February 28, 2006 SGA Senate Minutes I.

February 28, 2006
SGA Senate Minutes
Call to Order 7:00
Roll Call
 Senate didn’t meet quorum
 Minutes will be tabled
Open Forum
 Carol Christ went to Haven-Wesley and chatted with students about
Smith, her meetings with alums, and what it means to be a women’s
college today
 Tuesday 4:30-5:30, Social Justice fair in CDO lounge with Nosotras
and other orgs. on campus
 Wednesday 7:30, Carroll room SGA Town Meeting
Forum Series: Smith and Seven Sisters History
Tentative Dates?, March 27th –April 7th
Informational Committee will invite guests
House and Dining Committee will schedule space
Disaster Relief Committee will take care of refreshments
Publicity will publicize events via chalking, Edigest, the Jolt, emails,
banners, and mailbox stuffing
Suggestions for invitations included: President Christ, Rae-Anne
Butera, Helen Horowitz, other school invitations, other
administrators from Smith
Strategic Planning Discussion
Special Guest President Christ
What is your vision for the future of Smith College?
*What distinguishes Smith? What should we require/develop in
current/future Smithies? What should we change/develop?
*Issues brought up by Senators: re-entry for junior year study abroad, lack
of good study space (library renovated?), night time and well lit studying
areas availability, more technology in classes, computers in houses, student
run performance spaces, more signs, wireless in houses, J-term class in
public speaking, student run coffee/goody shop, what’s happened to Davis?,
house fellows to help house community, heating issues, student involved
house renovations, more hours for Olin, non-mandatory basic courses
offered, nutrition statements for dining, more easily accessed financial
aid/grants information, elected student rep. for Menu Committee, keeping
Smith highly rated academically, allergy considerations, the advising
system, peer advising system, center for advising, more staff integrated
learning experiences, student involved cooking for interested students, more
language houses, more opportunities to take more informal courses for the
workforce/ life, researching courses/requirements, expanding the Jacobson
Center, trash cans, giving full service kitchens to all houses, equally diverse
housing, more café dollars, more research availability/publishing for
humanities students as well, sophomore seminars, health and wellness info,
more lighting on campus, parking issues/visitors, intramural sports, health
services, college/private health insurances and having doctors come on
campus, music dept. offering lessons, offering a language center (papers),
more alumni interaction, and keeping Smith traditions.
*Carol Christ’s notes: Architects came in last year, suggested houses be
renovated for study/social spaces. Faculty suggested every student should
receive a personal computer in financial aid. More minor renovations in
houses. Theater in the quad. Having an advisor in one of your first year
classes. Staff wants to integrate more practical learning into student work.
New faculty is being hired. Shrinking campus size, make it more
competitive? Strengthening writing skills. More energy saving methods.
Engineering building will continue (2007), another academic quad.
Strategic Planning Debrief
Key themes that SGA should address now? Staff appreciation
events. More five college interaction. SGA strategic planning/ SGA
constitutional changes. Discussions about Judicial Board
Diversity Committee Senate Appointment
Diversity Committee still needs a new member, discussion will be
tabled until next week
Closing Announcements
Committee Chairs see Lindsay/Meg for help with Forum planning.
Next week committees will meet and report. Dean Mahoney will
come next week
Motion to Adjourn
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A look ahead to next week . . .
o Committee Chairs will report back on forum planning
o Dean Mahoney and the HPA will join us for a discussion on student life
o Committees will have 10 minutes of planning/meeting time – come prepared
to make it productive!