Document 12905541

SGA Senate Meeting
April 17, 2012
CC 103/104 7:00 – 9:00 PM
I. Call to order 7:04
II. Roll Call
a. Absent: Binh Chung, Lindsay Roth, Kathryn Malone, Susan Wu, Cameah Wood,
Pratistha Bhattarai, Victoria Gilligan, Sachaly De Leon, Paula Roby, Alexa DeJesus, Sam
Hoober-Burkhardt, Prina Patel, Elizaveta Sukhinen, Kyra Smith, Noreen Ahsan, Rachel
Garbus, and Jessica Migler
b. Quorum not met
III. Small group discussions about hate crimes and all-campus meeting held Monday 4/16
IV. Presentation of CISCO Charter Amendments
a. Smith College Chinese Interregional Organization
b. Founded in 2003 and charter has not been revised since then
c. Edits in most sections
d. Over 100 members
e. Not just an organization for Chinese students
V. Large group discussions about hate crimes and all campus meeting
a. Ableism should be included in these conversations
b. What was the main focus of the mandatory house meetings?
c. Mediated Discussions
i.Many students do not know how to have these conversations/are not trained to lead
ii.Only 8 trained mediators on campus
1. Houses may be having trouble finding someone
d. Faculty need to be better informed
VI. Open forum/announcements
a. Global Representative from each house?
i.In conjunction with the Global studies center
ii.Combining it with another position
1. Diversity rep?
2. Student academic advisors?
iii.What would be the duties of this position?
1. Representative would be informed about all aspects of the Global studies
center and would act as a liaison
iv.Possibility for a great resource
b. Read email about signing up for appointment interviews
c. Bike Safety Clinic April 24th
d. Smith College Emergency Services has been restarted
i.Garbo is working on organizing a basic class (
ii.54 people interested so far
1. Legally only 36 people could be in one class
iii.With the class and CPR training you can be a first responder
1. With additional testing you can be an official EMT
e. Ada Monologues is this Friday at 7pm in Graham Hall in Hillyer
f. Volunteer for set-up or clean-up for Celebrating Collaborations
g. Conversations Not Being Had: Race, Neilson Browsing on the 23rd at 6:30pm
h. Leadership Awards Tomorrow 7-9pm in the Carroll Room
i. Possible amendment about chartering in Senate Bylaws?
i.House council would be required to sign off on changes and new charters
VII. Adjournment
Comment [1]: tpeterso:
Comment [2]: morlic:
Comment [3]: ejirik:
Comment [4]: mkydd:
Comment [5]: jkline:
corrected spellings and grammar here and
Comment [6]: kdelance:
Comment [7]: jandrade:
Comment [8]: proby:
I have read the minutes. Should Ableism be one
word? I feel like it should be hyphenated. (ableism)
Comment [9]: Gloria Lee:
Check, check, and check
Comment [10]: bchung:
Comment [11]: mgary:
Comment [12]: cchiao:
Comment [13]: jbarraga:
Comment [14]: gstacy:
Comment [15]: eschwarz:
Read :)
Comment [16]: ctraylor:
viewed :)
Comment [17]: nahsan:
Comment [18]: srajanar:
Comment [19]: adoucett:
viewed and corrected a few errors
Comment [20]: hlzhang: