International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 4 Issue 9- Sep 2013 Global Challenges for the Environment, Water Clean and Economic Advantages Hidajete Nikqi , AdemDreshaj, * 1 Public University “ Haxhi Zeka” in Peja DepartmentofIndustrial-environmentalChemistry, University ofTirana. Abstract The fast development of industry, agriculture technology, with increasing population grows increasingly standard of living is also increasing demand for clean water and environmental pollution grows each time taking process of uncontrolled release of CO2 into the atmosphere and increase the industrial waste. Rulers need to do a better coordination of CO2 in the atmosphere management, waste management, water. Sustainability of public health, protection of the environment and the economy are key factors for environment and clean water. Collecting more water behind dams and especially in aquifers through artificial recharge is necessary to save water in times of excess water for use at the time of his absence. Storage of CO2 in safe places as under the oceans countries semptyexplorer oil from storage in mines or explorer. Use should be carefully planned and take measures to prevent adverse health effects in the case of groundwater contamination. Some countries may save water by importing most food and energy commodities and other countries that possess more water, so basically they also get water was needed to produce these goods. Water "virtual". Local water can then be used for high social, environmental, or economic or saved for the future. Climate change and global warming caused by carbon dioxide emissions are difficult to predict in space and time. The wars in the future will be developed for clean water and not for gold and oil. Key words: integrated management of CO2 and water, the health of the population ISSN: 2231-5381 FacultyofNatural Sciences, Introduction Higher living standards, causing increased demand for better quality water for clean environment, clean health, but on the contrary have increased sewage and industrial waste. At the same time, increased demand more water for agriculture and economic growth will be needed to meet growing demands for food for the population. Also, demand more water will be needed for the environment, such concerns would have to aquatic life, wildlife, housing, recreational values, scenic values and aquatic habitats. This will require integrated management of water RESOURCE and respectable international cooperation. Almost all liquid and water on planet earth is fresh groundwater. Groundwater will be used more, and therefore should be protected against irrational spending and pollution, especially from sources Point and non-Point.We have no agreement among scientists as, and when the climate will change, and what consequences will be disastrous in the future planet earth. Some scientists have come to the conclusion that climate change (natural and anthropogenic) can be unpredictable global yen.Water resources should be managed with good flexibility in order to be able to cope with the changes and demands for fresh water. Institutions need to call for integrated water management, all of society must be involved in the process management of water and CO2. History requires not only the management of water supplies but Page 3785 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 4 Issue 9- Sep 2013 also water demand management (eg water conservation, environmental and water transfers and returns using the highest quality for economic advantages), water quality, management, recycling and reuse of water in the economy, conflict resolution, public involvement, public health, environmental and ecological aspects, sociocultural aspects, water storage. mountain regions, which remains only about 1 % of global water as liquid fresh water. Almost all of this more than 98% located in groundwater while less than 2% is the most visible form of lake flows, which are often fed by groundwater. About 40-45% of rainfall on groundwater complete example. Mediterranean type climate is more like 10 to 20 percent. For dry climates can be as little as 1%. Global water problems of Pater On our planet, world population is 6.5 billion. In the future projected doubling of population, where there are many water utilities, ditches and other problems, about 1550 people (mostly children who affected is the continent of Africa and Asia) die every hour due to the use of contaminated water . This will increase the population migrations, more people from rural areas and urban right, creating many large cities, 10 to 20 million, people will have increasing demand for fresh water and clean environment will increase this industry growing number of vehicles that emit a large amount of CO2 released into the atmosphere greenhouse effect formation, increasing the amount of waste increased environmental pollution drastically. People and their pets live together where they can pose serious health problems, such as viruses and other pathogens that normally affect the animals and could be transferred to humans. This can cause potential epidemic of global proportions, the cause of immunodeficiency and vaccines. Appear as Ebola viral epidemic, AIDS viruses, various outbreaks of swine flu, avian viruses, increasing numbers of people being bitten by ticks. If animals are given regular doses of antibiotics to protect against parasites, create resistance to antibiotic, pathogenic viruses can cause serious human pandemics. Adequate standard of living in western countries and the industrialized enough need a supply of water needed at least 2100 m3 per person for annual needs States that have 1000-2000 m3, the country is Sufficient water, while countries with 500 m3 of water per person per year, it is little water to residents. desert rural people possess only 1-2 m3, which is much less per person per year (not including their pets). Almost all of the planet's water is in the oceans over (97%) as salt water, the water remains 3% to two-thirds of the fresh water as snow and ice are the polar and Artificial ground water gatherings The likelihood of climate change can manifest can include more extreme weather, such as periods of excessive precipitation and periods of low rainfall that cause drought. Also, in relatively dry climates, small changes of the precipitation can cause significant changes in the natural recharge of groundwater basins. To protect water against these extremes