International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 6 Number 3- Dec 2013 High Speed Design of Ethernet MAC Bolleddu Alekya 1 P. Bala Nagu 2 1 PG Student (M. Tech), Dept. of ECE, Chirala Engineering College, Chirala, A.P, India. 2 Associate Professor, Dept. of ECE, Chirala Engineering College, Chirala, A.P, India . * Abstract: Nowadays, Ethernet technology is the most widely used network technology, and also widely used in plenty of industries, such as finance, business by means of its efficiency, high-speed and high performance. Gigabit Ethernet can provide communication bandwidth with 1 GB/s. Because it uses the same CSMA/CD protocol, frame format, frame length as the traditional 10/100M Ethernet network, so it is able to realize internet update smoothly and continuously based on the original slow Ethernet to protect user investment utter mostly. But in many applications, it calls for the realization of high-speed network data transmission without using the NIC (Network Interface Card) of PC, and transmitting the post processing data to Gigabit Ethernet. Then describes software design written by Verilog HDL in detail, including reset and initialization of the transmission of data packets. After testing, the transmission rate can reach our goal. The results show that this design meets most requirements of the real-time transmission system and proves to be a practical design with low cost and good stability. Keywords: MAC, CSMA Protocol, High Performance, VHDL. slow 1. Introduction Nowadays, Ethernet technology is the most widely used network Ethernet investment to mostly. protect But in user many applications, it calls for the realization technology, and Gigabit Ethernet is of also of transmission without using the NIC industries, such as finance, business (Network Interface Card) of PC, and by means of its efficiency, high-speed transmitting the post processing data and to widely high used in plenty performance. Gigabit high-speed Gigabit network Ethernet. This data system Ethernet can provide communication adopts FPGA and Gigabit NIC to meet bandwidth with 1Gb/s. Because it the needs. uses the same CSMA/CD protocol, The Ethernet Mac core consists of frame format, frame length as the five modules: traditional Ethernet •Host interface connects the Ethernet network, so it is able to realize Core to the rest of the system via the internet Wishbone 10/100M update smoothly and (using DMA transfers). continuously based on the original ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 131 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 6 Number 3- Dec 2013 Registers are also part of the host wait for the current transmission to interface. end. •TX Ethernet MAC performs transmit function. Frame structure of Ethernet Mac core is : •RX Ethernet MAC performs receive function. •MAC Control Module performs full duplex flow control function. •MII Management Module performs Preamble: A 7 bytes pattern of PHY control and gathers the status alternating 0’s and 1’s used by the information from it. receiver All modules together perform a full to establish bit synchronization. function 10/100 Mbit/s Media Access Start Control. sequence 10101011, which indicate the The Ethernet core can of frame delimiter: The operate in a half or a full duplex actual start of the frame. mode. The basic of the Ethernet is Destination CSMA/CD protocol. The CSMA/CD station for which the frame is intended. stands for Carrier Sense Multiple It may be a unique physical address, a half duplex mode specifies the group address or a global address. Access / Collision Detection. In Address: when a Source Address: specifies the station station wants to transmit, it has to that sent the frame. observe the activity on the media Length: length of the LLC data field. (Carrier Sense). As soon as the media LLC data: Data unit supplied by logic is idle (no one is transmitting), any link control (LLC). station the Pad: Bytes added to ensure that frame transmission (Multiple Access). If two is long enough for proper collision or more stations are transmitting at detection operation. the same time, a collision on the Frame Check Sequence (FCS):A 32 bit media is detected. All stations stop cyclic redundancy check, based on all transmitting and back-off for some fields except the preamble, sfd and random time. After the back-off time, FCS. can start with the station checks the activity on the media again. If the media is idle, it starts transmitting. All other stations ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 132 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 6 Number 3- Dec 2013 RX Ethernet MAC: 2. ABOUT ETHERNET-MAC RX Ethernet IP Core consists of 5 Ethernet MAC interprets 