The Government Spending Multiplier in a Model with the Cost Channel Salem Abo-Zaid∗ Department of Economics, Texas Tech University Abstract This paper studies the government spending multiplier in the presence of the cost channel of the nominal interest rate. I find that the spending multiplier of normal times declines markedly when this channel is introduced. The drop in the multiplier is bigger for more flexible prices and stronger responses to inflation in the interest-rate rule. The rise in government spending leads to a rise in the nominal interest rate and, with the cost channel, to a rise in the marginal cost and inflation. In turn, this leads to a bigger rise in the nominal interest rate and the expected real interest rate, hence a lower multiplier, than in the model that abstracts from the cost channel. On the other hand, to the extent that firms’ borrowing costs rise at the zero lower bound following government spending shocks, the cost channel makes the spending multiplier larger than in a model that does not account for this channel. When the nominal interest rate is fixed, the cost channel induces a bigger drop in the expected real interest rate and thus a larger government spending multiplier. Therefore, by ignoring the cost channel, the government spending multiplier is overestimated in normal times and underestimated during liquidity-trap episodes. Since liquidity-trap periods are rare, however, the spending multiplier is mostly lower than in previous estimates. Keywords: Government Spending Multiplier; Cost Channel; Fiscal Policy; Monetary Policy; Zero Lower Bound. JEL Classification: E52; E58; E62; E63. 1. Introduction The main goal of this paper is to study the government spending multiplier in a model with the cost channel of the nominal interest rate. It is found that the cost channel matters a great deal for the size of the spending multiplier but the exact effects depend on the episode considered. In normal times, during which the nominal interest rate is not fixed, the cost channel reduces the multiplier considerably. Depending on the strength of this channel, the multiplier can drop from above one to zero or even a negative value just because of the ∗ 248 Holden Hall, Department of Economics, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, 79409. Email: March 6, 2016 mere introduction of the cost channel. This effect is stronger for less rigid prices, stronger response of the nominal interest rate to inflation, more persistent government spending and lower intertemporal elasticity of substitution in the utility function. However, when the nominal interest rate is fixed, as can happen because of the zero lower bound (ZLB) constraint, the cost channel makes the spending multiplier larger provided that the borrowing costs of firms rise in response to government spending shocks. For plausible calibration of the model, the liquidity-trap spending multiplier more than doubles in the presence of the cost channel compared to its value in a model that does not account for this channel. This effect is stronger when prices are less rigid and the responses of the firms’ borrowing interest rates to government spending shocks are stronger. The intuition behind these results is as follows. When the nominal interest rate is free to adjust, the rise in government spending raises this interest rate and, as a result, the marginal costs of firms. In turn, this leads a larger increase in inflation and inflation expectations than in a model that abstracts from this channel. And, since the nominal interest rate increases by more than one-for-one with inflation (and the expected inflation rate), the rise in inflation triggers even a larger increase in the nominal interest rate. The result is a larger increase in the expected real interest rate, which induces a bigger decline (or at least a muted rise) in consumer spending. In turn, the multiplier will be smaller than in an otherwise model without the cost channel. When the ZLB constraint is binding, however, the behavior of the expected (and actual) real interest rate is reversed. Higher borrowing costs of firms raise the marginal costs, and thus inflation and expected inflation by more than in the absence of the cost channel. However, at the ZLB, the nominal interest rate that is relevant for consumer spending remains unchanged (and it is unaffected by the cost channel). Therefore, the decline in the expected real interest rate is larger than in the absence of this channel, which in turn implies a larger spending multiplier during this type of episodes. Therefore, previous estimates of the multiplier that did not account for the cost channel underestimated the multiplier of stress times and overestimated the multiplier of normal times, implying a bigger asymmetry when the cost channel is accounted for. This study extends an otherwise standard New Keynesian (NK) model by allowing for the cost channel to be operative. Following Christiano et al. (2005) and Ravenna and Walsh (2006), among others, I assume that the wage bills of firms are paid before production takes place, thus giving rise to borrowing by firms (which, in turn, leads to supply-side effects of the nominal interest rate on inflation as in the standard cost channel of monetary policy). In particular, the marginal cost of firms becomes a function of the nominal interest rate on borrowing. The basic setup assumes one interest rate in the economy, but to address the change in firms’ borrowing interest rates at the ZLB, I assume that these rates differ from the policy interest rate. The deviation between these interest rates can possibly result from market power in the intermdiation sector, adjustment costs of loans and other costs associated with changes in the scale of operation of banks. See Elyasiani et al. (1995), Freixas and Rochet (1997) and Kopecky and VanHoose (2012), among others, for a discussion. 2 The paper adds to the recent literature on the government spending multiplier. Christiano et al. (2011) first show that the multiplier is modest (slightly above 1) when the nominal interest rate is governed by a standard Taylor rule. However, they show that the government-spending multiplier can be much larger than one if the nominal interest rate does not respond to an increase in government spending, as can happen when the nominal interest rate hits the zero lower bound. The rise in government spending raises output and inflation expectations. When the nominal interest rate is at the lower bound, that leads to a decline in the real interest rate and to a further rise in consumption, output and expected inflation, leading to a loop of rising inflation expectations and output. The multiplier, thus, can be large. Quantitatively, the benchmark calibration of their model with the ZLB delivers a multiplier of more than three times the size of the multiplier of normal times. In a related study, Carrillo and Poilly (2013) show that financial frictions increase the size of the government spending multiplier, particularly at the ZLB. The liquidity-trap multiplier increases by 2.8 and the nonliquidity-trap multiplier increases by roughly 0.8 compared to a model without financial frictions. Carlstrom et al. (2014) consider the effects of the duration of interest rate peg on the size of the spending multiplier within a New-Keynesian framework. They compare the results when the monetary-fiscal expansion lasts a certain number of periods (“deterministic duration”) with the results when the expansion is stochastic (with a mean that is equal to the fixed number of periods under the deterministic case). They find that the size of the stochastic multiplier is large and clearly larger than the deterministic multiplier. For example, when the interest rate is fixed for 4 periods (or the mean is 4), the stochastic multiplier is 66.9 and the deterministic multiplier is 2.3. Using a model similar to Carlstrom et al. (2014), Dupor and Li (2015) study the “expected inflation channel” and its implications for the government spending multiplier. They show that having a large multiplier requires a large response of expected inflation to government spending. However, according to their empirical evidence, that has not been the case in the U.S. over the periods 1959-1979 and 1981-2002 and, therefore, the expected inflation channel has no support in U.S. data or it has been too small to generate large fiscal multipliers. Furthermore, their analyses distinguish between “passive” monetary policy, which occurs when the central bank increases the nominal interest rate by less than one-for-one with the change in the expected inflation rate, and “active” monetary policy, when the opposite occurs. It is found that under a passive monetary policy the multiplier exceeds one, and under an active policy it is less than one. The size of the fiscal multiplier at the ZLB has recently been questioned by the empirical findings of Ramey and Zubairy (2015). The authors construct quarterly U.S. data for 1889-2013 to test whether government spending multipliers differ according to the amount of slack in the economy and being near the ZLB. They find that the amount of slack in the economy does not affect the size of the multiplier. Further, the analysis does not point out to any statistically different multipliers between normal times and ZLB episodes, particulary when the full sample is used. Therefore, contrary to recent findings, government spending 3 multipliers during the Great Recession were not necessarily higher than the average. Auerbach and Gorodnichenko (2012), on the other hand, use U.S. data for 1947:Q1-2008:Q4 and find large differences in the size of spending multipliers between recessions and expansions: government spending is considerably more effective in recessions than in expansions, which aligns with the predictions of quantitative models. My analyses indicate that the asymmetry predicted by a quantitative model is bigger when the cost channel is introduced. Caggiano et al. (2015) show that the size of the spending multiplier depends on the strength of the business cycle: when the authors distinguish between deep and mild recessions, and weak and strong expansions, they find that fiscal multipliers are larger in deep recessions than in strong expansionary periods. Existing literature also considered other aspects that can be important for the size of the fiscal multiplier. Gali et al. (2007) extend a standard NK model to account for rule-of-thumb consumers. They show that the exact agent’s preferences matter for the size of the multiplier, including being larger than or less than unity. Monacelli and Perotti (2008) first document that variations in government purchases generate a rise in consumption, the real wage and the product wage, and a fall in the markup. They then build an otherwise standard business cycle model with price rigidity, in which preferences can be consistent with an arbitrarily small wealth effect on labor supply, and show that the model can well match the empirical evidence on the effects of government spending shocks. This highlights again the role of preferences for the size of the multiplier. Zubairy (2014) studies the government spending multiplier in a stochastic general equilibrium model that features other distortionary taxes and finds that the impact government spending multiplier is 1.07. In addition, private consumption responds positively to government spending shocks and the multipliers for labor and capital taxes are 0.13 and 0.34, respectively. Bouakez et al. (2015) find a multiplier of 2.3 in a model with public investment and suggest that ignoring the investment component of the 2009 Stimulus Package leads to underestimation of the multiplier by roughly a half. In light of the wide range of findings about the fiscal multiplier, Leeper et al. (2011) study the fiscal multipliers in five nested models: a simple real business cycle (RBC) model, the RBC model with real frictions, a standard new Keynesian model, the new Keynesian model with hand-to-mouth agents and an open economy version of the new Keynesian model. They use Bayesian prior predictive tools and conclude that model specifications and prior distributions can tightly limit the range of possible spending multipliers. Moreover, a passive monetary policy yields strong multipliers for output, consumption and investment. Despite its empirical validity, the cost channel of the nominal interest rate has not been addressed in the context of the government spending multiplier. This paper aims for filling that gap in the literature. To this end, I first provide more updated evidence regarding the existence of a cost channel and then examine the fiscal multiplier in a computable model with this channel and compare it to a model that abstracts from it. I find that the cost channel became more significant since 1984, that the firms’ credit spread surged during the current ZLB episode and that firms’ borrowing costs are responsive to government spending shocks, which supports the choice of a model that distinguishes between the policy interest 4 rate and the borrowing rates of firms as a platform to study the implications of the cost channel for the size of the multiplier when the ZLB constraint is binding. The effects of the cost channel on the fiscal multiplier are robust to multiple specifications about agent’s preferences, the degree of price rigidity, the responses to inflation in the interest-rate rule, the strength of the cost channel (in the empirically relevant range) and other parameters. In particular, the differences between the multipliers with and without the cost channel are bigger for less rigid prices. This happens because the coefficient of the nominal interest rate in the New-Keynesian Phillips Curve is bigger for lower price rigidity. When prices approach full stickiness, the cost channel does not affect the size of the fiscal multiplier as the marginal cost, through which the cost channel operates, becomes immaterial for the behavior of inflation. The results of the paper are compared to those of Christiano et al. (2011), Carlstrom et al. (2014) and Dupor and Li (2015). I conduct the analyses for passive and active central banks as defined in the latter study. Interestingly, I find that the cost channel weakens the multiplier in the presence of “active” monetary policy but strengthens the multiplier of a “passive” monetary policy. The reason for these results are as follows. When the interest rate initially rises in response to government spending shocks, the marginal cost rises, and so do inflation and the expected inflation rate. With a passive central bank, the nominal interest rate rises by less than one-for-one with the rise in the expected inflation rate, leading to a bigger drop in the expected real interest rate compared to the model with no cost channel. The result will be a higher spending multiplier. With an active monetary policy, the nominal interest rate rises by more than one-for-one with the rise in the expected inflation rate, which makes the rise in the expected real interest rate with the cost channel lower than in an otherwise model without it, leading a lower multiplier. When the central bank is neutral, in the sense that the nominal interest rate rises by precisely one-for-one with the expected inflation rate, the cost channel does not affect the size of the multiplier. The remainder of the paper proceeds as follows. Section 2 outlines the model economy. Section 3 provides empirical evidence on the existence of the cost channel. Section 4 presents the government spending multiplier of normal times. Section 5 presents robustness analyses using alternative preferences and monetary policy rule. The spending multiplier of a constant interest rate and evidence regarding the responsiveness of firms’ borrowing costs to government spending shocks are presented in Section 6. Section 7 concludes. 2. The Model Economy The economy is populated by a continuum of infinitely-lived households who derive utility from consumption and leisure. Households also hold cash and they are engaged in the intermediation sector by holding some of their assets in the form of interest-earning deposits. Intermediate-good firms operate in an environment of monopolistic competition. They hire labor as the only input to produce differentiated products, set prices in a staggered fashion and borrow from intermediaries to finance their wage bill as in a standard model with the 5 “working capital” requirement. The products of these firms are sold to final-good firms (retailers) who package them into final goods using a one-to-one technology. The basic setup through which the cost channel is introduced follows Ravenna and Walsh (2006) and Christiano et al. (2005), and the reader may refer to these studies for more details. 2.1. Households The problem of the representative household is to choose consumption ct , labor supply nt , deposits Dt and cash Mt to maximize: ∞ [cγt (1 − nt )1−γ ]1−σ − 1 E0 ∑ β ( ) 1−σ t=0 t (1) where β is the subjective discount factor, E0 is the expectation operator, σ > 0 and γ ∈ (0, 1). The assumption of non-separable utility function follows Christiano et al. (2011), but I will also show the results with seperable preferences in what follows. At the beginning of the period, households make deposits at the financial intermediary and the remaining amount Mt + Wt nt − Dt , with Wt being the nominal wage, is used for consumption. At the end of the period, households receive profits from the financial intermediary and intermediate-good firms as well as the principle and interest on their deposits at the intermediary. The corresponding constraints that households face and a full description of their problem is presented in Appendix A.1. The optimization by households leads to the following standard consumption Euler equation and the labor supply condition, respectively, expressed in log deviations from the steady state: n n ̂t −Et [̂ n̂t = R πt+1 − [γ(1 − σ) − 1]̂ ct+1 + (1 − γ)(1 − σ) n̂ t+1 ] 1−n 1−n (2) n ̂t ĉt + n̂t = w (3) 1−n where x denotes the non-stochastic steady state and x̂t is the log deviation from this steady state for any variable xt , πt is the inflation rate, wt is the real wage and Rt is the nominal policy (or market) interest rate. As expected, these conditions hold regardless of the cost channel and they are similar to the corresponding conditions in Christiano et al. (2011). With logarithmic preferences (σ = 1), condition (2) restores the more familiar form of the log-linearized Euler condition as preferences become separable in labor and consumption. [γ(1−σ)−1]̂ ct −(1−γ)(1−σ) 2.2. The Production Sector As is standard in the literature, two types of firms operate in this sector: monopolistically competitive intermediate-good firms who produce differentiated products and perfectly competitive firms who transform intermediate goods into final goods using a constant return to scale technology. 6 2.2.1. Final-Good Firms Firms in this sector operate in a perfectly competitive environment. They purchase a continuum of intermediate goods from intermediate-good producers, indexed by j ∈ (0, 1), and assemble them into final goods using the following technology: 1 yt = (∫ 0 ε−1 ε ε ε−1 yj,t dj) (4) with yj,t being the quantity of intermediate-good j that is purchased by a final-good firm and ε > 1 is the elasticity of substitution between two differentiated types of intermediate goods. Profit maximization by intermediate-good producers gives the following downward-sloping demand function for the product variety j: yj,t = ( 1 Pj,t −ε ) yt Pt (5) 1 1−ε where Pt = (∫0 Pj,t dj) 1−ε is the Dixit-Stiglitz aggregate price level that results from cost minimization. 2.2.2. Intermediate-Good Firms Firms in this sector are monopolistically competitive. Each firm j hires labor as the only input to produce a differentiated product using the following technology: yj,t = nj,t . (6) Firms in this sector borrow from the intermediary at the beginning of each period at an interest rate of RL,t in order to pay their wage bills. This is in line with the “working capital” requirement as in Christiano et al. (2005), Tillmann (2008) and Ravenna and Walsh (2006), among others. Following these studies, I assume in this section that the intermediation sector is perfectly competitive, complete pass through from the policy interest rate to the loan rate and no adjustment costs for the intermediary. Therefore RL,t = Rt . However, in what follows I also show the results when the loan rate is a markup over the policy rate. Each period, a firm j has the probability 1 − θ of changing its price as in Calvo (1983). With this characterization of the intermediate-good sector, the time t real profit function of firm j is given by: Πfj,t = yj,t − Rtδ wt nj,t (7) subject to (5)-(6). As in Tillmann (2008), the parameter δ measures the strength of the cost channel and it will be key to the analyses in what follows. As is standard in the NK literature, optimization leads to the following forward-looking Phillips Curve: π̂t = β Et π̂ mct (8) t+1 + κ̂ 7 and labor demand condition: ̂t ̂ ̂t + δ R m ct = w (9) with κ = (1−θ)(1−βθ) . Letting st = wyt tnt be the labor share of output and using the log-linearized θ version of the production function, condition (9) can be rewritten as: ̂t ̂ m ct = ŝt + δ R (10) which is the standard condition of the real marginal cost in models with the cost channel (see, for example, Ravenna and Walsh (2006) and Tillmann (2008)). The Phillips Curve then reads: ̂t ) π̂t = β Et π̂ st + δ R (11) t+1 + κ (̂ and, thus, the nominal interest rate directly affects the behavior of inflation. Introducing the parameter that governs the strength of the cost channel (δ) appears here of particular importance. First, setting this parameter to zero allows straightforward comparisons with the model that abstracts from the cost channel. Second, if δ was imposed to be one, then condition (11) implies that the response of inflation to changes in the nominal interest is captured by κ, which may not be necessarily the case. Indeed, as will be illustrated in the next section, this parameter mostly differs from one. 2.3. Market Clearing and Monetary Policy Government expenditures are financed via lump-sum taxes (gt = Tt ). In equilibrium, the resource constraint of the economy reads: yt = ct + gt (12) Denoting the steady-state values of government spending and output by g and y, respectively, log linearization of the resource constraint yields: ŷt = (1 − g)̂ ct + g ĝt (13) where g = yg is the steady-state government spending-output ratio. Government spending evolves according to the following AR(1) process: ĝt = ρ̂ gt−1 + ut (14) with ρ being the persistence parameter and ut ∼ N (0, σu2 ). In addition, monetary policy is governed by the following interest-rate rule: ̂t = φπ π̂t + φy ŷt R (15) In what follows, I check the robustness of the results with an alternative interest-rate rule. 8 3. The Cost Channel: Empirical Evidence This section provides some evidence about the existence of the cost channel using pre-crisis U.S data (1960:Q1-2007:Q3). The sample ends in the third quarter of 2007 to avoid any bias in the results during the recent financial crisis and the subsequent reach of the nominal interest rate the zero lower bound. The estimation is then provided for the second half of the sample (1984:Q1-2007:Q3) to asses whether the cost channel has become weaker or stronger over time. I choose 1984 as the beginning of the second period because it is well known that many macroeconomic aggregates have experienced changes since that year. It also happens to be in the middle of the sample. I estimate condition (11) and then calculate the implied value of δ. To do so, I use the 3-month treasury bill as a proxy for Rt , the non-farm business labor share of output for st and the rate of change in the GDP deflator for πt . Following Ravenna and Walsh (2006), the model is estimated using the Generalized Method of Moments with instrumental variables. All data have been detrended using the Hodrick and Prescott (HP) filter using a standard smoothing parameter of 1600. The results are reported in Table 1. Description 1960:Q1-2007:Q3 1984:Q1-2007:Q3 κ 0.034 (0.015, 0.054) 0.023 (0.005, 0.040) δ 1.087 (0.991, 1.113) 2.258 (1.818, 5.939) Price Duration 6.065 (4.567, 7.848) 7.387 (5.148, 12.297) J-Test (p-value) 0.724 0.927 κ 0.050 (0.029, 0.070) 0.030 (0.012, 0.049) Price Duration 5.094 (4.089, 5.869) 6.409 (4.765, 8.431) J-Test (p-value) 0.757 0.968 Obs. 191 95 Table 1: Empirical results- estimation of condition (11). The list of instruments follows Ravenna and Walsh (2006) and includes four lags of non-farm business sector real unit labor cost, output gap, inflation rate (GDP deflator), commodity price index inflation, 10-year minus 3-month U.S. government bond spread, non-farm business sector hourly compensation inflation and 3-month T-bill rate. 95% confidence intervals in parentheses. The J-Test tests the hypothesis that the over-identifying restrictions are satisfied. The point estimates of κ for the full sample period are in line with previous findings and with the standard values of this parameter that are used in the literature on the government spending multiplier (e.g. Christiano et al., 2011, Carlstrom et al., 2014 and Dupor and Li, 9 2015). The cost channel is very strong and the value of δ is about unity, which is similar to the findings of Ravenna and Walsh (2006) and Chowdhury et al. (2006). Furthermore, the p-values of the J-Test indicate that the over-identifying restrictions are satisfied. Over the period 1984:Q1-2007:Q3, the cost channel became significantly stronger: δ exceeds 2 and the 95% confidence interval indicates that it can reach roughly 6. Given these findings, my initial estimates of the spending multiplier will consider values of δ between 1 and 6, with the focus being on the range 1-3 where the point estimates of this parameter lie. The bottom panel shows the estimation of the Phillips Curve using the (non-farm business) unit labor cost (ULC), which is defined as total labor compensation divided by real output. This amounts to estimating condition (8). Given our linear technology, the ULC is essentially the real marginal cost. The results indicate a slightly higher κ than in the estimations with the labor share and the interest rate, and they also show a reduction in the size of κ in the second sub period. The table also reports the corresponding price durations, which can be found by using the 1 condition κ = (1−θ)(1−βθ) and the fact that the price duration is given by 1−θ . All cases indicate θ that the price duration is above 4 quarters, mostly 6 quarters or more, and can reach as high as 12 quarters. These estimates are clearly higher than micro evidence about the duration of price contracts: Bils and Klenow (2004) find that, even after excluding temporary price cuts (sales), half of prices last up to 5.5 months. Nakamura and Steinsson (2008) report a higher price duration: with the exclusion of product substitutions, the uncensored durations of regular prices are between 8-11 months. Allowing for price changes associated with product substitutions, the median duration until either the price changes or the product disappears is 7-9 months. Christiano et al. (2005) find a price duration of 2.5 quarters and Smets and Wouters (2007) suggest an average duration of prices of 3 quarters. All of these estimates lie within the 1-4 quarters range. Therefore, to be consistent with the literature on government spending multipliers, my analyses will first use the values of κ as in Table 1. Then, I will use other values of κ that are consistent with the existing evidence about the average duration of prices, particularly the micro evidence, which suggests average price durations between 2 and 4 quarters. For robustness, Table B.1 presents the results using the Baxter-King (BK) Band Pass Filter as the filtering method and with Moody’s Seasoned Baa Corporate Bond Yield as the alternative measure for firms’ costs. With the BK filter, κ is lower, but δ is higher (and for the most part, δ tends to be higher with lower κ, thus keeping the coefficient of the interest rate κδ more stable across specifications), but δ remains within the 1-6 interval. With the Baa series, κ is similar to the previous estimates and δ is different from one. The average price durations in either case are similar to their values in the benchmark analyses. Table B.2 reports the results with Maximum Likelihood estimation. The values of κ and δ are largely within the ranges that have been found in Table 1, and δ appears to be larger than one. Furthermore, as the Likelihood Ratio (LR) tests shows, the model without the cost channel is strongly rejected in favor of the model that accounts for it. The estimates for average price durations are also in line with their benchmark values. 10 4. The Government Spending Multiplier The main analyses regarding the government spending multiplier are presented in this section. By using conditions (3), (8) and (9), the Phillips Curve can be written as: π̂t = β Et π̂ ct + t+1 + κ (̂ n ̂t ) n̂t + δ R 1−n (16) Following the literature, the model is solved using the Method of Undetermined Coefficients. Under the assumption that φπ > 1, the solution yields: ŷt = Â gt (17) where: A=g κ(φπ − ρ) + (1 − ρ)(1 − βρ − δκφπ )[γ(σ − 1) + 1] n 1 + 1−n + δφy ] (1 − βρ − δκφπ )[1 + (1 − g)φy − ρ] + (1 − g)(φπ − ρ)κ [ 1−g (18) The government spending multiplier is then given by: dyt A = dgt g (19) 1 − g ĉt dyt . =1+ dgt g ĝt (20) or, alternatively: By setting δ = 0, we get the exact government spending multiplier as in Christiano et al. (2011). Clearly, the multiplier is affected by the presence of the cost channel, but the exact effect is not possible to tell without further information and it may depend on the size of δ as well as other parameters. There is one case, however, when the role of the cost channel is easy to see: if prices approach full stickiness (θ → 1), κ approaches zero, and the cost channel will not affect the size of the multiplier. This result is as expected since, according to condition (9), the interest rate does not affect the behavior of the marginal cost (hence, inflation), and the cost channel is immaterial. As will be outlined below, the size of κ is very important for the size of the multiplier and for the effects of the cost channel on it. As expected, condition (20) makes it clear that the size of the multiplier depends on the response of consumption to government spending disturbances. If consumption rises (“crowding in”), then the multiplier will be larger than one. If it falls (“crowding out”), the multiplier will be less than one. And, if consumption does not respond to shocks to government spending, then the multiplier will be exactly one. 4.1. Results Table 2 summarizes the parameter values that I use in the benchmark analyses. These values mostly follow Christiano et al. (2011), with the only exception being κ, which is set based 11 on the empirical analysis that has been presented above. These parameter values are widely accepted in the literature, but I will conduct comprehensive robustness analyses by changing the values of these parameters and examine how the cost channel affects their effects on the spending multiplier. I will also compare my results to Christiano et al. (2011) using their value of κ = 0.03. Parameter Value β σ γ ρ κ g φπ φy n 0.99 2.00 0.29 0.80 0.034 0.20 1.50 0.00 1/3 Table 2: Values of the parameters. Figure 1 shows the government spending multiplier for values of δ between 0 and 6. Without the cost channel, the multiplier is slightly above one (as in Christiano et al., 2011), but it declines rapidly as the significance of the cost channel rises. At roughly δ = 6, the multiplier becomes negative. This figure confirms the conjectures regarding the effects of the cost channel on the size of the multiplier and it suggests that not only this effect can be large, but it rises exponentially as this channel becomes stronger within the empirically plausible range. Furthermore, the fact that the multiplier can turn negative suggests that the cost channel may matter for more than just the numerical value of the multiplier. 