and changes, is needed more water storage, including long-term storage (years to decades) need to accumulate reserves during times of surplus water to the water when for use on absence. Traditionally, such storage is achieved by building dams. However, the dams have a number of shortcomings, such as interference in the ecology of the river, adverse environmental effects, displacement of people near dam reservoirs new rise of other issues of public health, higher costs, the potential for structural problems, not has sustainability as all dams eventually lose their capacity as they packed sediments. For these reasons, new dams are increasingly difficult to build. One of the advantages of dams is that they can be operated water flow in the river downstream toward profitability, despite seasonal variations or low rainfall. On the other hand, to turn the turbine ease. Fluctuations in electricity demand could adversely affect ecology it can be very complex and expensive. Dams on international rivers require intensive cooperation between the countries involved, so that countries downstream from dams are not adversely affected, location design, and operation of the dam. If water can not accumulate soil surface, should be stored in underground basins, through artificial recharge of groundwater. Already, more than 98% of the world supply of fresh water from ground water liquid. Artificial recharge is achieved by pooling water on the soil surface where it is filtered into the ground and ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 3786 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 4 Issue 9- Sep 2013 moving in the direction of groundwater basins. Such systems require that they penetrated ken land system as the beach and sand are preferred. With the continuous flood, collected particles suspended in water. In sediment land surface and form a layer of clay (clogging) that reduces the rates of filtration, biological, chemical, physical. Thus, the filter decreases, measures should be taken periodically as: drying, cracking, and, if necessary mechanical removal of the mud layer (clogging). Action against systems can be designed and managed to enhance environmental benefits (eg, water parks, trees and other vegetations, shelter for wildlife). Rerate lands are not always available. If aquifers are closed arteries of water penetration to aquifer should act the form "injection" of drilling wells up in the aquifer. The cost of such recharges is often much higher than the cost of filtering the natural resources in the basin for drilling wells can be expensive and the water must first be treated to remove all suspended matter, inorganic nutrients and organic carbon minimize (clogging) in the surface aquifer. Clay (clogging) it is difficult to remove, prevent sludge (clogging) is adequate for treat man water. More and more wells are constructed with the aim of extracting aquifer recharges to allow recharging when water requirements are low and excess water. The big advantage of underground storage is that no groundwater losses. Systems groundwater recharge are sustainable, economical, and have no problems eco - environmental. Besides algae which can provide water quality problems in open water, are ahead of groundwater. Operating underground formations such as physics. Systemic filters can also be used to clean the affected water quality. Biodegradation of organic substances and erosion Annual precipitation with nutritional chemical substance can be expected to produce the lush vegetation when used for irrigation, biomass is more and biodegradation in soil which can produce increased levels of raw hummock in drainage waters and, ultimately, end in underlying groundwater. Practices for erosion control, as well as organic and inorganic nutrients and pesticides in runoff water. (Vegetated buffer strips), the effects of increasing the concentration of CO2 and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere entails increasing temperature and climate change. Forecasts range from the most severe effects on ISSN: 2231-5381 ecosystems and our health Increased floods, droughts. Sometimes it seems that the conclusions are based primarily on consensus and majority opinion of all this controversy shows, however, is that it is not known to a sufficient degree of accuracy what will happen in space and time in the future. Thus, it is difficult to make adequate plans. In addition to gradual changes, longterm climate change. Changes within the space of a human generation can occur. Models for predicting the global precipitation are based on models for predicting global temperatures, the answers to increasing CO2 concentration in the atmosphere. However, forecasts for growth temperatures are filled with uncertainty (Kimball), which makes atmospheric precipitation forecast. However, because temperatures are projected to increase globally averaged, evaporation from the oceans will rise, the average global precipitation. Precipitation patterns may vary. As a result, increased rainfall means likely to lead to increased precipitation variability. Scientific modeling of climate change Are based on the estimated average temperature increase (4 ° C in 2100), from which they estimate precipitation increases (4% in summer and in winter 25%) which then go to their hydrological model to forecast cash floods. These estimates are useful for long-range planning and show that for 25 years, flood control dikes would still be feasible. As time proceeds, climate and climate science will further develop in the most detailed and reliable climate scenarios can be formulated. The sea level rise by 2100 are projected to be in the range of 30 to 110 cm. Tests such as these are useful for planning long string of other river basins. If, indeed increased flood flows may ultimately be feasible the construction of flood ways parallels can be good normally, these ways will be flooding the form and structure will be expensive, Flood control becomes as reforestation "green" is in rivers, has minimal damage. River Green concept can also be applied to small rivers. In the canyon of Los Angelo’s small floods occur every few years, and major floods covering most of the river every 20 years. In the 100-year-old is the amount of flood water flow in the canyon 850m3 / s. Flood data so far is 570 m3 / s, of which there Situated in 1972 and has a recurrence interval of 70 years. Floods have short life for a few Page 3787 