2/19/2013 I. Call to Order Celebrating the collection of Asian art (print and video)7:03 II. Roll Call 7:05

I. Call to Order Celebrating the collection of Asian art (print and video)7:03
II. Roll Call 7:05
III. Night at Your Museum ­­ Shama
a. Poster and Postcards
b. Friday February 22nd from 7 to 10pm in atrium and galleries
c. Normal museum hours are 10 to 4pm
d. Free event for all students including Five College (including food from the Hillyer
e. DJ all night, KPop dance crew and EKTA will be performing, arts and crafts
f. Email srahman@smith.edu with questions
IV. Minutes Passage 7:17
a. In Favor: 36
b. Against: 0
c. Abstaining: 9
d. Passed
V. E&A Presentation Series
a. Split into three groups for workshop
b. Workshop:
i. Reflect on archives presentation
ii. Brainstorm ways we can exercise senate power
iii. Reflect on accomplishments of senate
iv. What tools do we have to make change?
c. Reflection on workshop:
i. Extend dining hours on lunch at Chapin
ii. Add vegetarian option closer to the quad
iii. Online subscription to New York Times
iv. Publicity idea
v. T­Shirts should use campus pool
vi. Send letters for issues we’d like to address on campus (like sexual
assault response)
vii. Representative from archives should come
viii. House senate teas and posters
ix. Anonymous (maybe) forum for people to respond to SGA questions
x. Like the SGA page for House Points?
xi. Submit something to the Sophian every few months
xii. Reinstate publicity committee
xiii. Try and make senate into something cooler
xiv. Email Greta if you have any questions
VI. Announcements 7:59
a. Westboro Baptist Church is demonstrating at Vassar, go to SGA office if you
want to write on the banner that will be sent to them
b. Drag Ball Saturday the 23nd in Carroll Room (free for Five College). If you are
trying to bring in someone not from five colleges, or you want to perform, email
Transcending Gender. You don’t have to dress up in drag.
VII. Hannah Durrant ­ Housing!
a. Info on housing lottery
b. May of 2014 Dawes will be closed
c. May of 2015 Parsons will (probably) close
d. Health services will be moved to make room for new apartments (at some point)
e. What is the lottery? Process that lets current students choose house. 80%
choose to stay in their house for all four years.
i. Step 1: House decision form (choose to stay in house, enter house lottery,
or choose another option)
ii. Step 2 (if you choose to move): Special Housing Lottery
1. Friedmans (for seniors)
2. 25 off campus sports for seniors
3. Chase substance free
iii. Step 3: House Choice Form
1. Mark 5 to 8 houses you would like to move in to
2. Quotas for each amount of each class year that can get into each
3. Only mark houses that actually have space for your class year, it
will waste a spot on your form
iv. Step 4: Receive Lottery Results (April 2nd)
1. Some students will be placed in TBA
2. Juniors who go abroad are still in housing, and are only taken out in
v. Step 5: Room Draw
1. Must make the night when you choose your room (or send a proxy)
vi. Change a Room Assignment
1. Not a priority because they do have housing
VIII. Last minute announcements
a. Rally Day Carnival in CC 7 to 10 February 20th, all senators should come, find a
cabinet member to help run it for 30 minutes
b. Convocation: Monday Night 7 to 9 Carroll Room, first opportunity for info about
survey, and brainstorm solutions for the issues (handout)
IX. Adjourn 8:58