1.2 1 Multiplier 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Figure 1: The government spending multiplier for various values of δ. Within the range of δ = 1-3, the multiplier drops from 1.03 to 0.85, which is relatively muted. Notice, however, that this calculation is based on a value of θ = 0.835, which implies an average price duration of more than 6 quarters. As discussed above, this lies outside the range of average price durations that have been found in empirical work, particularly at the micro level. For this reason, in what follows I experiment on the price rigidity parameter 12 θ within the plausible range of average durations of prices and consider the implications of changing this parameter for the size of the spending multiplier. As in Christiano et al. (2011), the multiplier (with no cost channel) exceeds one due to the complementarity between consumption and labor. A rise in government spending raises output and labor and, due to this complimentarily, pushes for higher consumption. This effect clashes with the substitution effect that results from a higher expected real interest rate. With σ = 2, the first effect dominates, and consumption end up rising in the aftermath of a surge in government spending (implying a multiplier above one). In what follows, I show that this result depends on the size of σ. Interestingly, the cost channel itself can reverse this result and that will be proven true for other values of σ. The key intuition behind the effects of the cost channel on the spending multiplier can be seen through the response of the expected real interest rate to government spending shocks. As shown in Appendix A.2, the expected real interest rate is given by: gt Et r̂ t+1 = (φπ − ρ)Q̂ (21) and, therefore, its response to a government spending shock depends on the response of inflation to this shock (captured by Q). In particular, since φπ > ρ, the expected real interest rate will rise by more than in the model without the cost channel as the response of inflation to spending shocks is bigger. Indeed, Figure B.1 shows that the response of the expected real interest rate to spending shocks is an increasing function of δ. With higher values of δ, the rise in the expected real interest rate is bigger and, therefore, the multiplier is lower. Furthermore, the shape of this graph is exactly the opposite of the multiplier (Figure 1), which further supports the intiution behind the results of this subsection. The rise in the actual real interest rate is also bigger when the cost channel is operative. The actual real interest rate will rise provided that φπ > 1, which is the standard assumption in this class of models. This results from the fact that the nominal interest rate rises by more than one-for-one with the inflation rate. The cost channel makes Q larger and thus leads to a bigger real interest rate. The derivations are shown in Appendix A.2. When the nominal policy interest rate responds to output alongside inflation (φy > 0), the same arguments hold. In this case, the expected real interest rate is given by: ̂t Et r̂ t+1 = [(φπ − ρ)Q + φy A] g (22) which, other things equal, shows a larger increase in the expected real interest rate than in the model with response to inflation only. Therefore, the government spending multiplier in this case is lower than in the model with φy = 0 even in the absence of the cost channel, which is in line with the findings of Christiano et al. (2011). Figure B.2 shows the numerical results with the cost channel, and they are very similar to the results of Figure 1. Since the effects of the cost channel are similar to the model with no response to output, I proceed with the assumption that the nominal interest rate responds to inflation only. 13 4.2. Changing the Price Rigidity Parameter Figure 2a reports the results of varying δ for three values of the price rigidity parameter. 1 Since the duration of prices is given by 1−θ , these values correspond to price durations of 2, 3 and 4 quarters, which are the most consistent with the micro empirical evidence. The impact of the cost channel is significantly stronger than with higher degrees of price rigidity. With 4 quarters, the multiplier falls from 0.90 to 0.29 in this range of δ. With shorter price durations, the multiplier drops faster and it even becomes negative at values of δ between 2 and 3. Furthermore, the impact of the cost channel is magnified as the price duration drops and δ rises. This is well illustrated by the fact that the difference between the bottom and the middle lines is significantly larger than the difference between the first and the second lines (even though the difference between the values of θ is smaller). (a) (b) 1 1 0.5 0.5 0 Multiplier Multiplier 0 -0.5 -1 -0.5 -1 -1.5 =0 =1 -1.5 -2 -2.5 0 =0.50 =0.67 =0.75 0.5 =2 =3 -2 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 3 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 1- Figure 2: The government spending multiplier, the cost channel and price rigidity. In Figure 2b, I show the results by varying the degree of price flexibility (1 − θ) for the relevant values of δ. I use values of θ between 0.5 (a price duration of 2 quarters) and 1 (fully-rigid prices). The main insights can be summarized as follows. First, regardless of the cost channel, a decrease in price rigidity leads to a decline in the multiplier. For example, with no cost channel, the multiplier drops from 1.29 to 0.76. In fact, even when prices have a high duration of 4 quarters (1 − θ = 0.25), the multiplier is 0.90, which is significantly lower than the multiplier of fully-rigid prices. Second, when prices approach full rigidity, the cost channel is immaterial, in line with our earlier discussion. Intuitively, when κ approaches zero, the nominal interest rate does not affect the pricing behavior of firms. Third, the cost channel magnifies the drop in the multiplier as prices become more flexible. With a relatively small value of δ, the multiplier drops to nearly 0.50 at a price duration of 2 quarters and to 0.80 at a price duration of 4 14 quarters. With higher values of δ, the multiplier drops to (roughly) zero or even a considerably negative value. With an intermediate value of δ, the multiplier is only 0.64 at a price duration of 4 quarters, which is half of its value with fully-rigid prices. 4.3. Changing other Parameter Values This subsection shows that the effects of the cost channel on the size of the multiplier depends on other parameters as well and that this channel strengthens or weakens their effects on the multiplier. The results are summarized in Figure 3. Consider first the response of the nominal interest to inflation (φπ ). A bigger response of the nominal interest rate to inflation leads to a higher rise in the nominal interest following a government spending shock, which lowers the size of the multiplier, with and without the cost channel. The cost channel makes this effect stronger, particularly as δ rises. 1.2 1.1 1.1 1 1 Multiplier Multiplier 0.9 0.8 0.9 0.7 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.4 =0 =1 0.7 =2 =3 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 0.6 0.5 5 0.55 0.6 0.65 1.2 1.5 1.15 1.4 1.1 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 1.3 1.05 1.2 Multiplier Multiplier 0.7 1 0.95 1.1 1 0.9 0.9 0.85 0.8 0.8 0.75 0.7 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Figure 3: The government spending multiplier for various values of the model’s parameters. 15 1 The spending multiplier is lower for more persistent government spending, which results from a bigger negative wealth effect on consumption when government spending is more persistent as the present discounted value of taxes needed to finance these expenditures is bigger. This effect is stronger in the presence of the cost channel: the bigger negative wealth effect is coupled by a bigger substitution effect that results from a larger rise in the interest rate, thus leading to a bigger drop in consumption and to a lower multiplier. With σ = 1, the government spending multiplier is less than one even in the absence of the cost channel. In this case, the lack of complementarity between labor and consumption leads to a decline in consumption following a rise in the nominal interest rate (hence, the expected real interest rate), which results in a multiplier of less than unity. The multiplier is increasing in both σ and γ. A higher γ increases the marginal utility of consumption and thus leads to a stronger response of consumption to government spending shocks. Given the non-separable preferences in consumption and labor, the marginal utility of consumption is increasing in the amount of labor supplied. This effect is stronger for higher values of σ. The cost channel in this case weakens this effect: the desire to consume more is partially offset by the bigger rise in the interest rate in the presence of the cost channel. In fact, with δ = 4 the multiplier becomes virtually unaffected by the rise in γ, for δ = 5 the multiplier is decreasing in γ (but remains slightly positive), and with δ = 6 the multiplier drops markedly with the rise in γ and becomes negative even for γ = 0.29. Similar results hold for σ. Therefore, not only that the cost channel renders the multiplier lower, but it also flattens its rise in σ and γ, and even reverses the effects of these two parameters on the size of the multiplier. 5. Robustness Analyses: Model Specification In this section, I redo the analyses using a separable utility function as in Carlstrom et al. (2014) with the rest of the model’s specifics remaining unchanged. I then use this model with an alternative interest-rate rule; the second experiment considers an interest-rate rule where the central bank responds to the expected inflation as opposed to the actual inflation rate. This modeling follows Dupor and Li (2015). The analyses with the cost channel in this section will allow for good comparisons with these two recent studies. 5.1. Separable Utility Function The period utility function in this setup is given by: u(ct , nt ) = ct1−σ n1+ν −χ t 1−σ 1+ν (23) which yields the following Euler and labor supply conditions: ̂t − Et π̂ ̂ ̂t ) R t+1 = σ(Et c t+1 − c (24) ̂t . ν n̂t + σ̂ ct = w (25) 16 By using conditions (8), (9) and (25), the Phillips Curve can then be written as: ̂t ) ̂t + σ̂ π̂t = β Et π̂ ct + δ R t+1 + κ (ν n (26) The solution for the spending multiplier, under the assumption φπ > 1, then yields: κσ(φπ − ρ) + σ(1 − ρ)(1 − βρ − δκφπ ) dyt = dgt κ [ν(1 − g) + σ + δ(1 − g)φy ] (φπ − ρ) + [σ(1 − ρ) + (1 − g)φy ] (1 − βρ − δκφπ ) (27) Once more, the multiplier is affected by the cost channel, κ matters markedly, and the cost channel will not affect the size of the multiplier when κ = 0. Furthermore, the multiplier is clearly less than one, and that holds even when the cost channel is absent (δ = 0). With ρy = 0 and ν = 0, which implies an infinite labor supply elasticity, the multiplier is exactly one, and the cost channel does not change this conclusion. 1 0.9 Multiplier 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Figure 4: The government spending multiplier for various values of δ with separable utility function. I set β = 0.99, σ = 2, ν = 0.50, ρ = 0.80, κ = 0.034, φπ = 1.5 and g = 0.20. The first four parameters are as in Carlstrom et al. (2014), κ follows the empirical findings and the rest follow Christiano et al. (2011).1 As in the model with non-separable preferences, the spending multiplier is decreasing in the size of δ, and effects of the cost channel on the multiplier are exponentially rising in the size of this parameter. Overall, the shape of this graph is similar to that of Figure 1 and, therefore, the particular assumption about preferences is not behind the main findings of the paper. 1 Carlstrom et al. (2014) analyze the multiplier at the ZLB and their multiplier does not include the last three parameters. For this reason, I use the values from the other study. 17 As before, the multiplier is very sensitive to changes in the average price duration as the cost channel becomes more significant for less rigid prices. For example, at δ = 3 and a price duration of 3 quarters, the multiplier is 0.27 as opposed to 0.87 in the model without the cost channel. For δ = 3 and a price duration of 2 quarters, the multiplier is -5.26 compared to 0.85 in the model that abstracts from this channel. 