Senate Meeting 13 September 2011 CC 103/104 7:00 – 9:00 PM Absent: Jasmine Setoodehnia, Neesha Rose, KeQin Li, Yiqian Wang, Melody Setoodehnia, Katelynn Wertsch, Elizaveta Sukhinenko, Yu Dong, I. II. III. Call to Order: 7:00 Roll Call Introductions a. Board b. Senate Purpose i. Let everyone in and out of house know what is going on around campus c. Attendance (Mass Text) i. Email Mary if going to be absent ii. Three Excused Absences or two Unexcused Absences‐ letter to your HP/New Senators d. Computer Policy i. One computer per house ii. Sit in front row iii. Are NOT required e. Minutes i. Will be sent out after meeting ii. Send out emails to your house about senate a. Do NOT send out unedited minutes to your house f. Questions i. Will meetings always be here? a. Meetings will usually be in 103/104 unless previously notified b. Enter and exit through the back door c. Notify Mary if you will be late or leaving early IV. Ice Breakers a. Name, House, Class, What is a question that you hope will be answered after your time at Smith? i. Cabinet, VPs, Rae‐Anne Butera ii. Senate Members‐ Great ideas for last question! V. Ideas for Speakers a. CDO rep b. Wellness c. Diversity d. Study Abroad e. Center for Community Collaborations f. Religious and Spiritual Life g. President Christ h. Health Services i. Women and Financial Independence VI. What do senators want to know about Smith? i. How can I start an event? Can senate do that? a. Yes, Mohini will speak on it at a later time. Smith= student driven VII. Next Week: Rae‐Anne will come in and talk about 'How Smith Works' VIII. Jan Harris‐media intern‐Ada a. Channel 88 is Campus Station i. Interviews for Clubs ii. SGA PSA iii. Senators come over and see what we can do in studio. iv. In Studio Workshops‐‐Tuesdays 7‐9 v. IX. SGA Cabinet Presentations ‐ for detailed descriptions of positions read‐elections.pdf a. Eve Hunter‐SGA President ( i. Duties a. Bridge between students and administration ii. Goals a. Increasing number of Adas b. Social responsibility c. Change in dining‐ times b. Sheila Kim‐ 2013 President ( i. Goals a. Increase class morale b. Integration of diversity‐ international students c. Nahee Kwan‐ 2014 ( i. Class unity ii. Adopt a social cause for class‐ collect money to go to related events iii. Highlight many talented members of class d. Caitlin Jordan‐ADA Co‐President ( i. What is an ADA? ( ii. Goals a. Get ADAs more active in campus community e. Pauline Musa‐ Chair of HPA ( i. Senior HP, elected as head of all HPs ii. Goals a. Create campus cohesion b. Have houses know each other‐ open houses f. Elis Lee‐ SGA Secretary ( i. Secretary for Cabinet meetings and helps individual members ii. Goals are Cabinet's goals g. Katherine Leung‐ Elections and Appointments ( i. Goals a. Get more students involved in running and voting ii. Fall elections coming up‐ look for email! (First years, Juniors/Seniors have openings) h. Briana Parker‐Curriculum Committee Chair ( ) i. Meets with provost, faculty, administration, etc to assess academic needs ii. Goals a. Carry over last years' b. Reforms of Course Critiques c. Educate student body about tenure d. Talk about decreasing number of tenured professors in certain departments e. Concentrations f. Double Minors i. Alexandra Zipparo‐ Sustainability ( i. Senate Chair; loves Smith and green initiatives ii. Goals a. Dining‐ increase amount of local foods b. Increase profile of Cathy Zieja( j. Jeanju Choi‐ ORC Chair ( i. Over 150 chartered orgs get funding through ORC ii. Goals a. Have committee members get out there b. Have understanding of ORC k. Mackenzie Green‐ Diversity Chair ( i. Interested in making Smith more diverse and accepting for everyone, meeting with President's Diversity Council, meeting with new institutional diversity chair ii. Goals a. Wants people to know what's going on around campus b. Feel out campus climate c. Trans issues‐ overnights, recruiting, treatment, etc. d. Socio Economic e. Religious f. Increase involvement in diversity orgs iii. Stay tuned to for Diversi‐tea IX. Check out Campus Directory Online and App X. Mohini's Goals i. I'm a Senator Day (pins)‐ spread awareness of role on campus ii. Senate‐wide community service project related to greater Northampton community iii. Senate Flash Mob iv. Willing to hear more ideas XI. Questions/Announcements a. Can you serve on multiple committees? i. Yes, but you should ask about ORC. There will be elections. b. How does procedure for class elections? i. Info online, vote online, if you're running, you can submit a short statement about yourself. XII. Adjournment‐ 8:45