4/16/2013 I. Call to Order 8:01 II. Anonymous post­its for feedback 8:02

Call to Order 8:01
Anonymous post­its for feedback 8:02
Roll Call 8:08
Passage of Minutes 8:10
a. Yes: 34
b. No: 0
c. Abstaining: 6
d. Passed
V. Spitfire Discussion/Vote 8:13
a. Senators have heard desire in the community for this
b. Many people feel this fills a unique void
c. Vote:
i. Yes: 38
ii. No: 0
iii. Abstaining: 2
iv. Passed
VI. Cine Club Discussion/Vote 8:23
a. If its only purpose were screenings, it may not be necessary
b. A community of filmmakers could be useful
c. Vote:
i. Yes: 37
ii. No: 1
iii. Abstaining: 2
iv. Passed
VII. Diversity Committee Bylaw Changes
a. Now the Social Justice and Equity Committee
b. Adding a Vice Chair
i. Elected from within the body of the outgoing committee at the end of the
ii. Vice Chair will assist the Chair with executive functions
c. Secretary
i. Will take minutes and attendance
ii. Notify people who have missed too many meetings
d. Every year the committee will vote as to how many absences are acceptable
e. House and organization representatives will be more separate
i. Org reps will be able to go to normal meetings, but also have extra
meetings just for them
VIII. Election of Parliamentarian/Secretary for Next Year 8:45
a. Vote for Catherine Cain for Parliamentarian
i. Elected
b. Vote for Calais Harding for Secretary
i. Elected
IX. SGA Election Candidates 8:54
a. Those who are running for SGA positions introduced themselves
X. Announcements 8:56
a. Next week senate will talk about next year, including bylaw changes for senate
b. Staff Appreciation Day on the 24th from 11 to 1 in the CC or on Chapin Lawn,
depending on weather
c. 4/24 Open Forum on Student Demands
d. 9pm Friday April 19th Carroll Room Weaving Voices, open mic
e. This week is Earth Week, Friday is Earth Day, celebrations on Chapin Lawn, 6 to
f. Posters for We Stand with Smith Workers will be in the house living rooms,
please sign them
g. Community Gardens 4/24 between 1 and 4
h. Curriculum Committee is hosting conversations with faculty 4/17 in the Carroll
Room at lunch
i. Open Meeting QnA 4/19 TV Lounge 4:15
j. Wilson House Party Pajammin Saturday 10 to 1 4/20
k. Thursday at 4pm Cabinet is holding fireside chat with President Christ (submit
questions via SGA Facebook page)
l. Wilder/Comstock Mini­quad party from 7 to 10 theme is “Let’s Talk About Sex”
XI. Adjourn 9:07