5.2. An Alternative Interest-Rate Rule: Active vs. Passive Monetary Policy The model is similar to the one from subsection 5.1, but with one modification. Following Dupor and Li (2015), the nominal interest rate is governed by the following rule: ̂t = (1 + ψ)Et π̂ R t+1 (28) Monetary policy is “active” if the nominal interest rate rises by more than one-for-one with the expected inflation rate (which occurs when ψ > 0), “passive” if the interest rate rises by less than one-for-one (ψ < 0), and “neutral” if the interest rate rises by exactly one-for-one (ψ = 0). This specification directly addresses the expected inflation rate channel that has been frequently mentioned in the fiscal multiplier literature.2 The government spending multiplier is then given by: dyt κρψσ + σ(1 − ρ)[1 − βρ − δκρ(1 + ψ)] = dgt κρψ[σ + ν(1 − g)] + σ(1 − ρ)[1 − βρ − δκρ(1 + ψ)] (29) Setting δ = 0 restores the exact government spending multiplier of Dupor and Li (2015). The spending multiplier has a value of 1 when the central bank is neutral (ψ = 0) and less than 1 for an active monetary policy (ψ > 0). The multiplier is larger than 1 if monetary policy is passive (ψ < 0) provided that the denominator is positive, which happens for most values of ψ that are between (-1) and zero. Clearly, ψ = −1 is the lower bound on this parameter, otherwise the nominal interest rate will decline following a rise in inflation expectations, which is implausible. These observations hold whether or not the cost channel exists. The intuition behind these findings is as follows: following a rise government spending, an active central bank raises the nominal interest rate by more than one-for-one in response to expected inflation, thus increasing the expected real interest rate and reducing consumer ̂t ) declines. A passive central bank increases the nominal spending. In particular (Et ĉ t+1 − c interest rate by less than one-for-one, thus leading to a rise in consumer spending. And, a neutral central bank does not influence the expected real interest rate, thus leading to no 2 As noted by Dupor and Li (2015), with ψ < 0, the equilibrium is not unique (as the coefficient of inflation in the interest-rate rule is ρ(1 + ψ) < 1). In this case, the minimum-state-variable (MSV) equilibrium, which has been frequently used in rational expectations models since McCallum (1983), is analyzed. The MSV limits solutions to those that are linear functions of the minimum set of “state variables”, which are either predetermined or exogenous determinants of current endogenous variables. McCallum (1999) argues that the MSV approach generally identifies a single solution that can “reasonably be interpreted as the unique solution that is free of bubble components”. 18 change in consumer spending: the left-hand side of equation (24) does not change, and the right-hand side does not change either. The implications of the cost channel for the size of the multiplier can be seen in condition (29). With ψ < 0, both the numerator and denominator are larger than in the model without the cost channel. But since κρψσ < κρψ[σ + ν(1 − g)], the numerator rises by more than the denominator when the cost channel is introduced, leading to a rise in the multiplier. With ψ > 0, the opposite happens, and the multiplier is lower. And, with ψ = 0, the cost channel is immaterial for the size of the multiplier. In this respect, this setup allows for a clearer illustration of the role of the cost channel in determining the size of the multiplier. (a) Passive (b) Active 0.75 4.2 4 3.8 0.7 3.4 Multiplier Multiplier 3.6 3.2 0.65 0.6 3 2.8 0.55 2.6 2.4 2.2 0 1 2 3 4 5 0.5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Figure 5: The government spending multiplier and the cost channel: active vs. passive monetary policy. The parameterization is based on Dupor and Li (2015) to allow for good comparisons with the latter study. I set β = 0.995, σ = 1, ν = 4, ρ = 0.75, κ = 0.025 and g = 0.2, ψ = −0.5 for a passive central bank and ψ = 0.5 for an active central bank. The starting point of each graph replicates exactly the multipliers of Dupor and Li (2015): a multiplier of 2.25 with a passive central bank and a multiplier of 0.71 with an active central bank. As expected, for a passive central bank, the cost channel strengthens the impact of government spending shocks on consumption and increases the multiplier. The reason for this finding is the following: the cost channel increases the expected inflation rate beyond the corresponding increase in the expected inflation rate that would materialize when this channel is absent. But, since the nominal interest rate rises by less one-for-one, the actual decline in the expected real interest rate is larger than when the cost channel is not operative, which in turn leads to a higher government spending multiplier. 19 The opposite holds for the active central bank. The decline in the expected real interest rate with the cost channel is higher than otherwise, which makes the cost-channel multiplier lower. Moreover, the impact of the cost channel on the size of the multiplier is more significant for a passive policy that for an active policy. This observation may reflect the fact that the government spending multiplier with the active central bank is already (relatively) low and the cost channel has a relatively less ability to lower it even further. The result about the active central bank is conceptually in line with the benchmark analyses (section 4). In the benchmark analyses, the central bank increases the nominal interest rate by more than one-for-one with the increase in the inflation rate. In particular, φπ = 1.5, which implies that the response to the expected inflation rate is φρπ = 1.875. In both cases, the rise in the expected real interest rate with the cost channel is larger than otherwise, and the spending multiplier is lower accordingly. The gaps between the multipliers with the and without the cost channel are larger for higher values of ψ for an active central bank and for more negative values of ψ for a passive central bank. This is particularly true for the passive central bank; for example, with ψ = −0.7, the multiplier without the cost channel is roughly 6 and the multiplier with δ = 3 is above 11. Furthermore, the effects are stronger for more flexible prices. These results can be provided upon request. More generally, the analyses of this section support the findings of the benchmark model by experiementing on the model’s specification and the interest-rate rule. The cost channel has implications for the strength of the expected inflation channel, and accounting for it provides a more accurate estimation of the strength of the expected inflation channel and its implications for the government spending multiplier. 6. The Constant Interest-Rate Government Spending Multiplier So far, the analyses assumed that the nominal interest rate is free to adjust and that it is not at the zero lower bound. In what follows, I relax this assumption by letting the nominal (policy) interest rate be fixed. More specifically, it is assumed that the ZLB constraint on the nominal policy interest rate binds. As discussed in the introduction, it is well known by now that this class of models predicts a large spending multiplier when conventional monetary policy becomes powerless. Another assumption to be relaxed in this section is that the loan interest rate and the policy interest rate are exactly the same. If they were equal, then the cost channel would not affect the size of the multiplier at the ZLB, and the results of this analysis would converge to those of Christiano et al. (2011). Furthermore, if the loan rate equals the policy rate, then the loan rate is zero as well, which goes against the evidence that I will present in this section. The first subsection presents the fiscal multiplier in the model with a constant policy interest rate. The second subsection shows evidence regarding the size of the corporate credit spread and the effects of government spending multiplier on the this spread. The 20 third subsection then reports the numerical findings. I close by a short description of the results with the separable utility function. 6.1. Analytical Analyses To account for possible deviations between the nominal loan and policy interest rates, I assume that there is a spread (ηt ) between these two rates. As discussed in the introduction, this could result from market power in the intermediation sector and costs that are associated with changes in the scale of operations of intermediaries. Expanding the size of deposits or loans may require further hiring and training (e.g. of loan officers) by the bank, increasing advertisements and possibly constructing new branches to cope with the rise in the scale of operation. This assumption follows multiple existing studies (e.g. Klein, 1971; Monti, 1972; Elyasiani et al. (1995) and Freixas and Rochet, 1997 and Kopecky and VanHoose, 2012 ). I, therefore, assume that: RL,t = Rt + ηt (30) which, as shown in Appendix A.3, can be derived from the solution to the problem of an intermediary that has market power in the loan market and/or faces cost functions as outlined above. In reality, however, deviations between the loan rate and the policy rate may arise because of other reasons and we shall assume that ηt captures all possible factors. In the context of the cost channel, a similar form of condition (30) appears also in Chowdhury et al. (2006). ̂t = 0), condition (30) can be rewritten in log deviations from At a constant policy rate (R the steady state as: η ̂ R η̂t (31) L,t = R+η and, since the interest rate that is relevant for consumers is Rt , condition (2) remains unaltered. On the other hand, the Phillips Curve is now given by: π̂t = β Et π̂ ct + t+1 + κ (̂ n ̂ n̂t + δ R L,t ) 1−n (32) The response of the credit spread to changes in government spending is governed by: η̂t = Z ĝt (33) Since we have no endogenous state variables and ĝt = 0 outside the ZLB state, all endogenous control variables jump on impact, but they revert back to their steady state values when the shock expires (i.e. when the nominal interest rate is no longer at the ZLB). For ̂t and Et ĉ this reason, following the literature, we can write Et π̂ ct , where p is t+1 = pπ t+1 = p̂ the probability that the ZLB remains in effect next period, and thus the expected duration 1 of the ZLB is T = 1−p . The solution then yields: A= g(1 − βp)(1 − p)[γ(σ − 1) + 1] − gpκ + (1 − g)pκδλZ 1 n (1 − βp)(1 − p) − pκ(1 − g) [ 1−g + 1−n ] 21 (34) η A t and the government spending multiplier is given by dy dgt = g , with λ = R+η . For δ = 0 or when the borrowing costs of firms do not respond to government spending shocks (Z = 0), the constant interest-rate government spending multiplier restores that of Christiano et al. (2011). The cost channel alters the size of the multiplier, but the exact effect depends on the response of the spread to government spending shocks and the strength of the cost channel. Crucially, it also depends on the size of the denominator (which will be referred to as ∆). With a positive ∆, if the rise in government spending raises firm’s borrowing costs, then the cost channel actually strengthens the multiplier. The intuition behind this result is the following: the rise in government spending raises the inflation rate and inflation expectations. If the borrowing costs of firms rise in response to the expansionary fiscal policy, then the marginal cost will increase. The overall result will be a bigger rise in inflation and inflation expectations, which in turn implies a stronger expected inflation channel. As a result, the spending multiplier will be larger than in the model without the cost channel. The opposite holds if, with a constant