S.G.A. Senate Minutes February 7, 2006 I.

February 7, 2006
S.G.A. Senate Minutes
Call to Order 7:01
Welcome new senators – please introduce yourself!
Roll Call
a. New senators and houses with changed senate arrangements see
Lindsay after the meeting.
b. Senate met Quorum
Open Forum
 Senators can sign up for Recognizing Excellence Award
 Amherst is hosting Relay For Life for the American
Cancer Society, Senate team can be formed to walk for
the cause
 Table tents for Valentines Day “I Heart Smith” event in the
campus center Carroll Room
 Gavel Awards Committee chose two recipients last night
Student Activities Fee (SAF) Discussion
What is the SAF?
 Marissa Maples ORC Chair, hands out “Proposed
Student Activities Fee” statistics, and the breakdown
Why is it important?
What is the voting process?
“Date” Updates and “Why I heart Smith . . .”
Strategic Planning Introduction
 This is done every 10 years, so it is exciting and an
important opportunity
 Common Ground Research was done for strategic
planning, researchers from the University of Michigan
came to assess diversity at Smith
 Last year the Committee on Bias Complaints reviewed
the process and released an up to date report this year
on their findings. This info will also be useful for strategic
Special Guest: President Christ
 The last time Smith went through strategic planning was ten
years ago, when it was going through accreditation
 The school will face accreditation again this year, so it is a good
time to engage in a strategic planning process
 Many new buildings, programs, and centers (Praxis, Women In
Financial Independence, Olin Fitness Center, Campus Center,
etc…) were results of the last planning process
What does Smith want to be in the next decade, what are the
college’s priorities?
Used data from Smith and other top colleges along with public
meetings to gather information and ideas. These include about
fifty meetings with alumni
Will identify the six to ten issues that are thought to be the most
critical for the college
Next fall a process will be developed, this is an 18 month process
There are teas in houses for students to get involved and the
Valentines Day event will also be a place to voice opinions
There are also discussion group meetings at President Christ’s
house that involve students, staff and faculty that students can
sign up for
There is a web site to state opinions as well
Curriculum: Are we doing enough with quantitative reasoning,
advising, research opportunities, are students prepared for the
Alumnae: public speaking, negotiation, leading a healthy
balanced life
President Christ will return on February 28th to ask Senators for
their opinions on strategic planning
Invitations go to all alums, not just the Smith Club
Right now we are just trying to address the issues critical to
Smith, not finding solutions
The Committee on Missions and Priorities (2 students on it) is the
main committee for strategic planning, right now they are looking
for goals and next year will try to work toward how to implement
President Christ thinks financial aid is a critical issue for the
college, Smith is number one with over 60% of students on need
based aid. Students that attend private colleges and pay full
tuition are in the top 5% of the U.S.
Also thinks quantitative skills are important and right now smith
has an open curriculum
Will there be any business courses offered?
Alums are very committed to community service and social
One Senator asked, there is a possible cocaine problem in the
Quad; can we have a Narcotics Anonymous meeting?
Smith of the 1950s was the Smith of “pumps and pearls” where
wealthy families sent their daughters. Smith today is very
different, 61% are on financial aid, how do we bridge those
difference and embrace them?
About 30% are students of color, and we don’t have statistics
regarding political or religious beliefs
Last year in Gillett House tensions developed involving ethnic
implications, Mediation was attempted and not as successful as
hoped for, there was a sit-in because students felt the
administration was not addressing the problem effectively,
President Christ appointed a committee including six students
and chaired by John Connelly professor of Philosophy and
former acting President, they investigated process, delivered
report, and offered suggestions to the college
A bias complaint stems from a bias against you based on your
Gavel Awards and Rally Day Update
We need 15 Senators to usher at Rally Day
Gavel Awards Committee Update
 The committee chose two staff members to reward on
Rally Day
 About 50 nominations were received
 Rally Day is February 22nd
 There will be a panel of five alumni medalists
 Theme is “Thinking Caps and Party Hats”
Review of Senate Surveys
Second Semester Senate Goal = 2 Open Forums
 We completed all goals from last semester
 Large projects can be taken on by committees
 Senate’s task as a body is to pass charters and budget
changes etc… more administrative
 Senate will be run by more strict parliamentary procedure
 Attendance Records and Policies are open for any who is
interested to look at
Closing Thoughts/Announcements
Motion to Adjourn
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A look ahead to next week . . .
o Come prepared to discuss Second Semester goals in depth.
We will review committee structure.
Committees will have 20 minutes for planning time.
SAF Discussion and Voting!