Rank Boosting Approach Using Sentiment Analysis for Big Data Applications

International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016)
Rank Boosting Approach Using Sentiment Analysis for Big
Data Applications
Khushboo Ramesh Shrote
Prof. A.V. Deorankar
Mtech in Computer Science and Engineering
Government College of Engineering Amravati
Associate Professor in Computer Science and
Government College of Engineering Amravati
Abstract— Recommender systems are the most valuable tools
of this era.These systems have power to give individualized
suggestions among available options. Many Traditional
Recommender systems are available . But those systems
suffer from scalability and inefficiency problems . In most of
the cases existing recommender services presents same results
as the ratings given. So, a Rank Boosting Approach is
designed in this paper. This Approach gives personalized
recommendation. Both active users preferences and passive
users positive, negative reviews and sentiments in the text are
considered for overall score calculation. More than one
keyword can be used for preferences. Sentiment Analysis is
used for more accuracy.For implementation of this method
hadoop platform is used. Hadoop is an open source project
which will significantly improve the accuracy and efficiency
by providing data set clustering across multiple nodes. It also
provides fault tolerance in case of system failure.
Analysis, Reviews, Big Data.
Daug Cutting and his team. Hadoop architecture is
inspired by Google File System. Google uses the
MapReduce Algorithm. This algorithm divides the task
into small parts and assigns them to many computers
and collects the result from them which when
integrated, form the result dataset. Hadoop also runs
applications using the MapReduce algorithm where
data is clustered and distributed to many nodes for
processing in parallel.
Commodity Hardwares
A. Background :
Big Data Analysis is one of the major tasks in
industry. Storage of such a huge amount of data is not
the problem but read that data back to do analysis is the
main problem. The term Big Data is used when the
amount of data that needs to be processed is greater than
the current capacity of storage and analysis of the
system. Big Data has three characteristics as volume,
velocity and variety. Volume refers to the amount of
data that needs to be processed. It has moved terabytes
to zetabytes. Velocity refers to the speed at which data
can be processed with minimal error rate. Variety refers
to all types of data such as unstructured, semistructured
and structured data. Structured data can be easily
analysed using SQL as it is in the form of rows and
columns. A well defined schema is there. Unstructured
data is the data in the raw form such as facebook and
twitter logs, text files, word documents etc. This data
can not be easily analyzed. To analyse this data Hadoop
can be used. Hadoop is the open source project
developed by
ISSN: 2231-5381
Fig 1. MapReduce Architecture
There are many big data analysis tools but the features
that made hadoop distinct from others are :
Accessible : Hadoop can run on distributed clusters of
nodes as commodity hardwares. Commodity hardware
is the term used for workstation or personal computers
which are IBM based.
Robust : Hadoop is designed to tolerate hardware
malfunctions such as system failure, power failure. At
least three copies of same data are stored in different
nodes. Most of the failures are handled using the
secondary namenode.
Scalable : More nodes can be added dynamically, once
the multinode cluster has been set up.
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International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016)
Simple : Users can easily write parallel codes using
Hadoop. MapReduce is a programming model where
sets of data can be distributed among
the nodes of a cluster
and processed parallel. There are two types of node
such as name node and data node . Name node is
master of the system. It maintains and manages the
blocks which are present on the slave node. It stores the
metadata about data nodes. Data nodes are the nodes
which are deployed on each machine and provide the
actual storage. It is responsible for serving read and
write requwsts for the clients. This model has two main
steps which are 1. Map – Distribute the job among the
data nodes and 2. Reduce – Collect the results.
Sentiment Analysis is the software that
captures feelings, attitudes, emotions and opinions.
Using Sentiment Analysis businesses can track new
product perception, brand perception, reputation
management and flame detection. It gives opinion on
global scale.
B. Motivation :
In recent years data is growing exponentially. So,
the question arises how to do analysis of such large
amount of data and rank services. In most of the
traditional recommendation systems ratings given
and recommendation list is same. So the problem is
how to provide personalized recommendation list to
recommend service with highest rank. Customers
need recommendation for the best product or service
among available options. So a Rank Boosting
Approach is proposed in this paper.
In this paper above challenges are addressed
using following contributions :
(1) A Rank Boosting approach is proposed in this
which is based on user based
collaborative filtering algorithm.
(2) More than one Keyword can be used, keywords
extracted from reviews of previous users are
used for indicating their preferences.
(3) Sentiments matching is done and corresponding
score is calculated.
II. Literature Review
Existing recommendation systems recommend
services according to ratings given to that service.
Users reviews are not considered. Sentiments in the text
are not considered.
Shunmei Meng in 2014 proposed a KASR
method for personalized recommendation. In this user
paper based collaborative filtering algorithm is used. To
make the method more efficient and scalable it is
implemented on Hadoop.
ISSN: 2231-5381
Jaccard coefficient and Cosine similarity measure is
used for evaluation. Jaccard Coefficient method is not
so accurate. Users positive and negative reviews are not
differentiated. Sentiments in the text is not considered
for calculation.