nominal policy interest rate, the borrowing costs of firms actually decline following a rise in government spending. With a negative ∆, the opposite occurs; if firms’ borrowing costs rise following an expansionary fiscal policy, then the multiplier will be lower than in an otherwise setup without the cost channel. If we restrict the analyses to the case for which government spending leads to a rise in the credit spreads, then the effects of the cost channel on the multiplier will crucially depend on the sign of ∆. The analyses will be conducted under the standard assumption of ∆ > 0 that was maintained in Christiano et al. (2011) and Carlstrom et al. (2014), among others. The size of ∆, in turn, depends on the probability that the policy interest rate will remain constant (p), and thus the duration of the interest rate peg (T ). Therefore, this parameter is set so that ∆ remains positive, in line with these studies. For comparison, the government spending multiplier of normal times when the model allows for deviations between the loan rate and the policy rate is given by: dyt κ(φπ − ρ) + (1 − ρ)(1 − βρ − δωκφπ )[γ(σ − 1) + 1] − (1 − g)(φπ − ρ)κδλZ = dgt (1 − βρ − δωκφπ )[1 + (1 − g)φy − ρ] + (1 − g)(φπ − ρ)κ [ 1 + n + δωφy ] 1−g 1−n (35) R with ω = R+η . The last term in the numerator clearly shows that a rise in the spread (i.e. Z > 0) following government spending shocks leads to a decline in the government spending multiplier. This effect is magnified by the strength of the cost channel as captured by δ. 6.2. Empirical Evidence This subsection studies the effects of government spending shocks on the credit spread and the estimation of Z. Two quarterly series for government spending are considered: First, the “Real Government Consumption Expenditures and Gross Investment”.3 Second, the “Gross 3 Ramey and Zubairy (2015) use nominal Government Consumption Expenditures and Gross Investment deflated by the GDP deflator. 22 Domestic Product by Expenditure in Constant Prices: Government Final Consumption Expenditure for the United States”, which does not account for government investment. The credit spread is measured as the difference between Moody’s Seasoned Baa Corporate Bond Yield and a 3-Month Treasury Bill Rate. All data are available in the FRED database of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. Figure B.3 shows the credit spread for the period 1960:Q4-2014:Q3, for which data have been available at the time of writing this version. The key observation for our analyses is that, during the ZLB episode in the U.S., the spread has been clearly positive and volatile, and it remained so even after the end of the Great Recession. Indeed, the average spread has been 5.7%, which is almost twice the average spread of the pre-Great Recession period (see Table B.3 for more details). Interestingly, this has also been a period with higher government spending, which raises interest in formally exploring the linkages between government spending and the credit spread, to which I turn next. To study the effects of government spending on the spread, I proceed in two ways. First, I estimate a Victor Auto-Regression (VAR) that includes the credit spread, output gap, tax receipts-GDP ratio and the 10-year minus 3-month U.S. government bond spread. The results of the VAR, which are summarized in Figure B.4, indicate that the spread positively responds to government spending shocks and that it is (very) countercyclical, which is in line with expectations. The other two variables mostly do not have significant effects on the credit spread at the 95% confidence level. Description Govt. spending: Series 1 J-Test (p-value) Govt. spending: Series 2 J-Test (p-value) 1960:Q1-2007:Q3 1984:Q1-2007:Q3 0.724 (0.424, 1.024) 0.696 (0.379, 1.014) 0.130 0.482 0.902 (0.531, 1.272) 0.741 (0.376, 1.105) 0.138 0.474 191 95 Obs. Table 3: Empirical results- GMM estimation of condition (33). The list of instruments includes four lags of the output gap, 10-year minus 3-month U.S. government bond spread, defense spending and government tax receipts as a percentage of GDP. 95% confidence intervals in parentheses. The J-Test tests the hypothesis that the over-identifying restrictions are satisfied. Series 1: Real Government Consumption Expenditures and Gross Investment. Series 2: Gross Domestic Product by Expenditure in Constant Prices: Government Final Consumption Expenditures. Defense spending: Federal defense consumption expenditures. I next estimate the value of Z using GMM by running the credit spread on government spending and the output gap (to control for the cyclical behavior of the spread). The list of instruments and the estimation results are summarized underneath Table 3. The elasticity of the credit spread with respect to government spending is positive and mostly around 1. 23 Indeed, the hypothesis that the coefficient is equal to one cannot be rejected for the full sample or the sample that starts in 1984. I thus set Z = 1 in the benchmark analyses and then report the results using another value of this parameter. 6.3. Results Figure 6 illustrates how the cost channel alters the results regarding the cost channel at the ZLB. In this figure, I show the results using both my benchmark value of κ and using that of Christiano et al. (2011) for two reasons: first, as is well known, small changes in κ can make significant differences regarding the size of the multiplier. Second, to enable close comparisons with the results of the aforementioned study. The analysis is conducted using p = 0.80, in line with Christiano et al. (2011), which implies a duration of fixed interest rate of 5 quarters. Under this parameterization, ∆ is positive. I set η = 0.057 to match the average credit spread over the period 2008:Q4-2014:Q3. This value implies λ = 0.054δ. The rest of the parameters remain as in Table 2. The multiplier is increasing linearly in the size of δ (which can be easily seen in condition (34)), and the effects can be very large. With the benchmark value of κ, the spending multiplier jumps from 8 to nearly 19 in the range of plausible values of δ. Even a small value of δ = 1 makes a significant difference as the multiplier increases from 8 to roughly 10. 20 8 7.5 18 7 6.5 Multiplier Multiplier 16 14 12 6 5.5 5 4.5 10 4 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 3.5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Figure 6: The government spending multiplier for various values of δ. Left panel: benchmark calibration (κ = 0.034). Right panel: Christiano et al. (2011) calibration (κ = 0.030). With the value of κ of Christiano et al. (2011), the multiplier starts from a value of 3.7, which is exactly the value in their study, and then more than doubles at δ = 6. Therefore, while there are differences in terms of the size of the multiplier for both values of κ, the effects of the cost channel are quite clear and they support the expectations: the cost channel plays 24 a significant role in strengthening the “inflation channel” and renders the spending multiplier considerably larger during periods of liquidity trap. Furthermore, the comparison between the two panels reveals, as in the model with variable interest rates, that the degree of price rigidity matters a lot for the size of the multiplier and that it becomes more important when it is coupled with the cost channel. When the nominal policy interest rate is fixed, the expected real interest rate can by expressed as (see Appendix A.4 for details): Et r̂ gt , t+1 = −pQ̂ (36) which indicates that the decline in the expected real interest rate following a government spending shock is bigger with a stronger response of the inflation rate to this shock (e.g. with a higher Q). With the cost channel, the response of inflation is stronger and the corresponding decline in the expected real interest rate is bigger, leading to a larger multiplier in the presence of this channel than otherwise. This is numerically illustrated in Figure B.5 where the response of the expected real interest rate is reported for the plausible range of δ (and holding p fixed). This figure also illustrates the importance of price rigidity: with more flexible prices, the rise in the inflation rate (hence, the expected inflation rate) following government spending shocks is bigger and the decline in the expected real interest rate is bigger. In turn, this explains the differences between the fiscal multiplier under the benchmark calibration of this paper and the calibration of Christiano et al. (2011). Similar arguments can be made about the actual real interest rate as can be seen in this Appendix. In fact, the actual real interest rate in this case is only a scale up of the expected real interest rate. Furthermore, Figure B.6 shows that the size of Z matters markedly for the spending multiplier. I show the results for a range of Zs between 1 and 2 since that is the range in which most point estimates lie and to be conservative regarding the value of this parameter. Consistent with condition (34), the multiplier rises linearly in Z. The cost channel makes a clear difference even for relatively small values of both Z and δ, and it becomes more significant for higher values of both parameters. The figure also presents the corresponding spending multipliers of normal times that is implied by condition (35). In this case, the government spending multiplier with positve values of Z is lower for any δ, suggesting that if, in addition to a rise in the nominal policy interest rate, the spread rises, then the spending multiplier will be even lower. Notice, however, that the effects in this case are smaller. The main reason for this observation is that the rise in the policy interest rate in itself leads to a rise in firms’ borrowing costs even if the spread remains the same and, therefore, most of the rise in the costs of borrowing of firms will be already factorized in the rise in the policy interest rate. Clearly, the differences between the fiscal multipliers of fixed and non-fixed nominal policy interest rates can be very large and they increase considerably as the cost channel becomes stronger. These differences can also be well seen in the impulse responses of output, con25 sumption and the inflation rate to government spending shocks (Figure B.7). For example, the cost channel makes the decline in consumption outside the ZLB bigger, but it leads to a larger increase in consumption at the ZLB. The spending multiplier depends on the response of consumption to the government spending shock, which in turn depends on the response of inflation along the lines that have been outlined above. The differences between the government spending multipliers of liquidity trap and normal times are underestimated when the cost channel is not accounted for. Therefore, while these findings support the fact that the government spending multiplier is larger during liquidity trap times, they intensify the debate between the empirical findings about the size of the multiplier (e.g. Ramey and Zubairy, 2015) and the results that are obtained from quantitative models, particularly since the work of Christiano et al. (2011). 