April 4, 2006 SGA Senate Minutes I. Call to Order 7:04 II. Roll Call Senate met quorum III. Minutes a. Minutes from March 7th pass 2 abstentions b. Minutes from March 14th pass 11 abstentions c. Minutes from March 28th pass 3 abstentions IV. Open Forum a. Ka’Neda discusses Staff Appreciation Day, an event this Friday in the campus center from 3-4:30 b. Publicity Committee is responsible for helping to chalk for event – pick up chalk after meeting c. Smith World Affairs Committee, S.W.A.C. brunch event Saturday 9-6 in Seelye d. Lecture about U.S. government’s involvement in Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination, Sunday at 7:30 in Neilson e. Rhythm Nations, Saturday in the JMG at 7 f. Sunrise hike, Sunday V. Voting on Smith Chorus Charter Charter failed 10 abstentions Motion was made and passed to discuss the charter The charter had been lost in the SGA office; the org. is still very active There was a motion made to revote Motion passed, one abstention Revote: charter passes, 4 abstentions VI. Republican Club Charter presentation Mission will stay the same Officer positions will change The executive board will have the option to create subcommittees Club President will provide Senate with a revised copy for the following meeting VII. Amendment to SGA Constitution regarding Senate’s role a. Rules Committee is now functioning actively b. If amendment passes, it will be presented to the student body in the all-campus election VIII. Amendment discussion, questions with ORC Chair, Marissa Maples Current chartered orgs. are approved by Senate and are eligible to receive SGA funding, Recognized orgs. are not The proposal makes the distinction between active orgs. and non-active, there would be no chartered or recognized orgs. Every org. on campus would have an ORC liaison The minimum budget allocation will be removed There is already an appeals process in place 5 ORC officers are elected in the all campus elections, the rest are currently elected from Senate Is a change in the “Purpose” of the Senate in the SGA constitution necessary? The intent of the amendment is that every org. would be chartered so long as it is conducive to SGA guidelines Discussion will be continued next week Senate created an ad-hoc committee to review the proposed amendment Hannah Polakoff Kelly Johnson Sara Barz Sara Whiting Elizabeth Ostroski Mary Opler Sai Joseph Eleanor Farber Lindsay York IX. Closing Announcements a. Get your house excited about elections – create debate on campus – get involved X. Motion to Adjourn 8:53