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX MII receive modules as shown in fig.1. data nibble stream and supplies correctly formed packet byte streams to the host. It searches for the SFD (start frame delimiter) at the beginning of the packet, verifies the FCS and detects any dribble nibbles or receive code violations. MAC Control Module: The function of this module is to implement Figure 1 Ethernet IP Core The host interface is connected to the RISC and the memory through the Wishbone. The RISC writes the data for the configuration registers directly, while the data frames are written to the memory. Frames are accessed through the DMA. MAC generates 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX transmit MII nibble data streams in response to the byte streams supplied from the transmit logic (host). It performs the required deferral and back-off algorithms, takes care for the IPG, computes the checksum (FCS) and monitors monitoring the physical Carrier collision signals). flow consists of three sub modules that provide the following functionality: • Control frame detection • Control frame generation • TX/RX Ethernet MAC Interface • PAUSE Timer • Slot Timer Control Frame Detector TX Ethernet MAC: Ethernet full-duplex control. The MAC Control Module Host Interface: TX the media Sense (by and Checks the incoming frames for the control frames. Control frames can be discarded or passed to the host. When a PAUSE control frame is detected, it can stop the TX module From transmitting for a certain period of time. Control Frame Generator When there is a need to stop the transmitting transmission station (flow from control in full duplex mode), a PAUSE control frame can be send to it. ISSN: 2231-5381 the Page 133 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 6 Number 3- Dec 2013 TX/RX Ethernet MAC Interface Output Control Module MAC Control module is connected Controls the signal appearance on between the host interface and the Tx the MDO, MCK and MDOEN pins. and the Rx MAC modules. Signals Shift Register from the host are passed by to the Tx Holds the status read from an MAC in certain occasions and vice external PHY. versa. Clock Generator PAUSE Timer Generates an appropriate output When a PAUSE control frame is clock MCK according to the input received, the pause timer value is host clock and the clock divider bits. written to the PAUSE timer. This TRANSMITTER ETHERNET MAC prevents the Tx module from TxEthMAC implements CSMA/CD transmitting for a »pause timer value« protocol when transmitting packets of period of slot time. data. Before transmitting packets of Slot Timer data, TxEthMAC must assure that Slot timer measures time slots and medium is idle and then monitors generate a pulse to the PAUSE timer medium continuously if there is a for every slot time passed by. collision in the middle of transmit MII Management Module process. If collision happened, The function of this module is to TxEthernet - MAC makes back off control the PHY and to gather the operation and retries to transmit after information from it (status). The MII a random period depends on number Management Module consists of four of collision attempt. The transmit sub modules: process can be aborted or dropped if Operation Control Module one of the following conditions is Output Control Module detected: Shift Register • excess Clock Generator TxEthernet Operation Control Module - occurs MAC when can't get opportunity to transmit longer than The function of this module is to perform the following commands: Write control data deferral, twice maximum length of Ethernet frame • late collision, occurs when collision is Read status detected after 512 bits of data has Scan status been transmitted excessive collision, ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 134 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 6 Number 3- Dec 2013 occurs when collision is detected more than 15 times • under run, occurs when host can't provide nibbles of data for transmit operation • excessive length, occurs when the length of packet is longer than 1518 bytes Clock is provided by MII through tx_clk, which frequency is 2.5 MHz when operates at 10 Mbps and 25 MHz when operates at 100 Mbps. Figure 3 Transmitter State Machine The function of this module is to control transmit process. When host has packet of data to be transmitted, tx_sof will be activated. Then, the State Machine will give transmit_new_p signal to restart Defer Counter and Collision Counter and Figure 2 Block Diagram of Transmitter Ethernet MAC TX Ethernet MAC consists of eleven modules. They are listed below: 1. FIFO Synchronization 2. IFG Timer 3. Defer Counter 4. Frame Length Counter 5. Collision Counter 6. Random