Guosheng kang in 2012 proposed a paper on
active web service recommendation. Web usage history
and QoS are the main criteria for recommendation .
Using this approach top k services are generated for
users. Passive users reviews about the website is not
considered. Usage history count is only used for
Xiwang yang in 2013 proposed a paper on Bayesian
inference based recommendation in online social
networks. In this content ratings are shared with friends.
Conditional probability is used for calculating rating
similarity. Based on similarity score ranking is done.
There is a Cold start and rating sparseness problem.
Faustuno Sanchez in 2012 proposed a paper on
recommender system for sport videos, transmitted over
the Internet and/or broadcast, in the context of largescale events, which has been tested for the Olympic
Games. The recommendation is based on audiovisual
consumption and does not depend on the number of
users, running only on the client side. This avoids the
concurrence, computation and privacy problems of
central server approaches in scenarios with a large
number of users, such as the Olympic Games. Whole
video have to recommend. Specific video fragment can
not be recommended using this approach.
Yan Ying Chen in 2013 proposed a paper on
probabilistic personalized travel recommendation
model. For mining demographics for travel landmarks
and paths people attributes and photos are used which
are effective, and thus benefiting personalized travel
recommendation services. Only few parameters are
used for similarity calculation. Need
to expand
reaserch work to include more attributes for accuracy
and efficiency.
Zibin Zheng in 2013 proposed a paper on quality
of service ranking prediction for cloud services. Rating
based approaches and ranking based approaches are
studied in this paper, so that the users can obtain QoS
ranking prediction as well as detailed QoS value
III. System Architecture :
A. Overall Architecture of System :
In figure 3.1. general concept is given. In figure
3.2 System Architecture overall concept of paper is
established. Keywords are used to indicate both users
preferences and candidate service quality. Similar
users are then sorted using user based collaborative
filtering algorithm. These similar users positive,
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International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016)
negative reviews and sentiments in the text are
differentiated. Sentiment analysis is used for score
calculation. Top scoring services will be recommended
first. Thus this Rank Boosting Approach recommends
personalized ratings list to each user. It provides most
appropriate top k ranking services to the user.
Moreover, to increase scalability and efficiency
MapReduce framework on Hadoop is used. General
concept is as follow :
Query input
from user
Fig 2. General Concept of Recommendation system
Processing includes following steps :
Dataset Cleaning
Query I/P
Creating Dictionaries
Rating Short Comments
Keyword Extraction from Long
Then rating according to keywords is done. Hotel
which has highest rating is then recommended as top
most rank choice.
B. Methods used :
Methods that we are going to use are as follow:
1. Dataset Cleaning :
In this method all
keywords are extracted. First removal of stop
words is done, then remove spaces. Then we
are left with only keywords.
2. Creating Dictionary : Now we have a list of
Keywords with us. For rating those words we
have to create
rating dictionary. This
dictionary includes keyword and rate given to
that keyword. When user enter any keyword,
exact matching keyword is first searched then
corresponding rating that we have given is
3. Rating Short Comments : Calculation of all
the rating values is done using Sentiment
Analysis. Highest scoring hotel is ranked one
and recommended first.
4. Keyword Extraction from Long Comments :
Long comments include stop words, spaces ,
words in ing form so we have to remove all
these things. To obtain keyword in root form
Porter Stemmer algorithm is used. Stop words
and spaces are removed using our own
programming logic. Term Frequency (TF) is
calculated. In cases where same keyword is
extracted many times, reduce it to one. So
more efficiency is obtained.
Recommendation : Keywords extracted from
short comments, long comments and users
preferences are stored in a dictionary. Rate all
keywords. Calculate the overall score and then
Recommendation list to users.
IV. Conclusions
A. Conclusion :
Fig 3. Overall System Architecture
The dataset of Hotels that we are going to refer
contains short comments about hotels and long
comments. First we will do analysis using short
comments and provide recommendation. Then we will
use long comments as input, do processing and extract
keywords from comments. Keyword matching is done.
ISSN: 2231-5381
In this paper a rank boosting approach to recommend
services to users is proposed. Users can give more than
one keyword as a preference. We already have a huge
dataset of hotels in the metro cities. First dataset
cleaning is done. Stop words, spaces are removed then
keywords are obtained. Exact matching keywords are
found out from the dataset. We have Form the rating
dictionary and have given rating values from -1 to +1.
Sentiment Analysis is used for calculation. Hotel with
highest rating value is ranked one and recommended
first. This ranking changeable. So we have to make
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International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016)
updations in the rating dictionary as passive users
reviews changes. So, Recommendation is dynamic and
more realistic.
We are using MapReduce in java to reduce number
of same keywords into one. Finally we will run this
project on Hadoop. Hadoop is an open-source
framework designed by Doug Cutting and his team.
Hadoop allows to store and process big data in a
distributed environment across clusters of computers
using MapReduce. It is designed to scale up from single
servers to thousands of commodity machines, each
offering local computation and storage.
B. Future Scope :
Internation-al Workshop on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining,
pp. 478-481, 2010.
In future research can also be done in the area where
a different term appears than the domain thesaurus.
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