Tuesday November 1, 2005 SGA Senate Meeting Minutes I. Call to Order II. Roll Call a. Meg sent an email on Monday – did you receive it? III. Open Forum 7:04 Party “Hoe-Down” Nov. 4th, Campus Center Carol Room 101am, “dress in west” Clean Energy for Smith – Competition, put your computer on sleep mode, by Nov. 22nd. Asian American Conference, Saturday Students for Saving Social Security panel 2pm Sat. at Mount Holyoke College Trans-Awareness week, events next week, Monday panel 4:306 Seelye 101, gender workshop, etc… Party for SCEMS “doctor me up”, Nov. 11th 10-1 Hurricane Katrina Relief Dinner Nov. 16th 6-8, Don Baumer will speak, Creole style diner SGA Forum Series Social Discourse: Class and Privilege Awareness, Nov. 21 78:30 CC Carroll Room Live Chats with Student Reps. On College committees, Nov. 28 7-8:30 CC Carroll Room Social Discourse: Gender and Sexuality, Dec. 5 12:00-1:15 CC Carroll Room Smith College changing the world: Why I LOVE Smith College, Feb. 14 12:00-1:15 CC Carroll Room IV. Minutes a. 10/18 and 10/25 Minutes from 10/18 pass, 3 abstentions Minutes from 10/25 tabled V. MAPS Charter Presentation (Minority Association of Pre-health students) Began last year, could also do volunteer programs There is a pre-health association for non minority students, but any Smith student can participate in any Smith organization Group hopes to meet other pre-med students in the country and visit medical schools Group is different because it has connection throughout country VI. Knitting Needs Charter Vote a. How will you vote? b. Did your house have an opinion? c. Do you want to persuade Senate to vote in a particular way? Knitting Needs Charter fails 23 Yay 14 Nay 10 abstentions Motion passes to not reconsider charter, to not revote. 31 yay 13 nay 2 abstentions Non voting members do not affect the vote 2/3 of Senate must be present to meet quorum and vote on issues. 2/3 of the present senators must vote affirmative to pass a vote Must motion to revote, before motioning to pass a charter for a second time. VII. Senate Information Committee Presentation. Use the information committee to research your questions about organizations, or other issues, so the Senate will have the correct information for the discussion the following week. They are working to help find answers to your questions involving your jobs as Senators. Important Contact handout a. Do you have any questions? b. What worked well with this presentation? c. What could be improved? VIII. Date with an administrator program Each senator must invite an administrator on a date, like attending a house tea, before the end of the year. This is to increase morale on campus, to get students more involved with the administration Other smithies should be present, to expose the administrator Send a thank you note Give a three minute presentation to senate, to update senate First person to complete the task receives lunch with Meg in the art café. Give three weeks notice to your administrator. They are busy people. a. Which administrator will you ask? b. Which event will you bring them to? c. Each house must have at least one “date” during the year. IX. Committee Updates a. Are committees active? b. Senators must hold each other accountable c. Curriculum Committee and Housing & Dining Committee present next week – what are you doing for your presentations? ORC: Checking charters, do funding requests every week Elections and Appointments: Completed interviews for committees Curriculum: Meet every Tuesday, discussing faculty teaching awards (student nominated awards which go to a junior and senior faculty member, Curriculum Committee chooses winner, upper classmen can nominate by form), Met with provost to discuss class size Rules: will meet when there are questions about parliamentary procedure and the constitution Hurricane Katrina Relief: Going to present to the head of organizations and will also present this pamphlet to senate. Would like to change name. Motion was made to change committee to Disaster Relief Committee, motion passes Community service: bad representation at meetings, group will be meeting with Meg to discuss this. House and Dining Issues: Contacted Hannah Durant and Kathy Zieja who will come and speak with senate, also the group is going to speak with Hannah and Kathy about the committee’s goals Publicity: designing flyers to put in student mailboxes to advertise senate meetings, also hoping to publish information about senators Informational: Completed presentation today Diversity: will have a panel or film, have been discussing goals X Closing Announcements XI. Adjournment 9:01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A look ahead to next week . . . o How can we help Smithies to love Smith? We will brainstorm Senate’s ideas for morale campaign. o We will vote on the MAPS charter – what does your house think? o Committees will have 20 minutes to meet – come with agendas for productive meetings! *Come to Meg’s office hours!*