International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016) Production of Ethanol from Waste Newspaper Pooja H.#1, Rashmi A.#1, Sabeena K.#1, Abhijit Bhatkal#2, D. N. Sastry#3 #1 Dept. of Biotechnology, KLE Dr. MSSCET, Belgaum Assistant Professor, Dept. of Biotechnology, KLE Dr. MSSCET, Belgaum Udyambag, Belgaum -590008, Karnataka, India #3 Assistant professor, Dept. of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, KLE College of pharmacy, Belgaum, Karnataka, India #2 Abstract: The presence of conventional energy sources are decreasing day by day and this inevitable situation has leads us to search for alternate fuels. The present work illustrates the synthesis of BioEthanol from waste papers in particular, newspapers, since it contains 40-55% of cellulose contents. Several experiments were carried out to describe the BioEthanol synthesis from waste papers by conducting series of chemical and biochemical reactions including acid pre-treatment, Delignification, Distillation and Fermentation. This work also summarizes the systematic study of Bio-Ethanol synthesis by fermentation process and the purity comparison of results obtained from various lignocellulosic sources. The Bio-ethanol obtained by treating waste papers with different concentration of H2SO4 was analysed by Gas Chromatography (GC). Alternately the by-product in the form of solid residue obtained from the fermentation tank is used as a Solid Fuel. This project demonstrates that Saccharomyces cerevisiae can be effectively used for production of bio ethanol from pre-treated waste paper. Keywords — Bio-ethanol, GC, Waste lignocellulose, Saccharomyces cerevisiae paper, I. INTRODUCTION Energy consumption is inevitable for human existence. There are various reasons for the search of an alternative fuel that is technically feasible, environmentally acceptable, economically competitive, and readily available. The first foremost reason is the increasing demand for fossil fuels in all sectors of human life, be it transportation, power generation, industrial processes, and residential consumption. Depletion of world petroleum reserves and the impact of environmental pollution due to increasing exhaust emissions have led to the search for suitable alternative fuels for diesel engines. The requirement of fuels for the production of electricity and running of vehicles is increasing day by day. Today every country draws its energy needs from a variety of sources. The sources can be broadly categorized as commercial and non-commercial. The commercial sources include the fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas), hydroelectric power and nuclear power, while the non-commercial sources include wood, animal wastes and agricultural wastes. In an industrialized country like, U.S.A., most of the energy requirements ISSN: 2231-5381 are met from commercial sources, while in an industrially less developed country like India, the use of commercial and non-commercial sources is about equal. Fuel ethanol as an alternative fuel is replacing the fossil fuels and it has been attracting worldwide interest because of the increasing demand for energy resources. Ethanol (C2H5OH) is produced naturally by certain micro-organisms from sugars under acidic conditions at the pH level of 4 to 5. This alcoholic fermentation process is used worldwide to produce alcoholic drinks. The ethanol industry of today utilizes raw materials rich in saccharides, such as sugar cane or sugar beets, and raw materials rich in starch, such as corn and wheat. The concern about supply of liquid transportation fuels, which has brought the crude oil price above 100$/barrel during 2006, together with the concern about global warming, have turned the interest towards large-scale ethanol production from lignocellulosic materials, such as agriculture and forestry residues. Baker's yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is the preferred fermenting microorganism for ethanol production because of its superior and well-documented industrial performance. Bioethanol is produced by the biochemical reaction called fermentation. Fermentation is a well-established and widely used technology for the conversion of grains and sugar crops into ethanol. It is intended for mixing with gasoline to produce gasohol (90 percent gasoline, 10 percent ethanol). This process requires high cost and high energy. One scheme considered for reducing costs of ethanol production by fermentation is in finding less expensive grains or sugars and a process that requires less energy. Glucose produced by hydrolysis of an abundant carbohydrate polymer called lignocellulose is being considered for the former. Various studies have been carried out in the production of bio ethanol from the waste paper. The bio ethanol content depends upon the various compositions in the waste paper. The presence of 70.12±4.88% of carbohydrates (holocellulose) makes waste paper a prospective and renewable biomass for bio ethanol production. The Glucose production was further enhanced by using diluted sulphuric acid during pretreatment. Different Page 589 International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016) incubation periods were tested for saccharification and subsequent Bio ethanol fermentations were carried out. The possibility of using waste paper as a cheap feedstock for ethanol production arose from the wellpublicized concern about rising landfill costs resulting from shrinking landfill capacity. Shrinking landfill capacity is a result of tighter environmental controls on their site, construction, operation and of the unwillingness of communities to have new landfills sited nearby. Tighter environmental regulations are responsible for the premature closure of existing landfills and higher costs for constructing new ones. According to the National Solid Wastes Management Association (NSWMA), half of the existing 6,034 landfills will be closed by 1995 and, assuming the current rates of landfill closures and openings continue, "disposal requirements will exceed