6.4. Separable Utility Function With separable preferences, as in (23), we have: A= gσ[(1 − βp)(1 − p) − pκ] + (1 − g)pκδλZ σ(1 − βp)(1 − p) − pκ[σ + ν(1 − g)] (37) A t and the multiplier will be dy dgt = g . With δ = 0 or Z = 0, the constant interest-rate government spending multiplier restores that of Carlstrom et al. (2014). Overall, the effects of the cost channel on the government spending multiplier are as in the benchmark model. In particular, under the assumption ∆ > 0, the cost channel leads to a rise in the spending multiplier and the effect is bigger for higher values of κ. 2.3 4 2.2 3.5 2.1 3 Multiplier Multiplier 2 2.5 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 2 1.4 1.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 1.3 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Figure 7: The government spending multiplier for various values of δ. Left panel: benchmark calibration (κ = 0.034). Right panel: Carlstrom et al. (2014) calibration (κ = 0.028). 26 The analyses with the parameterization of Carlstrom et al. (2014) starts from their benchmark parameterization of T = 5 and κ = 0.028, which delivers a multiplier of 1.3 (Figure 7). With the cost channel, the multiplier can reach 2.3. The multiplier rises dramatically under a bigger T and/or a bigger κ. For example, by only increasing T to 6, the multiplier jumps from 5 with no cost channel to 7.16 with δ = 1 and 17.94 with δ = 6. The sensitivity of the multiplier to changes in κ and T have been discussed in Carlstrom et al. (2014) and further details can be found in that study. The key insight of the analyses of this section is that, holding κ and T fixed, the cost channel matters a great deal for the size of the multiplier during periods of constant nominal interest rates. Models that abstract from the cost channel underestimate the size of the multiplier during this type of periods. Also, since with a constant nominal policy interest rate the central bank is passive (in ̂t = 0), the only source of variations in firms’ borrowing costs is through the sense that R variations in the credit spread ηt . And since the model that has been used by Dupor and Li (2015) is exactly as in Carlstrom et al. (2014), the government spending multiplier for the constant interest rate policy for Dupor and Li (2015) is exactly as in condition (37). The only differences will be numerical that result from differences in the parameterization. The separable utility function provides a good case to compare the spending multiplier of normal times with the liquidity-trap multiplier. Using the Euler condition (24), the response of consumption to government spending shocks in normal times can be written as: ĉt (φπ − ρ) =− Q ĝt σ(1 − ρ) (38) which, given that Q > 0 and φπ > ρ, implies that consumption will decline in response to a government spending shock. This corresponds to the standard crowding out result of consumption, and it explains why the spending multiplier is less than one with separable preferences. The cost channel makes Q larger, thus amplifying the (negative) response of consumption to government spending shocks, leading to even a lower multiplier than in a model that does not account for this channel. When the nominal interest rate is fixed, the response of consumption to government sending shocks reads: ĉt p = Q (39) ĝt σ(1 − p) which is positive. In this case, the cost channel leads to a higher multiplier as Q is larger. This case, thus, illustrates how does the cost channel generates a bigger gap between the multipliers of normal times and periods of liquidity trap. Appendix A.5 presents an alternative model with the following features. First, the deposit interest rate is not necessarily equal to the policy rate. Second, in line with the analyses of this section, the loan rate is different from the policy rate. Third, government spending is financed through taxation and issuing bonds. The key conditions that yield the government spending multiplier do not change, and therefore, the multipliers in this section continue to be given by conditions (34) and (37). 27 Finally, Figure B.8 presents an alternative calculation of the government spending multiplier. Following the literature (e.g. Mountford and Uhlig, 2009 and Zubairy, 2014), we show the “impact spending multiplier”, which is the change in output k periods ahead (∆yt+k ) in response to a change in government spending at the current period (∆gt ). Formally, the impact multiplier is given by: ∆yt+k Impact Multipliert,t+k = (40) ∆gt and it is calculated based on the impulse responses that are shown in Figure B.7. The impact multiplier is highest on impact, but it declines over time and reaches zero after nearly 5 years. When the nominal interest rate is free to adjust following spending shocks (“normal times”), the cost channel reduces the size of the spending multiplier on impact, but the differences shrink as the economy reverts back to the initial steady state. On the other hand, the cost channel markedly raises the impact multiplier of liquidity-trap periods, and significant differences persist for nearly four years. These observations confirm the main findings of the paper and suggest that the exact measurement of the spending multiplier does not affect the conclusions regarding the implications of the cost channel for the effectiveness of government spending. 7. Conclusions The government spending multiplier in a model with the cost channel of the nominal interest rate is studied in this paper. It is found that the cost channel matters a great deal for the size of the spending multiplier. In normal times, where the nominal interest rate is free to adjust, the cost channel reduces the multiplier considerably as it leads to a bigger rise in the expected real interest rate following a surge in government spending, which crowds out consumption. When the nominal interest rate is fixed, as may happen with this interest rate being at the zero lower bound, the cost channel leads to a bigger drop in the expected real interest rate and, consequently, to a larger government spending multiplier. Therefore, by ignoring the cost channel, the spending multiplier is overestimated in normal times and underestimated in periods with fixed interest rates. In this respect, the cost channel provides even a better case for raising government spending at the zero lower bound. On the other hand, because ZLB episodes are uncommon, the spending multiplier with the cost channel will mostly be lower than in previous estimates. The paper also provides a more updated evidence about the existence of the cost channel and the response of corporate credit spreads to government spending shocks, suggesting that firms’ borrowing costs are not fixed during zero lower-bound episodes. In turn, this allows the cost channel to matter even when the policy nominal interest rate is fixed. Furthermore, it is shown that since 1984, the cost channel is having a bigger impact on the dynamics of inflation than it previously had. This study adds to the voluminous literature on the government spending multiplier and to the literature on the cost channel. By so doing, the paper provides first analysis regarding 28 the implications of the cost channel for the effectiveness of fiscal policy as previous literature on the cost channel naturally focused on monetary policy and the dynamics of inflation. 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The Households’ Problem The problem of the households is to ∞ [cγt (1 − nt )1−γ ]1−σ − 1 max ) E0 ∑ β ( {ct ,Dt ,Mt ,nt }∞ 1−σ t=0 t=0 t (A.1) subject to the sequence of budget constraints Pt ct + Dt + Mt+1 = Mt + Rt Dt + Wt nt + Tt + Πt (A.2) and the cash-in-advance (CIA) constraint: Pt ct = Mt + Wt nt − Dt (A.3) where Wt denotes the nominal wage, Pt is the price level, Rt is the gross nominal policy (or market) interest rate, Tt are nominal net transfers and Πt are nominal profits from the ownership of firms and the financial intermediary. Denote the Lagrange multipliers on conditions (A.2) and (A.3) by λt and µt , respectively. Then, the first-order conditions with respect to ct , Dt , Mt and nt are, respectively, given by: 1−γ [cγt (1 − nt )1−γ ]−σ γcγ−1 = Pt (λt + µt ) t (1 − nt ) (A.4) λt Rt = λt + µt (A.5) λt = βEt (λt+1 + µt+1 ) (A.6) [cγt (1 − nt )1−γ ]−σ (1 − γ)cγt (1 − nt )−γ = Wt (λt + µt ) (A.7) Combining conditions (A.4)-(A.6) gives the Euler equation: [cγt (1 − nt )1−γ ]−σ γctγ−1 (1 − nt )1−γ = βRt Et ( 1−γ [cγt+1 (1 − nt+1 )1−γ ]−σ γcγ−1 t+1 (1 − nt+1 ) ) πt+1 (A.8) Similarly, combining (A.4) and (A.7) gives the labor supply condition: (1 − γ)ct = wt γ(1 − nt ) (A.9) Log Linearization of conditions (A.8) and (A.9) around the deterministic steady state yields conditions (2) and (3) in the text, respectively. 31 A.2. Variable Nominal Policy Interest Rate This appendix outlines the effects of the cost channel on the response of the expected real interest rate and, consequently, the spending multiplier. First, let the response of inflation to government spending shocks be governed by: π̂t = Q̂ gt (A.10) where: Q= 1 n (1 − ρ)gκ[γ(σ − 1) + 1](1 − g) [ 1−g + 1−n + δφy ] − κg[1 − ρ + (1 − g)φy ] 1 n (1 − g)(φπ − ρ)κ(1 − g) [ 1−g + 1−n + δφy ] + (1 − g)(1 − βρ − δκφπ )[1 − ρ + (1 − g)φy ] (A.11) which can be derived in a similar manner to the derivation of A. The expected inflation rate then reads: ̂ Et π̂ t+1 = Q Et g t+1 (A.12) or, using the AR(1) process of government spending: gt Et π̂ t+1 = ρQ̂ (A.13) With no response to output in the interest-rate rule, which is the assumption in Christiano et al. (2011) among others, we have: ̂t = φπ π̂t (A.14) R And the expected real interest rate: ̂ ̂ Et r̂ t+1 t+1 = Rt − Et π (A.15) which, using, (A.10), (A.13)-(A.14) gives condition (21) in the text: Et r̂ gt , t+1 = (φπ − ρ)Q̂ (A.16) The actual real interest rate is given by: ̂t − π̂t r̂t = R (A.17) r̂t = (φπ − 1)Q̂ gt (A.18) or, using conditions (A.10) and (A.14): Therefore, to the extent that φπ > 1 and Q > 0, the actual real interest rate will rise following government spending shocks. 