2/5/13 I. Call to Order 8:01 II. Roll Call 8:02 to 8:08

Call to Order 8:01
Roll Call 8:02 to 8:08
Review and Passage of Minutes | Vote Next Week
AASC Charter Presentation 8:08
a. Question: original partner is abroad this semester
b. Discussion: Org took the advice we gave them, and changed it to one focus this
time, worried org may not be up on the new charter. More inclusive now, with new
c. Vote: 35 yes 0 no 11 abstaining, passed
V. T­Shirt Discussion 8:14
a. T­shirts $10­$15 per person
b. Blue v­neck last year, green before, red before (controversial use of pronouns)
c. Many people like blue one with SGA logo, would like phrase on back, short
sleeves preferred (by vote)
d. T­shirt committee was created
e. Sassy and Classy since 1919, possible slogan
VI. Convocation Discussion:
a. Overview: Lewis Leadership Program did survey on convocation, some people
choose not to go because they feel uncomfortable, committee has been formed
in order to make sure people are comfortable.
b. Rae­Ann: Dean Mahoney asked her to be in charge of conversation, and provide a
report to Dean and President at the end of the semester. Apparently this has
caused uproar, misinformation. Dean Mahoney and Rae­Ann do love convocation
and will do everything they can to preserve it, as long as it is not exclusive.
c. Information: aspects of convocation have been concerning (nudity, body paint is
not clothing, alcohol consumption, loud noise), have discussed concerns on and
off for years. Elm Street is a state highway, so you can be arrested for not
wearing clothing on it. These traditions started out in 70s, as the concerning
behaviors rose, many people have become disturbed by the event (due to noise,
nudity), faculty don’t go (participation has declined). Hard to see students half
naked and then in class. Some students seriously offended, president asked for
review. This event is less and less inclusive for people as time goes on. We want
to pay close attention to people who do not have as loud voices in the discussion.
Meeting with Liz Thompson on Thursday to talk about how HPs can be involved to
coordinate conversations and gather information and report back. Nudity, alcohol
use, and noise are the biggest issues. Will definitely have students brainstorm
solutions. Her report will include student data and student ideas. First year
students do not have the same level of trust because they have been there less
time than other students.
d. Questions: topless campus? Don’t know. People sunbathing? Not about
individuals. How has student participation changed? Survey states that many
students don’t go after their first year, or only go first and senior year. Does the
survey mention why people continue to go back? Yes. Would the people who
don’t go attend if it was a traditional convocation (many people wouldn’t)? Is
convocation for the faculty, in the sense that they don’t want to see naked people?
Convocation is meant for community, and to be a celebration of academics.
Meant for students and faculty to come together and celebrate the beginning of
the academic year. Can Smith even tell us to wear more and talk quieter with
freedom of speech? Smith hasn’t said anything yet, and there will be more
data­gathering. Planning between now and spring break, and present afterwards.
Trying to make it a more inclusive event. Might the survey have invited only people
with strong opinions to answer? Who will the information be presented to? Don’t
know, except Dean Mahoney and President Christ.
e. Discussion: Not always inclusive, but convocation needs to be preserved as a
unique event. Nowhere else could this happen. At the same time, mediate
complaints. Will always be some people who won’t come, no matter what. Some
first­years are disturbed by this transition, might not be a best first look of Smith.
Been noticing that the people who are angry and don’t want anything to happen
are more vocal than those that would like a change. Any change that could
happen might have to come from the students, and if Smith imposed rules,
negative responses might exacerbate the problem. It is important to talk to a
broad range of students to make sure they are all represented. Alcohol should be
considered the biggest problem, many under­age drinkers. If this was curbed
other issues might become easier to solve. Smith has more of a right to talk
about alcohol. Lots of pressure of direct house leadership to drink and participate
in these events. Convocation is very exciting, and much of the peer pressure
comes from not wanting to be left out of early house bonding. In­house
community has a strong role in convocation experience. Maybe people who don’t
enjoy convocation as much are more uncomfortable with house community.
Many people who don’t participate in house community may not participate in this
discussion. Maybe some earlier info about convocation expectations for first
years could positively impact their experience. Sometimes there is in­house
discussion beforehand, but Smith can’t endorse it and thus can’t send a
mass­email. Solution might not be to warn people, might be to make it less
VII. Announcements
a. Vagina Monologues Feb. 16th 8pm JMG $10 from people who are in the
Monologues, $5 from HPs, tabling this week and next week
b. New working group SSGIC “Talking About Privilege” Thursday 6pm in CC 102,
Casual conversations addressed at privilege,
c. Fourth Annual Five College Gender & Sexuality Conference Hampshire College
Franklin Patterson Hall March 1st/2nd, 2013 register:
d. Identity Theft Info Campus Police Friday Feb 8th 102 2pm
e. Next week elections committee will give us a bunch of workshops, Emily Nagoski
will be here
f. K­Pop charter next week, they will be recording, so wear dapper/pretty/handsome
VIII. Adjourn 8:59