existing capacity by around 1998" (NSWMA 1988). The effect on tipping fee costs is shown by the rise in the national average landfill tipping fee between 1984 and 1988 by a factor of 2.5 to $26.93/ton, a trend expected to continue. Just examining the national average, however, hides the problem's very regional nature, which is seen in the broad range of local tipping fees ($4.75 to $120.00/ton) and regional averages (Northeast $45.48, South $15.87, Midwest $17.95, and West $13.06) (NSWMA 1988). At 50.1 MM tons discarded in 1986, waste paper accounted for 35.6% of the total municipal solid waste (MSW) discarded, and these figures are expected to rise to 66.0 MM tons and 39.1 %, respectively, in the year 2000 (Franklin Associates, Ltd. 1988). Because waste paper is the single largest material category in the MSW stream, it is the main target of efforts to reduce the MSW burden. This is evidenced by the numerous laws being enacted and under consideration by state and local governments aimed at increasing the recovery and recycling of waste paper. We will now focus on the effect that the physical and chemical properties of waste paper will have on the process design and cost, in comparison with a more traditional wood-to-ethanol plant. The chemical composition will determine the amount of polysaccharide or sugar potential present and, therefore, quantity of ethanol produced per ton of paper. The amount of lignin present determines how much energy can be produced from the feedstock to supply the steam and electricity requirements of the process. The physical properties of the waste paper and the amount of extraneous mineral matter mixed in with the waste paper will have an impact on the frontend processing or the milling and pretreatment steps that prepare the material for the saccharification and fermentation step. Table 1: Composition of Waste paper samples Because of the nature of the analysis, any materials that burn but are not hydrolysed by concentrated sulfuric acid end up in the lignin category. Plastics and ink are examples. Those materials that neither burn nor are hydrolysed by concentrated sulfuric acid end up in the ash category. Examples are the inerts such as clay in the fillers and coatings. Although the materials in the lignin category cannot be converted to ethanol, they can be burned to produce steam and electricity to run the process, and any excess electricity can be sold. The materials in the ash category have no value and, in fact, are a liability because they must be moved through the process and disposed. The glucose is easily and efficiently converted into ethanol, while the xylose is more difficult to convert. The higher percentage of xylose in wood, approximately 25%, makes it worthwhile to include xylose fermentation in the process. But because of the much lower amounts in waste paper, it does not appear economical to include this step in the waste paper process. Some of the xylose is consumed in the production of enzymes, but most of it and the other nonglucose sugars are anaerobically digested to methane, which is burned for process energy. The factors for converting each of the waste paper categories used were based on the conversion of 90% of the glucose content into ethanol product approximately corresponding to the ethanol program conversion efficiency goal. II. MATERIALS AND METHODS Waste newspapers were collected from in and around college and hostel campus. In order to increase the surface area of the paper they were cut manually in to small pieces using scissors (300gms of these shreds were weighed). Fig 1: Collected Raw material The shreds of the newspaper were then soaked in 6 liter (ratio of 1:20) of water for 24 hours. During this period the fibers of newspaper loosens and it makes it easier to separate the cellulose which is the major component of newspaper. ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 590 International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016) Fig 2: Shreds soaked in water After completion of one day the water was filtered and the paper was crushed mechanically and converted to a pulp and dried in the shade. Fig 3: Dried Shreds Deinking Process: 6 liter of 15% H2SO4 was taken in a plastic vessel of volume 8 liters. And dried pulp was added to it. This mixture was kept for 24 hours for the deinking process. In the deinking process ink pigments were removed from the slurry because the ink pigments may affect the yield of ethanol. The ink used for printing in waste papers are mostly carbon based one. It can be easily eliminated by added concentrated sulfuric acid. Fig 4: Deinking of the pulp After deinking process the slurry was washed thoroughly with water and dried again. Estimation of Cellulose content: After the completion of pre-treatment, it was essential to determine the cellulose content in the sample because it gives an idea about the appropriate volume of bioethanol obtained from the sources i.e., waste papers. The Carboxyl Methyl Cellulose was used as a standard component to determine the cellulose content in the raw material. Cellulose undergoes acetolysis with acetic/nitric acid reagent forming acetylated cellodextrins which gets dissolved and hydrolysed to form glucose molecules on treatment with 67% H2SO4. This glucose molecule is dehydrated to form hydroxyl methyl furfural which forms green colour product with anthrone method and the colour intensity is measured at 630nm. ISSN: 2231-5381 Acid Hydrolysis: The cellulose molecules are composed of long chains of sugar molecules. In the hydrolysis process, these chains are broken down to free the sugar before it is fermented for alcohol production. There are two major cellulose hydrolysis processes a chemical reaction using acids, and an enzymatic reaction. In acid hydrolysis method highly concentrated acid can be used at lower temperatures and atmospheric pressure. During this process the cellulose will be converted into sugar components. The pretreated pulp was separated into three parts and then acid hydrolysis was carried out with