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 4 Issue 9- Sep 2013 days to about a week, and cause damage. Israel has also made predictions of future climate change scenarios for changes based on local climatic trends and research in national and regional climatic patterns. Projected changes for 2100 are: mean temperature increase of 1.6 1.8 ° C, 4-8% reduction in rainfall, increased to 10 percent (evaporate transpiration); late winter rains, the rain intensity increases and cuts rainy season, large seasonal variability, increased temperature, severity of extreme climate events, and great uncertainty spatial and temporal climate. Because of uncertainties in projections of global change, particularly in space and in time, the best policy is to water management of water resources in order to be able to handle the flood of good management in times of drought to surpluses and shortages water. Modeling of additional carbon turnover in nature Specific modeling scenario in overall carbon flow projections used to design for increased evaporation. The prediction is made whether to grow globally parameters, temperature and CO2. Changes tion forms are very uncertain. Direct effects of raised CO2 (expected to reach up to 950-540 µmol mo1-1, depending on CO2 emissions. Scenario plants flora cause stomata resistance increased by about 25-45%, a 350 µmol mol -1 increase in CO2 .. At the same time, increasing CO2 will boost plant growth in the area sheet (Maybe so 10% in peak leaf area index for a 350 µmol mol-1 increase in CO2 concentration for C3 plants C4 plants respond). Projections of climate change and the direct physiological effects of CO2 on plants raised likely will cause shifts optimum regions for many crops production. Further, the human economy and social factors also cause changes in land use and associated water requirements, irrigation. In addition, there is likely to shift to natural vegetation in the catchment upstream, which may change the supply of water available for irrigation in the future.In Finally, climate change is likely to affect future water and its resources. On really concentrations of other gases in the atmosphere can also be increased. Some of these may have negative effects. For example, ozone levels are weakened in the last 100 years and are projected to increase continue to faster rate in the future additional ISSN: 2231-5381 gas ser. Conducted an experiment in growing potatoes have forced the form of CO2 up in the air has resulted in rising above the norm. Carbon emissions can be reduced by storing and using energy efficient, using non-fossil energy sources (hydropower plants, wind, solar, nuclear, and not ethanol or other fuel) and growing more plants for carbon sequestration in biomass and land. Befouls still emit carbon into the atmosphere but, unlike carbon from fossil fuels, carbon recycling is done through the process of photosynthesis. Water resources to Kosovo Water reuse is becoming more and more important for two reasons. One is that discharge wastewater into surface waters is becoming increasingly expensive and difficult cleaning. Treatment requirements more stringent to protect the quality of the receiving water for aquatic life, recreation and benefit users in terms of power. The second reason is that municipal wastewater is often an important water resource that can be used for a number of purposes, especially water scarce areas. Reuse is necessary (non-potable) for purposes such as agricultural irrigation and urban use, industrial use as (Refrigeration), growth environment (wetlands, wildlife refuges, habitat), fire fighting, dust control, and to wash toilets. This requires treatment so that it meets the quality requirements of intentional use. To invest adequate infrastructure as storage reservoirs, canals, and pipelines and distribution systems are needed double that the waters of different qualities can be transported to different destinations. Virtual Water Goods imported to take more water to produce as food and electricity from other countries that have abundant water resources. Areas receiving water was needed for processing goods. This water is "virtually" embedded in goods, it is called virtual water. For example, for every kg of wheat imported from one country to another also takes 1.2 m3 of virtual water cost much less than the value of local water resources. Use more water, just to please people, the pride of being sufficient in food production (especially food cases) then there will be economic if these foods can be imported much cheaper from rich water. Many areas of the world will face serious water shortages, less likely to have adequate Page 3788 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 4 Issue 9- Sep 2013 water for their residents, even trying to collect more water for humans or for other goods may then economically and politically to be a very good solution, and probably the easiest way to achieve peaceful resolution of water conflicts. Economy and trade becomes increasingly global, field operations to global food movements. To ensure global food distribution will not be used as a political weapon, it should be internationally controlled representation of importing countries. International cooperation could then be established to develop eco-tourism in these areas that will provide income for the import of staple foods and virtual water. Then virtual water will be much cheaper than using the water itself. Proposals range from building large pipelines to transport water or water in tankers and towing icebergs from the polar regions or large rafts of fresh water. Countries such exports water can be a significant source of revenue. Conclusions and recommendations The strict controls just international of CO2 in the atmosphere. Safe Manager The layer of ozone in the atmosphere. Monitoring Stations-the air water and soil. Climate change will pose severe requirements of safe water sources in the future. Principles of integrated water management and international cooperation will be needed to develop sustainable systems and prevent ecological disasters. Better water management should be integrated to clean water. Management practices, that the actions of a user group will affect the water interests of others. More research be done to ensure the quality water. Resources be based on sound science and engineering areas local, national, and international efforts. 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