32 ̂t = φπ π̂t + φy ŷt , the corresponding expected real interest rate reads: With R ̂t Et r̂ t+1 = [(φπ − ρ)Q + φy A] g (A.19) which is condition (22) in the text. A.3. The Intermediation Sector There is a continuum of measure 1 of identical intermediaries (banks) in the (0,1) interval. Let Di,t and Li,t be the time-t amounts of deposits in bank i and the amount of loans extended by this bank, respectively. Let also D−i,t and L−i,t be the amounts of deposits and loans of all other banks. The total amount of deposits and loans are then given by: Dt = Di,t + D−i,t and Lt = Li,t + L−i,t . Banks operate in an environment with Cournot competition with each bank i taking D−i,t and L−i,t as given. The deposit rate RD,t and the loan rate RL,t are determined by the total supply of deposits and the total demand for loans. Formally, RD,t = RD (Dt ) and RL,t = RL (Lt ), which are the inverse demand for deposits and supply of loans, respectively. The deposit interest rate is increasing in the total amount of deposits and the loan interest ∂R ∂R > 0 and ∂LL,t < 0. rate is decreasing in the total amount of loans: ∂DD,t t t The problem of bank i is to choose Di,t and Li,t to maximize its expected present discounted stream of real profits. The period nominal profit function of bank i is given by: Πbi,t = RL,t Li,t − RD,t Di,t − Rt Hi,t − Γi,t (A.20) with Γi,t = Γ(Di,t , Di,t−1 , Li,t , Li,t−1 ) being the adjustment cost of deposits and loans and Hi,t being the nominal balance (position) of bank i in the interbank market. The latter can be either positive (if bank i is a net lender), negative (if the bank is a net borrower) or zero. The nominal policy interest Rt is the interest rate at which interbank lending takes place, which similar to the Federal Funds Rate in the U.S. Furthermore, the adjustment cost is ∂Γ ∂Γ > 0 and ∂Li,t > 0. increasing in deposits and loans: ∂Di,t i,t i,t Profit maximization by bank i is subject to its balance sheet: Li,t = Di,t + Hi,t (A.21) where, for simplicity, I abstract from reserve requirements. Substituting condition (A.21) into the present discounted stream of profits and taking first-order conditions with respect to Di,t and Li,t , respectively, yield: RD,t = Rt − ∂RD,t ∂Γi,t Di,t − ∂Dt ∂Di,t (A.22) RL,t = Rt − ∂RL,t ∂Γi,t Li,t + . ∂Lt ∂Li,t (A.23) 33 Condition (A.22) suggests that the deposit interest rate RD,t is lower than the market interest rate Rt . The gap between both interest rates is due to the market power of banks (as ∂Γ ∂RD captured by ∂Dtt ) and the adjustment cost of deposits (which is captured by ∂Di,t ). On the i,t other hand, the loan interest rate is higher than the market interest rate due to the market power of banks and the adjustment cost of loans. As a result, we have RL,t > Rt > RD,t , suggesting that banks generate profits by paying a below-market interest rate on deposits and charging an above-market interest rate on the loans that they extend. Focusing on the loan market, we get condition (30) in the text from condition (A.24): RL,t = Rt + ηt (A.24) where ηt measure the spread, driven in this analyses by market power and the adjustment costs. In the real world, of course, this spread may result from other factors that are not accounted for in this illustrative case. The key goal of this analysis is to demonstrate how the loan market can differ from the policy interest rate, implying that even at the ZLB, the loan rate is not zero (or not constant). Since all banks are symmetric in equilibrium, the interbank lending of each bank is zero and, therefore, Ht = 0. In addition, loans equal the part of the wage bill that is paid in advance. Therefore, in aggregate, Lt = Wt nt . Substituting these two results in the real version of condition (A.21) gives: dt = wt nt (A.25) which is the clearing condition of the intermediation sector. Furthermore, in the current setup, we have the special case of the deposit rate being equal to the policy rate. Therefore: RD,t = Rt (A.26) This result does not change the key finding of the paper regarding the role of the cost channel in affecting the size of the multiplier as condition (A.24) involves only the spread between the loan rate and the policy rate, ηt . A.4. Constant Nominal Policy Interest Rate When the nominal interest rate is fixed, the expected inflation rate is given by: ̂t Et π̂ t+1 = pπ (A.27) Et π̂ gt t+1 = pQ̂ (A.28) or: with: Q= κg n 1 κg [ 1−g + 1−n ] [γ(σ − 1) + 1] − 1−g + κδλZ 1 n 1 − βp − κp(1−g) 1−p [ 1−g + 1−n ] 34 (A.29) which is clearly larger in the presence of the cost channel. ̂t = 0, the expected real interest rate will be given by: Moreover, since R Et r̂ gt t+1 = −pQ̂ which is condition (36) in the text. Similarly, the real interest rate is given by: (A.30) ̂t − π̂t r̂t = R (A.31) r̂t = −Q̂ gt . (A.32) or: and, thus, the behavior of the actual real interest rate is similar to the behavior of the expected real interest rate, but with differences in the magnitudes because p < 1. A.5. Alternative Model In this appendix, I consider an alternative model that yields the same conditions. Households have access to government bonds (denoted by Bt ) in addition to money and deposits, supply labor and consume. In addition, households derive utility from money, which is in the form of cash and deposits. The problem of the representative household is to: ∞ max {ct ,Bt ,Dt ,Mt ,nt }∞ t=0 E0 ∑ β t u (ct , nt , t=0 Xt ) Pt (A.33) where Xt is a money composite that consists of cash and deposits in order to capture the ∂u t utility from holding money in both forms. The utility function u(ct , nt , X Pt ) satisfies: ∂c > 0, Xt ∂u ∂2u ∂u ∂2u ∂2u ∂c2 < 0, ∂x > 0, ∂x2 < 0, ∂n < 0 and ∂n2 < 0, where xt = Pt stands for real money balances. ∂xt t Also, xt is increasing in real cash and deposits: ∂m > 0 and ∂x ∂dt > 0. t The sequence of households’ budget constraints is given by: Pt ct + Mt + Bt + Dt = Mt−1 + RD,t−1 Dt−1 + Rt−1 Bt−1 + Wt nt + Tt + Πt (A.34) where Rt is the gross nominal policy (or market) interest rate and RD,t is the gross nominal interest rate on deposits. All other variables are defined as before. Optimization by households leads to the following first-order conditions: uc,t = βRt Et ( − un,t = wt uc,t uc,t+1 ) πt+1 (A.35) (A.36) uc,t+1 ∂xt ) + ux,t πt+1 ∂dt uc,t+1 ∂xt uc,t = β Et ( ) + ux,t πt+1 ∂mt uc,t = βRD,t Et ( (A.37) (A.38) where uk,t denotes the derivative of the utility function with respect to argument k 35 (k =1,2,3). Equations (A.35) and (A.36) are the standard consumption Euler equation and the labor supply condition, respectively. Condition (A.37) governs the choice of deposits by households and condition (A.38) governs the choice of cash. The conditions that matter for the spending multiplier are (A.35) and (A.36). With nonseparable preferences, we get conditions (2) and (3). Separable preferences yield conditions (24) and (25). The intermediation sector is described in Appendix (A.3), and it yields deviations between the three nominal interest rates. Importantly, we have: RL,t = Rt + ηt . (A.39) The production sector does not change; therefore, the Phillips Curve condition continues to be given by: ̂ st + δ R (A.40) π̂t = β Et π̂ t+1 + κ (̂ L,t ) which, with no spread (ηt = 0), gives condition (11) in the text. With non-separable preferences, we get condition (16), and with separable preference we get condition (26). When ηt is not zero, we have the same conditions but with RL,t replacing Rt . Government expenditures are financed by lump-sum taxes and the issuance of bonds: Pt gt + Rt−1 Bt−1 = Bt + Tt (A.41) The resource constraint of the economy remains unchanged: ŷt = (1 − g)̂ ct + g ĝt (A.42) with g = yg is the steady-state government spending-output ratio, and government spending evolving according to the following AR(1) process: ĝt = ρ̂ gt−1 + ut (A.43) with ρ being the persistence parameter and ut ∼ N (0, σu2 ). The Euler equation, labor supply condition, resource constraint and the condition that governs the deviation between the nominal loan rate and the nominal policy rate are not affected by allowing for the deposit rate to differ from the policy rate or allowing for government spending to be financed via bonds alongside taxes. Therefore, the expressions for the multipliers are not affected either. 36 B. Tables and Figures Description BK Filter With Baa κ 0.014 (0.005, 0.024) 0.031 (0.012, 0.050) δ 2.477 (1.936, 5.250) 1.409 (1.100, 1.482) Price Duration 9.198 (7.168, 16.186) 6.365 (5.089, 10.172) J-Test (p-value) Obs. 0.335 191 0.695 191 Table B.1: Empirical results- estimation of condition (11). The list of instruments is as in Table 1. For the specification with Baa: Moody’s Seasoned Baa Corporate Bond Yield replaces the 3-month T-bill rate. 95% confidence intervals in parentheses. The J-Test tests the hypothesis that the over-identifying restrictions are satisfied. Description With Cost Channel No Cost Channel κ 0.042 (0.009, 0.076) 0.046 (0.012, 0.080) δ 1.646 (1.391, 3.819) Price Duration 5.488 (4.221, 11.639) 5.286 (4.122, 10.070) LR-Stat LR-Test (p-value) 16.194 0.000 Obs. 191 191 Table B.2: Empirical results- estimation of condition (11). Results of Maximum Likelihood estimation. 95% confidence intervals in parentheses. LR-Stat: the statistic of the likelihood ratio test for rejecting the hypothesis that the restricted model (without the cost channel) is true. Description Mean Std. Dev. Obs. 1960:Q1-2007:Q3 1960:Q1-2014:Q3 2008:Q4-2014:Q3 0.032 0.016 0.035 0.018 0.057 0.010 191 219 24 Table B.3: Descriptive statistics of the corporate credit spread, measured as the difference between Moody’s Seasoned Baa Corporate Bond Yield and a 3-Month Treasury Bill Rate. 37 0.05 0.045 0.04 Response of Et(rt+1) 0.035 0.03 0.025 0.02 0.015 0.01 0.005 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Figure B.1: The response of the expected real interest rate to government spending shocks for various values of δ. 1 0.8 Multiplier 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Figure B.2: The government spending multiplier for various values of δ and φy = 0.5/4. All other parameters are as in Table 2. 38 .10 .08 .06 .04 .02 .00 -.02 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 05 10 Figure B.3: The corporate credit spread, measured as the difference between Moody’s Seasoned Baa Corporate Bond Yield and a 3-Month Treasury Bill Rate. The shaded area indicates the period 2008:Q4-2014:Q3. Government Spending GDP .0030 .001 .0025 .000 .0020 .0015 -.001 .0010 -.002 .0005 .0000 -.003 -.0005 -.0010 -.004 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 2 4 6 8 Tax-GDP Ratio 10 12 14 16 18 20 14 16 18 20 TB3M10Y .0012 .001 .0008 .000 .0004 .0000 -.001 -.0004 -.002 -.0008 -.003 -.0012 -.0016 -.004 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 2 4 6 8 10 12 Figure B.4: VAR-based impulse responses of the corporate credit spread to a positive one standard deviation. Shaded areas indicate the 95% confidence intervals. Government spending series: Real Government Consumption Expenditures and Gross Investment. TB3M10Y: 10-year minus 3-month U.S. government bond spread. 39 -0.12 -0.2 -0.14 -0.3 -0.16 -0.18 Response of Et (rt+1) Response of Et (rt+1) -0.4 -0.5 -0.6 -0.2 -0.22 -0.24 -0.26 -0.7 -0.28 -0.8 -0.3 -0.9 0 1 2 3 4 5 -0.32 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Figure B.5: The response of the expected real interest rate to government spending shocks for various values ̂t = 0. is Left panel: benchmark calibration (κ = 0.034). Right panel: Christiano et al. (2011) of δ with R calibration (κ = 0.030). 1.1 20 Z=0 Z=1 Z=2 1 18 16 Multiplier Multiplier 0.9 0.8 14 12 0.7 10 0.6 0.5 8 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 6 3 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Figure B.6: The government spending multiplier for various values of Z and δ. Left panel: multiplier of normal times. Right panel: the liquidity-trap multiplier. 40 3 y c 0.18 0 No Cost Channel With Cost Channel 0.16 -0.01 0.14 -0.02 0.12 -0.03 0.1 -0.04 0.08 -0.05 0.06 -0.06 0.04 -0.07 0.02 -0.08 0 5 10 15 0.025 -0.09 20 0.02 0.015 0.01 0.005 5 10 y 15 0 20 5 2 15 20 15 20 c 2.5 10 3 0.7 2.5 0.6 0.5 2 1.5 0.4 1.5 0.3 1 1 0.2 0.5 0 0.5 5 10 15 0 20 0.1 5 10 15 0 20 5 10 Figure B.7: Impulse responses to a positive shock to government spending. Top panel: variable nominal interest rate (φπ = 1.5,φy = 0.5/4.). Bottom panel: constant nominal interest rate. Percentage deviations from the deterministic steady state. Time unit: quarters. Normal Times 1 Liquidity Trap 14 No Cost Channel W ith Cost Channel 0.9 12 0.8 10 0.7 0.6 8 0.5 6 0.4 0.3 4 0.2 2 0.1 0 5 10 15 0 20 5 10 15 20 Figure B.8: The impact government spending multiplier for various values of δ. Time unit: quarters. 41