Emeriti Directory 2013-14 Name Addelson, Kathryn Pyne Afferica, Joan M. Aldrich, Mark Anderson, Margaret Ellen Apffel-Marglin, Frederique Averitt, Robert T. Ball, David R. Bergmann, Merrie Boutelle, Ann Edwards Bramwell, Joan Burger, Robert H. Burk, Carl John Burk, Lâle Aka Callahan, James J. Cassidy, Phyllis J. Clemente, Alice R. Cohen, David W. Conway, Jill Ker Curran, H. Allen Cutler, Charles Mann Daniel, Yvonne Payne de Lappe, Gemze Decowski, Piotr Delage, Marie-Jose Derr, Thomas Sieger Donfried, Karl Paul Donner, Susan E. Ducharme, Raymond A. Dunn, Mary Maples Fearn, Kenneth Ferguson, Ann Arnett Fleck, George Freeman, Sue J. Glazer, Myron Peretz Green, Philip Gutzmann, Gertraud E. Haddad, Robert M. Hall, Mary F. Harries, Elizabeth W. Hartman, Ann Haskell, David A. Title Mary Huggins Gamble Professor Emerita of Philosophy L.Clark Seelye Professor Emerita of History Marilyn Carlson Nelson Professor Emeritus of Economics Professor Emerita of Biological Studies Professor Emerita of Anthropology Professor Emeritus of Economics Professor Emeritus of French and Comparative Literature Associate Professor Emerita of Computer Science Senior Lecturer Emerita in English Language and Literature Professor Emerita of English Language and Literature Achilles Professor Emeritus of Geosciences Elsie Damon Simonds Professor Emeritus of Biological Sciences Senior Lecturer Emerita in Chemistry Professor Emeritus of Mathematics and Statistics Professor Emerita of Mathematics Professor Emerita of Spanish and Portuguese and of Comparative Literature Professor Emeritus of Mathematics and Statistics President Emerita William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor Emeritus of Geology Professor Emeritus of Spanish and Portuguese Professor Emerita of Dance and Afro-American Studies Artist in Residence Emerita, Dance Department Professor Emeritus of Physics Professor Emerita of French Language and Literature Professor Emeritus of Religion and Biblical Literature Elizabeth A. Woodson 1922 Professor Emeritus of Religion and Biblical Literature Professor Emerita of Social Work Professor Emeritus of Education and Child Study President Emerita Professor Emeritus of Music Associate Professor Emerita of Afro-American Studies Professor Emeritus of Chemistry Professor Emerita of Education and Child Study Barbara Richmond Professor Emeritus in the Social Sciences (Sociology) Sophia Smith Professor Emeritus of Government Professor Emerita of German Studies Sophia Smith Professor Emeritus of History and Professor Emeritus of Religion and Biblical Literature Professor Emerita of Social Work Helen & Laura Shedd Professor Emerita of Modern Languages (English Language and Literature & Comparative Literature) Dean Emerita of the Smith College School for Social Work and Elizabeth Marting Treuhaft Professor Emerita of the Smith College School for Social Work Professor Emeritus of Biological Sciences page 1 Email kaddelso@smith.edu jafferic@smith.edu maldrich@smith.edu manderso@smith.edu fmarglin@smith.edu raveritt@smith.edu dball@smith.edu bergmann@cs.smith.edu aboutell@smith.edu rburger@smith.edu jburk@smith.edu lburk@smith.edu callahan@smith.edu aclemente156@cox.net dwcohen@math.smith.edu jillkerconway@gmail.com acurran@smith.edu ccutler@smith.edu ydaniel@smith.edu pdecowsk@smith.edu mdelage@smith.edu tderr@smith.edu kdonfrie@smith.edu sdonner@smith.edu rducharm@smith.edu mmdunn@amphilsoc.org kfearn@smith.edu aferguso@smith.edu gfleck@smith.edu sfreeman@smith.edu mglazer@smith.edu pgreen@smith.edu ggutzman@smith.edu rhaddad@smith.edu mfhall@smith.edu eharries@smith.edu ahartman@smith.edu dahaskell@aol.com Emeriti Directory 2013-14 Name Hawkins, Bruce Heideman, Susan H. Hellweg, John Douglas Henderson, Charles Hopkins, Elizabeth Horowitz, Daniel Horowitz, Helen Lefkowitz Houser, Caroline M. Hoyt, Nelly Schargo Itzkoff, Seymour W. Jakuc Leverett, Monica Joseph, Lawrence A. Josephs, Jesse J. Kaplan, Marina E. Kiteley, Murray J. Laird, Joan Leshko, Jaroslaw Little, Lester K. Lowry, Thomas H. Magri, Iole F. Marvelli, Alan Louis Michalik, Chester Miller, Patricia Y. Miller, Roger R. Murphy, Francis Navarro, Joaquina Nenner, Howard Newbury, Catharine M. Newbury, David S. Newhof, Caryl M. Niswonger, Gary Lewis Ott, Josephine L. Perera, Ronald C. Pfabé, Malgorzata Z. Pfeifer, Karen A. Pickrel, Paul Poletto, Victoria E.V. Pufall, Peter B. Rajam, Elizabeth Reutener, Donald B. Riddell, Tom Robertson, Charles L. Robinson, Donald L. Title Professor Emeritus of Physics Professor Emerita of Art Professor Emeritus of Theatre Professor Emeritus of Classical Languages and Literature Professor Emerita of Anthropology Mary Huggins Gamble Foundation Chair and Professor of American Studies Sydenham Clark Parsons Professor Emerita of American Studies Professor Emerita of Art Achilles Professor Emerita of History Professor Emeritus of Education and Child Study Elsie Irwin