Number Generator 7. Back off Timer 8. Jam Timer 9. CRC Generator 10. Data Multiplexer 11. TX State Machine ISSN: 2231-5381 wait until transmit_available_p from IFG Timer is detected to get opportunity to transmit Preamble and SFD. When transmit_available_p, waiting the State Machine monitors excess_deferral to limit waiting time for transmit operation. After IFG has passed and transmit operation has got opportunity, the State Machine will give appropriate data_select signal to Data Multiplexer. Page 135 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 6 Number 3- Dec 2013 And it will assert transmit_enable compute_crc signal. While transmit to FIFO Synchronization, Collision operation is Counter, Frame Length Counter, and Machine monitors IFG Timer. The State Machine will coll_event_p, also to continuously. If detected, transmit by operation will be aborted or dropped. transmit_sfd. The Preamble Field will If coll_event_p is detected, the State be Machine will give tx_retransmit and give transmit_preamble Collision Counter followed transmitted if the running, and the State tx_underrun, excessive_length transmit_available_p is detected until start_backoff the next 15 clock cycles then SFD deasserts Field will be transmitted for one clock compute_crc, and tx_data_used. The cycle. The Data transmitted if Field the will be following value of backoff_p pulse signal, and transmit_enable, operation and is waiting then count_length is greater then 16 until transmit_enable tx_eof transmit operation from the beginning is detected. But, the PAD detected of transmission because late collision count_length is less than 136, which and or excessive collision is detected. is the minimum length of Data field If transmit operation terminates in added by Preamble and SFD Field, normal condition or because any error and will be deactivated if the value of conditions, the State Machine will count_length reaches 136. The FCS dessert transmit_enable and followed field will be transmitted if tx_eof is by status signal. detected and the value value of count_length is greater than or equal to 136. If Data Field starts to be transmitted, tx_data_used and compute_crc are asserted. Then, the State Machine will monitor tx_eof that indicates the last nibble of data is placed in tx_data. If tx_eof is detected active and Tx Eth MAC doesn't have to send Machine PAD will pattern, give the State transmit_fcs to or restart of the Field to pattern will be transmitted if tx_eof is when Preamble again asserts abort 3. Results and Conclusions In this project we evaluated the integration of packet switching capabilities in 10 MAC GbE Ethernet Transmitter devices. The MAC architecture was first analyzed to design a switching system that can exploit the processing mechanism of the MAC Ethernet Transmitter layer. In particular, the latency introduced to compute the CRC was used to Frame Length Counter and deassert ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 136 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 6 Number 3- Dec 2013 implement a classification module that does not add extra latency. The proposed implemented and architecture validated was on a synthesizer. Its resource demand was evaluated to address the scalability of the architecture and to detect the most demanding modules. Modelsim Xilinx Edition will be used for functional simulation and verification of results. Xilinx ISE will be used for Figure 5 Technology Schematic View synthesis. Fig 4 & 5 shows the RTL Schematic & technology schematic of the proposed system. Fig 6 Shows the Simulation Result of the proposed system. The Design utilization summary of the Designed Ethernet MAC is shown in Table-1. Figure 6 Transmitter Ethernet MAC Simulation ResultsTransmitter Waveform Table-1 Device Utilization Summary (estimated values) Logic Utilization Used Available Utilization Figure 4 RTL Schematic ISSN: 2231-5381 Number of Slices 215 768 27% Number of Slice Flip Flops 140 1536 9% Number of 4 input LUTs 400 1536 26% Number of bonded IOBs 30 124 24% Number of GCLKs 1 8 12% Page 137 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 6 Number 3- Dec 2013 Acknowledgements the International Conference The authors would like to thank Microelectronic anonymous 2007. reviewers for their [7] improving the quality and presentation Performance of this paper. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons Connectivity for Computer Servers,” IEEE J. Chao and Education, comments which were very helpful in References: [1] S. GadelRab, “10-Gigabit Ethernet H. Systems on B. Switches Liu, and High Routers. Inc.,2007. [8] “Ethernet 10GbE MAC,” in, 2009. Micro, pp. 94–105, 2007. 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