different concentration of H2SO4 namely 10%, 15% and 20%. Estimation of glucose content: 3, 5Dinitrosalicylic acid (DNSA) is used extensively in biochemistry for the estimation of reducing sugars. It detects the presence of free carbonyl group (C=O) of reducing sugars. This involves the oxidation of the aldehyde functional group (in glucose) and the ketone functional group (in fructose). During this reaction DNSA is reduced to 3- amino- 5-nitrosalicylic acid (ANSA) which under alkaline conditions is converted to a reddish brown coloured complex which has an absorbance maximum of 540 nm. Fermentation: Fermented can be performed as a batch, fed batch or continuous process. The choice of most suitable process will depend upon the kinetic properties of microorganisms and type of lignocellulosic hydrolysate in addition to process economic aspects. After checking the pH level the slurry was weighed and poured into the fermentation tank. Then Saccharomyces cerevisiae was added in to the fermentation tank and mixed well. The fermentation process was an anaerobic batch type and was maintained in the dark room for 3 days at pH 4. Fig 5: Fermentation Distillation: After the fermentation stage was completed the clear liquid in the upper layer should be collected. The ethanol and other constituents present in the fermentation tank should be separated by the filtrate. The fermented liquor should pour in to the distillation column. The temperature range between 85-980C was maintained in the distillation column setup. At this temperature ethanol has evaporated. At the beginning the ethanol should come along with some of the water vapour. It is impossible to measure correctly the volume of ethanol present in the solution. So we obtained ethanol only by reflux method. Page 591 International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016) C. SIMPLE DISTILLATION Fig 6: Distillation process Alcohol detection test: The standard procedure is applied. GC analysis: The distilled samples were forwarded to Regional Medical Research Centre, Belgaum for qualitative and quantitative analysis of ethanol in the samples. Fig 8: Samples obtained after the distillation process D. GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY The results obtained after subjecting the samples to GC analysis. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. COMPARISON OF GLUCOSE CONTENT AT VARIOUS CONC. OF H2SO4 By using DNSA method the glucose content at various concentration of H2SO4 was estimated by plotting the standard graph initially. The result obtained for the various concentrations of sample from UV Visible spectrophotometer at 540 nm were plotted, by which the percentage of glucose was calculated. Table 2: Represents % of glucose in different samples Sl. No. Samples % of glucose 1 10% dil. 30.4 2 10% conc. 24.4 3 15% dil. 29.6 4 15% conc. 23.6 5 20% dil. 28.4 6 20% conc. 22.4 Fig 9: Results obtained for 10% washed samples B. ALCOHOL DETECTION TEST The disappearance of the red colour of chromic acid and the formation of a blue green colour of Cr (III) ion indicates a positive test. Fig. 7 indicates the presence of blue green colour; hence we can conclude that the sample contains alcohol and there may be presence of ethanol. Fig 10: Results obtained for 10% unwashed samples Fig 7: Ethanol confirmation test ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 592 International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016) Fig 11: Results obtained for 15% washed samples Fig 14: Results obtained for 20% unwashed samples From the GC results it was observed that sample treated with 10% H2SO4 yielded better results compared with the samples having 15 and 20% H2SO4 treated distillates. The area under the curve for 10% sample indicated this observation and this was higher in comparison with the other samples. For 100 ml of fermentation liquor 40 ml of ethanol was obtained with a purity of 68%. Fig 12: Results obtained for 15% unwashed samples Fig 13: Results obtained for 20% washed samples ISSN: 2231-5381 IV. CONCLUSIONS The present investigation has proved to be successful in implementing the Bioethanol production from waste papers of various cellulosic contents as raw materials using Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The reaction period for pre-treatment, hydrolysis, fermentation are optimized to get the maximum conversion of lignocellulosic materials into ethyl alcohol. Experimentation on Bioethanol production has been done using various concentration of H2SO4. The highest yield of ethanol was observed for the sample pretreated with 10% of concentrated H2SO4. For 100 ml of fermentation liquor 40 ml of ethanol was obtained. The purity of ethanol obtained was 68%. This proves that the utilization of waste paper as a raw material for production of biomass based fuels both enhances the economic potential. The ethanol synthesis from waste papers may replenish the fuel availability and it may lead to the sustained development. ACKNOWLEDGMENT We would like to express our immense gratitude to our guide Mr. Abhijit Bhatkal and Prof. D. N. Sastry (KLE College of Pharmacy, Belgaum) for their support. Lastly, we also would like to thank the H.O.D. and staff of Biotechnology department for their kind co-operation. Page 593 International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016) REFERENCES [1]. Kafuku, G and Mbarawa, M., Alkaline catalyzed biodiesel production from moringa oleifera oil with optimized production parameters, Applied Energy, 2010, 87 (8), 2561-2565. [2]. Demirbas. Biofuels: securing the plants future energy needs, Springer, London, 2009. [3] G.D.Rai, Non - Conventional Energy Sources, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 2012. [4] Ribéreau-G. P. and Sapis, J. C., On the presence in wine of tyrosol, tryptophol, phenylethyl alcohol and gammabutyrolactone, secondary products of alcoholic fermentation. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des seances de l'Academie des sciences. 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