Sweeney Professor Emerita Professor Emeritus of French Language and Literature Professor Emeritus of Physics Associate Professor Emerita of Spanish and Portuguese and Latin American Studies Sophia Smith Professor Emeritus of Philosophy Professor Emeritus of the Smith College School for Social Work Professor Emeritus of Art Dwight W. Morrow Professor Emeritus of History Professor Emeritus of Chemistry Professor Emerita of Italian Language and Literature Professor Emeritus of Education and Child Study Professor Emeritus of Art Associate Professor Emerita of Sociology Professor Emeritus of the Smith College School for Social Work Professor Emeritus of English Professor Emerita of Spanish and Portuguese Roe/Straut Professor Emeritus in the Humanities (History) Gwendolen Carter Chair in African Studies and Professor of Government Gwendolen Carter Chair in African Studies and Professor Emeritus of History Professor Emerita of Exercise and Sport Studies Professor Emeritus of Art Professor Emerita of French Language and Literature Email bhawkins@smith.edu sheidema@smith.edu jhellweg@smith.edu ch7777@hotmail.com Elsie Irwin Sweeney Professor Emeritus of Music Sophia Smith Professor Emerita of Physics Professor Emerita of Economics Professor Emeritus of English Language and Literature Senior Lecturer Emerita in Italian Language and Literature Professor Emeritus of Psychology Professor Emerita of Biological Sciences Professor Emeritus of Psychology Professor Emeritus of Economics Professor Emeritus of Government Charles N. Clark Professor Emeritus of Government rcperera@smith.edu mpfabe@smith.edu kpfeifer@smith.edu page 2 ehopkins@smith.edu dhorowit@smith.edu hhorowit@smith.edu chouser@smith.edu sitzkoff@smith.edu mjakuc@smith.edu ljoseph@smith.edu jjjquad@comcast.net mkaplan@smith.edu mkiteley@smith.edu jleshko@smith.edu llittle@smith.edu tlowry@smith.edu imagri@smith.edu amarvell@smith.edu cmichali@smith.edu pmiller@smith.edu rmiller@smith.edu hnenner@smith.edu cnewbury@smith.edu dnewbury@smith.edu CMN237@gmail.com gniswong@smith.edu joselott@aol.com vpoletto@smith.edu ppufall@smith.edu lizrajam@comcast.net dreutene@smith.edu triddell@smith.edu croberts@smith.edu drobinso@smith.edu Emeriti Directory 2013-14 Name Rochat, Denise Rose, Peter Isaac Title Professor Emerita of French Studies Sophia Smith Professor Emeritus of Sociology and Anthropology Rowe, Peter N. Professor Emeritus of Government Sacre, James J. Doris Silbert Professor Emeritus in the Humanities (French Language and Literature) Salisbury, Neal B.Richmond Professor-Soc Sci Schamess, Gerald H. Professor Emeritus of the Smith College School for Social Work Searing, Helen E. Alice Pratt Brown Professor Emerita of Art Senechal, Marjorie Lee Louise Wolff Kahn Professor Emerita in Mathematics and History of Science and Technology Sessions, John P. Professor Emeritus of Music Simmons, Ruth J. President Emerita Skarda, Patricia L. Professor Emerita of English Language and Literature Skulsky, Harold Lawrence Mary Augusta Jordan Professor Emeritus of English Language and Literature Smith, Malcolm B.E. Professor Emeritus of Philosophy Snoek, Jaap Diedrick Professor Emeritus of Psychology Sophia Smith Professor Emerita of Music Solie, Ruth A. Stieber, Joachim W. Professor Emeritus of History Suarez-Arauz, Nicomedes Senior Lecturer Emeritus in Spanish and Portuguese Teghtsoonian, Robert Professor Emeritus of Psychology Tilley, Stephen G. Myra M. Sampson Professor Emeritus of Biological Science Unno, Taitetsu Jill Ker Conway Professor Emeritus of Religion and East Asian Studies Vaget, Hans Rudolf Helen and Laura Shedd Professor Emeritus of German Studies and Professor Emeritus of Comparative Literature Volkmann, Frances Cooper Harold Edward and Elsa Siipola Israel Professor Emerita of Psychology von Klemperer, Elizabeth G. Esther Cloudman Dunn Professor Emerita of English Language and Literature Waltner, Susan K. Professor Emerita of Dance Wheelock, Donald F. Irwin and Pauline Alper Glass Professor Emeritus of Music White, Brian Professor Emeritus of Geology White, Richard Edward Professor Emeritus of Astronomy Wilbur, Richard Poet Emeritus Wilson, R. Jackson Sydenham Clark Parsons Professor Emeritus of History Email drochat@smith.edu prose@smith.edu Wittig, William P. Zelljadt, Margaret S. Zimet, Paul L. wwittig@smith.edu mzelljad@smith.edu pzimet@smith.edu Professor Emeritus of Music Professor Emerita of German Studies Associate Professor page 3 prowe@smith.edu nsalisbu@smith.edu gschames@smith.edu hsearing@earthlink.net senechal@smith.edu jsession@smith.edu pskarda@smith.edu hskulsky@smith.edu mbsmith@smith.edu snoekdiedrick@gmail.com rsolie@smith.edu jstieber@smith.edu nsuarez@smith.edu rteghtso@smith.edu stilley@science.smith.edu aliceunno@yahoo.com hvaget@smith.edu fvolkman@smith.edu evonklem@smith.edu swaltner@smith.edu dwheeloc@smith.edu bwhite@smith.edu rwhite@smith.edu