SGA Senate Meeting 27 September 2011 CC 103/104 7:00 – 9:00 PM I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. Call to Order 7:01 Roll Call a. Absent: Qiong Wu, Danielle Maco, Yu Dong, Camilla Skalski b. Quorum met Last week's minutes will be reviewed next week Rules Committee Elections i. Looks over charters, gives feedback to prospective organizations, etc. ii. Three Senators needed iii. Jesse Kline, Victoria Garbo, Alice Wang Fireside Chat: Ada Program‐ October 5th in the Red Room a. Numbers of Adas are declining b. Come support our wonderful Adas! Diversity Committee Elections a. Mackenzie Green‐Diversity Chair b. Everything at Smith is impacted by diversity c. Five Senators needed d. Jessica Andrade, Sunwoo (Vivian) Lee, Lilith Siegel, Zehra Ansari, Neesha Rose Chartering a. Familiarize yourself with different orgs on campus b. Consider: What are they doing? How many members? Class distribution? c. All groups should have a charter available online or easily accessible through the club's e‐board d. Possible goal‐have all charters available online by end of year Food Day‐ October 24th a. Earth Day, but with food b. Three events: 24th at noon‐ farmers market on Chapin Lawn, 24th at 4:30‐Speaker in Neilson Browsing Room, 25th at 4:30‐ Women in Agriculture panel in Neilson Browsing c. Group participation is encouraged Elections a. September 23rd‐ 28th Election sign‐ups for SGA Treasurer and class of 2015 positions b. Candidates must go to a meeting on either September 28th at 5pm in CC102 or September 29th at noon in CC102 c. October 4th campaigning begins d. Voting is October 6th‐12th e. Registration is not required for Smith election f. Contact Smith Democrats or Republicans for more information about registering for non‐Smith voting Schedule Events/Goals a. 'I am a Senator' day i. October 12th ii. Look for emails for more information b. All org charters online c. Set up online forum for rideshare system i. Endorse Zipcar? XI. XII. ii. Is the Five College rideshare Facebook page active? 1. Smith specific rideshare page‐ Julia will send out an email Announcements a. SGA cabinet meeting with Board of Trustees on October 14th i. Will discuss global curriculum, Ada program, etc. b. or i. Encourage students to give opinions c. Everyone on the SGA cabinet has office hours d. Advertise 5‐college video contest e. Prism‐ Queer Students of Color first meeting Thursday f. Five College Outing Club‐ BBQ on top of Mount Holyoke in October‐exact date to follow‐ email Julia ( g. Join a Five College club ( h. New PVTA bus schedule for students taking classes at other schools ( i. Rugby is looking for people to join j. Smith College Quidditch is looking for snitches and new team members k. Smith Model UN‐ tomorrow in Seeyle at 7pm Adjournment 8:13