: Energy normalization: e(i) = ẽ(i) /kẽ(i) k. Rearrange e(i) into matrix E(i) . Construct E(i) = Block Toeplitz(e(i) ). Filter optimization step: h̃(i) = arg min kY − E(i) hk22 . h Fit a 2D Gaussian function to reshaped h̃(i) to get H(i) . Step 6: Update H(i) = Block Toeplitz(H(i) ). end while (i−1) matrices when ej ≈ 0. Hence, in practice, a small positive regularization constant is added to the weights: p/2−1 (i) (i−1) 2 wjj = (ej ) + . (11) C. Gradient Descent for Obtaining Off-Grid Estimates A method to chose is given in [26]. In the next step, we use this estimate of e to compute an approximation to h. Using commutativity of convolution, (6) is expressed equivalently as Let τ̂ ` = (x̂` , ŷ` ) and Σ̂` , 1 ≤ ` ≤ L denote the on-grid locations and the covariances of the Gaussian provided by ALPA, and let g(τ̂ k , Σ̂k ) be the 2-D Gaussian with covariance Σ̂k centered at τ̂ k . To estimate the off-grid PL location τ̃ ` = (x̃` , ỹ` ), we build a new signal ŝ` = s − k=1k6=` g(τ̂ k , Σ̂k ) and solve s = E(i) h(i) , τ̃ ` = arg min kŝ` − g(τ , Σ̂` )k22 , (12) where E(i) is the block Toeplitz convolution matrix constructed from E(i) and h is a vectorized version of PSF. We determine h(i) to minimize the energy of the error between approximation and signal with the constraint that H is a 2-D Gaussian. We solve this by first obtaining the pseudo-inverse τ (15) by a gradient descent algorithm with initialization τ = τ̂ ` . This is repeated for each ` = 1, 2, · · · , L. The new signal ŝ` ensures that contribution from only the `th Gaussian shape is considered for computing the energy in (15), thereby improving the accuracy of the off-grid estimates. III. S IMULATION R ESULTS A. Monte Carlo Analysis In order to determine the performance in noise of the algorithm a deconvolution experiment was carried out for SNRs varying from 0 dB to 50 dB in steps of 5 dB, with 500 noise realizations for each SNR. The results are shown in Figure 3. It is observed that, for most cases the Euclidean distance between (xl , yl ) and (x̃l , ỹl ) is below the half-sample error and by using gradient-descent, the error can be reduced further. B. Sensitivity to Proximity The ability of our approach to recover the locations accurately is also dependent on how far apart the Gaussians are separated in space. In the noiseless case, with two isotropic Gaussians (σx = σy = σ), by varying the distance between them along one axis, we experimentally found that the method fails to resolve them when the Euclidean distance between the two peaks falls below 2σ. In such situations, the filter is trivially estimated to be the signal itself. 0.5 y y 0 5 10 15 −5 0.5 5 10 0 5 x (a) 10 15 15 −5 0 −4 5 x (b) 10 15 y 0.4 2 2 0.6 0 0.4 2 0.2 0 x (c) 0.8 −2 0.6 0 4 −4 −2 0 0 −4 0.8 −2 y 1 −5 0 4 −4 −2 4 0.2 0 x (d) 2 4 −4 0 2 4 −4 −2 0 0.8 0.6 y −2 y The algorithm is validated on synthetic data shown in Figure 1(a), which consists of three Gaussians located at (xl , yl ) = (2.6, 4.0), (5.2, 1.6), (7.3, 7.0), with corresponding amplitudes al = {1.0, 0.8, 0.75}. The standard deviations σx = 1.2 and σy = 0.8; ρ = 0.48. As for the parameters of the algorithm, p = 0.1 was considered and λ = 1 was found to be optimal based on experimentation. As an initial estimate of the filter, a Gaussian with σx = σy = 0.6 and ρ = 0 was considered. The algorithm was validated on noisy data at two SNR levels of 20 dB and 5 dB and results are illustrated in Figures 1 and 2. As discussed previously, the deconvolution algorithm can only estimate with a precision of ±T /2 about the actual location, however, the estimates are refined using the gradientdescent method. In the former case, the on-grid estimates were estimated as (x̂l , ŷl ) = (2.5, 4.0), (5.0, 1.5), (7.5, 7), which is within the half-sample error, and by using gradientdescent algorithm the estimates were refined to obtain (x̃l , ỹl ) = (2.59, 4.01), (5.13, 1.57), (7.38, 6.99). The amplitude and correlation parameter ρ were estimated as â = {1, 0.77, 0.68} and ρ̂ = 0.49, respectively. As for the SNR = 5 dB case, the on-grid estimates were found to be (x̂l , ŷl ) = (2.5, 4.0), (5.0, 1.5), (7.5, 7); however, by using gradient-descent algorithm, the estimates got refined to (x̃l , ỹl ) = (2.61, 4.03), (5.14, 1.56), (7.43, 6.99). The amplitude and correlation parameter ρ were estimated as â = {1, 0.74, 0.68} and ρ̂ = 0.46, respectively. The signal-to-reconstruction error ratio for 20 dB and 5 dB cases were 19 dB and 18.5 dB, respectively. The closeness in signal-to-reconstruction error ratio indicates the denoising ability of ALPA. Although, no explicit denoising is applied in the algorithm, the sparsity constraint provides implicit denoising of excitation while fitting a Gaussian over the noisy filter estimate denoises the filter. 1 −5 0.4 0.2 0.6 0.4 5 0.2 10 0 0 5 10 0 2 4 x x (e) (f) Fig. 1. Deconvolution results (SNR = 20 dB). (a) Signal consisting of three Gaussian functions located at (2.6, 4.0), (5.2, 1.6) and (7.3, 7) with σx = 1.2, σy = 0.8 and amplitudes {1, 0.8, 0.75}, (b) noisy signal, (c) original filter, (d) filter used as initialization for algorithm, (e) estimated filter with σ̂x = 1.21, σ̂y = 0.79, and (f) estimated excitation (on the grid) with Dirac impulses at (2.5, 4.0), (5, 1.5), (7.5, 7.0) and amplitudes as {1, 0.77, 0.68}. Using gradient-descent optimization the subpixel estimates obtained as (2.59, 4.01), (5.13, 1.57) and (7.38, 6.99). IV. C ONCLUSION We considered the estimation of FRI signal parameters from its sampled version by posing it as a blind deconvolution problem and proposed an alternating minimization approach called ALPA. The method provides estimates of the filter and also the on-grid locations of the excitation. A gradient-descent stage was used to obtain the sub-pixel excitation locations. The method demonstrates that by imposing proper structure on the unknowns, they can be recovered even in high noise conditions. With robust estimation of signal parameters, the algorithm also inherently performs denoising. R EFERENCES [1] V. Studer, J. Bobin, M. Chahid, H. S. Mousavi, E. Candes, and M. Dahan, “Compressive fluorescence microscopy for biological and hyperspectral imaging,” in Proc. Nat. Acad. of Sci., vol. 109, no. 26, 2012, pp. E1679–E1687. [2] E. Pantin, J.-L. Starck, and F. Murtagh, “Deconvolution and blind deconvolution in astronomy,” in Blind Image Deconvolution: Theory and Applications, 1st ed. Taylor and Francis, May. 2007, ch. 7. [3] P. Sudhakar, L. Jacques, X. Dubois, P. Antoine, and L. Joannes, “Compressive schlieren deflectometry,” in Proc. IEEE Intl. Conf. on Acoust., Speech and Signal Process., May. 2013, pp. 5999–6003. [4] L. Baboulaz and P. L. 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